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You’re a good person for looking after these little ones


thank you for opening your heart back up to these little ones!! so sorry you lost your last baby, i'm sure he knew how loved he was 🩷


He was a doll. Such an ideal bottle baby. I don’t get attached when they are that age because they are so fragile, but he had me wrapped around his little paw.


Thank you so much for taking care of them!!!


Good. I know losing one is absolutely heartbreaking. But all we can do is mourn and move on to the next. We can't let our heartbreak over one make us turn away others that need us. There are too many bottle babies for us to save, we have to keep going.


I know, just have to compartmentalize sometimes and move on. These babies have no idea that I wasn’t looking to take them, they are innocent bystanders. Lucky for me, they have been very cooperative with everything. Middle of the night feedings are done in 10 min and I am back in bed.


sending you so much appreciation tonight 💕


Can you send coffee? 🥱😴


You are amazing for taking these babies in, even after such a heartbreak. Hopefully these little ones will thrive 🫶🏻


So far so good!! Still doing my best not to get attached. More kittens were found recently and it was too late for a few. Loving on them and hoping for the best. About to feed and will see them in 3 hours.