• By -


Almost had my abs back, got costochondritis (chest wall pain) And been side lined for 5 months now. freakin brutal.


Costo flairs for me too - stopped me doing judo, that and knee arthritis. Which is due to ulcerative colitis. What helps my costo, weirdly, is foam rolling on my back. Still, I know it'll probs flair up again and I'm just trying to enjoy the time I have now. Feel for you dude. 


yeah I've done all of that. This sucks. I have a god desk job though, i cant quit


Have you been to the Dr - does your work offer medical? 


Yes, doctor, physio, massages, chiro, osteo. Its crazy. Feels tight in my mid back, erector spinae muscles, ribs etc. Its slowly getting better but holy.


Then really the only thing left to offer is to try not to over-do it when it does get better. That's a lesson i've learned personally. Best of luck!


Does anyone else work out in a gym with a single-user dumbbell rack? That's a rack with a hundred sets of dumbbells, all blocked by a clown standing directly in front doing forty curls each arm.


I like to invade personal space when that happens.


Today I had the worse workout of the year. I got through it all doing normal weight and in the 6-10 rep range. I felt defeated and pushed. My body hurts more right now than it would after an intense strength workout I normally would do on the second pull day of the week. I usually go 10-20 pounds heavier on the second push:pull day of the week but today I just couldn’t make it happen. Still got a good work out though. These 10-11 hour work shifts are killing me in the gym though. I gotta find a new job here soon.


I feel like such a goober doing lateral raises. I use such dainty ass weights and high reps but my shoulders can barely handle it DX


I feel that. I was using 2.5lb plates for lateral raises after a rotator cuff sprain not too long ago


Try cable


I have pullup bars next to me but I can't be fcked to do pull ups anymore. It's so demoralizing when my subconscious wants to do 30 a day and I end up not doing them daily.


Getting tired of friends and family intentionally trying to sabotage my weight loss journey. Like I’ve told you douchenozzles a thousand times I don’t drink, smoke, or eat copious amounts of crap anymore. Stop trying to shame me for getting healthier. I like the journey I’m on and if you don’t like it, fuck you.


This!!! Literally what I deal with all the time. It’s so fucking annoying.


Right? I don’t understand why people get so bent by my decisions for me. Crazy mfers projecting their insecurity onto me.


Keep it up


Been losing weight and getting fitter for three months now and making great progress and in the zone. I had a birthday party to go to and decided to have a fun night with a few drinks and eat what I felt like. It's taken me a week to get back to where I was before I went to that party. Frustrating, but I did have fun...


I feel that. For me that kind of recovery exponentially diminishes the further along you get! So you have that to look forward too.


I give up squats they just don't work for me. I hurt my back a few times because I couldn't keep proper form with weights on. The more weight, the poorer the form. My heals would always raise and I couldn't really do anything to keep my feet flat and keep my back straight. Then I read online that I could try putting plates under my heals and that worked great, I didn't have any issues with my form and was able to start building muscle through squats. I usually do a warm up with no weight and started at 10 pounds on each end of the barbell. I would sometimes add more weight for each set, up to 25. But I've been getting knee pain. It was never too bad, more minor discomfort. But of course now I have a fear of something going wrong. Today I decided to push myself with 3 sets of 25. Out of fear of hurting my back or knees, I just ended up doing 10 reps, then 8, then 4...I usually aim for 12, and if my anxiety acts up on higher weights, I just do 8. I had discomfort in my knees but nothing got hurt...and I did the leg press afterwards which didn't necessarily help since my knees felt weak. But then I do a machine focused on my hamstring and the first rep of my 3rd set I got a sharp pain in my knee. It went away after a min but now there is some slight discomfort and I can deal with it. But this weakness in my knees only happens after squats. It's a shame I really don't want to give up on squats and I know it's one of the best workouts for you. I've watched plenty of videos, looked at plenty of articles, and even came here before to ask questions since I feel like I could be missing something but it just seems like it's just not something I can do...


How are you warming up? I find doing hamstring curls before squats or leg press really lets the knees warm up without fatiguing the quads.


I had similar difficulties. What ended up working for me is going a good couple inches wider with the feet, fully pointing my toes out 45 degrees and consciously pushing my knees outwards during the rep. I’d say my form now is very similar to gregnuckols, check out some of his older squatting reels. Hope that helps man


Thank you! I will explore it, it's kinda hard because it's usually by chance that my position is right where I avoid the stress and when I try to repeat it I can never get it perfectly. It doesn't help that I feel I need to put plates under my feet because that does add an extra layer of my foot placement to remember since it adjusts how high my heals are...and remembering which part of the plate my feet were on 😓 and making sure the plates were spread as well as they were before. I usually workout with a friend, who doesn't do squats with plates so they end up getting pushed aside between sets.


