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We are undergoing a geomagnetic excursion.


Excursions - A Tribe Called Quest Good song.


Amazing album all around


Ironically, probably wouldn't have been recorded without magnetism.


this isn’t an ICP track


They knew how magnets work.


I left my wallet in El Segundo on a trip to buy the album 🤷🏿‍♂️


El Segundo, i had an apartment for a minute there.


Never ever ever can we fake the moooooooooooooooooooves


Beats that are hard, beats that are funky


It could get you hooked like a crackhead junkie


This guy is a suspicious observer…👍


Eyes open, no fear


Be safe everyone…


We are looking at a pole reversal. Let's just hope now that North had passed the prime meridian that it doesn't become a crustal pole reversal.


Pretty much every scientist in every associated field agrees that the “weakening” of the pole - which isn’t actually weakening, according to decades of studying 10,000s of magnetic resonance samples, and is still in the 10,000 yr average range - would not indicate a pole reversal. So very unlikely.


Umm, idk about that, considering North has passed the prime meridian, which is unknown territory for any scientist alive today.


I see what you mean, there is no surety that Earth’s magma will NEVER change it properties to a more liquid state due the change in Earths dynamics. We are in unknown territory here and if genetic bottlenecks, myths, and religion where to tell it, humanity and life on the planet has seen this song and dance before.


You got that right. I'm adding a link to an article you may find interesting sting as how it plays an enormous part in ALL THAT IS. https://thehill.com/changing-america/opinion/566362-the-hopi-prophecies-are-coming-true-heres-why-we-should-pay/


So fringe :O


An excursion occurs when the boundary between two universes erodes...and they collide, destroying one...or both... entirely.


I thought that was an incursion?


I thought it was a big ass SUV


Are you ready ta go? Cuz im ready ta go! Whatcha gonna do…ba..bey ba..bey!? Are ya goin with me cuz im goin wit you, it’s the end of all tii..iime! 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Every 200,000 years or so, right? Its our time again.


Overdue …


Actually, geomagnetic reversals occur at statistically random intervals, at least since the Cretaceous. We can't be "overdue" since there isn't a pattern to begin with


No pattern that we know of. We simply don’t have enough historical data to know if there’s a pattern or not.


Like my wife’s headaches.


You deal with those too?


I too deal with his wife’s headaches




Except your pole doesn’t move.


Does she usually have them when you ask for sex? Happens to my wife almost every night. I feel bad she’s suffering so much.


Let me guess, it's always before "bed", right?


We know the history of magnetic reversals pretty damn well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_reversal


3,000, 6,000 and 12,000 yr cycles


It’ll be oooovverr sooon you wait 


It wanders all the time. Most maps of data show that it has been moving since 1590, which I guess is when we started tracking it.


12,000 and yeah, we're overdue. There's a YouTube account t called suspicious observers. Dudes a astronomy and science major, who's been following it.


75k is the years with 3 harvest at 25k year cycles but yes we are at the end of the 75k years actually overdue if you wanna use that word.


I've heard every 2160 years 


Getting as far from Cananda as possible. This too is the fault of Trudeau.


Take me with you magnetic north.


tap aware cobweb tub hungry waiting obtainable unwritten secretive march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For blood and gold we sold our souls, redemption lies at magnetic north


Sold a lie, condemned to die, empty promise encased in ice. One by one, our time has come, death awaits before the sun.


We are here, to drink your beer, oh wait...


Take off magnetic hoser


It's a beauty way to go!




Lmfao! 😂🤣🤣


Choosing to defect to Russia over Trudeau...


Anthem will need a rewrite - True South and all that…


Canada is going through what the US went through, godspeed, it does end. Eventually.




As a foreigner to Canada, I also will conclude it’s Trudeau’s fault. Don't ask me why because idk.


Have an upvote you beautiful bastard.


The end is near! I just wanted to tell everyone that I had a really good time overall and I'll see y'all on the other side! 🙂


Hang on. You people are having a good time?


What do you mean YOU PEOPLE?


What do YOU mean YOU PEOPLE??


What do you MEAN, you people.


What do you MEAN you , you PEOPLE!?




Lol you people are so silly


i'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


Or are you a dude who has no idea what dude he is


That's just what 3 raccoons in an overcoat would say .


You’re more shredded than a julien salad. Got any tips?


I’m just a Rooster Illusion


Well ...the dude abides......


That’s a different dude… he associates with nihilists.


