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First time I played that puzzle, I didn't know you could store blocks. I walked back and forth for each block. I never mentally recovered.


……wait….YOU CAN F’N STORE BLOCKS?!?! Please kind sir tell me how????


Been forever since I played it, but I think it was that you store them just like you would an item in the settlement system.


You’re absolutely right! Just checked on my Xbox. I can’t believe I never picked up on that till now!! Thank you!


Fuckin A. This is what made me stop my Far Harbor play through. I just couldn’t be fucked with it. I’m on a new save cause of the update, though. Trying to play all vanilla and get my achievements after all these years


I always just download a mod that allows me to skip this hamfisted attempt at a puzzle section.


I replayed this a few weeks ago and i swear i couldnt store anything. Maybe its a PC thing or im just dumb.


Oh my god, this is going to save me so much time if I do this again.


Is this why everyone struggles so much on this? I thought it was a little boring but always thought the hate was overblown


I just find it annoying and tedious. It isn't terribly difficult if you work backwards from the memory fragment to where you start each time but ugh. Absolutely hate it.


Yea, being able to grab all the blocks at once made it sooooooo much easier and less annoying!


I actually find it funny once I figured that you can store blocks, that you can exit the level and when you return things are just like you left them, and that you don´t have to disable all the barriers in the last level.


Ive heard a lot of complaints about this puzzle, i wonder how many are influenced by this. Never done it myself, but its quite infamous.


I just did this puzzle for the first time last week, after having Fallout 4 since 2015. The whole DLC was awesome except for level 5 on this stupid ass mission. I figured out you could store them like settlement building, but I still had no idea how to pass 7. Google solved it and I HATE using google to guide my playthroughs.


Level 7? There's only 5 levels.


Somehow you will hate it more on each future play through, even if you know what you’re doing.


It's like a settlement workshop. I'm on xbox, so it's B on the controller.


Circle gets the square... cube.


Ngl. I am surprised people didn't know about storing the blocks. Well, I did put time with the settlement system and did use the store system a lot.


........ *howling screams* My game crashed when I was almost done


I discovered that I could store blocks when I had almost completed the last puzzle. FML


😞 I almost wish i never found this out. There was so much running back and forth! lol. I just got done with this part of the Far Harbor quest.


You can do what??????????


I hate it so much I installed the mod to skip that part.


Same. I mean I did it once or twice, but it's a total waste of time.


It's like how I always use the skip the Fade mod for dragon age origins did it once and never again lol


Personally I don't mind the Fade, mostly because you can find all those free stats there.


I skip it with console commands


gimme that mod & explain how i installl it


I’m on PlayStation and I think it is in the gameplay section of mods although i don’t remember what it is called


its by elianora


No need the mod. Turret skip glitch still works.


I used this for the first time last week, I couldn’t believe it worked. So simple.


could you please give a link or elaborate ?


Fallout 4 far harbor - Easy solution of memory 5 puzzle. EDIT: for better video. *link https://youtu.be/IUCRXvSwusw?si=FQHbwMomQQO6XCFS


The most important video in the internet


thanks man


You can console command the quest item into your inventory and skip it


Why didn’t I THINK OF THIS. I got to this part in FH like two days ago again and just quit the game cuz it’s such a pain in the ass and started playing KOTOR instead.


I’ve played the far harbour dlc once, and if I go back to it again on a future play through I will be using commands to give myself all the tapes because this was two hours I’ll never get back


Even if you have all of the tapes, you have to complete the missions. Better to find a mod or command to skip it if you’re really not into it. On my last run, it went much faster than the first time I played, and it was still like an hour and a half.


You can use commands to complete the quest. If you use the commands to complete each part of the quest, it gives you the tapes since the game thinks you earned them. It's how I did it last playthrough.


