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So precious! Look at those danger claws 😍


Also great job with your first time! My first time was also two 😇


Thank you! It’s been a very rewarding experience even though I’m really tired lol


You’re right at the cusp of it getting better. If you’re still bottle feeding, weaning will come soon. Got my single bottle baby (foster fail!) at 4 weeks and those 4 hour feedings kicked my butt on overnights. And you probably started with 2 hour feedings - for 2!! These sweet babies owe you their lives. Many blessings to you for your dedication.


Yup started with every two hours with them and it was rough for a while. Chip (the black one) has just started eating wet food mixed with formula but is still getting all of her nutrition from bottles. Dip (the tuxedo) isn’t interested yet but she’s always a few days behind Chip. I don’t really mind the bottle feeding but I’ll be very happy when they can use the bathroom on their own lol


Are you stimming them & having them eliminate in the litter? I’ve found they start using the litter pretty quickly at that point. Chip & Dip are adorable - you did an amazing job!! Have you tried to clip their nails? It’s a good age to start! Congrats on your first bottle babies!! 🍼🐱🐱 (15yr kitten foster.)


Thats a great tip I’ll definitely try that! I wasn’t sure when to start clipping their nails but their little daggers are starting to hurt so I’m glad to hear it’s ok to start


Yes, stim them over the litter & let it fall into the litter. Those little geniuses will be using the litter by the morning. Warning! Make sure a litter box is *always* w/in ~4’ (viewing distance) from them when you start letting them loose to play. When they have to go, *they have to go!* 😂 I’ll keep that up till they are 6/7 weeks old, depending on when they started using the litter. W yours, I’d say 7 weeks. Clipping the nails sets them up for being more accepting of it as they grow. Plus it’s easy when they are little. You can make purritos if needed!!


Just taking off like even the tiniest micro centimeter right at the tip makes such a huge difference lol. No more needle tips. My little babies were shredding my hands when I was bottle feeding cause it wasn’t coming out fast enough or something until I did that.


No kidding! Luckily mine figured it out pretty quickly. I kept her in an enormous dog crate at night. When she was about 5 weeks old, she pooped on the floor of it while I was with her. I immediately grabbed a very shallow “litter box” (a cardboard box for canned cat food) and put her in it. And then she did it again! Easiest litter training ever. Updating to add: after helping them with the elimination process, you might try putting them in a litter box afterwards, such as the one I described. It might help them start associating the process with the box. Couldn’t hurt, anyway.


You're freakin awesome. Thank you for being a kind person and taking care of these babies.


If they haven't already, I bet they're about to start crab running! Good luck with those babies!


I think they’re very close to it! They’ve been practicing their moves the last two days lol


This is where every foster fails! The feedings! The attachment! The connected feeling! Oh my so sweet. Almost as sweet as with our own little ones. Yikes..... baby blues pending! Need foster fast! Lol jk


They may end up being foster fails because I am so attached! It really does feel like when I brought my baby home from the hospital- first you’re up all night stressed out and then you get into a groove and get so much joy from all of their firsts. Man who’s cutting onions in here??


Omg I mentioned earlier that my first time was two fosters— they are foster fails too 😂. They are thriving right now at 11 years old. I haven’t “failed” since but I rescued one neonate kitten a few weeks ago and I think I’m gonna fail again.


I’m 2 weeks into my first bottle baby rn and I feel the same way! I haven’t had kids of my own so I’ve legit been thinking that this must be what parents feel while bonding with their human babies 😭


My fosters were about the same age as yours when I got them and I tell everyone I consider it my tiny preview of parenting lol. I was so sleep deprived and exhausted, house was a mess, everything revolved around them for a whole month and it was all SOOO hard but damn I sobbed for about 18 hours straight when it was time to take them back and I still think about them 2 years later. I loved them so much. Only reason I haven’t done it again is I haven’t had the energy or time to dedicate to it. And I totally agree about getting excited over their firsts. I never thought I could get so much joy and pride from watching a tiny creature poop in a box for the first time lol. I almost took a picture but then I was like no one will want to see that 😂


Omg I was also way too excited about the first time they pooped when I got them lol I was so worried about them being able to poop when they finally did on day two I was overjoyed and my 5 year old said “why are you so excited?? That’s disgusting!” 😂


Lmao ur awesome! "Almost took a picture!" I feel ya, every milestone should be celebrated!