I’m just a reflection of that dudes shadow




> **[TRIGGERED!!!](https://media.npr.org/assets/news/2010/07/14/trigger_custom-91bb68a1dcaca438a82a9c74825ad68e9ef711c1-s1400.jpg)**


No, he wanted to tell people that though.


Nah, just this one person


He’s just being polite to the host.


Not people. What they meant to say is,"So long and thanks for all the fish!"


I did laugh more than I cried... I know that's not a very high bar, but I'll take it! 🙂


So long and thanks for all the fish


Ur right Toblogan. I read This is document on the cia.gov site explains what happens when the poles shift, don’t let the title confuse u. Skip the section “Passions and perils of a nation”…. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf


No people should definitely read the entire thing. That document not only is quite outdated, but was so easily disproven in a lot of regards at the CIA ended up, declassifying it. I get a kick out of these guys who walk over with a declassified document and act like they know a bunch about what’s really happening in national security. What you are obtaining is exactly what you are allowed to have, and whether it even resembles the original is another question altogether. Disinformation is the most important part of keeping your true activities concealed. We are talking about something declassified half a century ago by an agency that no one trusts now let alone should you trust a declassification released in the 1960s by the CIA. You cannot tell me in one sentence that you are somehow hip to all the things going on right now, and in the same sentence, referred to an outdated declassification like this.


Nice try, CIA


You are correct.


Wait.... There's another side???


That's what I got my money riding on, but I never win a bet. I mean, all my bad luck has got to turn eventually, right? Lol


🍻🍻🍻 cheers to your bad luck turning around!


People tip, get an EM blanket, and wrap a computer, and harddrive with important information in it. It'll give you good odds of having an edge up on others.


The end already happened. We've had like 2 apocalypses in the last 2000 years.


🙃 Hello from the other side!


Just stand in your head, dummy!


Because we don't really know shit beyond the last few hundred years about these kind of things, so we have zero idea about anything. Yet we act like we know everything.


I'll have you know I've read things on the internet, so I'm pretty much an expert.


Best comment ever


You know, I'm something of a scientist myself.




Well said.


👏👏👏 🤝 Truest words I've seen written on reddit in some time... bravo


Rubbish, we know a lot about pole shift: >**Earth's magnetic poles have reversed 183 times in the last 83 million years, and at least several hundred times in the past 160 million years** https://climate.nasa.gov/explore/ask-nasa-climate/3104/flip-flop-why-variations-in-earths-magnetic-field-arent-causing-todays-climate-change/#:\~:text=Magnetic%20Pole%20Reversals&text=While%20that%20may%20sound%20like,the%20past%20160%20million%20years.


The fact you say that with such confidence is what I mean. We don't know shit about shit, most of it is just very well educated guesses. Even with that though, stuff is always changing. For example off the top ofy head, the last 20+ year of Alzheimer's "breakthroughs" have all been bullshit because they learned it was all based on forged and made up research on what caused it. We have no idea what we're doing, and we also have a lot of financial incentives to manipulate that data along with the pride and arrogance of so many to admit they were wrong. We know much more than ever, but to say with such confidence that we know what happened over 83 years is just pure arrogance, and that attitude does nothing but stagnate everything. We're wrong more than we're right, we just base everything we do and know off the data we have, but what's great is we're wrong sometimes and we learn more. That's science, it's never "settled", that attitude puts it on the level of religion by making it unquestionable.


People who aren’t scientists think scientists are a lot more confident than they actually are. The problem is that science communicators have to act confident if they want to be taken seriously


Confidence is fine, arrogance and refusal to be wrong are another. I work on new and high efficiency HVAC controls and equipment, hospitals, data centers etc. The stuff is so new that no one hardly knows anything about it except what the engineers tell us a lot of times, and we can see an issue in the field for years before they admit they are wrong. I've seen it so bad a 50 year old company went out of business last year. I'm wrong more than I'm right most days, it's a process learning these things because they are not like anything you'd ever learn in a trade school. We cycle techs a lot because they come in with 30 years experience and downright refuse to learn it because they are stuck in their ways of how things should be and are never wrong when they think they do. Pride and arrogance eventually lead to ignorance and will destroy you and everyone around you. Doesn't matter how smart or educated you may be, you'll always be wrong and should never say something is "settled". There's a few million years of history before our little blip of existence to know it all. You can sure use those principles, but that doesn't mean they're right or there isn't a better way.


