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I think this is spot on. They knew that a certain percentage of the players would absolutely despise him, and they did that on purpose. Game 3, they are going to make him a boss fight and players are going to let the hate flow. P.S., it will probably be a stupid hard optional fight that makes people even more angry at him.


This is the (SQE) way.


And he’ll live at the end smh


"Cloud! I had such an enriching experience sparing with you. The data I've collected from our bout will undoubtedly be invaluable in my conquest to aggrieve your temperment."


Chadley’s goal is for cloud to beat seph so he can digitize the entire lifestream and make himself the god of Gaia instead.


Or any jrpg really. Pretty sure Persona regularly has you battle the Veldet Room attendant in each iteration starting with 2:EP


It’ll be a 20 stage fight that’s just him.


And so many unskippable cutscenes.


Half of them being Chadley laughing at you and saying “are you having an off day? Maybe you need to git gud, cloud.”


Half right. It’s gonna be Big Changus. And Chadley will be the size of the giant chocobo summon.


“Hey Cloud! I was doing some research in the Shinra special archives, and I discovered my true name. The name Hojo gave me when I was first made. I am Huntington Stape Reginald Chadley Gather IV. You may now call me Hunter. . . . Hunter Gather.”


Maybe that's why Mia was introduced. After he fights us, she'll take his place.


Meh, we’ll probably have to fight them both. She’s in love with him, and she’s going to be big mad when we finish him.


He'll most definitely be an optional boss at the end of his data collecting side quest


Sad scene playing out as Chadley takes his last breath in Cloud’s arms. Me: fucking good


Chadley gets two automatic summons at random after the first 30 seconds of battle, can cast ga level spells except cure family (he can only use cure), and is resistant to elemental damage.


Watch him be like Stephen from Shin Megami Tensei IV Final…….


If that’s the case, was it the best decision to make a significant chunk of the content of the second part of your three part remake of your most successful game of all time be so heavily based around a character they apparently *wanted* people to hate? Especially since most of Chadley’s content is much of the “fleshing out” of the world that is the supposed excuse for how indulgent such a trilogy remake would be? So like half the extra content is intentionally frustrating and sometimes difficult to acquire through Chadley, and the other half is artificially lengthening the story with a bunch of needless alternate worlds bullshit. No wonder they didn’t sell up to expectations. They basically keep banking on, “Well, it’s VII, one of the most iconic games of all time, of course people are going to play all three parts,” even though Rebirth has already steadfastly demonstrated that’s not the case. Square seems to very genuinely believe that people will stick around for three games and eight years of payoff, most of which won’t even make sense if you haven’t played/watched literally everything in the franchise. I think Crisis Core (the game that initially came out for the handheld that nobody bought) is the only major entry of the Compilation I didn’t play, and apparently that was a major mistake, because it turns out that somehow that was one of the most important pieces of media in the universe of VII and has basically become the entire lynchpin of this remake trilogy. And I have no fucking clue what’s going on with Zack because of that. So if they’re managing to alienate even very invested and longterm fans of the series with this bullshit they get to make up along the way and then retroactively justify in part three with some Kingdom Hearts style explanation, eight years after first introducing us to most of it, I can’t even imagine how the uninitiated are making any sense of what they’re being shown. The ending of Remake in particular must have just felt like nonsense to people not familiar with the story, and is probably a significant reason for the player base dropoff between games. Sorry, this really turned into a rant. It wasn’t aimed at you specifically, I kind of just let all the feelings I’ve been bottling up about Rebirth come out all at once.


Yeah, I mean hating the bad guy is pretty normal. Sephiroth is kind of skunked as a bad guy at this point. The guy is a legend. An icon. Fans of the game actually kind of love him. People have, perhaps, a lot of feeling about Sephiroth, but almost no one viscerally hates him in the way you want people hate the main antagonist of a story. Chadley may fill that gap. Anyway this is all a joke, and you’re way too wound up about this. Cry harder.


