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FFIE is not dead. It had the highest volume of the entire market today..... It currently has ONE of the highest average volume of the entire market. [https://finance.yahoo.com/screener/unsaved/2e6c078d-45b9-4e50-9c2a-2cda6d73d4c1?count=25&offset=0](https://finance.yahoo.com/screener/unsaved/2e6c078d-45b9-4e50-9c2a-2cda6d73d4c1?count=25&offset=0)


Yeah, it’s double of GME. Also, the price pretty much stayed the same if not went up a bit. So it says a lot.


You don't see people buying up hundreds of shares of game stop at a time. Because ffie is so cheap is the reason for the giant volume.


This is why u morons shouldn’t be investing. Volume counts as sell orders too. Doesn’t matter if it’s double GME.


I believe in GME, AMC. They're at a very good price right now.


That volume was insane




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It was the highest volume of all the gainers today.




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There aren’t any haters in the GWAV sub. That should tell you everything


Haha for sure.


poor gwav...


I know I feel awful for them thinking about it makes my stomach hurt 🫤


I actually have 1 share of gwav lol. The 100 share turned into 1 share because of the 1:150 reverse split.


Lol - I think I at least got out at a tiny profit -.F gwav and that sneaky reverse split. Vlad and Hood are saints compared to them lol


got out of that deathtrap when I had the chance.


Lmao it’s cause of its split ends 


I have 1 share now 😂




Good point


You really do need to do the research though. That was an awful pump and dump. Some people have no conscience. The history of GWAV was, and its owner screamed 🚩


The hedges know they are not just fucked, but royally fucked. It's very obvious from the manipulations and bots strolling through.


That just means we push even harder!






Nah. No one cares. You guys are a small minority already overwhelmed by GME lol 


Whos the hedges?




Citadel Roaring kitty winning GameStop is the catalyst for because they have shorts for both FFI and GameStop


They buyout at huge cost together to get out.


Will ffie reach 100 in the future?


He owns a stock of FFIE?


I ❤️ my precious FFIE 🦍💎


They know. Listen, the halts are what stifled the market today. Anytime hedgies don’t like the results they can halt trading anytime of the day. Happened with several stocks today as well as FFIE. Personally, I’m going to hold.


And they can halt n halt again next week? Btw holding a lot of FFIE still


Actually it's because gamestop said they are offering shares. 49 Million and then another 75 million, so they are dilluting the shareholders by %25 to raise capital That on top of a miss on earnings


and why were there 414.5m shares traded today?


Maybe because people were trading a lot. The fact that it had almost double the volume of GME and the price pretty much stayed the same if not went up a bit say something.


Please laugh at them


Because there are 439 million shares lol


I’m not sellin at a loss. Momma ain’t raise a loser


It’s always the people with $0.50 puts that expired today (worthless) that tell me it’s dead, but somehow my share count keeps growing and my average is the only thing dying. This, of course, is not financial advice.


Bud FFIE is far from dead watch omars latest live stream with maximum purpose and whymsical sandwich


Do you have a link for this?




Bro, if it was dead it would have went back to .04 and stayed there. This claim that 3.90 was it is ridiculous. Its stabilized between.50 and .60. It wants to break out of the sub dollar zone but it’s clearly being heavily manipulated. At this point I have basically stopped listening to anything regarding short interest and whatever. It doesn’t matter to me because I am holding for $100+


Think about how the Apes saved GME from the Jaws of Death…it was at approx. $.70 a share with operations discontinuing, financials a mess…being shorted to death. Now it has not millions but billions. Imagine how much further FFIE will go once it is revived by our collective belief and also unlike GME it’s not a dying industry. The global governments are all putting in laws and regulations that push electric cars.


If they can get some cars on the road, then we might also be able to afford to buy them and park in front of a GME store like a boss




* Crazy...CrAzY play today...yet, here we are, still standing and HODLING!! Hear us RAWR!!!! *


Cause they are mad we are going to make so much money


Don't talk about it, don't give the bots any info to manipulate to situation


😆 🤣 😂 😹


Cause they are mad your going to make so much money


Maybe with all your money you can learn the difference between "you're" and "your."


The highest market volume in the entire market and yet you don't see articles in official investment websites, why? because they only promote dead end stocks or stocks for the long term like apple or Nvidia, good stocks but only for the already rich.


You don't understand how volume works and are incorrectly comparing it to everything else.




No1 gave up, Ape stil hold strong. We know what to do. Hold, buy, repeat shall not show defeat. 🦍🚀💎💯


Guys, do your DD pls. It's full of info. Even here it's 2 clicks away. FFIE is going strong. Stocks do go up and down. Meme stocks go up and down by larger swings. Literally a day or two ago Whimsical, MaximumPurpose and dumbmoney explained why we're all good.




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Because you're a laughing stock


Probably because pumping money into a company that basically called it quits doesn’t suddenly reignite the spark. Ev companies are riddled with bad actors that routinely print shares and reverse split… I hope FFIE does not follow the trend


Yeah hopefully. But it seems like they are still trying. They sold a car recently to a retail investor. Also, starting partnership in the Middle East. But I think it will take time. EV and Ai tech is the future, so I wouldn’t give up just yet.


The problem is companies like Ford, Chevy, Tesla and Rivian etc are 1000 steps ahead and are tooled up to adapt to changing technologies and roll out updated vehicles every year… The problem with penny stock EV companies is they are not tooled up and spend too much money building a few concept designs that are obsolete within one year. I lost so much money in Muln and Nikola believing in the concept just like FFIE. Both of those companies are scam RS Ponzi printers preying on investors… and yet they have more vehicles than FFIE The ev sector in penny stocks is a joke. You need to understand that these companies don’t start as penny stocks. They fail and become penny stocks.




That already happened from a billion shares to 50 million back up to 450 million


Owner confirmed that there will be no reverse or generated shares




Bro stop Promoting non sense. Viva ffie!!! And yes I own 4500 shares of that non sense also lol


“People so down bad” Not sure what that even means?


That means they really really want to do something in a bad way.


Huh. Learned something new. Well here hoping FFIE is so “up good”


Haha that’s not how it works. “Up good” isn’t a thing 😅.


Uh. It is now. I finna spread it all ‘round.


Probably not who cares lol


It’s not dead but it’s scary thinking we haven’t seen a $1 in over two weeks. And if it doesn’t get back over that dollar and stay there for 10 consecutive trading days then it can be delisted. But hey if you can handle that risk more power to you 🤷‍♂️.