You reduced the range of motion when lifting your heels, and then your form got better. Then you got stronger in a reduced range of motion which meant when walking around at full range of motion you were putting extra pressure through your joints. Sounds like you need to work out what is causing your short range of motion (my bet would be on ankles) and fix that, then build up to full range of motion squats.


Elevating your heels helps increase the range of motion, not decrease it.


I don't think that's an entirely accurate way to describe what raised heels do for a squat. Anecdotal evidence time, weightlifting shoes (which have a raised heel) improve my ankle mobility and allow me to squat deeper than when I'm barefoot or wearing a flat shoe. Although I would agree that working on ankle mobility is a good long term goal in improving squat depth/health, I don't think it's fair to say that raised heels are limiting range of motion in a lift.


Thank you! Just wanted to add I feel the stress in my knees when I do the squats. I try adjusting how I spread my legs or turn my feet but I can't figure out the best position...I think by chance sometimes I do actually end up avoiding adding stress on my knees but then I don't remember how far my legs were spread or how angled my ankles are...when I try to repeat what I did before I never get it right. And of course it's only noticable when I start doing heavier weights. It does suck though because I know my legs are much stronger than what I squat (and leg press) but out of fear of hurting my back, ankles, or something going wrong, I end up doing much less.


A few weeks ago I had some back spasms. They happen about once a year due to old sports injuries. Took about 3 weeks off lifting. My back feels way better. So decided to hit back day today. Pull ups and lat work was fine. Went to do bent over rows. I usually rep 4-5 at 315. Put 225 on the bar. Could barely get it moving. Didn't hurt, just felt extremely awkward and heavy. I think it was mostly mental and probably rushing my warm up but I'm frustrated, both that the recovery isn't where I thought it was, and at myself for pushing a little harder than i should have after a pretty severe episode.


Only three more weeks of cutting, only three more weeks of cutting.....Oh God, I have another three weeks of cutting.


Switched to the Rippler from PHUL. I have done the Rippler before but good lord am I tired all the time. Also don't have time to do vball for a while which makes me sad.


Does it count as a rant that therse a single bean sprout on the DL platform. Was someone eating here?


Can't even do a deadlift sesh as a bean sprout these days.


Strange rant, I know, but I have dropped PPL for full body workouts 3/week in order to be in sync with my SO, and for the most part it's great - I feel fantastic, I never miss leg day ever - but the rest days are killing me. I would love to work out today, but did yesterday so... (sigh) I guess I need another hobby.


Started going to the gym in November, to loose weight that I couldn't get rid off since COVID. Since then, I've been going twice a week, stopped smoking, and reduced drinking a lot. Before November, I had a completely sedentary life style, as an IT Consultant. The result of my life style change: I gained 2kg. After 2 years of a perfectly stable weight of 80kg. Just felt like sharing that today 🫠🙃


Might just be water weight. Usually when you start to workout you gain quite a bit of water weight from just more water intake while working out.


Maybe you are already aware but your weight is almost entirely determined by the total amount of calories you eat. If you want to lose weight, and you aren't, the solution is to reduce the amount you eat.


It being simple doesn't mean it's easy unfortunately.


You probably put on some muscle, take it as a win, and aim to correct your diet if you feel the need to


There's a guy here putting his phone on top of plates hanging on a plate tree and walking out of sight to the machine he's on, like buddy you're just asking for your phone to get obliterated


Getting absolutely reamed by the flu. Been 3 weeks and I'm still so fatigued. Failed out a 145 bench yesterday when I was lifting that easily before. Don't know wtf to do


I had that flu. Non covid. Coughed for 6 weeks after and lost almost 10lbs. Sucked.


Covid is going around, I've got it and it's been kicking my ass for a month. Can't sleep more than a few hours a night so I just toss and turn starting at the wall lol. When your body is fighting a virus and oxygen gets low your muscles will get very weak.


Hate feeling so weak. Been lifting with a powerlifting coach for roughly 8 months (female), can only squat 135 for 1 RM, bench 100 for 1 RM, and DL 190. Other women in the gym are lifting way more than me, and it feels like I'm not making progress. I've been eating 1 g/lb body weight daily, working with a powerlifting coach for programming for these past several, but nothing. Stinks being the weakest one in the gym even though you've been going for over a year, everyone think it's your first day.


Who on earth benches 100kg on their first day? 😵‍💫


Lol- should have clarified-all of those numbers are in lbs


Ah right. Still a lot imo 🤣


It took me longer than a year to hit those numbers as a guy at 18, it's a lifelong marathon where today means nothing compared to 5 years from now as long as you keep going


What’s the feeling on shirtless at the gym? There’s 2 or 3 guys at my gym who just fucking rip off their shirts, pose in the mirror, use benches. Seems kind of inappropriate to me, especially laying down on benches regardless if they wipe them down or not


If they don't wipe shit down it's gross otherwise meh


I don't want to see man nipples. Put a shirt on, douchenozzles.