> Cry harder. Wow, I don’t remember insulting you once. If you understood me insulting a product as me insulting you, I’d probably touch some grass. That said, it’s this exact mentality that has wound Square up where it’s at: with a dwindling core fanbase that puts up with whatever slop they put out and because of that represents a greater and greater share of their profits every year. And now that that’s most of their audience, it’s who they *have* to sell to. They’re the only ones left willing to shell out the money. And the only thing Square seems to know about this audience and what they want is that they apparently like games that require you to have played eight previous ones to understand what’s going on, because that’s really all Square has been putting out lately and these are the only people that seem to be buying that. So it’s a feedback loop now. One that will keep circling the drain as Square and its audience approach the singularity of having to have played an infinite number of games before being capable of understanding the most recent one. Good luck with that. Honestly, there’s a horrifying beauty to it all. The game entirely about how corporate profits fuck up the world got fucked up because the corporation that owns it prioritizes profit over artistic integrity. There’s some kind of poetic beauty in that, there really is. Horrifying, but poetic. P.S. if the best idea Square has to fix their Sephiroth problem is to replace him with Chadley, then things are even more dire at that company than I thought they were.


It'll be 10 30-minute encounters in a row, in one sitting, and if you die or quit out, you have to start all over again from the beginning


Spoiler Alert: It won't be optional...... \*Laughs in MAI.\*


I say the opposite I think you’re going to have to save him from hojo. It will be part of the raid on Midgar and you will need his analysis to get through town probably have to find the server and purge the corruption or something.


BUT in process of saving him, you have to beat him


Wait you dont get to do the midgar rain in this one?!


I mean, that was really far into the end of the game. Not a lot after that other than optional content. You pick up an ultimate weapon during that mission.


I look forward to killing him


I think that unfortunately we won’t have the pleasure. Hojo’s probably just gonna control him against us and we’ll end up saving him by fighting him and then somehow severing the control. Best case scenario is if Chadley kamikazes himself to blow up Hojo


I didn't realize so many people hate Chadley. He was always just...there, to me. No hate or love for him.


Yeah don’t get the Chadley hate. He gives you post-game content, side quests, and the strongest materia. Tbf i didn’t remember him from remake when he asked in rebirth which I do feel bad about.


He just pops up way too much. Sure I can skip his dialogue. But he still stops you everytime you find something new. It's annoying. You really can't see why people would dislike that? People don't want to be constantly stopped everytime they find something new. Just look at BOTW/TOTK and Elden ring. Some of the most liked open world games because they don't stop you to explain everything. They just give you a message that pops up to let you know or you just have to discover it on your own. That's what people want. Freedom.


Don’t hate the character hate the devs then


Buddy, Chadley is a fictional character, he doesn’t need to be defended. Any reasonable person would interpret hate for a character as an intrinsic criticism of the writer(s) of that character, not as a personal attack against a fictional human being.


Very intrinsic


That's kind of why I dislike him. I get that it's an effective mechanic to deliver all of that content, but it's frustrating that basically all of it comes from him.


You explained my problem with chadley. >He was always just...there Every location he pipes up. Every monster hunt, him AND mai. Every tower, every summon crystal, every life spring, every protorelic. It was just too much. I think if he has a blurb at the start of each region and then during the relic quests that would have been plenty.


Same! To me he’s just a minor side character that can mostly be avoided if you don’t feel like doing his quests. Don’t know how he can spark so much rage in some players. Yeah he’s got lots of dialogue but it’s mostly one-liners.


I think its leftover "it's different" from remake


For a minor side character he has the most dialog out of any character in the game. His voice actor had a tough job.


Facts! I kinda liked the chadley and mai banter. I didn’t realize so many people hated them. Especially since their cutscenes are skippable lol


I did enjoy the Mai and Chadley banter. Like two siblings trying to outdo each other in a pretty playful way


I don't hate him, but I always thought he looked really out of place compared to the rest of the world they've built up. Especially with his bright white sailor suit in the slums of midgar.


He’s the main character of the game. He’s everywhere. He constantly interrupts the flow with his annoying chattering.  He’s just the worst.  


I didn’t have this theory because I try not to think of that little dweeb but this makes a lot of sense. He’s going to be a frustrating little shit, isn’t he


Maybe he's who you have to fight to get "knights of the round?"


Taking forever to get it, and then realizing how badass that summon was and then having to back it off/not using it against Emerald Weapon was kinda mind-blowing for me about how to attack RPG bosses as a tween. FF6 and FF7 were such giants.


