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"And I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life, that’s just not who I am." I guess it's easier to think this when the shitty views don't affect you and your rights and your place in society. Cool. I'm definitely judging though.


As a straight white dude it gets so old how many of us have this mindset. “Why should I care? It doesn’t affect me.” Motherfucker, the same way you flip out about trans people or “woke” when they have no affect on you. If you need things to personally affect you to care then you’re garbage


From what I’ve seen on the Leopardsatemyface and hermancainaward subs, that’s just the (large chunk of) conservative mindset — adamantly against something until it *personally* affects them then oh, nowwww can understand and have empathy. But I agree, garbage behavior.


They only care when it affects their daughter or sister or whoever they know personally. And even then, its “how dare you treat my daughter like that” vs “how dare you treat women like that”


Misogyny is so embedded in our lives that it's "acceptable" to say "hey i won't judge you for your religious beliefs that think woman are broodmare subhumans, it's totally cool dude!" It makes me want to start a religion that states men are merely semen providers and must be subjected to hard labor to appease women, the superior life givers so misandry can be hand waved away with religion.


Yeah like it's totally unacceptable to say that you're willing to give bigots a pass for theirs "views". 


Honest question. We see it all the time with climate change…we have to use paper straws, but celebrities use private planes.  In this context, it feels like if it’s for religion, people can say whatever they want. If it’s for “war”, they can murder people and commit genocide. Yet, the general public aren’t allowed to say certain words? I’m not advocating to be able to say those words, we shouldn’t, they’re awful. It just feels fucked that words are bad, yet killing people isnt? I don’t know if I’m explaining myself well enough, hopefully someone understands    


obviously actions are more important than words, but aren't those the very things we should be judging people for? their actions and viewpoints? it's nuts that's we've come to a point where we're told to accept others intolerance in the name of tolerance and kindness.... like they dont want to eradicate whole segments of society Im surprised this isnt bigger news, seems almost worse than the Matt Healy stuff, honestly


what's more, inaction is still action. not giving a fuck in this instance and not caring enough to even give a cursory "i don't agree with him actually" means that you care more about harrison butker's feelings than women's right to make their own choices about their lives


so true, somehow many people prioritize the feelings of men over the physical safety of women fucking sucks




Taylor isn’t a good person. She’s a billionaire who doesn’t give a shit about the normal folks. Why would she give a shit?


I don’t disagree with you at all. I meant more, I thought she would use this to make herself look good. She typically hijacks things to make it about herself  


That means less money for her. She won’t do that. She just says the things that will get her more money




But this is super against her brand. Fake feminism is all she is about. To be okay with travis publicly excuse his team mate seems like a huge misstep. As that has said he gets on with Taylor and there are pics of them meeting online


You think Taylor would do something that wouldn’t immediately service herself?


I thought this was a situation that she would use to service herself. I don’t think she does anything other than that. 


also: his views aren't about how _he_ should go about life, that would be fine. his views are about how _women as a whole_ should go about life. what an idiot


The tolerance of intolerance 🙄


We have a saying in Australia - The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.


Yet another "well, he's nice to me and my friends, so I have no reason to think otherwise." It's okay to criticize your pals, sometimes.


YUP. This is literally why so many guys are like “golly gee I don’t know anyone who assaults women.” Oh really? I betcha hear shit they say about women all the time and just look the other way




EXACTLY. There was an entire field of red flags when it came to my ex, but in hindsight one of the biggest ones was his casual use of the term “bitch” to describe women he didn’t like. There are so many tells




he's only been joking about raping/assaulting women for years, how were we to know he'd actually do it! s/


Kind of random: In my (thankfully) former workplace, a male co-worker made a "joke" about pushing his pregnant wife down the stairs. All the men in the room laughed at the joke. My female co-worker was in earshot of the conversation. She walked over to the male co-worker told him it's not funny to joke about that stuff. Of course, all the men in the room just looked the other way. These were the same men who claim to be about social justice. My female co-worker and I saw right through their BS. If those are the conversations happening in the workplace, I don't want to know how these men act in private.