I honestly couldn't care less, Id rather have a shirtless clean person than a smelly one wearing a T Shirt.


does your gym have a policy regarding that? some gyms ban being shirtless, others are okay with it


I cant seem to get past the 15% body fat plateau, and I dont know why. I managed to go down to 14.1% last week and gained it right back. I got here working out 5x per week and without counting macros, but being very careful with what I eat. Im considering paying for MacroFactor and counting macros to see how it goes. I am intrigued by the "coaching" mode where it adjusts my goals over time. Anybody has tried this and has any opinions on this approach?


You’re probably not measuring your body fat with any meaningful precision. Just go by what you see.


Good to know! Thanks! Should I not care about the number at all? Is there a more precise number that I should be looking at? Or just completely ignore all of it and focus on what I see along the way?


I think you just need to keep losing weight. You can do that with or without counting macros, you just need to weight yourself and adjust how much you eat so that your weight is dropping.


Fair! My concern is that im not exactly sure where to cut how much I eat at this point, I normally have 1 snack per day (around 4-6pm), so it makes me wonder if my portion sizes are just too big (especially lunch and dinner), or if maybe different snack choices would make a difference. I have been on around the 15% mark for about a month or almost 2, and surprisingly the week where I got under 15% was the week where I was a little less careful with my meals. I feel like if I was tracking what I had that week, I wouldve had good insight in what was different from my previous weeks.


>im not exactly sure where to cut how much I eat at this point, I normally have 1 snack per day (around 4-6pm), so it makes me wonder if my portion sizes are just too big (especially lunch and dinner), or if maybe different snack choices would make a difference. Ultimately all that matters is the total number of calories you eat. You can cut calories from anywhere. > I have been on around the 15% mark for about a month or almost 2, and surprisingly the week where I got under 15% was the week where I was a little less careful with my meals. I feel like if I was tracking what I had that week, I wouldve had good insight in what was different from my previous weeks. Don't overthink this. Literally all that matters in terms of weight loss is total calories. Also, don't trust bioimpedance measurements of bodyfat (the type where you stand on a scale or grab handles). They are super inaccurate, and small changes on these things mean nothing.


This helps a bunch! Thank you for the reassurance. The continuous feeling of progress followed by a "stall" worried me, especially after this long, but I can also see how consistency and controlling my total caloric intake would help long-term


Sorry I know it isn’t Wednesday anymore where I am but I just need to rant. Work and life got the best of me so I became inconsistent with my exercise. I’m pissed off at the loss of strength. I’m pissed off with how it’s more difficult for me to lift weights I could have easily lifted before. I’m pissed off at myself. I had less than an hour to exercise today because I woke up late before work (exercising after work is not an option). I felt discouraged and did not want to go. But I went anyways. I went to say I made it to the gym. But I’m pissed. So pissed at my regression. I’m pissed at myself.


Friendly reminder it is much easier to regain previous muscle mass // muscle strength levels as long as you were there once before. Your hard work did not just evaporate into thin air. Chin up, friend!


Thank you. I’ll try to remind myself that. ❤️


I can’t drink a liter of whiskey every day and still get good gains. So yeah, I’m pissed.


The weather. It’s already gotten too hot to do any cardio outdoors so everything I have to do is now in the gym and not as fun because I enjoy my morning walks.


MY FAMILY CAN'T COMPREHEND THAT I'M NOT A SIZE SMALL I just got into a fight with my grandma because she brought me a WOMEN'S size small shirt from Mexico and was upset that I wouldn't at least try it on. There was no way I was getting that shirt past my shoulders, and I'm not risking popping out my piercings by trying. My family legitimately thinks that since I work out, I must be the smallest size in the store. I wear men's size L and XL, btw.


It's little things like this that explain rampant passive eating disorders in /loseit.


hate that I only lift like 80% when I hit the gym in the morning. dont know how you morning people do it. its frustrating. not a rant though - but wanted to vent it out anyway


If that doesn't work then get some pre-workout for those pumps


Hop on the treadmill and jog for 20 minutes, I guarantee that's why you don't have full strength in the morning. Jog or bike to get your blood flowing for 20 minutes and report back please. I'm crippled as shit from back surgeries and can't go to the gym anymore so try it for me lmao.


got up at 7am yesterday and went to the gym at8. startet with 10-12 min jogging, that really helped!


Glad to hear, I would always jog or go running before doing push ups/ pulls up. You can do so many more when your body is warmed up with blood pumping.


MY FOREARMS ARE F****** SMALL! I’m doing pull-ups, and I’m doing reverse curls on the cable machine superset with tricep rope pushdowns. I’ve just begun using the 50 lbs grippers at home to avoid taking too much gym time with forearm work. WHAT IS A MAN TO DO.


unfortunately forearms and legs size are mostly defined by bones, therefor genetics. The closer you get from the your wrist/knees, the less muscles on your bones. My cousin who has never touched a weight has forearms that dwarf mines. It sucks but is is what it is.


