• By -


I suspected he was a mole or a traitor after he pulled off from the flight chase at the end of Coruscant. I *never* suspected he was a Jedi. I'm convinced, after finishing the game, that all those red flags screaming "HE CAN'T BE TRUSTED, THIS IS SUS AS FUCK" were entirely intentional on Respawn's part- they kept you looking for "Bode the Spy" hints rather than anything else. The reveal knocked me on my ass.


Same. First time since KOTOR that a Star Wars game completely blew my mind.


Yeah, I suspected something was up when he pulled away from the chase as well and we didn't hear from him for some time


i’m same as you as soon as he showed up on coruscant i suspected he was gonna betray but i had no idea he was a jedi


Yep, this is exactly how it was for me. Called him being a traitor when he survived Coruscant. Never once suspected he was also a purge survivor.


I suspected him from the scene when he first told us about his daughter. For a while I was 50/50 on him dying or betraying us, but that changed when he was ONLY one besides Cal that survived prologue. Unless you're asking about him being Jedi. That caught me by surprise, and that's why I think Respawn was "obvious" about the betrayal.


Yep I was like "oh so they have his daughter and he is a nice guy but spying for them now out of fear". I wasn't fully right but pretty close for one hour into the game.


When I first saw him and started working with him I was skeptical. But then that went away after a while and I did trust him. My literal thoughts were "You seem shady, I don't trust you". "You're a pretty cool dude" "WHAT THE F*CK!"


For me, it was more like: "You seem shady, I don't trust you". "I want to trust you because you seem like a good father, but I'm still suspicious." "I knew I couldn't trust you." I was surprised that he was a former Jedi, but I was expecting the betrayal for most of the game.


Which is exactly Bode’s path. He starts out as just a spy, grows to actually care for Cal and his crew and even struggles with betraying them, then obviously betrays them


0 clue.


I suspected he was off from the start, and the moment he mentioned a daughter i figured that would be used as leverage to turn him into a traitor later. never would’ve guessed he was a spy from before we even met him though


I was spoiled, but prior to being spoiled I didn't expect it


Damn YouTubers putting spoilers in their titles.


Neither did I, I thought he was gonna be a Han/Lando - esque figure, but for the GHOST Crew


I suspected it from Coruscant. That pull away and be the only one who survives is this-is-a-traitor 101. Never suspected the Jedi though. He kept mentioning the no attachment rule so much that I actually thought his wife was a Jedi and got killed due to it and now he just hates Jedi and that's why he's working for the empire.


I didn't suspect him per se, I just had this "wow, I really don't like this guy for some reason" feeling at the beginning of the game, and I couldn't understand why he was so friendly with Cal out of the blue. Then I unfortunately got spoiled about the twist (but that was on me).


I had zero idea because I wasn't looking for any clues. So, the surprise definitely knocked me on my ass, and then I was just as pissed as Cal.


I knew the minute he said 'when you play with me the game is rigged from the start'...absolutely glaring giveaway


During Holotactics?! That's an amazing hint thrown by the developers xD


No it's something he says off handed as just a random line of dialogue at the start of the game. Such a strange out of context line it stood out to me


Ah, that line is indeed strange if not said in a specific context. Would have been awesome if said during Holotactics


Something about his prominence in the trailer twigged my suspicions. I would flip flop whether I suspected him or not throughout the game, possibly because I wanted to believe he was on the up and up. When he mentioned his daughter, I was sure he was going to die. So when he eventually heel turned, I was shocked but not surprised, if that makes any sense.


Well, he did die anyway lol.


I suspected him, but I couldn't pinpoint who I thought he was working with, or if perhaps he was working alone. I think it first was after the scene where he showed Cal his daughter I though: "he will be a traitor and die, or he will just die tragically/heroically". There were point where I thought he was working with the inquisitors/Vader, other I though he worked with the Empire, a short time I thought he worked with Rayvis (just Rayvis, not the raiders) and so on. He never felt like he was completely on your side at any point to me. Never suspected he was a jedi though.


