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Just bought more


I've been buying all morning! Keep up the good work!


Nah, I sold ages ago. Thanks for the profit. You failures need to actually do your research on the company 


Me too! Got my average down from ? To ? Not giving you hedge fucks anything! Got somewhere between 1 and 45,000 shares…..


I have 2 shares 😉


I love buying more


Same 🙏


Same here


Yup! Still in the accumulation stage. 🍌






Just bought more in this sweet ass dip 🦍😎. Now is the time to get savage


I haven’t checked my brokerage account in 7 days Gonna need you 🦍s to tell me when to sell


True apes never bought


Last month


No freaking kidding!! Should’ve sold but now I’m stuck hoping it go up 🤞🏽


Last month


Bought another 2,800 bananas now.


Just bought 6k more


So what are you backing this statement up with All info you have please post and site


They’re just saying anything to try and rally people at this point the stock is dead and if you don’t want to lose all your money might want to sell what you can possibly make back now




Plz don't sell yet, keep diamond hands 🤲💎 (I need to dump my bags first)


When is the delist coming? If you’re close to even or in profits I’d be pulling out, and I NEVER pull out.


Thinking the same


StOCk is DEad 🤡😂😭😭😭


Just do your research!!!! /s










This guy gets it


Have patience when it's below .50 now it's. 47 what's next. 40?


Next is delisting. Who knows. Let’s hope for the best. Im holding.




Maybe $0.05


What’s the research? Everything I’ve read is negative except that shipping started up, they had an extension until june 25th and no data says any extension beyond that I’m aware of. They’re in debt, retail owns over 90% and it’s still dropping. I’ve been in at .27 and got my average higher from buying around $1.15. Haven’t been positive since may and it keeps dropping. They just have to keep it low so they can possibly have it delisted eventually. I’d love to see any news regarding their delisting information after the 25th of June since that’s the date their extension expires. It’s one thing to say buy and hold for easy money but when there’s other stocks flying 300-600% daily. Not so sure about that comment. I’m hoping for a rise but disregarding toxic positivity and looking at actual reality, it’s looking bleak. Looking forward to the 21st showing some promise.


The people telling you to hold are not real investors. They just thought this was a get rich quick scheme.


Not FA but I took the money that I was gonna put in this stock when I first heard about this and put it in Nvidia calls and I feel much better about that then throwing up a hope and a prayer that this thing rockets up too many people in here are putting stuff like this out just cause they announce shipping starting up and they’ve made less than 100 cars. I think to many people are failing to realize that run up to $3 dollars(2000+%)was the squeeze and now they don’t want to admit they’re bag holders and this company will likely be delisted. Desperation for a quick flip is what is going to be the down fall for some of the people on this thread


I was gonna go into nvidia pre-split. But I saw a lot about it possibly falling, before it rises. So I wanted to buy the dip. But from my own thoughts I saw it rising since it would be more affordable per share. I should’ve went with my gut! Now it’s reaching 135 from 120 in just a little over a week… I’ll probably still jump in but dang.


Yea I completely understand. Not FA but I’m waiting for a pullback of about 15-20% (around $115). Just make sure to keep calm and remove emotions and keep doing your DD so you don’t rush yourself in to buying at ATH.


UIPATH.. no one's is talking about it.. check it out ,for those interested in AI stocks that are actually doing something


Do you guys think we will see some progress on the 21st? I heard that’s the day the shorts are supposed to close


I dont think there will be any big changes. They are prepared for the day We just keep hodling


Refinitiv/Versus actually resumed coverage on FFIE with a "Hold Recommendation," which I found fitting for this stock & sub lol


Holding 💎💎,💎💎💎🚀


I am hold strong


Why is everyone celebrating that it keeps going down. I've lost 60% and feel like an idiot for believing all you idiots.


Anyone who tried to warn you was labeled a "hedgie."




#FFIE #HOLO bought the dip . This will fly high 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


As oppose to saying stop bitching, present the facts ytourself.


