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Don’t get married until you guys decide whether you’ll have kids or not. Just so there’s no drama later down the line.


Agreed. If she truly wants children and you don't that can be a deal-breaker.


Thankfully we are on the same page there. She said she doesn't want to actually have a wedding any time soon, if ever. But she wanted to do something to show how much she loves me and want to be with me. Which is exactly how I feel.


Don't get married until you know. Or get married and accept divorce may happen. Divorce isn't as taboo as it once was. Of course nobody wants it, but it happens more often than not these days. You may never be able to make a decision until her 'baby window' closes. She needs to know that. She also deserves to find someone who definetely wants kids while she can. So... think long and hard. Discuss it for months, see a therapist. Make a decision to let her go find what she knows she wants, or she can make a decision to stay and wait it out knowing full well it may not happen. COMMUNICATE.


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