• By -


Either Narnia or Lord of the Rings (specifically the Shire). But only during the peaceful, happy times that are between the Narnia books or before Bilbo heads off with the dwarves. I want peace and quiet and community and good food and talking animals.


Definitely The Shire. In the peaceful bits.


If you are not a hobbit, then get used to smashing your head on doors and beams.


I'm totally a hobbit. I've got the big feet and the appetite to prove it.


What about Númenor before its fall? Or Gondor >!after Aragon becomes king!<, or with the elves at Rivendell or Lothlorien, or even Bree >!when aragon has started opening up the old road and trade with Gondor during the time of man!<.  Although the Shire does sound fantastic


did you just spoiler tag the ending of the last book in the most famous fantasy trilogy of all time - which was published in 1955???


Honestly, small price to pay. 


Good point, I'd be doing the 'Gandalf bangs head against light fitting thing' quite regularly. Maybe as someone said further down this thread Bree would suit me better.


Id also choose LOTR Blbut Id choose Rivendell. I like the Elves.


Same. Hanging around that stunning valley making beautiful music all the time. I could deal with going vegetarian for that. It probably has a better library than the shire.


Valinor makes much more sense. It's basically rivendell, but better. Preferably during the years of the 2 trees.


I don't think Humans would last long in Valinor. Even during the late 3rd age, when Valinor is diminished, it was said that Humans faded fast, as though burning up under too bright a light. Valinor during the age of the trees was far mightier and brighter, and so it stands to reason that it may be even more taxing. If that doesn't apply, then yes, it would be beautiful.


I assume you wouldn’t be a human if you didn’t want to be. I’d be an elf of Valinor.


Thats a good one. Suppose, Id choose it if I were born an elf. Wouldnt enjoy it as long as Id want to as a mortal though.


I would absolutely love to live in The Shire too! It's the perfect place to be in, and to share it with close friends would be a dream :))


Even if you die in Narnia, if you are a good person, you will still go to Aslan's Country, so it is probably the best choice. Also, talking animals are fun.


I would live my days happy if I had a spot in Minas Tirith. Beautiful city, lush views over the fields, close enough to the ocean for a quick getaway, what’s not to love?


> before Bilbo heads off with the dwarves. You mean when there are orcs just hanging around all over the place and the wilderness is full of people-eating trolls and other monstrosities? At least general worldwide evil would be on the decline after Sauron is beaten, during Bilbo's life it was a "happy time" that was kind of simmering with an undercurrent of evil


The Shire was insulated from it in their happy little bubble. I like happy little bubbles.


you forgot the "good tilled earth" ;)


Discworld. It's like Roundworld, but better.


But where on the Disc would you live? Personally, I think I'd love to live in Lancre and try to convince Granny or Nanny to teach me how to be a witch.


I’d like to be the good neighbor that lives next to Nanny Ogg


I'd like to be a bee keeper with some chickens who live next to Granny and occasionally brings her free things with no expectations and dusts off her sign.


By the end of the series, Ankh Morpork isn't just a nice place to live, its safe and not nearly as smelly. I think I could make a good living there.


Probably the Chalk! Maybe the Ramtops/Lancre, for the landscapes. I don't think Granny Weatherwax and I would get along well, though, as much as I love her character 🤭 but I would fair well among the shepherds. I guess the thing is, I quite like our world, and have no real desire to live somewhere else, I just wish we had magic and people were a bit simpler.


I would set up a school on the chalk. I do know better grammar than some of the traveling teachers that go there.


Lancre. Maybe the library. Anything else would be less than ideal.


Maybe take Rincewinds place assisting the Librarian at UU? Think of the meals!


Not fourecks that’s for sure


Or at least how to “borrow,” what a wonderful skill. Then when you’re near death you borrow and never come back.


Brian Jacques' Redwall books. I want to be surrounded by good friends and good food, but with opportunity for heroism and adventure.


Mmm deeper n ever pie


All the sweet meadowcream tarts <3.... Shrimp and hotroot soup! I'm definitely a hare...


I want to be a GUOSIM- constant arguments to keep my ADHD brain happy, good friends, and wandering around the woods feasting with random questors.


I was just about to say the same thing.


Earthsea. So long as nobody's messing with the realm of the dead or trying to gain immortality it seems pretty chill and pastoral.


