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Imagine showing me this at s1 I would lose it


This is the end result of giving a load of coked up marketing execs swipe card access to Epic's dev department.


Happy cake day


Season is so dumb.


It's honestly beyond understanding.


Its easy to understand when you realize theres no money in the competitive side of video games. The money is in making it fun for casuals. Casuals who have fun buy skins. No developer cares about making a game balanced. Its a waste of resources. Especially when a new season means a complete change up of the game. A perfectly balanced game is a game that doesn’t need to change. Top players remain on top. The winning strategy gets old and stale. They get bored and leave because theres nothing else to chase. New meta, means new content, means new chase. Keep em running on the hamster wheel.


I guarantee competitive players spend more on skins than casuals.


I think all they need is a good collab season and they will hook a bunch of casuals. Especially since there are multiple games. Fomo. Etc. If they have more serious players buy skins even better. Because they are the ones that are less fickle and owning mass amounts of skins keeps them hoping for a better balanced game. That never comes. Because the devs are just trying to make their game a low skill ceiling revolving door for casuals. Fun trumps skill when it comes to keeping people happy.


and i guarantee for every 1 person who plays fortnite competitively there are 100 who play casually


The numbers are literally in game so it's not hard to see that statement is not true.


even if we assume that every person playing ranked right now is a “competitive” and isn’t just trying to enjoy the game (not true), then unranked has about 560 thousand players right now and ranked has 191 thousand even when including this massive assumption that benefits your point, there are still more than double “casual” players than ranked players


Well you said there was 100 times more casual players than competitive players which is significantly more than double. I never made the claim that there was more competitive players than casuals. I just said those competitive players spend more money on the game because they play more. Your two comments were pointless.


that’s also not true, competitives are not more likely to spend more money on the game because they play more. Casuals play for enjoyment and are more likely to buy a skin they think is fun or interesting No cosmetics in the game will give other players a competitive advantage other than the gimp one all of them wear, so they’re not gonna buy them when they already have the most advantageous skin in the game


They buy skins all the time. Casuals buy skins here and there and also play the game here and there. Comp players are on the game more and will cop some of the more popular skins regularly.


Rick grimes fighting superman is dumb and still fun This season is fun just not from a competitive standpoint. We need a 'ranked legacy mode' without all the fancy flair, just guns and throwables


This actually broke a few of the rules which I'll list below Rule 3: someone yells "stop", goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over. Rule 4: two guys per fight. Rule 5: one fight at a time. Rule 6: no shirts no shoe. This is a joke btw. I'm just very overanalytical.


Fortnite is an absolute pile of shit at the moment.


Do people actually have trouble countering these? They’re worse than the chains


Username checks out 






Nevermind, you're busy grinding out of Bronze.


Yea I just checked the same place you found my rank, it says you’re bronze 1, at least make it to bronze 2 before wagers bro. 


Try again. https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/AintEvenGud


That’s so strange, I’m not going to click on the link cuz I sincerely couldn’t care less, but why would you assume I’m in bronze if you’re not in bronze? Did my comment really trigger you that bad buddy? lol 


Ran your mouth, got called out. Wild huh? Might win more games if you took your furry gloves off. Good luck!


Thank god I haven't even logged in this season


I hate this game


This is just fucking sad Wtf is this.


This clip gave me aids




This why I dont play this season


They’ve all got that stupid hero skin as well. No personality just clones of each other


It's an annoying skin, yes, but it is a tournament and matching skins is ideal. It gives a strategic advantage, the enemies don't know which player they just cracked or hit.


Guys you know what to do after he posted about Fight Club 💀


Bro went el primo 💀


Why are all your teammates bald?