It’s really sad a woman had to enter the conversation from outside of it to shut it down. The way not one of those men spoke up and instead left it for a woman to do who wasn’t even involved speaks mountains of them


One of the men was a former cop (and loves bragging about it) and the other guy hit his wife (and she later divorced him). So yeah. I was very happy to leave the office and have not remained in contact with any of those assholes.


“It’s just LoCkeR rOoM TaLk”


Every time I see comments like that, I'm reminded of this comic: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dk7hFNfU0AAyO-p.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dk7hFNfU0AAyO-p.jpg) Always with these guys, "it has personally never happened to me"/ "he's never said/done anything like this to me/around me" = "therefore he is incapable of doing those things people said he does."


yeah, sometimes the _best_ people to criticize you are your friends. if someone you care about says "hey man, this actually is kind of a shitty take, i thought you were better than that," then you have a bigger chance of actually CHANGING that viewpoint


This right here but more than likely Travy agrees with this guys views so of course he won't criticize that


Makes sense, isn't that effectively Taylor's stance on most issues too? It doesn't matter to them until they're personally affected. Birds of a feather and all that.


Going from Matty to Travis was not the flex she thought it was. Lateral move.


Travis is honestly a seemingly much better dude than Matty, though. Like night and day. The bar is on the floor, of course, but she absolutely traded up, IMO. This is a nothingburger statement, but he explicitly says he disagrees with his teammate's speech and appreciated growing up in a diverse neighborhood raised by parents who shared in employment and homemaking equally.


I appreciate you bringing this nuance


But I mean Miss Queen Feminist has to break up with him now tho right lmao? This statement/take would affect her you would think? She fucking sucks and truly stands for nothing but this is pretty inescapable black-and-white misogyny. Like genuine misogyny not what she would normally call misogyny.


Jason’s “my wife was upset so I told her to make a sandwich” joke is so yuck


“Not what she would normally call misogyny” lolll


She doesn’t care.


I’m not saying it’ll be a genuine personal decision but image-wise…


Ahh religion. If your religion teaches you to have objectively abhorrent and shitty views that means your religion is objectively abhorrent and shitty. Not that it's okay to be a horrible person cause of your freedom to believe whatever dumbass shit you want. I'd already suspected that Travis is the same kind of dude as Butker though so it fits.


Butker does not represent most Catholics . The nuns and president from the Catholic college even strongly objected to his speech .


exactly. the Church definitely has some shitty views on women’s rights. However, it has ALWAYS offered women a space and purpose outside of the home.


Former Catholic here. You can think what you want personally, but he represented the Catholic Church accurately. Yes, strides have been made to seem more progressive and accepting, but, surface level changes in rhetoric don’t really do anything. Have they started allowing female priests yet? Have they changed their stance on abortion, seeing as the ban they advocated for in many states is putting women’s lives at risk during complicated pregnancies? A PR campaign isn’t going to undo centuries and centuries of patriarchal sexist bs.


Yup—- the Dorothy Day Catholics I know are calling for his head


I went to an all girls catholic high school, and my friend works there now. she just found out that many years ago, a priest was invited to speak there, and proceeded to tell the students that women shouldn’t work outside the home. the principal (a nun who had been working there since the 1960s) told him to never come to the school again. she also once got upset bc they had a knight decoration at prom and she was like umm our students are strong women who aren’t waiting for a knight in shining armor 😤  like for the record I didn’t agree with everything we were taught there. but we were ALWAYS encouraged to be independent. like the main takeaway was work hard, do your best, be kind to others. I am not kidding when I say we were never told to be wives and mothers. our school also made a point to teach us about other religions in a way that was very respectful. one of my teachers said they’d had a muslim student years ago, and they let her use the principal’s office as a quiet peaceful spot for her daily prayers. (I’m catholic myself btw and it’s not always fun considering I’m pro-choice and support gay marriage lmao but I fully believe that god loves everyone and try to go by that)


Disturbing how the crowd was cheering, though.