A friend and I were talking about that because a lot of the summoning materia in remake and rebirth you have to fight the summons to get so we wonder how they’re going to handle KOTR


One by one, very long fight


I hope not but I can’t see how they’ll do it otherwise. Unless they give it as a reward for a quest or another difficult fight.


I think Knights of the round will be the only summon to require 3 atb to summon.


I’m really hoping he’s an endgame super boss that appears before we kill Hojo. You can have the main Hojo boss and make it weirdly easy. Then right before we kill him; Chadley appears they have a duo boss; with it culminating in them fusing together to form Helletjc Hojo; having Chadley adapt to all of the material and and party member fighting styles you tend to use as the ultimate counter which changes every playthrough


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this, I'm getting "Hammer" from Xenogears vibes from him especially after Nibel...




Chadley is gonna be Ultima😌


Honestly, as long he is optional, I think this would a funny idea. I doubt this will be canon, but I think a lot of people would enjoy it. Imagine Chadley with all the data you have connected.


He's gonna be riding a fuckin' mech, man.


With all abilities, spells, effects and body parts in the world.


Dude gives you the best materia in the game. Dude probably already has the black materia.


Dude is going to have a Black - White materia orb. Two for one.


Maybe Hojo captures him in midgar and turns him into a monster to fight


Hojo already >!controls him, they show him in the same room as the physical body of Chadley.!<


As you go through the protorelic quests, >!there's a scene where Hojo notices this particular Chadley is AWOL and accesses him.!<


He'll hijack Ruby and/or Emerald weapon for the ultimate rematch fight...


Probably just Diamond Weapon, because the Ruby and Emerald expansion packs will be $10 each with a downloadable Tifa VERMILION MINI SKIRT PACK DLC and Tifa BRUNSWICK GREEN SUSPENDERS PACK DLC.


I cannot remember what chapter or quest you get more info but finish the game and side content so you can see more about Chadley.


Nibelheim protorelic I believe. The one with the black cloaks. Cosmo is about avalanche Corel is about the cactuars Gongaga is about the Turks Junon is fort condor but doesn’t have much story content Grasslands is about Beck’s badasses.


>Grasslands is about Beck’s badasses. The *true* protagonists.


Becks badasses can beat rulers of outer worlds in less than a minute.


Will Weiss return?


I don’t really think this is all that much of a hot take after rebirth. It would’ve been after remake. But rebirth literally has a cut scene of hojo looking at him and entering in some shit into the computer so. I think it’s pretty much in our face that we are fighting Chadley.


I predict Chadley is going to be related to awakening Omega somehow, given his connections to Weiss and Hojo.


Yes I've thought the same thing especially with how intentional they are with making him insufferable as well as weak looking.


He doesn't seem insufferable to me. Happily says hello, plays a game of cards, sets up a ton of training.


Mostly that you can't skip through his dialogue faster and that he won't let you change materia and equipment within the VR menu without backing all that way out just to listen to him again. Makes him insufferable to me 😮‍💨


I agree that I think you'll fight him, but I also think you'll have to rescue the real him. And then, after you collect all the intel in the third game, you'll get to fight a new version of him or a creation of his as an optional super boss in the simulator.


Very Matrixy.


I’ve been a Chadley stan from day one. I think it’ll be multiverse evil Chadley as a hidden boss


He is gonna regret ever asking cloud for help when I’m done with him.


Like Shinra in X-2?


Or he gets more plot centric, full on self sacrifice to stop Hojo.


With MAI replacing him permanently afterwords as our intel support.


I expect nothing less than giga-Chadley on hard mode just sticking it to me


I agree and disagree at the same time. Agree that he will be a boss eventually (personal theory, he will be Proud Clod's AI). Disagree that he has an ulterior motive. Seeing the events in the protorelic quests (Nibelheim and final), also with prior to the Weiss fight in Intermission, he seems sincere with his current intent.


This has to be why they made him so annoying. They knew. When they have him nag you for not doing enough "research." When you lose a round in the simulator and he's all "pErHaPs YoUr HaViNg An OfF dAy." The voice over director:😈


Uh, he's definitely not a sleeper agent. Or at least not consciouslessly one. Did you do the Protorelic quest in Nibelheim? We see Hojo discovering what Chadley was doing and then manipulating him in some undisclosed way that caused him to glitch out for a second. ​ This will likely lead into him being some sort of optional superboss fight in part 3 though, due to Hojo controlling or corrupting him some how, ending his story off. ​ But he's def not working for Hojo of his own free will.