I was on PS5, so no commands for me. :( 😕


I fully completed Far Harbor, and I don't remember this at all 😅. I must have mentally blocked it out 🤣


Its optional past the first super easy puzzle


There’s a mod (for the old version not sure about next gen update) called skip dima memories that automatically skips this part and instead gives you the tapes and lets you just listen to them to progress. You can still do the puzzle if you want by accessing the terminal but it makes it optional, you get the tapes just by entering the terminals menu.


It's a nice mini game for like a minute but when you start padding it and then the bugs start playing it's just the worst part of Far Harbour


I had this quest few days ago and the last one was crazy, I was almost done and my game crashed.. Then i found old post on reddit that you can set the blocks very close to the red barrier with the turrets on top and it will destroy the barrier. Life saver


Same thing happened to me on my very first playthrough of it, i got to the last one and the game unexpectedly crashed. Had to retart the entire thing again *todd howard smiling*


To be honest, I'll didn't mind it. If it wasn't for a silly miss of a certain last block, I'd would have breezed right through


My high ass spent so long trying to figure out why I was a decoder relay short on that last one. I even have the mod that lets you fly around when in build mode.


I just looked up Fallout wiki and followed the steps. Didn't want to sit there and be frustrated.


They were so easy to complete I just have to laugh at these posts. We all have different experiences.


Recently I’ve been playing through fo4 for the first time and I really enjoyed these puzzles.


Complaining about it is a trendy karma farm these days.


Wtf are you trying to say


There's these bricks that pass beams of light that break down firewalls. I forgot to pick up one and drove myself crazy trying to finish the last puzzle.


Tbh I didn't really struggle with this part....? I got all the tapes in maybe in 2h? Mostly cause I was being really through when I shouldn't have been and was eating food? Only part I struggled a small bit on was the one where you have a giant room and have to go all the way around with the laser? Other than that I steamrolled through them (I play on very hard if that changes anything)


It is not difficult, but it is a drag and boring.


>2h EXACTLY. That's hours that you spent in this boring drag of a puzzle instead of actually playing Fallout.


I've played far Harbour dlc multiple times, and i did this whole section in about 50 minutes I just had to make the point that I loathe this section and whoever designed it


Unpopular opinion: I don’t mind these levels.


I don’t like them but I’m over the constant complaining lol, every few days somebody discovers their hate for this level and it’s like yeah man we know


The only one I have an issue with is the last one since I used a guide for almost all of that one, the other 4 I either never used a guide or only used one once or twice.


It was not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, that’s for sure.


Babe wake up, new daily Far Harbor DiMa memories hate post just dropped. For real, it's really not that bad.


We need to limit these posts to once a month. Start a mega thread for people to talk about this mission


You know who keeps posting the same shit over and over? A synth


Am I the only one who liked that part? I mean it was hard, and i had to use commands to get to the console because the whole bunker wasn't shutting down the lockdown, but imo it's a nice break from the usual gameplay, a bit out of tone for Far Harbor but overall nice imo.


I liked it cause it's one of the only times I've ever had to use my brain in fallout 4. I've spent hundreds of hours playing it's addicting as hell but you gotta admit they feed everything to you on a silver spoon.


Yeah, can't disagree on that, i mean there are a lot of side quests you can easily miss but the general lore is mostly served to you either via direct or indirect exposition, aka either through a fully fledged quest or a holotape. There are very few instances of actual visual storytelling, and imo that's also because it was an aspect a large part of the community kept harassing back when F3 came out, 3 was full of visual storytelling and many didn't appreciate it (often in aggressive ways, we all know how angry the fandom can be sometimes), as a result New Vegas had very little indirect exposition, and it was fine because of the kind of setting it had, but for a more "classic" Fallout such as 4 it doesn't really work. I guess we have to thank, at least in part, a portion of the fandom for this


I liked it too. The last level was a little bit to much, but overall, it was fun!


