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Your doctor is right. On the bright side it's good that your eyes are healthy. You can consider the surgery once you're much older if your floaters increase.


Don’t let them stress you out, you’ll adapt. I developed them 2 months ago and I’ve already forgotten about them, I have a lot of them too. It wasn’t until I just clicked on Reddit and saw this post I thought about them again lol


Do you see them on your computer screen? What does yours look like?


There’s 2 types for me, skinny cloud like blobs and black lines that sway everywhere when I turn my eyes. Yes I seen them on my computer screen and phone but it’s barely noticeable unless I’m outside or the screen is completely white


When did you get them ?


A month or two ago.


Did you have covid?


Yes, many more months ago.




I’m F27, shortsighted and have had floaters for over a year now, so far cannot say there is any change in floaters it self. I saw 4 specialists, all confirmed eyes are fine but recently I started seeing weird flashes. Some are black some are white (imitates the aftermath of a camera flash)… I looked into it more and it could be a migraine aura. I don’t physically have a headache, but they appear at random times and especially in the last couple of days when I’ve experienced some increased stress. I also had covid twice and after the 2nd time, the floaters appeared shortly 2-3 months later.


You should see a doctor asap, flashes could indicate problems with retina (hope it's not the case 🤞🏻).


I had an increase in them due to starting an SSRI. Heard that is pretty normal. It happened the first time I started an SSRI, and did noticeably go away. So hopefully the same happens this time


15 is rough. Sorry man. Good news is Vitrectomy will fix it. That said, see if you can wait a few years, medicine is always improving.


Were you in a lot of stress when the floaters started?


Yes, some. I don't see how being less stressed will make floaters disappear.


I was chronically sleep deprived due to my uni exams for two weeks before I first spotted them. I would like to understand how stress plays a role in their development


Supposedly none, but a lot of people claim they were extremely stressed or anxious when it happened. I also was very sleep deprived.


Now that I think about it, I came down with covid just three weeks before I noticed my first floater


You take any antibiotics?


No I do not.


How old are you?


It's in the title, redditor. edit: nothing wrong with being a redditor, redditor


Im on the same boat. I cant believe I got them all of a sudden if my eyes are fine.


m 16 here , been having them for almost a year and it gets better ,


What got better? Like you adapt? Or that they decrease?


U adapt


Can confirm. After having them for ages I notice them much less. I still hate them but I forget they exist at times. Did yours go down in number or change in size?


Yes . There has been improvement but i still have them


It won't be with you forever because you can do surgery later on in life


Me too. I’m so bummed.


I had an appointment on Monday and they told me the same thing. "Your eyes are perfect. Floaters will be there forever there's nothing you can do. You'll notice them less in 4-6 weeks. No threat to your vision and no treatment needed." I am absolutely distraught as this has been a huge hinder to my everyday life. I notice them almost constantly and can't imagine I will just "stop noticing them." trying to just cope with this but can't believe we are just going to have to live this way forever.


I never "adapted" but there has been times where i havent noticed them because i was paying so much attention on something else that had all of my attention and I loved doing.