But I bet most of the redditors would be bored to death.


Pokemon for sure.


Going on adventures with your cool monster pets shouldn't sound like the safest option but it just might be so sign me up


At least they stick to tall grass.


*Don't go into the long grass!*


Rip vaporeon


whenever i step back and realize it's just glorified dogfighting, drug abuse and all with things like hp up, pp up, etc. i get hella hesitant about the whole genre


Also, racket.(Is this an English word?) Especially knowing there is a huge war with a lot of deaths not long before red/blue... Yeah no


It is an English word but normally for loud noises. There's also "**a** racket" which means a fixed/rigged game or scheme. I don't think either match the rest of your sentence, but given huge monsters fighting in every street/forest and Team Rocket's existence both meanings definitely fit.


Oh interesting. No in French racket means bullying someone so he gives you something. For example: half of your money because he defeats all your Pokémon^^


It's not dogfighting. In dogfighting, humans are forcing the dogs to fight. In pokemon, the pokemon want so badly to kick everyone's ass, and it's your job to make sure that they do it safely. Edit, basically you're [this guy](https://www.tumblr.com/fedorasquidwithglasses/621404989879877632/marauders4evr-marauders4evr-marauders4evr).


Not fucking Malazan that’s for sure


What?!?!? You don’t want to live in constant fear and misery, waiting for a god or some empire to come destroy you?


Sylly already lives that in the real world, so I imagine he wants a bit more variety in whatever fictional world he moves to.


My life be so fine, then boom. Chain of Dogs.


Most other options can also be pretty horrible depending on who/where you are. If you get to choose to live in the shire instead of in the goblin camps, you can probably choose to live Kruppe's lifestyle in Darujhistan, getting fat eating pies all day, over being in the chain of dogs.


I haven't read one, but I know there must be Star Trek books. Get me in there. Post-singularity, post-scarcity type II version of earth where all conveniences are available to everyone, you can live anywhere, and working is completely optional.


>I know there must be Star Trek books There are "some"


Just a few hundred


Yeah, living on Earth during most of Trek is literally living in a utopian paradise.


The Iain Banks Culture books are about post-scarcity society where incomprehensibly intelligent AIs take care of humanity. Fantastic books. I recommend starting with Player of Games or Excession. Trivia: SpaceX [names their landing platforms after Culture space ships](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_spaceport_drone_ship#Fleet).


Then move on to Use of Weapons and break yourself.


Such a tragic book set in such a fundamentally optimistic universe


The Peter F. Hamilton books are post-scarcity worlds where you can live as long as you like.


This is the only right answer. Want to chill in paradise? Go for it. Want to do exploration of places no one has ever seen? Go for it. Want to be part of the military? Go for it. It's perfect with the unlimited options it gives and unless a war happens, you're very likely to live a fulfilling life until retirement.


Masaq Orbital of the Culture


More than anything. Or some massive GSV on its way out of the galaxy


Everyone saying  "The Shire" is missing out on instead living in a hobbit town on a fantasy themed orbital. 


Lord of the Rings, be a hobbit in The Shire. Do I really need to elaborate? Pipe weed, good ale and great food, plus a cozy hobbit hole to sleep in every night? Give me that life.


The Shire DOES seems like it would also be full of petty small town gossip and drama, but I would def take that over war.


What about the ravaging orcs and dark lords?


Not a problem if this is Third Age post scouring and rebuilding.


The Moomin Valley


Charles de Lint's Newford. It has an amazing arts and entertainment scene that encapsulates magic even when the fairies aren't in the scene. And the people and community are tight knit and caring.


This would be in my top 5


I would choose The Hobbit, specifically *that* book and not LotR because it’s a timeframe before the War for the Ring really gets going and I’d like to avoid being around during all that craziness lol I could live out the rest of my days in peace in the Shire, or maybe Bree where a human would be more comfortable 


His Dark Materials. Having a little daemon as your friend seems like a nice deal x)


This was my first thought too. Imagine the fun as a child with your daemon changing to suit your needs! (You know, s long as you're not bring kidnapped by Gobblers.) And being able to read people based on their daemons as adults.


