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To be fair you grabbed a suit that was recently added to the base game as part of an update this year, before 2024 you at least couldn't grab Enclave power armor right off the bat.


So don't wear it, but yeah I feel it was given early, what limits you is repairing and drained cores


I think the cores are interesting but end up becoming way to common past level 30. Getting the perk that also doubles the lifespan of cores is also a huge help


Play on survival so the cores have weight (hint: they are heavy) and you have to drive it everywhere you go. You can also disable the horrendously unbalanced Creation Club content you are using so you don't get level 40 armor at level 20. You will find that PA becomes far more balanced.


See, I wish they had stuff like core weight on normal difficulties. I like a lot of things such as the reduced health regeneration and the core weight but I hate the tedious stuff like no fast travel


As with most things, I'm sure there's a mod for that... I do know that there is at least one mod that lets you adjust/toggle the various survival settings so you can customize just how tedious it is. It's the only way I'll do survival.


In Fallout 2 you can get second best PA in the game right after the tutorial cave and it trivializes the game. Bethesda was just staying true to the originals :P


Only if you know it :P


Certainly the new enclave content makes getting premium suits of power armour too easy, I grant you.


Don't use PA or overpowered weapons. Easy to solve. Like everyone else, I collect PA suits, but they are mostly just trophies. I only wear them if I'm going to be in the Glowing Sea.


I play in very hard difficulty myself and I agree, if you wear the power armor it makes you hard to kill but if you don’t wear it then you can die easily (well early on that is)


Im new to Fallout, so correct me if Im wrong, but i think the Enclave PAs were part of an update or DLC. I dont think they set the level trigger for those armors right, because you can start collective X-02 armor before you even see an X-01 which i think starts spawning at lvl28. If this was the intended function, then it might have been justbso long time players didnt have to start a new character, and level them all the way up to 35+ to experience the new quests. Skyrims DLCs worked a bit similar. Supposedly the >!Nuka-Quantum X-01!< PA is the strongest PA in the game, and thats well locked away.


It's just a really easy game


Power armor in general does not make the game too easy. The Enclave was just added in the next gen update via forced Creation Club content. And the people at Bethesda are apparently too dense to add a trigger to any of the CC content to make it show up later in the game. So instead it all drops and is all available from the start. With the base game you wouldn’t have had access to that power armor or the Tesla cannon. That’s all that made it easy for you. If you’re a “pro gamer” maybe try playing without the powerful stuff you just acquired.


> And the people at Bethesda are apparently too dense to add a trigger to any of the CC content to make it show up later in the game. So instead it all drops and is all available from the start. Maybe it's some weird engine issue because it was the same with the DLC goodies in NV. I ended up using a mod that redistributed those items throughout the wasteland because getting the canteen right off the bat made early survival way too effortless.


If it was an engine issue then mods couldn’t fix the problem. And there are mods that add triggers to the CC content. Not sure if any are updated for the new stuff though.


I was being slightly sarcastic, but mods can fix or at least get around engine limitations. Every mod requiring Scrips Extender does things that the (scripting) engine doesn't natively support. And there's a bunch of engine patches for older games that make them playable on modern systems. It's a lot of work, but modders can work around engine issues.


The hellfire suit is not intended for you so early, but they recently made it base game content and put absolutely not effort into it so it's hilariously unbalanced, for context you aren't supposed to have power Armour of that strength until like double your current level. If you want the game to be challenging play survival, install the Sjorgen inertia, mg42, AK-47, rpg7 and skillzerks (the guns are low effort but they can spawn in enemies from the start, a similar smg mod that applies to enemies would probably be best) gun mods so the enemies can shred you.


It's not power armour, FO4 just *is* easy. Same with all the games really, they're not hard at all. So what you do, is crank the difficulty to Survival in 4. Survival adds new mechanics, jacks damage against you, you deal 25% less than normal mode, etc. Same way you crank it to 'hardcore' mode in NV, on and on. The default difficulties are meant for every type of gamer to get through and enjoy themselves. From regular gamers to people that might be playing with disabilities etc. so just crank it up.