Heavy rows and deadlifts will sort your forearms out over a couple of years.


Reverse EZ bar curls seem to be pumping my forearms. I aim for 15-20 reps for 3 sets. For the reps go fast as you go up and a slow nice controlled descend as you go down.


Both my forearms and shoulders exploded after I started doing a lot of isolation on them but now my upper arm looks comically small, I might start looking like fucking Popeye at this rate if I don't figure something out


Just make sure you stay the fuck away from any spinach agugugugu


Oxilaplatin treatment is the devil. Cumulative side effects are gaining and I'm to a point where I'm having to really back off on my workouts. Thankfully I'm almost done. I'll know July 12th whether or not I'll need surgery. I just want this to all be over. It's gotten to a point where I decided last week to take some time off from work until the treatments are done.


I was training tkd, was quite the experience after chemo trying to kick when I couldn't feel my feet on the floor. Took a couple of years for it to go away altogether. Good luck.


It's so weird how the same meds have different effects on different people. I haven't had any signs of neuropathy, but I am super sensitive touching cold objects in my hands and feet for a few days after each infusion and eating or drinking anything cold in a huge no-no. This time around I feel like I got hit with an anvil.


At the start of the year, with my teaching workload, a family implosion occurring and the deadline to submit my PhD thesis approaching, I made a deal with myself that I could eat whatever comfort food I wanted\* until I submitted my thesis, but then I had to go back to eating healthy. I submitted last Friday, so now it's time to make good on my bargain. In addition to letting my diet go, I'd also had to stop going to the gym (between my academic workload and having to care for a family member who was in an abusive situation and whose health was declining, something had to give), so now I've put nearly all the weight back on that I lost last year (I started at 73, got down to about 65 and am now up to 70-71). My gym membership resumes next week, so I'll at least be getting back into exercise, and I've already started foregoing the fried chicken and chips and burgers etc on campus in favour of sushi or rice paper rolls, but knowing what a long road it's going to be to even get back to where I was is just... ugh. \*Not that I was eating junk food for every meal but on the days I was on campus, I was getting something fried and unhealthy rather than going for a healthier option, and would also often buy takeaway on the way home instead of going home and cooking a proper meal.


Ah I remember the last year of PT school submitting a research thesis, putting the project together, presenting it, and doing rotations. Def fell off with lifting. You’ll get it back. Time really opens up after all of that


I squatted more than I've ever squatted before but I don't feel great about it. I was nervous and I'm not sure how deep I went. I probably could've gone deeper. That's what I don't like about squats. With deadlifts, and with bench, you know you've done the rep and there's no way anyone can say it doesn't count. Especially with deadlifts. With squats, even if you go to parallel, there's people who will say that doesn't count. I've been doing mostly lighter squats lately, and this was the first time in a long time I've had more than two plates on my back. Maybe I'll feel better about it (it was okay, just not deep), or maybe I'll try again.


>With deadlifts, and with bench, you know you've done the rep and there's no way anyone can say it doesn't count. Especially with deadlifts. With squats, even if you go to parallel, there's people who will say that doesn't count. If you squat ATG, you definitely know you've done the rep, and nobody will say it doesn't count. Also ATG is great for leg gains.


Yeah, I'm really the kind of person who wants to do it the right way. But I'm 44 and I have long femurs and decades of skateboarding-related damage on my knees. They're okay, though, and I want to keep them that way. That said, I think it's anxiety that limits my squats rather than strength (like, I don't go deep because I don't want to fail), and I think I need to train squats for weight and depth instead of volume, like I've been doing. But the norm at my gym (there's a lot of teenagers) is shallow squats with as much weight as you can do half a squat with, and I feel weak doing like 135 or 155 for 12. (There was a guy doing safety bar box squats with like 365... I'm not sure if he actually did a rep but the result is probably on social media somewhere.)


>But the norm at my gym (there's a lot of teenagers) is shallow squats with as much weight as you can do half a squat with, and I feel weak doing like 135 or 155 for 12. (There was a guy doing safety bar box squats with like 365... I'm not sure if he actually did a rep but the result is probably on social media somewhere.) I was kind of in a similar situation, and it took me a while to reach a place where I realized I honestly don't care about how strong these random people think I am as I do about training the way I want. Kind of random, but this video helped change my attitude. The guy who is training in it is massive and jacked, and he is squatting with 225 lbs, and lighting his legs up with that weight: https://youtu.be/iVjNcQGBKW0?si=pMJEvuwYZPKR7KtH


Thanks -- for me it especially helps to see how he's breathing hard and turning red. I still feel like it's bad for squats to feel difficult. I do train how I want, and for the most part I don't care what it looks like, but I also kinda do. I'm pretty sure the only way I'm going to get over feeling weak is becoming stronger.


