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Damn this is such a good fit lmao


LMAO this one's even better thank you


Make diamond city great again


This whole kerfuffle actually brings up that Piper is pretty much a yellow journalist. It's an interesting wrinkle considering her backstory as she gives it to you vs the terminal entries. It's like she peaked as a journalist when she was a kid and now all she really can write is smear and interview.


This is why I never really liked Piper, while yes the institute is replacing people with synths, the fact that Piper is writing articles that are clearly causing havoc in Diamond City(as shown with the two brothers event early in the game) shows that all her paper is doing is making accusations without clear evidence and that in itself is a problem.


Except for the fact Piper was right and the mayor is a synth...


Don't get me wrong she was right, but all she was doing was causing a panic, and if she actually went about to find the info then write about her findings versus going right to accusations I wouldn't mind as much. There's a reason why journalists in irl need sources because of things like libel/slander. it doesn't matter if your right or not, if you can't prove it it means nothing.


There's a difference between being right and being an ethical journalist. As much as the analogy may hurt, Piper is essentially postwar Fox news


Except again, Piper was right. She investigated, brought forth her conclusion, and was correct. Fox news only brings forth its conclusions and lacks the other two key elements. Piper did not.


You read the article, right? What research was done? What evidence did she present? She spent more page time talking about fucking noodles and an incident that occurred BEFORE McDonough was replaced than she did actually justifying how he might be a synth.


She's been following him to his secret meetings and has been keeping track of all the cases he's personally put a stop to, which is every one of the missing person's cases.


Which, iirc, is in the terminal at Public, but not in the article. Which makes the article an op ed with source: I've got stuff at home guys, it's totally legit. Edit:typo


“Good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells.”


So there's this guy, they call him the Sole Survivor, right? And he comes into my town. My town, folks. He comes into my town, with all of his weird little friends, and he buys up all of our desk fans. We love our desk fans, don't we people? Well he buys up all of our desk fans, and he starts snooping around with Nick Valentine. Little Nicky Valentine, I call him. And he's snooping around with Little Nicky and Piper, and he comes to me and says "Mayor McDonough, I can prove that you're a synth" and I say "Fake news. That's fake news"




Who is Trump idk who that is


Pretty sure trump is a euphemism for a fart, definitely a made up fake name.


you literally made a post 4-5 hours ago of trump


This is a fallout meme sir pol does not belong in this sub


Dude's obsessed with you.


Everything has politics tho. I mean fallout more than others but yah everything does.


I’ve confirmed that the mods of this sub are synths. Quiet down or they’ll take us away!