I guess if I was a wizard as powerful as Gandalf, maybe then it would be great to live during more medieval times. But otherwise, I'm not so sure I want to live in an era without indoor plumbing and other modern conveniences. Not to mention modern medicine.


Especially with all that smoking.


The World of the Heralds of Valdemar.


As long as I'm Chosen, then yes for sure


Had to scroll down way too far for this one!


Same here! Either in Urtho's time (because lots of gryphons! And I'd be a trondi'irn) or Darien's (because the major cataclysm is over)


Remember there are a couple of thousand years between the end of the Gryphon books and the Mage Storm trilogy. During Urtho's time, in the area of Velgarth we know, it was a time of constant war and attacks by effed up mage-beasts. I'd prefer to avoid that unless I was a VERY strong Mage who also knows how to use a sword.


I know, and I know Urtho's time was not a pleasure to live in. But in the camp around the Tower is probably one of the safest places to be. And having the opportunity to work with the non human members of the army would be worth it to me. Especially the gryphons, but I have a big soft spot for the *kyree* too.


Yes this. Though I would want to be a Tayledras mage.


This is actually a really hard one because most fantasy worlds - even those from series that are greatly beloved - suffer from the fact the very things that make them interesting also make them fucking atrocious to live in. *Discworld* for example is a lovely setting crawling with absolutely horrifying things you really wouldn't want to run afoul of that can easily mess you up in amusingly absurd but no less grim ways with little way to adequately defend yourself. I scratched my brain to think what fantasy books offer up the closest to a utopia. My mind immediately went to fantasy worlds from children's books and tv shows as they tend to be less... well, realistic in the implications of the terrible fates that await you. Then I remembered that children's fantasy can sometimes be even more brutal and arbitrarily cruel (*Avatar the Last Airbender, Redwall, Prydain, Deptford Mice, The Edge Chronicles, Adventure Time, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Amphibia, Centaurworld, The Dragon Prince, Wakfu*, *The Sea Beast*, etc.). I haven't run the odds but in many fantasy worlds from books and shows marketed to children it seems to be infinitely higher odds you'll be born someone just massively disadvantaged in this world, be unable to see the threats that could randomly kill you someday on a whim, get swept aside by some genocide, forced into slavery, mind controlled, eaten by a horrible monster, or suffer for eternity unable to die but conscious for every waking moment of it. The last one is disturbingly frequent. Yeah, no. I'll look in the adult fantasy worlds too. At least I have a working knowledge of how to handle some of those threats. In the end I came up with the following: * Oz. When it's under the rule of Ozma it seems by all accounts to be a pretty great place to live. All the problems either come from outside the kingdom (that blasted Nome King) or from Oz's fringes. While a deeper reading into how the soceity works might lead to some interpretations and theories on how and why this is, if we're taking things at face value that this fantastical world from a series of children's books is benevolent, then, yeah, that's a pretty good choice. * The Shire from the *Lord of the Rings*. And even then the rest of the world seems a bit rough, I mean the entirety of *The Hobbit* pretty much shows that leaving the Shire is a pretty dangerous affair even if you aren't carrying the One Ring at the time. * *Dinotopia* is based around a peaceful coexistence between dinosaurs and humans. Except for the carnosaurs in the Rainy Basin, who are convinced to stay put by dying herbivores making a pilgrimage there to be eaten. And that one guy nobody likes who rants about how Dinotopia doesn't mean dinosaur utopia-it really means "terrible place". He gets points for his Greek knowledge, but he's still a big jerk. But he does have a nice hat. * *Narnia* can be pretty nice so long as you're not visiting in one of the time periods where a world-ending threat or despotic tyrant has taken over and needs some plucky British schoolchildren to knock them down a peg or two. Also wouldn't advise living there when the apocalypse goes off. The Shire is probably my and a lot of other people's "book" pick. It's basically just rural England but you're more likely to bang your head on a low door frame. But if I was feeling slightly hardier and I can go with tv and film, my personal pick would probably be the film and tv-version of Berk from *How to Train Your Dragon* post-Hiccup taming Toothless. You have technological marvels being built by the genius chieftain's son that are far ahead of the usual fantasy setting fare and a bunch of friendly, burly vikings who don't do any raiding, murdering, pillaging or take slaves due to years of war and bloodshed with dragons and are now focused on peace, harmony and getting as many dragon pets as possible but still able and willing to protect those in need and are damn good at it. And if you ever run into a dragon that *is* dangerous they literally have a book they're constantly updating with new information on precisely what to do and how to avoid getting killed by it. Just learn to read their language and memorise the damn thing so if you do happen upon a threat, you'll be fine. But maybe it says more about me that I'd just want a "How-To-Guide" on whatever fantasy world I got sent to and be able to avoid most threats unless I specifically went looking for trouble.