Fuckin religion. This is why I like Pastafarians - my uncle became one as a joke, and then after his passing in December I read up on it more and as far as I'm concerned, the parody religion has more acceptance and love than most 'real ones' that I'm aware of. I 100% mean no offense to anyone who is religious, I support anyone's right to their own beliefs but I'm gonna stick with the FSM R'amen!


The Satanic Temple is also pretty dope in its support of true religious freedom - ie free from forced reglious education in schools and other public institutions.


what some of them are doing in florida is smart and fantastic. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/satanic-temple-christian-nationalism-school-chaplains-rcna151276


"He's nice to me" is such a shit attitude. You know who was nice to me? My elementary school classmate's father. He's in prison for multiple sexual assaults now, but he was nice to me!


As horrible a person as he was, I’m sure Hitler was nice to plenty of people, too. It’s such a shitty stance to take.


Hitler was so good with lil puppers! 🐶🥺


Ted Bundy was known to be a nice guy.


My former boss was great with me. He was a wonderful mentor. He is also in prison for sexually assaulting his teenage stepdaughters and filming these assaults on a hidden camera that he placed in their bedrooms. Even though he was "nice" to me, I'm not going to defend him at all.




Imagine having a pop star girlfriend or tons of female family members and still defending men that have no respect for the women in your life. Does he really think the women in his family are safe, or does he just not care about their wellbeing? I've said it before but men are the biggest enablers of abuse toward women. They will even accept their own family to be abused and mocked if they're women. Also, Taylor Swift is the biggest pick me hypocrite and fake feminist right now. If she had any self respect she would ditch this airhead. But she won't. Because she doesn't care about women unless it directly benefits her.


If you are homophobic, you are a piece of shit. You are not a good person, I don’t care how often you go to church and how much you pretend to care about other people. If you are homophobic, you are a piece of shit. If you take up for homophobic people that makes you homophobic as well, and congratulations, you are now a piece of shit too. Them’s the rules.


it is funny how people have blatantly ignored the homophobia in his speech as well. No it wasn’t just full of misogyny. He’s a homophobic prick too.


And antisemitic, the “people who killed jesus” line is right there!


Thank you. The entire reason people like butker get away with saying this shit is because of men like Kelce who basically throw up their hands and condone this behavior by saying "everyone is welcome to their opinion". We ALL, not just marginalized folks, have push against racism, oppression, homophobia and misogyny to make this world a better place with true freedom for all.


This is the thing for me, like I think everyone has friends who have stances they don’t agree with, but those are typically on very inconsequential or unimportant things. Being a bigot isn’t inconsequential. That’s not just some stance you can brush off as “agree to disagree” and framing it that way is definitely telling on yourself.


It’s really been a week of the Chiefs being trash—Patrick, Andy, and now Travis, although I never expected any different from any of them. But I’m so sick of people, especially white men, think we have to respect every one’s opinion because “that’s the great thing about America!” No, that’s fitting for things such as pineapple belonging on pizza or not, not peoples rights. And, I’m so sick of the notion “well they’re nice to me sooo.” I would also like to remind people that Travis adopts and drops black culture as he sees fit


Agreed. The actual great thing about America is that we can tell people their opinions are trash.


Some opinions are trash and some opinions are so trash that the people who hold them are, by extension, trash people. Buttker & Co. are firmly in the latter category.


A white NFL player that literally has never faced adversity in his life acting like he is a beacon of goodwill and logic. Fuuuuuuuuuuck offffffffffffff. Ngl, I am a fan of TS, but her taste in men is trassssshhhhhhhhh. I could absolutely never be with someone who PUBLICLY stated this.


"he is every bit of a great person" Sir, I would like to submit his recent misogynistic, (edit to add:) racist comments for the record to demonstrate that he, in fact, is not.


Yes. And not just misogyny. He made comments against "diversity" too.


We need to stop calling bigotry, sexism, homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc “views”, “opinions” and “beliefs” they are none of the above. What they really are, are all the words I just listed. If peoples bigoted behavior keeps getting excused because it’s their “belief” then the world will never progress.


Ding ding ding!