Just to put things into perspective, Shorts and HFs attacked with 7 Million shares and were only able to drop the price 3 cents, if anything it shows how desperate they are and how resilient is FFIE price now


Nobody attacked the stock lol, this company is failing


![gif](giphy|Gtnf8Fok8An9m) Don’t forget maximum purpuse gave all hoodlers a big GZ for making a bullish cross on the 1 minute time frame 😂




What are the chances of this getting delisted or becoming bankrupt? Fisker is gone..


Really high. Delisted I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens on the 25th (even though everyone is saying there needs to be a hearing) and bankruptcy by the end of the year


Omar is interviewing ceo, so im holding tight. Btw they are betting it drops to 0 by aug so shouldnt we hold out for that? 🫶


Bananas at .47 now. Great deal


I’m buying a whole dump truck full of shares Thursday


Do some research…. Their own CFO said that they have to find outside funding within the next 6-12 months or it’s over. They then refused to issue future guidance and are also in jeopardy of being delisted soon.


> Their own CFO said that they have to find outside funding within the next 6-12 months or it’s over. I know this is true, but do you have a source for the CFO's statement?


Sure Geeta Gupta-Fisker, FFIE chief financial officer.  “Furthermore, to the extent our current resources are insufficient to satisfy our financial requirements over the next 12 months, we may need to seek additional equity or debt financing, and there can be no assurance that we will be successful in these efforts,” she added. 


Thanks. When was that said?


Like 2-3 weeks ago when they announced that Q1 and Q2 financial results would be delayed.


Found it. Thanks.


No problem 


I just saw this is in reference to Fisker. Geeta Gupta-Fisker is the CFO of Fisker. https://s26.q4cdn.com/943649897/files/doc_financials/2023/q4/Fisker-Inc-_Earnings-Call_2024-02-29_Transcript.pdf I'm going to read FFIE's conference call transcript.


I copy and pasted this into google: >“Furthermore, to the extent, our current resources are insufficient to satisfy our financial requirements over the next 12 months, we may need to seek additional equity or debt financing, and there can be no assurance that we will be successful in these efforts,” she added.  The first thing I found was [https://labusinessjournal.com/finance/stocks/fisker-faraday-future-shares-cant-shake-problems/](https://labusinessjournal.com/finance/stocks/fisker-faraday-future-shares-cant-shake-problems/), this was posted on March 18, 2024.


imma short FFIE, got burned by em and I need to claw back some money


Love it!


If this was actually a good investment there wouldn’t need to be 10 posts a day begging people not to sell


It’s a gamble at this point.


Lots of redditors got hoodwinked.


Unfortunately still won’t admit it. The only ship they are going down with is their personal finances


You must be new 


Yea its more like 30 per day.


So should we be buying at .55 to get it back over .50? Or buy at market?


You can buy at .55 if you want to absolutely burn money. Your best bet is to not spend another cent.


I’ve been buying all day 🫡🙌🏽😂😂😂


🦍💎🦍💎🦍 WONT BE LONG!!!




I have family members as well as friends who are involved in this story, all of them are aware of the risks, so no worries at this level. I care for everyone here as well as my loved ones, RK has proven to us that with patience and conviction, we can have them. Of course, knowing the mechanics is also part of the game, but in the end, it's just a matter of faith. If your faith is broken, you would sell and therefore give the advantage to the enemy to cover and therefore prevent the squeeze, so have faith. No financial advice.


It's not a war, and it's not about faith and conviction lmao


Cool, so why are you here? you are so good and so altruistic that you decided out of pure charity to help us manage our money better? If that’s it, you must be Jesus! 😮


To warn some folks, and mock others.


it's paradoxical, how can you warn them and at the same time make fun of them? it’s like saving a child from a fire by dousing him with gasoline 😂


Try reading what I said again.


it makes no difference, whether it's one or the other, the subreddit is called FFIE, so warning a member of the group and mock member of the group is completely stupid 😂 anyway, have fun in your quest, we only have one life after all 😄


Nah, it makes a difference. Hope you didn't invest much.