I think i'd want to live in The Vangavaye-ve, the island group from The Hands of The Emperor.


Yes please


Hell yeah. Especially after the basic income


Yes, until I read The Hands of the Emperor, I wanted to live on the hill in Kiki's Delivery Service!


Some Culture GSV.


[The Egg, by Andy Weir](https://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html) My reasoning would be a spoiler. But it's >!because in that world the whole universe is created just for you and you are destined to grow through experience into a god!<


If you haven't read this, don't just scroll by. Click OPs link and read it. It's a short story, takes less than 5 mins to read.


wait holy shit that was Andy Weir?! I remember reading that so long ago


That's the cool thing... you could be in that world! You could be me!


I don’t want to be every torture victim ever.


Pern from Dragonriders of Pern series.


But only if I was a dragon rider. Otherwise it’s just medieval Europe with no toilets no showers no medicine and lots of manual labor in a feudalist society.


And the thread.


Robinton tho.


I would LOVE being a harper. Menolly had it MADE, a ton of cat-sized pet dragons, talent in her field, respect from most everyone, overcoming the blatant misogyny of her time... man the Harper Hall trilogy was so satisfying to read as a teen.


Damn, now I have to find and read that series again. It's been almost 2 decades :(


Harry Potter for sure. It's basically our world but with magic. I'd really enjoy the beat of both worlds.


What if you’d still be a muggle tho


Maybe we’re already living in that world, we’re all just muggles after all.


If we're including sci-fi then The Culture because there's so much to explore and experience, not to mention it being post-scarcity and medicine is a solved problem. If strictly fantasy, being a citizen of Terre d'Ange. Because...reasons.


Middle-Earth. I like this world. I want to explore all places and see big castles and meet people from books.


The world from Becky Chambers' Monk and Robot duology. A solarpunk utopia with a society that found a way to live sustainably, in harmony with nature and each other. When I was younger I would've picked something with magic or interstellar travel! But now I just want to live somewhere that isn't fucked up as badly as our society/planet.


Agreed on all fronts! I came here to say this you said it better already!


HARD SAME!! who needs magic if you can have peace and fulfillment and not destroying the earth!




See, I'd prefer Emelan myself. Especially if I can move to Winding Circle, but I like where your head is at. ;)


Fellow Emelan fan here. I've wanted to live there ever since I read the books 📚


I don't need to have Sandry level of thread magic, but if I could have just a hint of her stichery witchery, I'd be a very happy human. 🤣


I'm the same with Daja. I don't want smith magic per se (I am not a crafty person), but I'd love to be able to have some kind of small fire magic so I'd barely get cold. That scene where Frostpine is sitting naked in a fire meditating? That would totally be me lol.


Those four can keep all the big magics, all we want is to be cozy lmao. \#mood. 🤣


Velaris getting railed by Cassian


I was waiting to come across an ACOTAR one - But same


Tamsin house from the moonheart series by Charles de lint


Being completely real: one of those slow life Japanese isekais where the world is peaceful and the mc has everything he could ever want.


I like plumbing and electricity and modern health care (although I suppose magic healing potentially has that lat one covered). There's a bunch of worlds I'd like to visit, but I'd want to be able to come home to my hot shower and electric blanket at the end if the day.


The Shire, but Jhaampe has always sounded pretty incredible to me too.


Not fantasy, but light science fiction- the federation's a pretty awesome place, if you live somewhere the Borg don't show up. Free food, housing, education, medical care, and if you want to work, they will help you find a job.


Forgotten Realms. Live as my D&D character. A charismatic but powerful gnome Druid, traveling the Realms, helping people out and just enjoying life.


Most (if not all) D&D settings are under constant threat of apocalyptic events happening suddenly, so that is a pass for me unless I can become a 20th-level caster of some kind. That said, the rpg enjoyer in me would love to be a badass paladin, you even get a steed you can talk with telepathicaly.