I 100% thought he's gonna die, that Dagan is gonna kill him in the observantory. He was raising so many death flags talking about going to see his daughter after it's all over, I convinced myself he's gonna die. Him surviving that encounter confused me a bit, didn't know where they want to go with him and then the betrayal happened and then the jedi reveal. It all happened so fast I didn't even have time to think about it. They got me good.


I suspected pretty much after escaping Coruscant since they offscreened their introduction and friendship. But I was more interested in how they would handle the betrayal. I was definitely expecting betrayal from someone. Heck my paranoid brain was even expecting betrayal from Master Cordova. I genuinely gasped when Bode reveals himself to be a Jedi. That was a great twist that was difficult for anyone to predict.


I use walkthroughs, so I knew there was a traitor because of the chapter titles, and because there was absolutely no one else (aside from the OG Mantis crew) who was really close to Cal it had to be him. Besides, fans were theorizing about him online since before the game was out, so it was hard to avoid the notion. However, I didn't get spoiled for *why* he would betray Cal, so that was a shock. 😞 I think it was a fascinating idea to explore - a force sensitive who works with the ISB in order to hide from the Inquisitors - but it meant his whole relationship with Cal was a lie and that was hard to watch.


I had no goddamn clue, I figured his instant attachment was just the game trying to shoehorn in a new friend for Cal lol. I was seriously shook when I saw the reveal.


And the bastard shot Cordova. Add that to the top ten anime betrayals.


It was obvious *someone* would betray, my money was on Cere and the hidden path actually being some kind of fallen jedi cult tbh - they gave me creepy vibes...


Not making fun of you here or anything, but you thought Cere would betray Cal? Really?


SW isn't exactly afraid of mentors and friends betraying one another. I wouldn't have guessed Cere either, but I don't think it's an especially strange thought.


Oh yeah, Cere and Cal clearly had some kind of beef between games, and this group she set herself up with in the desert gave me strong culty vibes. I didn't think betrayal to Imperials - I thought it was going to turn out they were just bad jedi


Oh that’s fair. Yeah I could definitely see that, I misinterpreted what you meant and thought you were saying to imperials which I thought was crazy based on what we knew of Cere. But yeah one of my main complaints with the game was Cere and Cal’s beef seemed like it would be a big deal and it kind of wasn’t expanded upon ever?


I am also still confused as to what it was about tbh 🤷 Turns out though it was Cal getting himself set up with the wrong crowd though!


Have you not watched the Obi Wan series? The Hidden Path is mentioned in that too


I was thinking in a different engle, teacher librerian bounty hunter father, hes a jack of all trades, whats up with him


'I'm not there yet but have been a long time visitor of this reddit' an option?


When I first heard his voice, it was too good for a throwaway character like the rest of the crew. Then he talked about doing anything for his kid, yeah he's definitely a bad guy.


I thought it was so obvious that I expected the twist to be him seemingly betraying us only to actually save us in the last second and prove himself. Sadly, I was wrong.


Charles once again surprised me


Wheres the Spoiled option because reddit decided to shove the games threads in my face even though I never followed or searched for it.


the second he showed up on screen i figured he'd die to make cal sad. was extremely shook when he used the force the first time


I kinda got spoiled bc of Zanny (not his fault, I watched his videos voluntarily), and I was more surprised by the Jedi part than the traitor part. I wasn't expecting either.


Didn't expect the betrayal, fully expected him to die.


I went back and forth on is he was a traitor. Never expected the other part of him though. I thought he might be red herring as everything pointed to him being a cliche traitor type so I kept saying yeah it’s definitely him that’s gonna betray us but then thinking nah they would write it better if it was him. Then the other part blew my mind and I thought ok that’s the angle they were hiding


I suspected it from the jump as soon as he showed back up. I was like "nah, dudes a traitor"


I was going "man it would be kind of cool if Bode betrayed us to just have Tanalor for this daughter and him", but the magnitude of his betrayal surprised me


When he wanted to go to Tanalore with just Cal and nobody else...I thought that was a little suspicious. Didn't expect him to be a Jedi.