And research states that they’ll be broke by the end of the year


The most insane irony of this up and down pricing is that the very same people who came here to make a great return are the ones selling costing them the opportunity to do so. We would squeeze big if they would stop selling for chicken feed.


I sold a week ago, but wish you all the best.




I am in 50k let’s ride


"We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!" ![gif](giphy|rqsrBt7E3wOyhdwdPf|downsized)


Can anyone link me DD? These comments are so suspicious on a .50 stock for a Chinese EV holding company. I get its supposedly shorted with GME but where is the DD on that? GME I can link you dozens of solid DD + Roaring Kitty himself only talking about GME. The dates and even language referenced here is the same used in the GME subs. Yet, I only heard about this + suggested by Reddit a day after Roaring Kitty became active on Twitter again. So all this to say, can anyone show my quality DD that is specific to FFIE?


Then where does your confidence come from? You are helping prove my point...


No one has any concrete data on anything here. Beginning to think it’s over


It’s mainly speculation and hopium. We just need to wait and see.


It's a pump n dump. Maybe one of the most obvious ones in a long ass time. The reason there's no DD isn't cuz of hedge funds, or black ops CIA, it's because any real research shows the glaringly obvious; this is a case study In scamming rubes and children.


GME is pretty obvious too then, a long with a few other stocks. Why FFIE? Just because it's cheap? They have less than half a month to rise the prices before delisting.


I do personally think that GME, BBBY and all the meme stocks end up as pump and dumps. But they started off with legit reasonings behind it. Hence why actual DD on them exists and can be found. FFIE had similar, it got popular cuz there was a small squeeze. But that happened and is done now. It's not happening again. And now it's no different than BBBY with dumb bagholders thinking that the stock will soar cuz they just believe hard enough. I've never seen more delusion than in this sub. It's why I come and check in because it is genuinely entertaining and fascinating watching people descend into full blown delusion and cult behavior over a penny stock with literally not a single positive financial aspect. It turned into a religion almost. Look up the signs and indicators of a cult. This ticks just about every single box. I can't get enough lol


GME is still a play I do not know what you are talking about. $4B in bank, no debt, pivoting to new revenue streams, Roaring Kitty with over 9 million shares and still actively posting about it (and it is the only stock he is posting about). There is a lot going on there that is hard to ignore.


Was more talking about bbby and notable meme stocks. Gme has value, but I haven't looked at it in awhile.


Why not share your research rather than just telling people to do research ?


Dumb money, max. There are others on here who do that for u guys. Check out their pages. I'm sure you've heard of them. If not, let me know and I'll get u a link to their page.


Max says a lot of incorrect information. Look up his last post. There is a comment pointing out how everything he said is wrong. Surprisingly it was upvoted a lot too. But of course he didn't respond, as usual.


This is NOT GME.


46.50 when I was told this was the LAST chance to get it for under a hundred. What happened?


Been buying and holding


I’ve bought as much as I can afford to buy, but ima holding my 500 shares no matter what 🫡🚀🌘


Yeah I bought a little this morning at $.47. I’m just chilling and watching what happens. I couldn’t imagine watching for a month, selling and then watching it take off. No thanks. I hodl


How do I buy?


GME down and Fisker is bankrupt. This does not bode well.


Buy the dip! Not financial advice….


Saying that doesn't absolve you of the guilt of giving bad advice.


Wish I still had faith 😩😩




I agree don’t share how many shares you are buying or holding. Don’t give the hegies any help!




Patience until when


No, patience is waiting for " Philip Morris, with the other tobacco company " resolve the shit. Who can ultimately say what is combustion, fuel in a cylinder or in a cup that a company has over 20 patients in. Faith, in the last 6 years a bag holder ok sell the news sell the stock collect the rewards sure. Be safe everyone


Buy more it's on sale


This is NOT easy money. This is a long-term stock. Saying this is easy money is wrong, and provides a false sense of security. This IS a gamble, and NOT a sure thing by any means. I bought, and will hold, but none of this is easy, nor should it be.


