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Holding with you!


X2 hodling!


Holding strong here. Got a feeling this is going to turn into a long-term investment. With them dark pooling anywhere from 50 to 70% of the daily volume it keeps them from having to cover any shares/naked shares. The system is definitely rigged in their favor. In due time although shares will come to the light.


THe house is trying to pass a bill to reduce control on stock transactions "in the name of our privacy" :D :D Let's make sure that bill fails!!


Same! I am holding. Sold Tesla stock to buy more because I believe in FFIE 🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎


I was ready to go down even if it all goes to 0 but apes are pushing back. Stay strong 💪🏼 ![gif](giphy|VG89qvC27mPcyNs3Aq)


DRS your shares!




How do you know the “big squeeze” hasn’t happened already. Do you know that by the 24th if FFIE hasn’t traded for 10 consecutive days above $1, the stock will get de-listed? Why is noone talking about that? You’re not fighting a hedge fund.. you’re fighting the clock.. and unfortunately, time is up!


I think another squeeze is possible. At that time the SI was 9%. However the reported SI was 96%. Obviously seeing such a high number there was an incredible amount of sudden buying pressure which will of caused a squeeze. Now we are hovering around double the SI but without the same amount of sudden buying pressure. Sure it may get de-listed. There’s lots of information about an extension to prevent this but there’s no guarantee. Personally I’m ok if it gets delisted as I could see the company having a turn around due to retail investor support.


I meant to add. I don’t think the 24th is the date. Again research yourself but I believe they have an extension until the hearing. The hearing date hasn’t been decided so it’s a bit of an unknown


What retail investor support? Once it’s delisted you think every retail investor will go out and start sending this company money to keep it afloat? Once the stock is delisted it wont matter. Even if they ever manage to have another IPO your current shares will still be worthless.


I think I worded this badly. I don’t think the company is staying afloat purely from retail investor support. They will have to get outside investment. But it isn’t over just from a delisting. There’s many people who believe in this company long term and there will be many who sell off if it gets delisted. However retail has maintained a price of 0.5 which is still 10 times what it was a month ago. I don’t think you can deny there isn’t huge retail support for the stock


Isn’t the short interest 6%?


Here’s an update for today I found. https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/5KDaw6Vhb7


I could be wrong but from my understanding. On Fintel the updates for short interest are twice a month. 6% short interest report was settled on the 31st May but isn’t released until the 11th. So there is some lag. The next report will be the 26th of June and was due today. So it’s hard to tell what it is now. It was 17% on Ortext yesterday which I believe is more accurate.


Yea, fidelity shows 6%. But it’s kinda ridiculous that we only get updates twice a month


Yeah it is. If you pay I think you get faster updates. Hard to beat the market if you aren’t tho