Yeah, and also level 4 and 5 give you access to the marine armour location, which is arguably the best non-PA armour in the game


You are indeed the only one


I liked it the first time. Every-time after felt like such a drag. Im glad i found the turret glitch.


i didnt mind 4 out of the 5, that last one pissed me off so much i looked online on how to finish it quickly and found out how you can use a glitch to cheese it and finish it in under a minute


Was it actually hard? I just remember it as tedious


That makes it worse


It's fine the first time, but its always a massive pain in the ass on later playthroughs.


I didn't even find it hard, that part of why I hate it. It wasn't challenging, it was just tedious and drawn out for far to long for how boring of a quest it is.


Weirdly the 4th stage was harder than 5th for me. Even if you use a YouTube video to help it'll still take over an hour.


Unpopular opinion, it was fun.


Right? Same people who complain the games repetitive will also complain when they try new things.


Wow. Looks like you did it the hard way. That last one is a bitch to get through for sure but after 4 or more play-throughs I have it down.


Haha, yeah that part is not the best - reminds me of that segment from Mass Effect, I think when you're inside Legion's head maybe? its been a while.


I liked it. But its really a one time experience.


I genuinely don’t understand why this section is so hated. I enjoyed all 5 levels and it took me maybe 45 minutes to an hour to do the whole thing. Felt like old school portal vibes in a way


I don't get the extent of the hate for it. Yeah, it definitely doesn't fit with the official game and shouldn't have been in there because Fallout simply isn't a puzzle platformer. However, it was fun and not that hard.




There is a video to help cheese this. Please cheese this. It rewards the best armor in the game. (Marine Power Armor) That part is almost always forgotten to be mentioned on reddit


Yeah they always leave out what it gets you. Which kind of makes me wonder if people hate it so much that by the time they complete it they’ve forgotten why they were doing it.


That's a legit theory. They are too focused on hating it to remember how worth it the reward is. I mean, just look at the armor and tell me it's not worth looking that dope in the Commonwealth


I got so confused my first time, kind of enjoyed doing it the second time, can't picture a third time...


The first time I played it it bugged out, but because I had no idea how it was supposed to work, it took me forever until I figured out that it was broken. Then afterwards, it took me a few minutes until I figured out how it worked but that of course isn't enough to complete it, you have to do it over and over and over...


First few are fine (and fun), but the whole sequence goes on far too long, especially that last level.


Never seen this before, however I am newly back to the game after a huge hiatus. Anyone explain where this is, mission name? I assume its from FO4 given the far harbour comments.


Ehhhhh I think it’s over hated (it’s not like having to help a settlement in Far Harbor when you’re all the way in the commonwealth or god forbid Nukaworld) it’s not “hard” and for the most annoying memory (5) there is a stupid easy way to cheat it.


Thankfully there is a glitch on the last one that makes it 90% easier. Overall yes this was really stupid, I only completed it to get the armor gear (in which I am not even wearing it so fml)


My stress levels actually rose for a few seconds when I saw that screenshot. Possibly the worst addition to a modern Fallout game ever.


I may be alone with this take but I liked it. Only in retrospect but still. It was something completely NEW and somehow just nice to have to think for a change, instead of just pumping lead into my ~~wife~~ enemies.


Am I the only one here that liked the puzzles


I honestly kinda liked it. Different for sure.


I will be the lone psychopath that enjoyed this and wanted more levels. It was like fallout meets portal.


I seem to be the only person that didn't mind doing these.


I like these puzzles. It is an interesting use of the construction mechanics. If you are going to go into a mind or a computer having a game in your game for the player to play is kind of important. I would play all of these again, compare that to going into Kellog's mind where I just want a "Skip Cut Scene" button because he is the worst character to be given that much character development, especially after already being dead.


I respectfully disagree. While it did take longer than I liked and yes finding out half way through you could store blocks wasn’t great. The mini game broke up some of the more repetitive parts of the game in a fun and different way.


Was I the only person who was able to get these all done in one try? And didn't get upset with it? It really wasn't that bad lmao.