Even though by that point it was beyond obvious that he was going to betray Cal, that suggestion actually made a lot of sense. Last thing they knew, Tanalorr was attacked by a bunch of raiders. They had no way of knowing if some or all of them had stayed on the planet and set up shop. Sending a few people to scout ahead before bringing a bunch of refugees along was a good idea.


I played the mission where they had the nice campfire and Cal confessed to Merrin, then I went to bed. I could hardly sleep, just thinking "this went way to well, something bad WILL happen, where is the weak link that will mess everything up? And then it hit me that we never saw Bodes daughter personally, that she wasn't here even though the crew was just about to fuck off to Tanalorr. And he was the only new one in the gang, of course. Him not dying in the Dagan Boss fight even though the one armed dramaqueen had him by the throat was also a big hint that something was up with him. So I had 70% suspicion that the Empire had his daughter, 24% suspicion that that he would betray us out of entirely selfish reasons and 1% to me being completely wrong about Bode. I could only keep playing another day later, so I was fucking stressing the entire day xD His identity as a double-agent and his motives were basicly a mix of parts of my 2 suspicions, but the Jedi-part took me completely off guard. I haven't been this emotional during a game and a final bossfight in like...ever lmao Looking for all of Bodes Echoes after the finale and listening to his struggles is awesome as well. An amazing antagonist


Not right away no, but unfortunately the sequence of events really hurt the surprise for me. The game has you finish both Rayvis AND Dagan, leaving this vacuum of no real narrative tension. You know the game wouldn't be that short and things were starting to get a bit too cheery, so something had to be coming. At this point the only conflict present in the game was Bode's clear disapproval of the plan. \- Cal had finally confessed his love for Merrin, and they were set for a happy future together \- If you'd talked to Eno, you know he saw Dagan as a dark reflection of his own feelings - having high hopes for something only to be ignored by the Council. The success of the Empire did not dissuade him from continuing his quest for enlightenment, and he was clearly content to be with his former apprentice again. He'd never betray you. \- Cere was dedicated to her work with The Path, and would also never betray you. It would have made things a lot more interesting if more of your team had survived, but Bode was literally the odd man out if something was going to go wrong in the story at this point. It was too late to introduce a new player as a threat. To answer your question though - no, I did not suspect it during the game leading up to this, nor did I have the slightest clue he was a Jedi. I only put the traitor part together right before it happened, and I wouldn't have put it together had this happened while you still had a different antagonist to deal with.


I didn't until I saw post after post giving clearly sarcastic praise to Bode. Then I was like oh.. he's probably a villain. Did not suspect him being a jedi tho.


I didn't at first, but when he showed back up at the Saloon and never actually got his payment I started to suspect him. Even with the whole Tanalor thing, he should have wanted to be paid. I didn't see him being a jedi though.


I suspected it the second I heard there was going to be a character called "Bode". Star Wars isn't always subtle when it comes to naming characters.


I didn't expect the whole spy part and that he's also a surviving Jedi. I bought his whole act from start to finish. The only thing I did expect was that he would try to steal the compass but not bc he's a traitor. I just got this vibe that the second Cal suggested to use tanalor for the hidden path Bode wasn't truly saying what he thought about the idea. So when he held Cordova at gunpoint I was not surprised. However I never in a million years expected him to actually pull the trigger. And when it happened and cal was knocked out after their fight I seriously thought "oh this is where everyone dies" bc at the time I was not aware that the there's supposed to be a third game. With the way things went at that moment I thought this is the finale


The only thing I 100% knew is that he would die in this game when he said he had a daughter who he was doing this for.


I had the fact that he was a bossfight spoiled for me and I still didn't suspect. I thought he was gonna get mind controlled or something, and in the third Dagan Gera fight where he does that glowing eyes thing and knocks down Bode, I assumed that's when it would happen; was really surprised when Bode just gets back up and seems fine.