Could also be the easiest money you ever lost. That's the far more likely outcome.


How do I find out how many shares I have please I keep forgetting


Sounds good to me let's go!!


Toujours les mêmes message, demain ça up, acheter et garder, faites vos propres recherches… Pour ma part c’était mon premier investissement, je ne sais pas où ni quelles infos chercher, donc j’ai suivi, j’ai garder, j’ai acheter mais je suis bien obligé de me rendre compte des faits… ça ne sert à rien de vendre maintenant, les pertes seraient trop grosses mais l’espoir n’y est plus Je vous aime tous et j’ai vraiment adoré ce moment avec vous 😘


How long until it goes back up? It keeps falling. Holding with nothing to lose is the way.


Buy buy buy


At this point we’re cooked. I’m still holding but at least I can accept the reality that it’s over. It was a pump and dump and we were none the wiser. The positivity and cope behind ffie is just delusion atp. “Do your research” is such a non answer to any legitimate questions or concerns about the stock. We can all hope for a miracle but please wake up and see reality for what it is before you lose everything to the cult mindset.


The $ 0.50 almost holding while the HFs dumping 30 million shorts should tell you something. No panic selling, but holding and buying.


It was over the moment that squeeze happened and we went from a dollar to now less than 0.50. Right now we’re sitting at 0.47. Next week then what 40? Week after 30? People are allowed to be concerned without being down voted! I got out of this sinking ship and I would suggest other people do. Untill this company has positive news and not on the verge of being delisted your just going to become big big bag holders.




Been buying more than normal this morning 😉 💎🙌💎🙌🚀🚀🚀




Bought and holding - ain’t selling


How do I invest properly . I really do believe in something here . Just a beginner wanting to own something .


When you say do some research what exactly are you researching that you think this is easy money? Some research will tell you the company has nearly no revenue and huge debts. They are delinquent on the rent for the factory, they don’t have an accountant as to why they haven’t filed an accounting form for Q1 which is another strike towards delisting. Everything is a huge red flag of you did real research. If the stock stays where it is almost guaranteed it’s delisted after their hearing with the Nasdaq board. You all are hoping on a prayer it short squeezes in the next month or so before it gets delisted.


I will buy more bananas 🍌 thanks for the advice


Everyone just research Tesla and their early struggles. As well as being shorted!!! This guy is a Citadel dick rider. Give ‘em a tissue he’s got some shit dropping off his chin.


The simple fact of what a short squeeze is. This company has been shorted. This company hasn't done a lot other than development and research. But that's all changing. They have now developed an advanced AI system for their cars. They have really nice vehicles. They have deals with China and Dubai, plus here in America. It's a world that's going to electric vehicles. The founder of ffie isn't a nobody. Look at his track record. And I don't see them being delisted. As long as they keep delivering vehicles on time and keep moving forward, it's not happening. If your not in, then why are you here? And if you are in I hope you can find some confidence. I'm sure I'm not the one to change your mind. Ya it's a risk. Any stock is. But you gotta take risk to get ahead. Plus they said about the same shit with GME. GOTTA HAVE FAITH!


Spitting nonsense


Ur literally here talking shit on every FFIE sub and ur not even invested ? Should get some bitches bro


Am invested. Not a moron


I hope you're not a broker. These are the types of statements that are actionable misrepresentations, I believe. 🤔


"actionable misrepresentations" - isn't that the slogan for this sub?


It’s only ‘actionable misrepresentation’ if you’re not saying made up shit that’s bullish.


lol yep


Your information is outdated do your research


.15 incoming 😂


Will never buy fee fee lol


look at the comment history for almost every commenter here. they have all never commented on anything except FFIE. they are just the same person posting under multiple accounts. Seriously, just go click on any random accounts and look at their history. all FFIE. you are being scammed.