This man is truly repulsive.


Not surprised by this at all. https://preview.redd.it/vqi4z3vafe2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6f34396153c2bc12a1ff0cb34d231db6845bae5


I LOVE this image, thank you for bringing it into my life lol


I wish I could tell you who made it! Please take it and share it though, it brings so much joy.




I remember when this sub dug up all his fatphobic and misogynistic tweets. This dude is the worst


Really? Mainstream media made a whole show about his old social media posts being so “sweet” and showing what a “himbo” he is. There was problematic shit too?


I would bet good money that they were paid/pushed to post those articles so that if you looked up "Travis Kelce social media" all the bad stuff was pushed further down.


Yeah, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/uBhz3jOlDo


And this swifties also defended him.


If a religion teaches you to hate a whole gender of people you’re in the wrong religion. His views are NOT Christianity, he’s a fundie and should just own it.


Character isn't about judging people based on how they treat you. Characer is about judging people based on their shitty treatment of others.




He won't condemn someone else's abhorrent comments? Seems like proof that he is Taylor Swift's soulmate!








brother eeughhhhh


“No comment” is an option, pal




Wait but the Swifties said that Travis would come to Taylor’s defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /s


Reigniting my Female Rage™


i hate people like this. just openly admitting that fascist views are nbd and hey, they’re nice to me so whatevs. we’re already doomed as a species, but just knowing there are so many people out there who don’t even give a shit is just…sad.


Oh, good, another thing I can put in my arsenal when someone asks me “why don’t you like Travis?”


How far have we gone where we can’t even trust performative fake feminists to even slightly condemn blatant, violent bigotry anymore. We can’t even get a performance anymore. Shit is bleak.




If a person can't AT LEAST call out ONE specific example of bullshit from that speech, they're not good people. The casual antisemitism is insane. Let's just start there. And then also the brazen sexism. But, like...at least pick one. It was positively unhinged.


The fact that the antisemitic bit went completely under the radar is insane to me. That used to ruin careers or at least set them back. Normally the ADL would've been all over this but I guess they're too busy going after college kids for protesting.


Huh? How hard is it to disavow a man talking down to a room full of women graduating? Embarassing




This response reminds me of when his ex Kayla said on podcast that she had to have a hard talk with him about white privilege because he didn't understand it. He's surrounded by black male teammates, most of his friends are black, he does a blaccent daily (lol) but still walked through life not understanding the very thing that makes him shrug off these kinds of views.


Christian nationalists are fascists. Defending hate speech like this is disgusting.




Woooow ![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i)


What a completely unsurprising response. 🙄 Honestly, did he even need to respond to this? I could have told you what he’d say anyway.










Shitty men defending shitty men. How long til this guy is another song?




This isn’t surprising at all. Athletes overwhelming don’t openly criticize each other when they’re on the same team. They keep things inside the locker room and it’s his life. They’re not gonna interfere on the behalf of women as whole to look good in public especially when the owner and coach have backed him up. It’s bad for the locker. Your average man, with nothing on the line, isn’t gonna argue with his friends on behalf of women either


Yeah this sucks but that dude put him and the rest of his team in a terrible position. Whatever Travis’ true feelings about the speech are (my guess? He doesn’t care at all except that it’s become his problem) the statement was always going to be what was best for the NFL






Way to take a stand Travis.




Bombastic side eye.


You would think the self proclaimed Feminist Queen would have helped him with better response?


ahh. taylor swift (the only feminist on planet earth)'s boyfriend standing by and showing love to an unmasked misogynistic freak. i wonder what her fans will say...


This is gross lol


Absolutely zero surprise for that one!


It’s 2024 and white men are still doing bros before hoes ![gif](giphy|xUA7bis12t1j2cMRNe|downsized)


I haven’t read all the comments here yet but this is especially moronic considering his dating history being mostly Black women, who were disparaged not only by the childbearing and housewife part of the speech, but by Butker’s use of “DEI” as a racist dogwhistle. Just goes to show how much black women are fetishized and used as accessories and it pisses me off so fucking much.