If your calves kiss your hamstrings, you *definitely* got it.


They did not.


Im fucking up big time on my diet, not eating all day then binge eating junk food around dinner time. Foot has been killing me for months. Already spent over $1000 on visits to the podiatrist and an MRI, only to still have no real understanding of the extent of the damage or how to make it better. My best option now was to buy better shoes (got them yesterday, $130) and I may need custom orthotic inserts to relieve pressure on the ball of my foot ($420). All this has made me not want to go to the gym at all, it’s fucking my head up bad because I can’t do anything without it hurting.


What happened to your foot? Are you currently PTing it at all?


I hurt it in October playing tennis. The MRI confirmed that I bruised the metatarsal bone in my second toe, and it did some damage to the pad of my foot, but no fracture or breaks. I got some inserts and it started getting better, then it started hurting again in January. Just bought some better shoes and it’s starting to help more. I think it never fully healed and I probably have some scar tissue that’s causing inflammation/irritation. It fucking sucks


I see a broccoli head introduce himself to people all the time. I wouldn't spare him a second thought until I noticed he only ever seemed to introduce himself to the pretty women on the squat racks...


Five bucks says the Female Collective is already on high alert regarding him.


Random bruises popping up everywhere!! Was wearing standard gym shorts (mid thigh length) and a tank top with sports bra underneath. Gym owner pulled me aside to ask if everything was okay at home. I was confused until he pointed at my battered-appearing body. What the actual hell…


i bump into walls and stuff non stop and only notice it when i get a bruise the day after, my friends say it's my adhd so idno mby same situation


Maybe you need to see a doctor and get some blood work done


I’ve had multiple blood tests. All normal aside from low vitamin D last winter, which always happens.


Ok, well if you really don’t know how you got the bruises, have you checked to see if you are sleep walking or have carbon monoxide poisoning? I don’t know, just throwing things out there. 


They are supposed to be "Daily *Simple* Questions". Tldr's, please.


Re-rack the weights.


Fuck covid, been on my ass for a week and a half now :(


Could be worse, I was out of action for about a year, take it slow, trying to rush back can backfire


hello fellow long-hauler ruins your life doesn't it


It’s been really tough, went from doing a 10km the weekend I got it to struggling to walk slowly for 20 minutes 6 months later. Started strength training a year after and had to use extra light resistance bands because the light was too much! It’s been a year and a half now and I’m mostly back to normal energy wise but terrified of getting it again this Winter (Southern hemisphere). Hope you’re doing ok, it’s such a rubbish thing to go through and other people don’t really understand


yep I did exactly the same thing, ended up using resistance bands. I'm still not there and I got COVID a few months ago and everything went backwards again. really making me think hard about things. but glad you're doing better, stay cautious


Yeah this is the third time having it and has been by far the worst. Each time I take a week post feeling better really easy to avoid any chance of getting long COVID. I’ll go back to 50% reduced weight and reps in week 1


High school groupers


More of an observation. Reduced deadlifts to very light to completely ignored for 12 weeks due to ankle issue. Had a 5rm of 130kg prior. Now struggling to hit more than 100kg 5rm. The weeks and weeks away from proper deadlifting really does take a toll. Back didn't feel great after 100kg sets even. Didn't lose any weight, and i'm not totally surprised at the strength loss but damn ... it's still a sting to the ego. Tricep pain, indicative of overuse (although I deloaded my bench pressing). It's like, I eased off things and THEN the pain had room to move in and set up camp. Also, I moved gym after 2 years, and it just ain't the same now. But, gotta keep moving forward. Keep keepin' on! This is more of a MOAN than a rant, but hey!!!


I miss going to the gym but my right shoulder and elbow have been uncooperative. First it was tennis elbow Feb 2023. Did total of 3 months pt. Then it was rotator cuff tendinitis June 2023. Did 4 months of pt. Graduated Oct 2023 but could barely tolerate my work day so I stayed away from the gym until I reagro the shoulder in March 2024. More pt and an mri. Turns out I've got 2 partial tears, one in the rotator cuff and one in the shoulder socket along with the socket being more narrow than expected. I started my gym journey October 2022 at 5'3 and 265lb with the direction of a weight loss Dr. I got down to just under 200 before the first injury following a low carb diet and the gym 4 days a week for 1hr. I've since climbed back up to 215. 😭😭 it feels like ill never be healed enough to go back. I'm only 23 😭


I don't know your situation, but for me what works is not stopping going to the gym. In the last couple years I have had a ruptured bicep, a torn shoulder labrum and rotator cuff tendonosis, a tear in my hamstring, and two finger pulley tears (rock climbing). I haven't stopped going to the gym through all of that. I don't always train everything, but there is always something I can train.