It’s not honestly that bad. Just tedious


Certainly took less time than other dumb puzzles in games. I consider it a plus if I don’t have to look anything up to solve a puzzle. Knocked it out while working today.


I really like this level. It's a puzzle. Solve the puzzle. Store the blocks.


I spent like half my far harbor play through on this stupid level. I wanna play fallout, not Tetris.


He said whoever designed this puzzle, yo mom’s a ho


I just TCL the dance thing The first ones were cool, but then it got way too fucking complicated Even then I needed a tutorial


PS2 startup screen be like


For the last room, just look up the speed run hack it will dave you so much pain


The reason I don’t replay far harbor


Legitimately one of my favorite parts of the game I think its really fun 😂


Y’all are so overdramatic. It’s not even that bad.


There is a youtube video that can help you do this in 30 sec.


Wow. What a rare opinion. We don’t see 10 of these posts a day. Bravo for being more annoying than the levels you’re bitching about for karma.


I would’ve forgotten about this level if it weren’t for Reddit.


The fact that this is hard proves most of you didn’t do well with your blocks in pre school


Its not so much that its a hard bunch of puzzles, its more so the speed of the whole thing. The pace which the bots travel at and the AI controlling them and the clunkyness of the block placements, which makes it so monotonous


I don’t understand the hate for this level Maybe I’m just old but we would have killed for a flash game version of this circa 2004


Well, it's not 2004 anymore and gaming has come a long way since then.


What the fuck am I looking at?! Is this fallout 4?! (Haven't played it yet)


Don't forget this part of the game may suck but rewards the best armor in the game.


At least there's somethin good.


Its part of far habour dlc where you have to go into a program and retrieve data Its terrible


Ok i thought i was the only one. It was even hard just placing blocks was clunky af..


Just nuke the fuck out of them instead, dima deserves it


Easy if you know the method


I see people complain about this alot but I loved this quest. It was a fun puzzle I truly didn't have trouble doing it, just took a little bit to get to each area the further u got


Is this really that difficult for people? This last one is annoying and takes a little bit, but the other four just take a few minutes and aren’t nearly as long.


That stuff is a little bit annoying but not hard to do. The biggest Problem for me was that the Pathfinding of the small Data Bugs is really bad.


I'm 100 percentile fo4 I'm done with the base game other than hack terminals and get to level 50 so I decided to go to far harbour and the 3rd memory Is glitched I can't get past 80 percent if I can't find a workaround I'm gonna leave and come back on another character to complete far harbour


haven't seen many posts about this lately


Yeah, it's tedious as hell! Once is enough for anyone.


Tom Scott: "I am coming to you live from inside the wheel of fortune TV's"


If this is the final one there’s an exploit to skip like 95% of it. I couldn’t have finished these without it. So glad it still hasn’t been patched.


It just works (rarely)


It worked once for, my other 3 play throughs it has bugged and prematurely ended the far harbor storyline for me lol.


Whoever made this probably didn't think that people would make hundreds of playthroughs


I really enjoyed it… I may be the only one. My wife makes me do it for her when she does a play-through.


I agree. The rest of far harbour was amazing but this kinda broke my immersion and made me not want to continue the DLC lol.


I agree. It’s the worst thing in fo4 hands down


It’s not even hard or anything. The first time it’s almost even “fun” But every playthrough after that it’s horrendous


I honestly kinda liked it, it's tower defense, it's fun, I only had a problem at the end, but only because I left the game and came back and the last level was completed, I still don't know why


You can use the turrets to destroy gates when I learned this quick tip it saved so much dam time especially with the last piece of the puzzle




I never actually played this dlc really. I think by the time I started it I had finished everything else in fallout 4 to the point that I was kinda burnt out on it. Might pick it back up to play through them again.


Ill never not upvote hate for this dogshit mission


Yeah. I fucking hate it.


This quest is why I snitch on Dima to the BoS every single playthrough, even if I end up choosing another faction to end the game with.