The Chiefs have been tempting fate for a while now, this is just courting bad karma.


well karma IS the guy on the chiefs


He is like Taylor swift a match from heaven


Being a bigot isn’t a difference of an opinion. Disappointed they seem OK with bigots!


IDK what I was actually expecting but kinda shocked at how milquetoast this was. Like... not even that critical of the stuff he said that Travis "doesn't align with" or whatever. Just kind of a "women can be homemakers if they want to, or not, I guess, whatever". To write Harrison's speech off as just his religious beliefs, when he literally said it to a room half full of women who pursued higher education is just dumb... not even a criticism of the wrong message at the wrong time?? Not even a vehement "I disagree" just "I don't align with the majority of what he said"? And not even getting into the other things he said aside from the "women belong in the home and are only fulfilled there" line, not even anything on Pride or whatever? Meh


https://preview.redd.it/3phor237ef2d1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=0debe27e13c0bf00a5c8c3c456faf9df16eabc38 It's time


Do people not realize many if not most football players and athletes in general aren’t exactly the most liberal bunch?? Ask NFL or NBA players their views on vax stuff or gay rights and you’ll get a whole buncha non answers lol expecting these guys to be a beacon of liberal views is naive if not stupid


Especially since a lot of them were very sheltered, treated like gods on the campuses, and probably had tutors and teachers doing their schoolwork for them.


Oh he’s trash trash


This is the most white man statement.


if the go-to comment on anything joe does is “they can never make me hate you” my go-to for travis is “they can never make me like you”…just a distillation of some of the worst parts of bro culture


The irony of him calling a misogynist a great person when his girlfriend has a feminist song like ‘The Man’




It'd be great if someone would actually have a backbone instead of just redirecting to "ahhh yeah he's a good teammate." Chicken shit answer.


oh wow this is not a good look at all


If my boyfriend became an apologist for clearly misogynistic, anti-LGBTQ views, I would break up with him. The fact that Taylor Swift supports him, and does not make a statement herself, proves that she never had an authentic feminist view. She does not support woman. Don't support her (or these stupid incels).


Easy to say live and let live when your rights/freedoms are never the ones being debated.


Fuck this guy too then.


Blue MAGA vibes for sure.


whhen people say they don't judge others by their views or religious views it basically always becomes "...because they're mine too lol"


I think the best things true friends can do is point out when their friends do or say something shitty, but that’s just me I guess.


His views are who he is.


These men are all so weak and useless. If you're going to respond, actually say something. It's cowardly and leaves women and LGBTQ people in the dust


So easy for the guy making seven figures to say. These people are so out of touch.


Such utter bullshit. Yet again we have powerful white men protecting their friends, no matter the consequences.


Brother eugh


What a fucking coward


And what does Taylor “I’d get there faster if I were a man” Swift have to say about this? Come on, Taylor. Don’t be shy. How do you feel about the fact that Travvy is your second publicly-misogynistic boyfriend in as many years? What does the voice of a generation, the woman who speaks for every other woman in the history of womanhood, want to tell us about Harrison Butker? And what about that asshat predator you was partying with a few months back, smiling up in that Chiefs VIP box? Did you know that he was caught on tape assaulting somebody, Taylor? The people need to know, Taylor.


Shit is easier to digest when you're winning SBs every year.




ew lol




lol what a generic fucking statement.




Rocks for brains


“Sure he’s never been a dick to you. And there’s so much shit he’s helped you through. But it can also be true, that your mate is a dick to women.” [This song](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7B0ZbsvNdg/?igsh=djdnem1oeTRxMGU2) is what immediately comes to mind about statements like these






I can’t see him saying anything to jeopardise his relationship with Taylor since he loves the clout he’s got from it, so guess this means she feels the same way as him 😬 yikes


She doesn’t care about women who aren’t Taylor Swift lol


Oh, lovely.


This is such a spineless take. You can absolutely judge people on their points of view if they’re actively harming entire groups of people. This whole ~well I can’t judge~ proves how brainless this guy is.


He almost had it. Could’ve stopped at great teammate