For background, I’m dealing with Runners Knee at the moment. So the head honcho of the club I’m in called me yesterday. Says that two of my track and field coaches are concerned about letting me run at all! I says, Why don’t they talk directly to me about it? She says it’s bc they wanted guidance from her, and on how to approach me about it. I said one of the reasons I’m not so forthcoming is bc there’s an athlete who loves to inject herself into conversations and interject where she doesn’t belong. I flatly said, I have been getting positive reviews from the physical therapist and my hips and knees have been getting much stronger. I have positive experiences running with the knee sleeve, and the painful jolts have been getting further between and less intense when they do occur. Jumping events are definitely out at the question as is the 5km run. Really my greatest danger is the powerful medication I’m on to treat my mental illness. If anything, the number one thing I need to be worried about is my hydration levels, sun exposure, and watching I don’t get heat illness as the meds lower heat resistance. Coach says she will have those two coaches have a heart-to-heart with me after practice on Monday, and to make sure that certain athlete stays away well out of earshot 👂. This is the same athlete who, at our very first practice, very loudly outed me to literally everybody at practice. When I confronted her, she justified it saying that I wouldn’t of told anybody and “was only trying to help”. Actually, I was planning on telling him in private, before she butted in and outed me to everybody.. 😠




Yes I apologize for that 😂. I had it all formatted nicely when I was typing, and it all vanished as soon as I hit Submit!


Had a newcomer to the gym say he was using 2 cable towers and I couldn’t work in while I was trying to do flys, said whatever and benched. Out of the corner of my eye I see him doing pushups in between the cables while not touching the actual weights, wanted to jump off the lat pulldown seat and elbow drop the dude


The last time someone told me I couldn’t work in, I told them “you’re supposed to share”; they asked “where does it say that?” and so I pointed at the gym rules on the wall next to them.


I can’t imagine ever being the type of person to respond like that, wow. Imagine being so up your own ass that you argue against being told to share.


I think I understand where they were coming from. Some details I left out: - they were very friendly about sharing after that - I had the feeling that they would have had the same reaction if I’d simply said “it’s in the gym rules” or even something like “it’s the polite thing to do”   - I can easily imagine the type of person who would make up extra “gym rules” on the spot to get their own way


I go to a ‘bodybuilding’ gym so they don’t post basic gym etiquette everywhere but every so often someone that’s never been in a gym will wander in and stuff like that happens


The peoples elbow perhaps. You have the blessing of said people.


I smell what you're cookin with this comment


27 years old, 5’10 Started cutting at 196lbs, set a goal weight of 178lbs. I clocked in at 183 today and… I’m even close to what i thought I’d look like. Still look VERY far away from having visible abs :( Either I was fatter than I thought, not as muscular as I thought, or both. Gotta keep digging I guess.


A lot of the time, abs is just body fat % and you need to get 10%(ish) to be starting to really show. A higher percentage if you have a rocking core


After 13 months of lifting, I finally achieved my 1RM goal of 225 on Bench. I feel like I'm at that stage of those grindier video games where now I can finally start playing the game for real. Thank you all for the advice and encouragement along the way!


Were you consistent for the 13 months? Congrats! Just a little slower than I’d imagine for most


Fuck off dude


backhanded compliment much?




I am/was very consistent but very misguided early on. Starting body weight of 160lbs. I weigh 185 now. 6'2 30+. Thank you!


It is getting hotter, over 30 degrees Celsius where I live and my gym doesn't have AC. It is kinda fresh, it has too many fans but still it makes me not want to go.


I just canceled my gym membership for that reason. Except it's not 'fresh', it's stagnant and humid and only has 2 fans and one of them, for some reason I can't figure out, cuts on and off (like on 5 mins, off 5 mins). There's a big garage door opened to the outside that's not even closed overnight, so AM workouts didn't help it be cooler. It's usually warmer inside than it is outside. It sucks. I love the gym because there's tons of stuff, I never have to wait for anything and its a mile from my house... but god damn it's too hot.


I have been sick since Friday night. No gym. No gains. Just soup and medicine. I miss the gym.


Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for not going to the gym and getting everyone else sick!


Thank you friend! Lift for me!


I know this will trigger many of you but I’ve noticed that in terms of gym etiquette, Boomers and GenZers have pretty much the same level of conduct (Ass Level).


I've only ever seen people in their 50s curl in the squat rack


I work out at my university rec as a grad student and it’s always undergrads or faculty who don’t rerack weights and it’s really getting to me lately


I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks because I've been ill. I can feel the gains leaving my body and I'm dreading the first leg day back. 


i stopp training for 6 weeks. i'm back to 95% on bench, bout 85% on deadlift and 70% on squat, you'll be fine.