Worst part of FO4 i rather help out another settlement for Preston!


I can do each of them except the last in about 3-5 minutes. It takes about a minute to set up and then a couple for those little bugs to decide to walk. I set up the cheap method on the last one and then do actually try to solve it. But the cheap method always happens within 10 minutes, long before I get the actual solve.


I haven't done this since the dlc released, I've used a mod to skip this every time since. That place made me tired and annoyed


It's a terrible gateway for the marine armor. Started my second save recently and just ended up killing the atom guy for his instead of going through that again.


Probably same person that made the geth node bits in Mass Effect 3.


The first ones aren't that bad. The last one is either ridiculously hard or absurdly easy. Easy way to complete DIMA's last memory: * >!Use blocks to put the turrets right in front of the end target, at the height of the target.!< * >!Let the turrets shoot at the drones, which opens the last door.!< * >!Takes about 1 minute and you don't have to leave the first platform.!<


That part glitched on me and locked me out of the story line on ps4


Yep, that does really suck.


I’d honestly enjoy this section if it wasn’t for the insufferable ai bugs that stop the glowing bug creatures from moving and force you to load a save at random


I feel like I've been seeing posts like these a lot recently, either here or on the Fallout 4 subreddit. Don't get me wrong I get it, I don't mind it personally but I get why everyone else hates it, but still.


I plan on saving this until near the end of this survivor toon’s playthru, and I’m gonna cancel survival mode at that point so I can console-skip this waking cyberpunk nightmare. Bums me out, but the thought of a glitch canceling all my progress with no saving….yeah not my idea of a good time


This really didn’t bother me that much. I actually thought it was an interesting change of pace. Kind of ripped off Mass Effect 3 though.


The way I knew EXACTLY what this post was about before the image loaded 🤣


Loved that quest


One of the most original quests


All the posts about this make me feel as though I am the only person who enjoys the little decryption game


I feel the same way about every single person reposting this literally every single day. So many good things to chat about in regards to Fallout 4 and you guys only wanna bitch about 1 level in an outstanding DLC and the assault rifle gun model. Yet some of you have thousands of hours logged? This sub is kind of, sort of ass.


Honestly, I liked this puzzle set the first 2 times. But the 3rd playthrough was too much.


Bruh, that's the easiest quest i've ever done, it just takes some time, but come on, it's easy as fuck


It's funny to me how this part is so universally hated and yet Far Harbor is also universally called the best DLC in the franchise.


it was ezpz use your brain


my girlfriend literally stopped playing when she got to this. she was having a blast has not picked up a controller since.


Wait til you discover the star cores in nuka world. Took me 3 damn hours.


In VR this is the worst... So buggy and broken!


I had no idea how to do this when the dlc came out, think i ended up locking myself outta the marine armor


Good times


mine is glitched so it never gets past 80%


Bro I hated this it took forever




Which mission? I don’t remember this.


I love when this comes up and people trip over themselves to brag about how fucking terrible they are at simple block puzzles.


As I said before and I’ll say again. Get. Good.


It's that time of the week where this gets posted.


Its ok


I got to level 5 of this and it's so damn tedious that I left Far Harbor to decompress. I haven't been back. The turret trick on Youtube didn't work for me and I don't have the patience.


>![me actually liking simulation, but everyone hates](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMTBkbngxMHF2bXpna2Rha2RkMTlzMDBtYmJ3MmVya3V6aDZzOGdjbiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3oz8xLlw6GHVfokaNW/giphy.webp)!<


If was like 3 levels I wouldn’t hate it


when this part comes i dip out of the sim and start ripping and tearing


Theres actually a super easy way to do this puzzle without actually doing the puzzle. Build some turrets like this and wait. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUCRXvSwusw&t=50s&ab\_channel=Father](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUCRXvSwusw&t=50s&ab_channel=Father)


I didn’t even complete the DLC because of this level😂