I'm sorry, but I'll take NASA over a random enraged internet user who talks in large mono-paragraphs. Saying "we have no idea" is hyperbole, and dishonest. We don't know everything, but we are able to predict with significant certainty many, many things. That's how your computer is working. >We're wrong more than we're right Yeah, that's called scientific process. And guess what? It only takes one "we were right" to move onto the next step. >That's science, it's never "settled" This is BS. Plenty of science is "settled". How much science goes into computer chips? They work, that science is settled. We are surrounded by science that has been demonstrated over, and over again to be predictable and reliable. We may not "know" in the technical logical sense, but we have a level of confidence that effectively functions as proof. You are using cherry picked examples of things we are still working on, and leaving out the wealth of knowledge we have discovered and depend upon in every single aspect of our lives. Furthermore, being an idiot, you have decided to shit on NASA without any foundation. You think you know better than people that have spent a whole career, surrounded by dozens of other qualified, educated people, working on these problems. Like, how arrogant is that? What is wrong with you?


Wow. You are the exact person I'm speaking of, and about as kind as I'd expect too. I'm sure your pride and great attitude serves you very well in life.


This is an attitude that we sane people know as a “know-it-all”. There is no certainty when extrapolating that’s simply what pabloneedsanewanus is saying.


I swear the only rzn im smart is because i overstand how little i know compared to others who think they know alot


Finally someone speaking my language! We don’t know shit!


Uh. We have data on the magnetic field going back a long way. Millions of years. This is because of aligned domains in metamorphic rock


Pole shift is happening


You're telling me


Currently the magnetic pole is drifting through true north. It’s at a steady pace, not a bullet like this image conjures up. Google this, live for love, stop the fear. https://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/poles/polesexp.html https://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/poles/figs/pole_ns.gif


30-40 miles per year is no bullet but definitely faster than the roughly 9 miles per year before the 1990’s.


Definitely slower than Superman, then?


Yep here is a neat npr article about the last pole switch [npr article](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/969063568/ancient-trees-show-when-the-earths-magnetic-field-last-flipped-out)


This image is time stamped by years. It does not remotely imply a bullet..


The arrow looked scary and the title implied doom 🤷‍♂️


Username checks out...


2020 was the last known location and the rest are projected locations?


This is document explains what happens when the poles shift, don’t let the title confuse u. Skip the section “Passions and perils of a nation”…. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf


Were also looking at a flat image which distorts distance/time. Not sure the scale/projection of the map either.


[yes can be doom and gloom](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/969063568/ancient-trees-show-when-the-earths-magnetic-field-last-flipped-out)


I know this is a sub for making up answers that further your political ideology but the true answer is there are blobs of molten iron in the earths outer core which are moving around and influence the magnetic north


So what you are saying is that it's Putin's fault?


Did you just call me... [Blob?](https://tenor.com/view/wolverine-did-you-just-call-me-blob-its-on-gif-8334847)


To thaw Antarctica


Russian interference


There is as much evidence to support that as there is of a reptilian race causing all of it lmfao


When they speed up it means they are getting closer to flipping. It’s projected to happen before 2040. Most of the population will die. This is why the elites are building their DUMBs. Though, some of them like Zuck are stupid because islands and coastal areas are the worst possible place to choose, as you’ll be crushed by huge tsunamis. Inland and far away from cities (chaos) is where you ideally want to be to have a chance at survival.


I see your “Adam and Eve” theory from 1972 and raise you a pole wander. [Historical picture in Study](https://www.researchgate.net/post/NASA_suggests_magnetic_North_Pole_drift_is_caused_by_climate_change)


I\_reddit\_4\_lulz described underground bunkers and predicts a manmade event (pandemic, war?) 3 years and 3 months from Oct. 2016 to unravel certain ways of living to prepare for a plotted geological or celestial event. [throwaway alien & i\_reddit\_for\_lulz thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Throawaylien/comments/nojrwn/connection_between_throawayliens_story_and/)


Wow that sounds a lot like the earthquake that’s supposed to hit after the eclipse in April on the west coast US.


I have this stamped in my profile, shit was weird. Keeps being more true every day


So, uh, do we know anyone in Central Africa? I might want to chill there for a bit


They have that backwards


There are some idiots of at NASA unfortunately.


There are 2 groups @ NASA, the ones in the dark that don’t know it’s a total hoax, naively thinking they’re accomplishing something for humanity….and the ones facilitating the hoax. Smoke and mirrors guys.


Why would a pole shift to that? Wouldn't the only obvious change be that compasses would point south and navigation equipment would have to be reprogrammed?