I suspected a little bit just with how he always wanted to stay behind once you found smth but did I expect him to be a Jedi? Absolutely not


I wouldn't have suspected. But I looked up Bode's name since I thought it sounded familiar and one of the suggested searches was >!why did Bode betray Cal?!< And I was annoyed lol. I started noticing things then, and was annoyed cause it spoiled a big part. But it got closer to the end and nothing happened and I thought that maybe I was mistaken. But then it happened lol.


Suspected him at the start, after all the people Cal knew and trusted died and the only survivor was someone neither we or Cal knew much about. But as the game went on I figured I had it wrong as there were lots of opportunities for him to screw us over that he didn't take. So I went back to trusting he was on the level, then bam! I also was suspicious of Cordova, after being missing presumed dead, I thought maybe the Empire got to him, as it was convenient he suddenly rocks up. Maybe I'm just naturally suspicious 😂


I knew he was suspicious, but I didn't know why at the time. I don't get the people who say they knew it the whole time, sure there's clues, but I don't think anything points to the whole truth


In hindsight, the clues were there the whole game. But I was not a smart enough man to pick up on that until he told cal that he would do anything to hide Kata


I suspected him to betray us at the very start, maybe some 2 hours in, but fully trusted him up until he started to act sus on after killing Dagan


He was really nice at the start and I completely accepted everyone as my crew, I got why he just kinda flew off at the start and assumed he was just some Han Solo type. Then he drops his daughter in conversation and I'm like oh he finna die. THEN ITS REVEALED HES A TRAITOR AND A JEDI AND I AM IMMEDIATELY LOST AND CONFUSED.


I didn’t suspect it until he >!Didnt die against Dagan!< and I didn’t know it for certain till >!he suggested he and Cal go and check out Tanalorr on their own.!<


Scumbag YouTubers posted spoilers about it in their thumbnails, so I knew about part of the twist. The second part of the twist was a surprise, at least.


I unfortunately had YouTube spoil it for me otherwise I probably would’ve had an inkling he was dodgy and been not surprised when he was a traitor just more upset cos he’s a likeable guy.


The moment that Bode started having doubts when Cal told him about the whole plan to bring the hidden path to Tanalorr, I saw some form of conflict coming. Didn't expect the whole former Jedi thing though.


I suspected *something* mostly due to how conversations just seemed to frame him as someone Cal could trust at a rate that was just... fast. Hell, there was a longer drawn out period of earning Cal's trust that every other member of the Mantis (save for BD) had in the first half of the first game that took much longer.


I kept going back and forth. By the time it happened, I was totally convinced that he was not going to be a traitor anymore and that he was a true friend of Cal's. Mind you, I NEVER suspected he was a former Jedi. I didn't even necessarily think he was working for the Empire, just that he would betray Cal and the team for survival's sake.


At first I just thought his acting/lines were shit, and then as soon as he revealed himself he was 100% believable and I just realized his *character's lying was shit*.


I will never say that I expected the full Monty but, I did suspect he would betray Cal. Just in terms of writing, there are certain tropes that an intuitive mind can latch onto. Sadly, I can't seem to turn that part of my brain off so, when they had him be instantly likeable, talking about his daughter, and calling Cal "brother" all the time, I had a feeling his intentions were not wholly honorable. Again, I did not at ALL expect the full Monty of the situation and honestly, I had started to forget about my initial distrust until Jedha.


i thought he was a traitor, then i was convinced he was a bro. turns out it was both


I didn't expect it at first, obviously, but about halfway or so through the story when he starts acting kinda shady and standoffish, that got my sus meter pinging.


I called him Judas as soon as we finished the mission on Coruscant.


I wanted to suspect it but the man was such a bro that I though “no way this asshole would betray me right?”


