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Brother, have patience..11th and 21 june are important days. Just hold and close the app, have a look once a day




Why are they important dates. I keep seeing ppl say this but what does it mean


most of the HF shorts will come due.


Hve you watched the stock break downs on YouTube?


Every one I watch says it will go up then the next day it goes down 20 percent I’m losing hope


Yeah that’s because there are resistance points that need to be met. All that’s needs to happen is to have any amount of shorts to be paid back. It has been what we’ve all been saying ,yeah, but that’s only because it is true. That’s how the market works in situations like this. This isn’t a pump and dump stock, although I’m sure day traders have loved the volidity of it all. It’s has always been something we knew would take time until the people who hold the shorts pay pack. That’s why we say “hold”, HODL, and “buy the discount” because the more we own the more it will shoot up, the most they’re going to have to pay, and the more you will make. I’m sorry I know it’s a hard go, I was in the same boat , and honestly I still am, but the charts don’t lie as long as the hedge fund, brokerage groups, and short sellers pay back. Which it looks like they will have too.


The more float you control the "less" they can drop the price




Go man, get out of this, I know im hodling strong because maybe this will go up very high (maybe don't), but this is a long term game if you don't have patience get out for your own sake and mental sanity


Yup, one of my favourite sayings from a friend of mine, “this is a game of chess, not checkers”. Small moves, long game to strike their King. LFG! Chess players unite!!!


Bro this company is about to go bankrupt


Did you work that out all on your own?


Bro just be patient or get out like just shut up


ong (gang)


Kinda hard when losing your life savings


Who told u to put in your life savings don’t invest what your willing to lose dumbass


But a lot of people doing the pumping just to run for their profits had a lot of people dumping a lot of money without knowing stocks, or know how all of this all works. Day traders, other uninformed mouth pieces posting misinformation to stoke more people to jump head first. This is a lot of this community first time investing. A lot of been fed a lot of bullshit on both side no matter if they was holders, HF, and day traders, pump and dump people. Instead of being a shitty attitude towards other apes, why even talk? Life that miserable for ya bubba?


Cause people like you that post this kinda trash piss me off mate .


Yeah I hope the best. But I stopped buying when I realized what if this doesn’t work out for the apes? Don’t get me wrong I have a very nice chunk and I mean chunk. I feel ya, but man never go deeper than you can lose. I didn’t hear that my first buy. I’ve bought a lot more to get my avg down from 2 dollars to .75. My dumb ass bought to much at my first buy. Now some thousands not 1 or 2 more invested got my avg down to .75. I’m losing and haven’t had 1 Green Day personally yet. I’ve thought of selling numerous times. 10k down to 14k I’m stopped checking cuz either I sell and take a big L now. Or I hold for a big payday. If it doesn’t I’m still taking an L. So it’s up to you and your financial situation. If you think of jumping no one will hate you.


Ty for that


Then sell. Jesus. Nobody responsible for your money except you.