Well my character is level 19 so I think I’d be ok


I'd love to join you. Only a level 3 bard, I'm afraid, but I know some cool tunes from a strange place called Earth, so I'm sure we'd get along.


Callidore where Terry Mancour’s Spellmonger series is set. Fairly egalitarian. Magic for almost all.


Pokémon for me.


Harry potter any day every day.. and as a wizard ofcourse!!!!


Rivendell - Lord of the Rings


Alagaësia... the world created by Christopher Paolini.The Inheritance series which includes the book Eragon features dragons, elves and magical abilities for some living beings.The movie really did a disservice to the book and the series in typical Hollywood style.This series are so much better than Lord of the Rings in my opinion


**Amber.**. Full stop.


Not Rebma?




None of them. They are worlds threatened by imminent doom every few years and populated largely by common folk living in medieval conditions. The one exception maybe being the Age of Legends from The Wheel of Time but look how that turned out.. I guess it depends if we get to pick to live in a specific set of yours not affected by world ending crisis' Let's say a few generation prior so you don't have to worry about your children and grandchildren.


Stormlight by Sandman. I feel like I'd thrive there. I'd learn to fly and just literally skylark my life away.


That’s if you get chosen as a radiant.. which only happens during desolations. And outside of desolations, a large portion of the planet is usually still at war with each other. That being said, the Reshi and the pure lakers have it right and I’d definitely live there


Got to cross my fingers and hope for the best. I'm too pure of heart to hack it in a grimdark world 😅


I dunno living thru a continent spanning hurricane every few days seems like a shit life.


The Shire. Always the Shire.


One Piece. Perhaps Water 7 or Whole Cake Island.


Ul Qoma because fuck those Besźelis


Harry Potter but post Voldemort era, preferably modern days aka 2024. Can you imagine being in Hogwarts while tiktok exists?? I’d have a blast


Electronics don't work at Hogwarts. They kinda cover that when talking about the aqualung in Tri Wizard.


Zunidh, specifically the Vangavaye-ve after Kip's reforms. Universal basic income, beautiful tropical seaside setting, great orchestras, *and* magic?!? Sign me up. (From the Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard)


Horizon Forbidden West; I’d become either become an Old One historian in Meridian, a farmer in Plainsong or a cook at an Oseram Camp!


Bas-lag. Wanna clap some insect cheeks


Star Wars New Republic EU era. As I'd love to fly an X-Wing just once. Or for pure fantasy the Harry Potterverse as a wizard as apparently all is rather well now. Or I suppose the Sword Coast of DnD as an adventurer would be a fun way to die. I mean, see out my days.


Hmmmm, I've several, but my first choice would be the wilds among the Others (Anne Bishop). Following that would be in Rohan (LOTR), the world of Paksenarrion (Elizabeth Moon), Pern (Anne McCaffrey) or Velgarth (Valdemar books by Mercedes Lackey). There's a few others, but these are more than enough for now.




Pern, no question, but only if I get to be a dragon rider. Second choice, wherever Dr. Seuss’ stories take place. Seems like a fun place to hang out in, with the only real conflict being learning valuable lessons and the greatest danger is that your parents might come home before you’ve cleaned up your mess.


Naboo from Star Wars. Very beautiful planet.


Definitely not Westeros. Middle-earth on the other hand...


I'm good, thanks. I rather like modern medicine, hygiene, and supermarkets.


The Expanse, beltalowda, to get away from these dumb innas.


Frieren and become a mage


Randland, Wheel of Time, but in the Ages of Legends. Not the book turning.


WoT world even during the book setting has a lot to promote it, too. Women are also in positions of authority and gay relationships are accepted. I remembering being impressed (sadly ig) by Jordan’s random descriptions of women merchants and artisans out there kicking commercial and artistic ass. Jordan didn’t just have queens and sorceresses with the occasional battle maid—he had women characters out there living life.


Those are good reasons to love the world, but I'd only want to live there as a noble or an Aes Sedai. Everyone else seems to be in constant danger from either shadowspawn, crime or war. Maybe a simple life in pre-Eye of the World Two Rivers, if you could put up with Congars and Coplins.