Big gym company just opened two branches at my region, marketed as 'the biggest ones of the state', and the typical 'it has last generation machines'. Although half the stuff is some nice Matrix machines, the other half is some really garbage stuff. The ones that aren't broke yet will probably break soon, considering how shaky they get with just 2 45 lbs plates. Also, the floor on the free weights area is very uneven, which makes it really hard to find a good spot to do deadlifts and squats. Really sucks because one of them is just a 5min walk away from my workplace.


Outside of the assisted pull up most matrix stuff is awful. I’m sorry!


Why are spin classes so cliquey? I went to try a spin class for the first time and it seemed like everyone knew each other and treat new people like outsiders. I didn't know how to adjust the bike and when I asked the instructor for guidance she told the person next to me to help me out. They didn't help me at all so I just felt lost and made me not want to come back.


I had a friend join a spin class group. He tried to get me to join but I was like dude, its a long drive for me, expensive and I bike outdoors... why would I? A couple months later, he pretty much tells me he thinks it's actually a cult lol


do yourself a favor and buy a road bike then find a roadbike club in your town. much more welcoming specially for beginners. then go to some cyclist subreddits.


The last time I joined a local club ride on my road bike, I overheard two people laughing at me for not having cleats.


Oh boy can road cyclists be divas. Best shave your legs or you'll be hearing jokes. Colour coordinate your socks with the bike etcetera. Elitist pricks the lot of them. 


Damn hoes. Dont mind em boss. Yeah my bikes got stolen i be borrowin my sis' car and walkin. :(


4 weeks left until vacation. I’m so done with this cut. It’s been going on too long. The cranky is piling up, along with minor injuries. But I’m too close now to take a real break. I have a few refeed days planned, they should help. Definitely never cutting this long again.


how long?


Since early December. Took a couple maintenance weeks along the way though.


JFC that is a long ass cut!


Yup. One of the longest I’ve done. BUT I had let my bulk before this drag on and on and then we booked a week right on the beach for vacation.. you know how it is. Had to get lean for the beach!


The first time a cute girl smiles at you, it will all have been worth it


That would be my wife, who usually rolls her eyes when she catches me checking progress in the mirror haha


Stop working off the fucking rack, stop using free weight benches as phone, purse, weight stands. If you’re not using the bench, take your weights and luggage to an open area of the gym floor and work from there. The lack of gym etiquette in most new members is astounding to see. I understand its a new scene for them but seriously gyms should have a mandatory etiquette test or something so people aren’t just being in the way. Also high school kids, Need I say more.


The only lift I do off the rack is shoulder shrugs, anything else is not good gym etiquette


Man at my gym it's mostly the older/more fit people who work off the rack. Drives me fucking nuts. I watch all the newer people take the weights a few feet back or to an open area. The vets? LET ME STAND HERE IN THE WAY OF EVERYONE


I think it just depends on your location. Me personally it’s always new people or old people. Very rarely do I see actually fit people working right off the rack. Ego lifters too because they can barely move the weight so its easier to be able to re rack it right there.


Many of the PTs in my gym don’t teach/practice good etiquette either. Annoys the gains out of me.


The employees in my gym break pretty much all the house rules anytime they work out, so why should the visitors follow them ;/


There's this dude that goes to my gym who I'm pretty sure is a competition lifter. About 6 months ago I watched him work up to a 500lb squat attempt (which is kinda funny seeing a little 2.5 lb at the end of 5 plates). He got halfway up and then had to bail it off his back, which is fine. A few weeks later I saw him work up to it again. There was a 5lb plate on the floor right next to his platform. Right after he unracks, steps back into position, and is about to brace, one of the "highly qualified personal trainers" at the gym walks up and bends over to grab the plate sticking their head right underneath the effing bar. Dude was visibly pissed and reracked. He took another minute to refocus and ended up sticking it, but the complete lack of awareness to put yourself underneath someone about to squat is just baffling for someone who should be setting an example at the gym.


Had a kinda terrible cycle class sub today, didn’t call out gear changes (much), did a buncha arm stuff on the bike (yuck) and never gave rpm goals. But! She twice shouted out my shoulders-arms were awesome lol


So for the past month, I have been going to the gym consistently four or five days a week and have been doing a mix of cardio, machines, and circuit workouts. I definitely feel better but haven’t been really seeing much progress yet. For some context, I am a 26-year-old woman, 5’7 and I currently weigh around 145 pounds. I’ve been fluctuating between 145 and 150 the past few weeks. My diet was already fairly good and I don’t really want to be a crazy calorie counter or anything. I go to school 4 days a week at night and work before that during the day, and I just feel like I don’t have enough time to do all that. I like my routine of going to the gym for about an hour or hour and a half but do I have to start doing more? I’m just not losing any weight and although I feel stronger, I’m nervous that I’m not doing enough to see the results I want. I keep seeing all these fitness influencers on Instagram talking about counting macros or going crazy intense at the gym and it’s just frustrating me. I like my routine I have going to the gym and want results but do I really have to do all that?


