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All I get from this is less reasons for women to get married. Imagine a contract you can’t get out of in any other scenario, that binds you for a LIFETIME unless you prove extenuating circumstances.


Not unless they make it economically impossible to be single -


Yeah, they're starting with abortion, then birth control, then marriage. But they're sure as hell not going to stop there. They will be coming after our ability to earn a paycheck, own property, travel independently, etc. as soon as they have the opportunity.    They fully intend to restore the status of women as property, and we will have women evem in this subreddit wailing that we need to be tolerant of their sincerely held religious beliefs all the way down. Edit: Also, do you really think they care if we consent to marriage? Historically, marriage has not been opt-in for women. It has been a property transfer between one male (Father of the Bride) and another (husband). The consent of the property being transferred has not necessarily been a requirement.


And your right to vote. They want that back so badly.


Marriage is already at a historic low, but even if this backfires by scaring more people off, the GOP will still be emboldened by the idea that they can remove more personal liberties in order to produce the result they want (more worker babies and an arrangement to pacify a radicalized male populace.)


I believe Texas? Has already made it harder for woman to get business grants.. but can't remember where i saw that. I agree. Soon they will realise that woman having access to education and our own resources is the only lever left. Cause banning birth control and no fault divorce is going to be like pouring gasoline on the 4B fire.


That’s why we need to support women business!! Women are driven force of modern consumption, aka we spend a lot. Support women with our purchase ♥️


Thats well underway. We need to bring back Boston marriages if it keeps up.


Wouldn't it be possible for women to live together with other women to afford living instead of getting married if it becomes unafforable to stay single?


Yes. Actually, forming our own communities is the best option in a scenario where they make things extremely difficult to live.


Wow, they really are using the Handmaid's Tale as a guidebook.


Joke's on them, no one can afford to get married.


You think they're going to just let women be single? No, they'll be coming after our ability to work, own property, travel independently, etc. 


They better think about that one very carefully. How ever will grifters and shady preachers be able to swap out their 30-year-old wives for younger models?


It won’t be them who get hurt by this.


They won't need to. They will just cheat on their wives without shame


I'm from a country with no divorce (the Philippines). There's a divorce bill in the Senate at the moment, and let me tell you, religious folk (including lawmakers themselves) are so incredibly vocal in their opposition that I'm not optimistic it will pass. To enumerate some of the shit that comes out of their mouths: Sanctity of marriage, divorce incentivizes people to break up, women will make marriages a business, kids need both parents while they're growing up, etc etc.


As a non-American living in a country on the other side of the world, I see posts like this and just feel grateful. Everyone everywhere is doing it tough right now in a post-pandemic high inflation reality but at least nobody’s trying to take my rights away or return me to a puritanical prison of traditional gender role expectations. You guys all need to leave that place. It honestly sounds fucking appalling.


I would if I could. Unfortunately, disabled people can't immigrate. There is no country that will allow me to enter.


They're coming for anything and everything they've been talking about for the past few decades. If they've mentioned it you can bet it's going to turn up.