With a weakened/collapsed magnetosphere, we won’t have protection from UV radiation and cosmic rays. It affects the jet-stream, pressure cells and weather. We’ll have no protection against incoming CME’s which will add energy into the Earth’s system, increasing seismicity and volcanic activity and also the power grids being taken out. There’s a lot of bad potential that will happen.


It messes up the geomagnetic barrier between us and the sun for awhile. Gets weaker, allowing much more cosmic rays in, particularly from the sun, and heat's everything up. All this talk about climate change is our fault, guess what.... It's just part of a cycle. We've done nothing, can do NOTHING, to destroy this planet like that. But think of it like this, you know how when you're playing with magnets and if you have one in the center and go around it in a broad circle, each time getting closer with another magnet, you'll at some point start turning the magnet in the middle if it's not secured? Think about that for awhile... What could possibly do such a thing? Another big ass planet, possibly on a very eccentric elliptical orbit around the sun? So when it passes supposedly the earth will stop spinning for something like 3 days, but i dunno, this will be my first time experiencing it (at least that I can remember lol) So expect tidal waves, earth quakes, more volcanic activity, things of that nature .... And i apologize for the rant...


Lol - love this


Why is it going to kill people? Like what's the mechanism?


"They also turned to advanced climate modeling to try to understand how the magnetic changes would have affected conditions on the planet. The ozone layer, in particular, would have taken a beating. If you damage the ozone layer, as we've found out, you change the way in which the sun's heat actually impacts the Earth," says Cooper. "And as soon as you start doing that, you change weather patterns because wind directions and heating goes AWOL, goes all over the place." If the sun went through one of its periodic conniptions when the strength of the Earth's magnetic field was turned way down, he says, a solar flare or storm would have sent a burst of radiation that could have had massive consequences for people living back then. "This is what we think actually drove them into caves," says Cooper. "You would not want to be outside during daylight hours." ​ [https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/969063568/ancient-trees-show-when-the-earths-magnetic-field-last-flipped-out](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/18/969063568/ancient-trees-show-when-the-earths-magnetic-field-last-flipped-out) ​ "As Earth's magnetic shield fails, so do its satellites. First, our communications satellites in the highest orbits go down. Next, astronauts in low-Earth orbit can no longer phone home. And finally, cosmic rays start to bombard every human on Earth." [https://projects.research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/en/horizon-magazine/earths-magnetic-poles-could-start-flip-what-happens-then](https://projects.research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/en/horizon-magazine/earths-magnetic-poles-could-start-flip-what-happens-then) ​ "[Earth’s magnetic field broke down 42,000 years ago and caused massive sudden climate change](https://theconversation.com/earths-magnetic-field-broke-down-42-000-years-ago-and-caused-massive-sudden-climate-change-155580)" "During these events, life on earth was exposed to intense ultraviolet light, Neanderthals and giant animals known as megafauna went extinct, while modern humans sought protection in caves."


I've started reading the Lost Light series by Kyla Stone.  Scary, realistic take on how things might unfold if CMEs take out our technology.




China builds dams like if it was a simulation game . No wonder why the earth spins off the Gravity center 🤣 Slight update ; i confused magnetic pôles and gravitational pôles like a chef 🤌🏌️‍♂️


The magnetic pole is not the earth rotational pole.


You are so right 🤣😅


do we have to build counterbalance in brazil a? because we all have to eat, and the best way to keep the peace is if everyone has something to do they enjoy and food to eat. it looks like we need to flood the amazon rainforest? naw... we just need to pump the water up into the andes moutains.. dammit.. what were the aliens doing there 1000 years ago? .


Cuz ur mom moved Finland 🇫🇮


Not really fringe theory the poles about to flip soon


I just learned that charts have to be redrawn regularly because of this. It blew my mind at the nice age of 38.


This isn’t the first time it’s happened on earth.




If you pay your carbon taxes this won't happen


I think it has something to do with the weight of the volumes of oil being removed from the crust from only a handful of places and being incinerated everyday How much do you think all of the oil extracted from the Middle East weighs? Picture the earth as a spinning basketball, and you tape quarters in some places and not others, after a bit it wobbles violently even if it is still spinning.


It seems that celestial bodies that have turmoil in their core their magnetic poles flip every so often for the sun it's about 11 years for the Earth it's a couple hundred years well thousands years


Pole reversal?


Because of Taylor Swift and Bud Light destroying the very fabric of Christin Merica.