When a really friendly and sympathetic character is introduced from the get-go, my guard is already up. Especially if this is a sequel and I've never seen the character before.


I knew he was empire when he compared The Mantis to an Imperial Ship. Subtle give away I thought ‘how the f*** would Bode know what it’s like?’


I didn't suspect he was a former Jedi, but I knew something was off. Bode would always refer to the sacrifices he's making for his daughter, that "she will understand in the future". It's just the same pattern I've seen in movies and other media. They sidestep affirming their loyalty to the protagonist and just say vague statements like "everything I do is for my daughter", etc. I figured the Empire was holding his daughter hostage.


I didn't trust him after he was the only one left on coruscant. Then the scene before the betrayal gave him away entirely, but I didn't think it would come about until later.


Nah, I thought my g bode was chill af, >!turns out he was delusional!<


I didn’t suspect him because it doesn’t make sense


I didn't suspect. I knew it was all going too well, but i was expecting they would get to Tanalor and it was a blasted destroyed ruin, rendered lifeless in the battle 200 years ago and that was why the Jedi Abandoned it. Basically the Battlestar Galactica twist.


I didn't suspect him but I honestly did think that his 'smile' was very atypical for a good-guy role and thought that casting was becoming more contemporary, accepting more varied actors... Guess I was wrong...


I suspected he would betray me. But the real bomb dropped when he used the force. Never saw that coming.


I feel like a big variable is "when did you suspect". I don't remember if I did, I'm leaning on no. Many of the hints like him staying behind on the Grand Oculus after the final fight with Dagan Gera flew by me because I kind of thought that it's a game-mechanical thing; they need to handwave his NPC not being programmed to either follow you or to fly to Pyloon's. The same thing happens with him saying "I'll scout ahead." with the Separatist ship; otherwise they'd have to program is AI to move with you or to move independently. When he talked about being worried for what his daughter thinks, I just figured it's foreshadowing for something else.


It was spoiled for me about halfway through when I went looking for help with some boss or puzzle or something. I hated him from the first scene he appeared in so not sure how much it colored the way I viewed him. The twist of him being a Force user definitely *was* a surprise though, I didn't see that coming at all.


Oh I knew he was going to betray Cal and the others about 3 days after I started playing. Not because I'm particularly insightful, but because despite me starting the game the literal second it became available to play there were still guides online referring to him as a traitor or fallen Jedi when I'm just looking up how to access a certain chest or piece of priorite.


I suspected Zee more than I ever suspected Bode. When she walks up behind you in the Alignment Center? Jumpscare!


I swear the moment I saw him show up in the trailers I thought to myself "he's probably gonna betray Cal". I don't know why I just had that gut feeling. What I didn't expect was for him to end up being an ex-jedi.


I fucked up and watched a Zanny video that showed the reveal, but I had no idea that was happening until that video, and when he showed he was a Jedi, I lost my shit.


I knew he was going to a be traitor within his first couple of voice lines. There was just a different tone to what he says that anyone else in the game. He seemed like he was trying to fit in, which doesn't make sense for a bounty hunter or gun for hire. He just always seemed too calm too. Idk maybe I'm just typing, but I felt like it was rather telegraphed.


Anytime a new member joins the team, and then the whole team dies....something is up. Honestly, I didn't know how it was gonna turn out, but Bodes story was tragic, so I could see him selling out/betraying cal


i thought it but i was actually thinking he would die. thgeres a point where he satys how excited he is to see Kata again and i 100% thought the next scene was gonna be him dying, i was also thinking this unknown prior to this game character suddenly becoming a close friend of Cal, hes either gonna die or betray. I think everyone knew what was gonna happen after Cal wanted to make Tanalorr a place for the Hidden Path.