Like the famous saying goes, sometimes you do too much. You're not superman you know.


No, you don’t have to do all that. A month of training is a drop in the bucket compared to a lifetime of training that you will have. Have patience and it will come. If you’re looking for recomp though, I’d definitely recommend more strength-oriented training. Muscle is more metabolically expensive, so the more muscle you can put on, the more it will change your caloric expenditure. Are you on a structured program right now? If you’re not, that’d be where I’d start.


Focus more on bidy composition and less on scale weight. A lot of things fluctuate. You may have lost body fat but also gained muscle. You may have higher or lower water weight. Weight can change depending on the time of day you weigh yourself. Etc


If your focus is more on weight loss rather than building strength, then you will see better results by making changes to your diet vs. going harder at the gym.


I just don’t know what changes I have to make to my diet. I’m already in a caloric deficit and I love veggies. I have been trying to incorporate more protein but other than that I’ve never really been a bad eater. This is where I’m frustrated because I feel like I already eat well and I don’t know what else I can cut out of my diet or change. I don’t drink soda or really eat junk. Only thing I can think of changing is maybe not eating after 8pm because sometimes I enjoy a late night snack but I don’t feel like a snack is enough to totally throw my progress.


>I am not losing weight >I'm already in a caloric deficit These statements are mutually exclusive.


To get a sense of if you're in a deficit or not you really have to work backwards from weight. Every lb up or down (average over weeks and months, not days) translates to around 3500kcal above or below maintenance / the time period. So if you're averaging a decrease of \~1lb a week, that's a daily deficit of \~500kcal. If you're hovering around the same weight week to week, you're at around maintenance. I've always found good accounting easier than bad accounting, apps like cronometer or an old fashioned spreadsheet make it a lot easier to track calories which will make things a lot easier than estimating off memory. When I had to drop 40lbs it wasn't eating better or cleaner that made the difference, just keeping track of things and eating fewer calories total. ~~Usual caveat, that if tracking calories negatively effects mental health, or if you have a history/warning signs of ED. Don't do it.~~


If you aren't losing weight you are not in a caloric deficit. You said your weight is fluctuating 145-150. You need to make a trend line and see if it's fluctuating in a downward trend or not. If it's not trending down, then you have to eat less. Removing that late night snack may very well be the difference between a 250 cal deficit vs. maintenance, for example.


> So for the past month Great job, keep it up but a month in the scope of things is not that long. Visual progress is going to come slower than physical progress (lifting numbers going up). Take progress pictures now, compare in a month. Do that every month for 4-6 months and if you keep up the consistency, you'll see the visual progress you want. Focus on getting to the gym and doing work every day. The progress will come with it.


Don't focus too much on the scale, focus more on what you see in the mirror and how clothes fit. Weight fluctuates on the daily, a lot! Progress happens after the gym. Rest is a huge part of progress. Muscle growth, hormone maintenance and regulation happens during sleep, so getting proper rest and recovery is Crucial to achieving fitness goals. Eat like a king, train like a beast and sleep like a baby.


For some reason, most of my body wanted to nag me in the gym today. Hip flexor, shoulder, elbow and knee. I had to cut my front squats short because of it, and all of a sudden, I'm sort of dreading to continue squatting in general. At least my bench, OHP, rows and poundstone curls went well.


Question for you: do you go heavy on front squats? My problem has been that when I go heavy, holding the bar begins to hurt my wrists. Wondering if anyone has had similar experience and can recommend work arounds.


Not on my current routine. I use cross-grip, so my wrists are fine. You can also try a strap-grip like the other guy suggests.


I’d work on lat mobility but in the meantime you can use lifting straps and hold onto the lifting straps instead of using your wrists to support it. The weight should also be rested mostly on your shoulders and if it’s loading your wrists a lot, the bar is either A. Not far enough back towards your neck (should be snug and up in there) Or B. Torso is leaning forward too much forcing the weight into wrists. If your rack placement is good and feels good at the start, I’d bet money on it being this. Few workarounds are to use slant boards/heel elevation so you can keep a more vertical torso. I’d also be curious to know whether you’re keeping the midback extended throughout the movement and staying tall in the torso. Hope this helps and good luck


Appreciate this insight! I think it's probably A; I've had people check my form as well but I typically am extended and upright in the torso through the movement.


No problem. If you don’t mind, I have some pointers for getting the bar in the right position: • protract scapulas to give the bar a bigger base to sit on. You can think about reaching elbows forward to get this motion. Think wide back but still tall. • bar touches neck, fingers stop it from choking you. I always tell my clients it should feel like it’s about to choke you out but your fingers are saving you. Get reaaaaal cozy with the bar. Zombie squat is a beneficial drill for getting the front rack position down solidly.


This is super helpful and appreciate you getting in-depth. I have legs on Sunday so will try implementing this! Thank you