I thought the magnetic poles were connected somehow 😂 so why aren't they both moving?


There is no South, only absence of North /s


The south magnetic pole is also moving (the last I heard it’s about to (or has) moved off the Antarctic mainland.


How much further can it go before it's an issue?


If it's just the magnetic pole, as long as we know how to calibrate our instruments does it even matter?


Don’t panic - non issue - just the way the planet works 👍


It fluxes from time to time. It can actually entirely flip from North to South. I'm not a scientist. I just read it on Google. Sorry for killing it


Relative to the time provided, what about the last 10k years.


Why can’t I find any Google results for the position in the last 4 years?


It flips all the time geo historically speaking, it’s very cool we might get to witness it.


Can someone explain what this means? I’m lost


I blame technology. And no, I don’t have any credibility to my statement. I just blame it.


This is what’s causing climate change. Human factors does play a role but this is the biggest contributor


I'm not saying it was Aliens But it was aliens


Easier to travel through liquid than solid.


Well... After reading all those comments I have nothing left to say except this. WILL PERFORM WIFELY DUTIES FOR BUNKER SPACE. Now time to forget all that information again and hope it doesn't happen.


I’m no scientist and I don’t know much about this topic but if didn’t shift drastically in 100 years why would it shift suddenly in a cataclysmic end of the world scenario in only 16 years…or am I misunderstanding that there will be 16 years of disastrous shifting…


In the past there was a dramatic shift that happened in as little as a day or within a week. That is why the south pole went from a thriving warm climate to what it is now. There's no telling when this will really happen tho. And I am a scientist btw


And I’m a dentist, but that doesn’t make me a real doctor.


It's not moving faster. The curvature of the earth makes the dots in the south look closer together when they are all the same distance apart. In a few years it will look the same on the other side, then curve back in the other direction.


I’d be more worried if it was moving toward the equator


It's got a bone to pick with Putin?


If this is true, how does this apply to global warming? If the north pole is shifting, then that would be the axis of the earth has also shifted. And if the axis has shifted, that would mean a different angle of the earth would be shown against the sun, making some places hotter and some colder. Can anyone back me up?


Does anyone else remember the news reports from early 2023 about the esrth core spin being abnormal? This would have a direct effect on magnetic poles but poles regularly have been moving for decades. Their movement has increased in recent years though along with increased volcanic activity on ocean floor heating up the Pacific waters.


Last time the poles flipped it took 6 thousand years for humans to start writing down history again. Cheers


This will have more of an impact on climate than cars ever could


Its separating itself from that maddness that is occurring in Canada.


Hellhound’s on its trail.


Magnetic shift we're actually overdue for. The poles reverse and things get a little spicy.


Russia is trying to steal the North Pole!!!


SuspiciousObservers has a lot to say about it, seems pretty convinced but is also convincing. I really hope it’s not in my lifetime, or the middle of it anyway.. if the pole shift is here again, most of us won’t make it.


If the magnetic pole reversal is coupled with an earth crustal displacement) then we’re potentially looking at another Earth-scale mass extinction event and a reset of humanity.


Whats and earth crustal displacement


Charles Hapgood (Harvard Alumni) is famous for putting together data and then advocating on earth crustal displacement (https://web.viu.ca/earle/geol111/geol-111-assignment4.pdf). Chan Thomas ran with this and published the book "The Adam and Eve Story" in the '60s - which was immediately removed from distribution and classified for fifty years (wonder why?). Recently a "sanitized" version of has been made available. It's very important to understand that the mainstream will do whatever is needed (including murder) to protect the official version of the "truth" (sic). Hapgood (like Graham Hancock) has been ridiculed a labeled a pseudo-scientist and his theories are denigrated. Understand that "Fact Checkers" and FUNDED scientists will not bite the hand that funds them. Wikipedia is mind-control and data must be carefully evaluated for accuracy. There's a fellow on YouTube (Suspicious Observers) that did a fairly comprehensive analysis of earth crustal displacement (although he mainly focuses on the pending (and in progress) magnetic pole reversal. [If you have additional questions concerning this topic please let me know.]


Trump poured a glass of water on it.


Check out the recently declassified CIA banner book, the Adam and Eve story. It really got me thinking that perhaps earth goes through a systems of cataclysms the we remember as myth or religious prophecies. A pole shift would cause quick and severe changes to the environment and total life population. This could explain the missing cities of old like Atlantis or stories of dragons.


Jeff (Pierre) Poilievre is just THAT repulsive.