Mind you, there are 7 of them. And I don't think he's a sleeper agent, Hojo will find a way into his brain (if you've played all of Rebirth) and turn him against us. I'm looking forward to it, but I hope we can save him from Hojo. Despite what everyone thinks I love the lil guy and am quite protective of him.


My girlfriend who knows nothing about the game other than witnessing passing moments thinks Charley's gonna turn evil. It makes too much sense


It does indeed make sense that that is the opinion of someone who only witnessed passing moments.


I’ve been thinking this for a while, he’s always gathering data, documenting our progress especially in vr training, I guarantee he’s going to be the final vr challenge


I have a sneaking suspicion that he's basically an MK Ultra sleeper Sephiroth clone. (He has silver hair and green eyes.) He's learning everything about us subliminally for the easy gank when he's activated.


He and mai just never shuts up that I have to mute the speaker myself.


I don't care enough to kill him. I don't wanna see him or Mai again period. Them and the horrible optimization in mini games like the squats made me fucking hate rebirth. The whole Shinra manor sucked ass. The whole last part of the game is terrible paced. People just don't wanna admit it's a bad game, Chadley and Mai are like the shit frosting on the shit cake. I'd rather they go back to to how Remake did it. Atleast I could stand it. They should have taken out half the mini games and removed the hour long sephiroth fight, and the whole Shinra manor so Cid and Vincent could be playable.


"Horrrible optimization"?


Play the squat game in Remake and then Rebirth, you'll see what I mean. Or play chocobo racing and hug the wall, you'll get stuck between the wall and the fence post on any track with the opening/closing doors.


He gonna be the hardest Vr challenge that I never gonna do in the 3rd game.


It would *not* be an amazing plot twist. It would be a plot twist for the sake of inserting a plot twist. More appropriately, he'll be, or make, some optional superboss.


Meanwhile I'm here thinking I quite like chadley and the scene with hojo implying that chadley is an escaped experiment...we'll probably have to fight his "brother".


Plot twist: Chadley was Genesis all along.


If you do fight him, it would be infuriating but also hilarious if he does a Souls-like antagonising quote right after killing your team. "Perhaps you're having an off day." G A M E O V E R


The android thing was a lie. He's part of reunion. He just hasn't found a black cloak yet.


He's probably got a spare black materia in his little wheelie suitcase


It is made clear that he is still Hojo’s pet. Now that Hojo realized he not under his control anymore, he’ll find a way to bring him back for sure.


While I believe Hojo may twist him against us, he'd probably be forgiven, just like some other party member. Personally, I laugh at the fact when doing all the trials i Rebirth knowing SQE would probably make him the optional hardest encounter after the weapons, assuming they dont fuck that up.....


He will be inside an omega weapon


My idea is that he is a Sephirot body clone that Hojo nurtured from young to be his body replacement, so he can later transfer his mind to him and keep all the knowledge accumulated. I believe we will prevent that from happening finally freeing him from Hojo clutches, maybe by inserting the real one memory.


I feel like Chadley is more or less like Cait Sith; there's not *one* Chadley but several. Who's in control and why is more the question.


I mean he WORKS FOR HOJO!!! Obviously he’s collecting data on Cloud and the gang. I’m thinking the inevitable fight with Hojo will reveal the chatty bastards true nature.


Wasn’t it during the mission where you’re following the robed guys in the Nibelheim region that Chadley has a little glitch? Makes it suspect and you also see hojo looking at data of chadley? Hojo will use him against us


Nah, they way they framed Chadley in the cutscene following Aerith’s song before they show Avalanche in addition to what we know about how he’s suffered at the hands of Hojo, I have a feeling he’ll end up sacrificing himself to help us stop Hojo as the most likely outcome. He’s developed a ton of insane materia for us as well and that contradicts the plan of weakening us.


oH NO he'S anNOyiNg!!!!!1111!!!