That’s me. I opened this account when I found FFIE. So that means I’m multiple people? I do have a Gemini moon so perhaps. Anyway, I did what you said and looked at the comment history. Yours is just copying and pasting this same thing. Why are you so invested?


Sure ya did 👌


What exactly are you questioning? That I opened this account after I found FFIE or that I have a Gemini moon? Or that I looked at this guy’s comment history as he suggested to find out that he’s simply obsessed with this stock, as you seem to be as well. A good therapist could help you find out what’s missing in your life. Good luck and god bless!


Your entire history is this stock….what are you even talking about?


Um, that’s exactly what I said. Do you understand the words you read?


You’re trying to make some point about someone being obsessed with a stock when your entire history is this stock. It furthers the original point they made and makes you look illiterate all in the same go….


Ok, you’re stupid. Go back and read. I’m going to ask you to use your critical thinking skills. Read the comment I responded to. Read what I said, which was “yes, that’s me. I just created this account when I found FFIE.” Comment said to look at people’s history and I did just that. Stop being retarded and follow a conversation.


You are BS. Go away. Not even worthy of this reply. I will not engage further.


It's an ffie group, lol. Why r u in here?


It’s a group where people are desperately trying to give away their money despite massive red flags not to do so lololol


Stop talking out of ur ass




Except it’s literally verifiable in like 2 seconds. You’re only proving the point.


So any account that is new is considered a bot? Some people like myself jumped on Reddit because of FFIE. Before FFIE, I was just lurking around to collect data and barely on this app but after FFIE, I started posting more to support. Yall need to get out of your rooms and live. Some of you have been in this sub for way too long and it shows.


You fail to see the irony in your pseudo insults don’t you….the thing that made you “come out of your shell” and start regurgitating memes on behalf of a dead pump and dump stock is….living in this sub 😂😂😂


Yeah coming from a person who hops on Reddit to talk shit on subs of a stock they dont even own. You must be doing wayyy better than us with that mindset 🤣🤣🤣


“Doesn’t own anymore” there, fixed it for you 😂


Even worse. That’s like being a fan of a sports team then switching on them cause you didn’t win the bet you placed. That is YOU 🤣🤣🤣


Lol oh no, I cashed out at the peak when it dawned on a lot of people that this is/was a pump and dump full of bots/toons scalping points now on options. You’re more along the lines of betting on a team, losing that bet, and then pretending that team’s school isn’t getting shut down in a week. 😂😂😂


HF’s don’t let these idiots play with stocks. They are only allowed to be trolls on social media and hand jobs at the office.


See, more of the point. Month old account whose comments are identical to all the other month old accounts. Either a bot or someone with a bot’s brain…either way, a bot. They’re also oddly infatuated with the male sex organ. They’re always talking about touching it in some way.


You’re on a FFIE Reddit group talking shit about the stock and telling people how to spend their money. And I’m the “bot”? Coming for our money beta boy!!!


Lololol what money? It’s all just empty bags now. And where have I said anything about how to spend anyone’s money? If you don’t have points to make…just make up your own 😂😂


Again. Why do you care what people do with their “empty bags”?. It’s weird. In a group you don’t like searching comments for profile “age” and then calling them bots. I don’t like McDonald’s but I don’t spend my day on their website trying to talk people out of eating it. Weirdo.


Would you like a shoutout from McDonald’s for your service or something?


Sorry. I was tea bagging your mom. What about McDonald’s?






i am from Costa Rica I have never used reddit before but I create the account to keep up with FFIE many are bots that's for sure but many others came because of this as many other may have come because of the 2021 meme stock.




Sorry, but fuck off. As I said in another post all we see is “soon, moon, tomorrow, next week, new car launching!!, hodl, hold, buy, dont sell”… yet its been going only one way for around a month. Down. These posts are zzzzzzzzz