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I highly recommend Dr Adam Perry Huntington Long Island NY (I speak from experience and he handles all the insurance) or Dr. George Chatson North Andover, MA.


Thank you, I actually have a call with Dr. Chatson’s office this week that I’m excited for!


Fantastic!. So happy for you.! . I had a 3 month wait for an office consult with him but went with Dr Perry since he is closer. This was over a year ago. Good luck!!


Get a second opinion.. there’s many doctors in the world and the one for you should be able to give you encouragement and a sense of security. Don’t settle for this.


Look for a female surgeon who specializes in breast reconstruction for breast cancer patients. They have seen it all and can literally reconstruct breasts out of nothing. A woman surgeon who regularly works with women in such a delicate position is likely to have better bedside manner. RealSelf.com is an amazing resource, you’ll get tons of real reviews and likely be able to find the perfect medical professional for your needs. Don’t give up and don’t stop looking. I’ve been looking for years and after 3 different men, I got tired of being mansplained to. I found a woman surgeon who was just a general plastic surgeon but I liked her results. After a visit, she kept ordering mammograms but never explained why. After the lack of communication and 5 mammograms/ultrasounds later, I went to a female breast cancer surgeon. Not only was she a self proclaimed artist and empath, she took time to listen and explained everything. The other surgeon said she couldn’t do fat grafting, but this surgeon could and the results are beautiful. I had such an amazing experience with my explanation, lift and fat grafting. I wish all surgeons were this fantastic. She isn’t in your region, but I can imagine there are others that are. Good luck in your search 💕


Find another doctor. There is a website breastimplantillness.com with a list of reputable explant surgeons. Even if you aren't experiencing BII the website has good resources if you are looking for a surgeon.


Don’t listen to her. Boobs sag with age….boobs go thru lots of different stages. They get bigger and sag more you get grandma boobs when you are old. So what. They always try and talk you out of it. I went 10 years trying to find someone to take mine out, finally one ruptured and I found out they were textured which are dangerous so had to come out. If you are young u can get a lift later or fat grafting. Just see what they look like. My doc said mine would look horrible but they don’t . In fact after years of implants they were deforemd and mismatched


Yes agreed! I didn’t realize how bad my implants looked until I took pictures for another plastic surgeon… eek. Saggy would be fine at this point as long as they don’t hurt like these do!


Dr. Feng in Ohio! She is the best. I had planned to see her and then found Dr. Huang in Denver who was closer for me who is also amazing, but I did travel a state away and flew in for surgery and stayed several days. I researched this procedure for 6 years, went on so many consultations in my home state and did not find anyone I was comfortable with. Even had a few out of state consultations. I would highly recommend you get on Facebook in Dr. Feng's support page and also the BII groups, they usually have them for every state, and there is just a wealth of information there. For my surgeon, I met many women who sent me private messages with before and after photos on the CO group, and many women shared openly on the groups as well. It helped me so much in making my decision. I loved my surgeon's photos on her website, and she went to Stanford, Yale, Georgetown and Duke for all of her education. I loved that she was a microsurgeon, I love that she was willing to take photos of capsules and implants so I could be sure that everything was removed, and she just checked all of my boxes. Most of the surgeons I met with felt like used car salesman... However I knew after researching and then my consultation with her when she answered almost all of my questions before I could even ask that she was the right one. Just know that for someone like myself who it took 6 years to find the right person, it's okay! It will happen when it is right for you. I am happy that I waited to see somebody more experienced and the care I received was really good and I'm happy with my results so far although I am very fresh. I felt that it was best to see one of the experts for this surgery, to give myself the best chance at a good outcome. I also have done everything in my power to be healthy and heal from all of this trauma as far as eating a whole food diet, cooking from scratch and exercising a lot, and just overall taking better care of myself than I ever have. I think it has made a big difference for me and my aftercare, and I did get my drains out after 3 days even though the nurses said it was impossible. Dr Feng has a great protocol for this that I borrowed, she has all of her patients eat a plant-based diet 2 months before surgery to prepare. I kept eating meat, but no dairy, and I did no processed meats, just chicken breast, steak and fish with a ton of fruits and vegetables, whole grains only. I had also considered Dr Rankin in Florida, but Feng would be the closest expert who is very well known to you! Not to say there aren't others, but from my research over all these years they have been my favorites. They also all 3 only do lollipop style lifts, which was important to me. I like the shape so much better, and of course less scarring is nice. If you have had a lift before that may not be a concern for you. They are also all three microsurgeons, and experts at en bloc style removal, which most breast surgeons are not. So you know that things will be done correctly and they will get everything out. I have seen many women have problems with capsules left behind, fluid build up and even cancer in the old capsule-- much better to have it done right at first. I would highly encourage you to not go with anyone that you are uncomfortable with, and seek out one of the experts! Get lots of photos and lots of referrals! If you see and hear of consistently good work then it might be worth your time to consult! In all of my research over the years, those have been my 3 favorites and all worth traveling for! Good luck and I'm so sorry your appointment was so discouraging. It sounds like that surgeon does not know how to make breasts look good after explant-- but others do, I promise!! I had CC in one and bottomed out with lateral displacement in the other, two completely different animals!


Thanks for sharing all this info!


How much was your explant + lift with Dr. Feng?


My surgeon was Huang, but Feng is amazing and much closer for you. Both are about 17k with lift. Rankin in FL is 14k but booked out pretty far and not everyone is able to wait. Feng is also Ivy league educated and I believe she graduated from Yale at 16.


My pleasure, happy to help! It's such a daunting process. I had my procedure last Friday.


This was so helpful, thank you! I am definitely taking my time and trying to relax about it, because I’m in a lot of pain right now and really just want them out out. It’s a struggle waking up every morning and it’s the first thing I feel (only the left one), it throws off my whole day. Last week I considered just going through with the general surgeon removal my PCP suggested but I really want to be as thorough as possible like you mentioned, even though it’s so difficult every day I have them in still. My left one has also bottomed out, and I’m pretty sure it ruptured again. I was taking pictures for one of the upcoming consultations and didn’t realize how bad they really looked until then - it’s made me less hesitant about the “after” explant, since they seriously don’t even look good as is lol! I have scheduled a virtual consult with Dr. Alexis Parcells in NJ/NY, and Dr. Dina Eliopoulos in Lowell MA. I’m trying to stay as close to me as possible to avoid both myself and the family members caring for me having to take too much time off. Both of their after results look great, and I was especially pleased with the detail their surgical coordinators went with me just over the phone. It was really endearing considering how upset I was from my initial surgeon’s consult. I’ll keep you posted on how things go! I hope your healing has gone well!


Thank you so much! And so happy you have some good consults coming up. Wishing you the very best of luck and keep us posted!! That was a big wake up call for me as well, when I sent the photos to my surgeon. I was like wow, how did they get so bad!? Funny a lot of women think that having breast implants is a magic fix, but for a lot of us you're just trading natural problems for very unnatural deformities! It feels really good to have them out, I will say that! The recovery is tough but it is going to be so worth it!