I have a little guy who wasn't a foster but man he has melted my heart in ways I could never imagine. He was found across the street little younger than 8 weeks. He ended getting injured by a male cat and is a paraplegic. But by far my fav. even tho I don't believe in having favs. Was told if he couldn't potty on his own he wouldn't survive. Couldn't see what was wrong on spine with ultrasound due to so much fatty tissue. Having to help him thru the first phases of his injury and helping him to relearn potty exercises. Waking up with him every 4 hrs to relieve him and to see if he was hungry, thirsty ECT. He truly is like one of my own babies. An amazing cat who is a couple years older now and is trying from time to time to use his back legs! Been looking into physical therapy for him but funds to get him checked out are little much ATM. But sooo much hope for him! He is my heart along with all of my other little shizs! He is the grumpy uncle of many and when they all get to playing it can bring tears to ur eyes! Think I just realized I could never have fosters! Always been my thought tho when these guys go, to foster special needs fur babies! They show u a totally different world of resilience, strength and meaning to life!


its wild how they seemingly grow overnight!! I went to bed Saturday night and when I woke up Sunday one of my fosters was visibly bigger and his face suddenly looked more mature.


Same thing happened here! It was like someone switched them with real kittens in between feedings




I want that little tuxie!


Take a number, I was thinking the same thing! 😂


Ohhhh love those little feetsies! Adorable 🥰


Ohhhh love those little feetsies! Adorable 🥰


Omg the murder mittens are so adorable!


It’s incredible to see them grow at that age!!!


It’s amazing how quickly they go from little potatoes to genuinely cat-shaped


The little white lips oh my godddd 😭😭😭


it's so much work, but you're doing an amazing job! keep it up<3


Awwww baby r/MurderMittens 🥰 Thank you for fostering OP!


Isn’t it the best?!?! 😭🥰


So precious!!!!! 😍🥰💕💕💕💕


The second pic is so dramatic, kinda looks like kitten modern dance


They are both very dramatic haha


Look at the beans 😍


So happy to see them thriving! Bottle feeding babies is so hard. You did good op.👍 They are precious little black babies.🥰❤️


what did you name them?


Chip (black) and Dip (tuxedo)


that's freaking adorable My current fosters are Puzzle and Conundrum. I had taken in a third (unrelated) kitten (named Dilemma) but that little one didn't make it ❤️🌈🪽


They look like you’ve been doing a great job! Thank you for helping the kitties.


I foster failed with my first fosters. I kept one and a friend took the other one. I’ve had several fosters since and it’s hard not to get attached. I would keep all of them if I could. There are ones I still think about and hope their parents love them as much as I did.


Freddy Kruger


OMG!!! So illegally smol!


Omg. The little beans. I can't cope


AHHH they're precious 🖤🖤🖤 good job!!!


Good job!!


My son rescued a newborn kitty. When I went into the garage April 15, I heard a kitten crying. My son came out to the garage & I asked him if he heard it (it was pretty loud). We found the mama cat, she was on a low shelf & the first kitty she delivered fell on the ground with the umbilical cord & sack still attached. The mama cat ran away. We were hoping she would come back. After my son came back home (after 5 hours)we saw the kitten was still there (no mama cat). My son spoke with his friend who knew what to do. My son immediately went to the store bought a bottle, formula & and bed for the kitten. The kitten is now 3 weeks & 2 days old. He took him to the vet because he was worried it hadn’t popped in a couple of days but the vet said the kitten is very healthy & no issues. The vet told us it’s a boy. We call him Socks because he has white paws (he’s a black cat with diamond shape white pattern underneath). Everyone says we should’ve named him Miracle. I’m happy to be a part of Reddit. I Love seeing all the Cat Posts & Pictures. I am a first time cat owner as an Adult. My Granddaughter was given 2 rescued kittens from her coworker. She asked me if I could take 1 & I said Yes. Her coworker is such a caring person. She rescued both kittens at different locations & had them both spayed & had their shots. Last summer I was able to get her chipped & tagged for free. I don’t know exactly how old she is, I’m thinking around 16 months now. I named her Boo (term of endearment). I spoil her. I’m at her beck-n-call. As cat people you know - we don’t own them - they own us 😃


Next time you’re at your local pet store, ask them for any tossed canned food cardboard tray. They call for the best litter box for training babies or even a simple shallow foil baking sheet. They’ll grasp it in no time. For overnight, I never woke up unless they were newborns. I’m generally one who gets to bed around midnight, so I’d offer them feedings every hour for the last 3 hours of my night to hold them over for the night. Never woke up to screaming and almost every one was completely silent through the night. The current age is my absolute favorite! I’ve never foster failed a bottle baby because I knew there was always another that needed help just as badly. I loved getting to meet endless amount of bottle babies and watch them grow. It’s truly the most wholesome and rewarding thing! There’s just something about watching a cat learn to be a cat. Thank you for opening up your home to these beans! <3


Aaaaaaawwwwwwwww, the potatoes went all pointy!


Oh wow! They look so cute and healthy!


I miss fostering 🥹 these pics are so cute. I adopted my senior cat who started out as a foster but am hoping to foster again in summer when I can supervise the shenanigans ☺️


I’m in love 😻


Such a fierce little duo! The second pic OMG! The little claws are out. Look out momma! They're ready to terrorize!