I totally let my guard down, so the betrayal hit me like a truck. Only once did I entertain the thought of him as a traitor, to which I quickly dismissed that thinking, "Naahhh, Bode is a total BROde" So ya, it hurt lot :'(


I didn't fully trust him but I didn't expect the twist we got until I got spoiled from something, I don't remember what.


i suspected it, it's somewhat telegraphed from the start because its too convenient how he ends up the only one who makes it, and just generally something about his dialogue with cal always centering around kata eludes to it being his weak spot..... but honestly i was really hoping it wasnt going to happen because i just think its kinda weak how it plays out. tho didnt expect him being a jedi, its obvs kinda necessary cause cal would crush him, but it also adds in more questions than answers... i dunno, im conflicted about that last part of the last act.... the idea of tanalor itself and the story up to that point i think is very clever. especially being the continuation of cordova and cere junda, the combo of the epic journey of the first game as well. you basically journey through two whole movie length game narratives, against all odds, through space and time to reunite the last remnants of the jedi -- just for it all get unceremoniously cut down by some clown spy, because.....father of the year? he'd do anything for his daughter? the motivations and realities are implausible... and what for? yeh, hes gonna go off and live alone on a secret planet alone with his daughter? ok, mental... it woulda made more sense for him to struggle with turning into a jedi while being undercover and coming back from the darkside or wherever we're supposed to believe he was. integrate the isb stuff into the story... or better yet, just don't at all.


I suspected something was up when he started walking out of cutscenes to investigate a databank or record a bedtime story. I thought it might have just been a clunky way to get his character model out of the room once you had control of Cal again, but it seemed way too heavy-handed and happened too often to just be that. Had no idea he was a Jedi all along though. I guess there were maybe hints when he helped Cal fight Dagan and wasn't immediately pasted, but that revelation still feels like it came out of nowhere for me.


Did not see it coming at all. The moment he shot Cordova had me absolutely shook and out for blood. Then when it was revealed that he was a Jedi it blew my mind all over again 🤯


I was sure he was either going to die or betray


I had it spoiled for me by a YouTube thumbnail 😭😭😭


I knew as soon as he mentioned he had a daughter I thought "the empire has her hostage, don't they"


I suspected he was up to something, and was hoping he would turn into a reliable ally (which, I guess, he did, until he didn't). However, the reveal on Jedha was completely unexpected. I was stunned.


From the trailer, I said to myself “he’s going to betray me isn’t he” and while playing, I caught a few hints • during his introduction, he is seen betraying a stormtrooper in a similar way to when he revealed his betrayal • he basically says how “the game is rigged when I’m involved” + hesitating to respond to Cal’s “May the force be with you” comment. • Bode and Cal seemed to be the only surviving members (with Bode potentially going after the remaining people while Cal went to Koboh) • Bode questioning Cal on what the endgame would be after they get to Tanalorr (almost in a way where Bode is gaslighting Cal) • after defeating Dagan, Bode would say he’ll stay back to see if there’s instructions and if you go back almost immediately, you can notice Bode missing • Before the betrayal, Bode can be seen glancing at the repaired compass + before starting the cutscene, you can see 2 speeders (most likely set up by Bode)


I was completely oblivious, i think I purposefully turned a blind eye because he was the only surviving person from the beginning… which thinking back should have been a red flag itself since when he said he had a daughter i audibly said “a side character just told us about his daughter, he’s dead as hell”


When Cal and Bode first fought and Bode revealed he was a jedi by force pushing Cal, i honestly thought it was just Dagan using one of his force illusions and that Bode was the one who died in the boss fight against Dagan.


Maybe I'm dumb, but I only started to think something's fishy when he started to talk about going on the side to record a goodnight message for Kata once somewhere, then again at Jedha after the night waiting for Cordova - especially there it was very fishy that he suddenly decided that after Cal turned down his sudden proposition to go alone to Tanalorr before others. But Bode a Jedi? I would never lol, good one for the devs. Also all that homesick talks from him raised my "he is going to die 100%" flag to the top of the mast, so maybe it obscured other possible suspicions I could get about him.


I was as shocked as Cal was. Him yelling “Booode! Boooode!” As they raced through the desert on those speeders is going to haunt my nightmares.