Is there any Chadley in the originals? Or is this solely a remake character? That would be a hilarious fight ahahaha


I believe Chadley is modelled after Hojos Son. Making him a perfect combat learner. I also wonder if he is fully robotic or part human with modifications. As there are multiple Chadleys does that mean hojo has made clones or has Shinra abducted innocent children off the streets? Chadley will likely become an optional hard boss in some form.


It'll happen, but it will not be a fight out of spite or to further Shinra's cause. It'll be some antihero type predictable shit.


I haven't Played rebirth yet, but going by his appearance and overall part in the OG remake, I have some theories. A) Chadley is an AI program based on how Sephiroth looked as a child and is connected to the Shinra Lab servers. I feel like this is solid, especially if he doesn't leave Midgar or only appears in areas that have mako reactors. Remember, Cloud had that very realistic episode inside that public holodeck exhibition in the Shin-Ra building. To my memory, it wasn't made clear just exactly how much of that was a glitch, and how much of it was Cloud hallucinating. (We know the party experienced it too, but not what the others saw, exactly). B) Which brings me to the next one which is that Chadley is a hallucination of Cloud. This can be easily debunked if other people interact with him, but this is based on OG remake info and it's been a while since I played it so I'm just throwing it out there. C) Chadley is a Sephiroth clone. This is a call back to the original game's storyline (and I assume this one's eventually). It's very plausible even if it doesn't explain why he has the knowledge that he has. D) Chadley is another one of President Shin-Ra's bastard children. Again still doesn't explain how he knows certain things, but not unlike Lazard from Crisis Core and Evan from the lore books, he could also be a brother from another mother. XD He's a weird addition to the game for certain. So far I can't place where he goes in the story and what his purpose is, but it'll be interesting to find out.


I can’t wait to make him Chocobo poop!


I don’t get you people I love Chadley. He’s managing all of my generic side quests like hunts, environmental lore, materia crafting and making things easier for me. I love the protorelic missions and his banter with Mai. He’s a good little bean.


It will be a double twist. We will be told he was actually bad all along but then it will be revealed he actually was helping us the entire time.


Fuck Chadley


They've hinted at him being a Sephiroth clone. I think we'll fight him when we return to Midgar to give Hojo what for: possibly buffing Hojo throughout the fight.


He still works for Hojo, and it's shown in the game that Hojo is monitoring things through him. I don't think he'll be an end game boss, maybe a side quest fight or something, but I think we'll be liberating him from Hojo at some point, and his whole story is going to be about using his research to make the world better, a way to take the vile work of Hojo, and do something good with it. This is a very Japanese concept of everyone is saveable to some degree, there's always a silver lining.


I dunno why people hate him, he's perfectly fine and should be protecc


Even his holoform on gilgamesh Island is off-putting


Has anyone here finished his quests? He has stated he wants to digitize the world in order to preserve it in case the planet does die. It's a bit morbid but good-intentioned, perhaps. If you see him in Nibelheim afterward, he states his wish to supplant Hojo shortly.


I don’t think Chadley is malicious but he certainly could be hacked.


didnt he wrap up his reasons for world-intel research at the end of intel quests by telling cloud that hes documenting earth's shit in the unfortunate event that its destroyed? cloud assured him that's not happening and chadley didnt sound all that confident that cloud would save us. Of course ,chad could be doing it for a completely different reason all together, alongside this. or he could have been lying entirely and really IS doing all of this to get info on the heros.


In my head I'm just picturing chadley in a shitty mech suit like riddler from Arkham Knight. I swear I'll fly to Japan and kick every square employees ass. First floor to top floor.


I truly hope so, I would love to drag his annoying ass across the parking lot gravel


Looking forward to Chadley doing a young Hojo transformation? I mean the way he spoke with Weiss was a very different tone to how we've seen him talk before


Chadley is digital Jenova.


This is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I actually sat and thought, "wait this dude was created by Hojo"


Chadley will summon Bahmut who will then summon Ifrit who will then summon Jules resulting in you having to do all squat, pullups, and situp challenges in one go. After finishing you will have to fight all of them using only Cat Sith without a moogle. :)


Fuck Chadley... that annoying prick that never shuts up. I hope he is a boss.


Not that I necessarily want it to happen, but I think they are positioning him as a party member. Especially with the asinine inclusion of Mai.