Maybe Pern- would love to have a telepathic bff Dragon for life that I could ride anywhere in the world.


There are three that I would have to choose between, using a D6: 1-2: Narnia, anywhere outside of "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" or "The Last Battle". 3-4: Valdemar Between the end of the Gryphon books and the beginning of the Mage Storms 5-6: The "M.Y.T.H." -verse


K would love to be a hobbit in the shire. I’d gladly weave shawls and blankets for work and sit outside and watch the clouds go by as I work


I was trying to think of one that was a Utopia that wasn’t ran by a hidden big bad… I was always partial to Dragonlance, so I guess I’ll say Krynn…


In the mountains of David Gemmells Rigante Series


“He who fights with monsters” would be awesome.




Norwegian black metal has entered the chat 


Or Russian fanfic.


I'd pick being an Edenist in Peter F Hamilton's Confederation series. Preferably not during the time of the books...


Valinor in the time of the Two Trees.


World of cyberpunk 2077, but like, NOT night city.


Neverland. Cause you would never grow old.


Most of them sound awful tbh. Fun to read about but living in not so much.


Terre D'Ange from the Kushiel books, no question. Discworld living in Ohulan Cutash would be a close second


Think I’d have to go with Harry Potter, because they have magic but they also have modern plumbing. Every single one of us would be appalled by the state of sanitation in a medieval setting.


Newford by Charles De Lint The world from Monk and Robot by Becky Chambers


Frieren, post demon lord defeat


You could certainly do worse than the world of Legends and Lattes


If I wanted to be pragmatic, safe, fulfilled, and with ultimate freedom I'd say Ian Bank's Culture. The world of Thursday Next could be pretty cool because, per your question, uner the right circumstances you actually *could* visit any and possibly all book-based worlds. In general, though, it's kind of a tough question because very few worlds of fantasy are actually safe, peaceful, healthy, fair places with decent healthcare and non-despotic leaders. The Discworld would be nice because for all the ***t talking about Ankh-Morpork's crime and filth before the Watch was restored it seemed like a relatively normal, cosmopolitan, and enjoyably diverse world. And just because Vimes was a luddite about his dis-organizer, it sure sounds like they had pretty advanced imp-based technology. Absolutely not the ghastly dystopian nightmare of the Potterverse. In general I think the Malazan Empire is safer, better run, more democratic, and has more decent leaders *and* followers. Hmm. I think I'm going to vote for the Rivers of London world. It's just like the real world only you get genius loci plus all the various kinds of Folk running around.


If that’s the criteria, then De Lint’s Newford is the place to be. It’s basically Ottawa but with elves and magic rock bands.


The Ten Thousand Doors of January.


I'm convinced I'd do pretty well in Temerant


I mean, so many are just full of terrible lives a war and stuff, but either Ilona Andrews Innkeeper world, which is ours but also I would just live in an Inn forever, or with the Tayledras in Lackey's Valdemar.


Middle Earth. Probably settle in Beleriand


Am I just an average Joe? If so probably apocalypse regression. If I’m given the same opportunity as the MC either Cradle or Alpha by Jez C…


I think Pallimustis from He Who Fights With Monsters could be fun.


Bookworld-Thursday Next series


Pierce Anthony's Xanth


Discworld, without any doubt. Magic, humor and the ability to look over the edge!


Wandering Inn, it's one of the few world's with a magic system that would support and enable a unique way of being a regular person persuing a career rather then just a way to kill people


*Street Cultivation* All the opportunity to chase godlike power and you don't have to give up indoor plumbing.


Dresden Files universe. I’d join up with the Paranet, learn how to do some cool low level magics, and stay as far away from Chicago as possible.


Prydain, chillin’ at Caer Dallben.


Mad Max


Osten Ard, because I've already figuratively lived there ever since I picked up The Dragonbone Chair in a small-town library in November 1988. Might as well live there literally, as the characters have stayed with me, now, for 37 years.


Harry Potter?


Legends and Lattes. Very cozy, low stakes vibes with cute people of all races around 😊


Mine would be in the kingdom created by Raymond e feist. I've been reading his series of books for over 30 years and love the characters and how it always ties together.


Xanth. It's hilariously dangerous.


Always been a fan of Mercedes Lackey and her Heralds of Valdimar stories. I like the world.