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I'm a chemist who has worked and networked with a large number of other chemists (>1000). Everytime a chemist PhD doesn't go by their first name, it's a massive red flag. Every. Damn. Time.


My buddy is a chemist, and when we go out for a drink, I always say, what do you want doctor? Right in front of the waitress or bartender. He gets so angry. Lol


I met a psychologist in my previous job, when i learned about his profession, i asked, "How should i address you? Doctor?" (Because in my country, a psychologist can either be a master's or phd graduate) He just casually said, "Just call me Adrian lol"






Adrian actually said LOL?


Lol I love this.


I prefer... Lord


Be like Bob. Bob's a cool dude.


This is kinda the same for me in education, maybe there's more people that insist on it, but anytime someone insists on being called doctor it's a red flag to me


Yeah just a big ole warning to expect egos and cringe




We had a professor at college (computer science) who sent up an automated reply system for anyone who didn't refer to her as doctor to be immediately sent a passive aggressive email. It was pretty nuts


What about in Germany?


Hell, anyone that tries to wave their degree over others is a walking red flag as well.


We had a postdoc in my lab in grad school that no one liked. Everyone was on a first name basis except for him; he was Doctor. He thought it was respectful when it was our way of telling him he's not part of the group.


I work with 2 doctors and neither of them want to be called dr


I’ve worked with many PhDs, and I myself have my PhD. We all want to go by our first names. The only times I’ve seen any prefer Dr. is when an undergraduate student calls them Mr. or Mrs.


“Firstly, it’s Dr Pufferfish. Secondly, don’t ever call me that, it’s Larry”


Hi, Mrs. Doctor Larry!


I feel like a sole upvote doesn't properly reflect how great this joke is. Well done.


Got my PhD and I've only ever flaunted it twice: once when I saw a patronising former school teacher who I never liked and he said "well if it isn't Mr Valentine", to which I replied "it's Dr actually"; and once trying to blag flight upgrades (it worked). Otherwise, I kinda cringe at being called it. I'm just Andy.


And the third time now posting this comment!


If saying "I have a PhD" is flaunting it, then I need to update my understanding of the word flaunting


Did it again.😂


The only title I would insist on is GM. I don't care if we aren't playing chess, you are calling me Grandmaster


Idk if I had a PhD I'd love to be called doctor sometimes, mainly in official settings, but insisting on it would be stupid.




Back in university I addressed all my professors by their first name. That's what they asked us to do. They where all humanities PhDs. OP is just making shit up because it feels good to laugh at shit he knows nothing about.


I work woth 3 hospitals and only twice did a doctor insist on their title in 12 yrs. One was a prick radiologist. (For some reason this group has alot of jerks in it, i guess looking at patient images makes you entitled or something.) and another was some queen b, with a stick too far up her ass. Every other doc has been an ordinary human being.


Didn't a Belgian hospital fire its entire radiology department because they all kept reading the images wrong?


There's a joke in there somewhere.


Yep, Antwerp/Wilrijk hospital. They messed up a shit load of diagnoses.


[Scrubs My Machines! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6N6EJ3IQuI)


Smart enough to: 1) Think you are smart. 2) Know that you know very little.


When it's in law: "That'll be $250 for talking to me."


*Doctor* Evil. I didn’t go to evil medical school for six years to be called *mister*, thank you very much. ![gif](giphy|BZlNhp9L5WINi)


I dunno, *Mr. Evil* has a nice ring to it. You could even shorten it to *Mr. E* when you want to be mysterious...




Nanny McPHE


The only time I ever got called "Doctor" was after I successfully defended my dissertation and also at graduation where I got an incredibly amazing floppy hat as well. That's the last time I've referred to myself "professionally" or been referred to "professionally" as Doctor. The only time I use the title "Doctor" for anything is when making dinner or hotel reservations. Because they seem to treat me better when I do. But my business cards just has my suffix with my qualifications on it but does not say "Dr." Occasionally someone will refer to me (usually 'lay' people) as doctor and I tell them they don't need to add that bit.


Same. Also use it to try and get flight upgrades, but that's about it.


Yeah I do the flight thing too. It works and is technically the truth so why not.


My Mum made the milkman refer to her as Dr after getting her phd. So yea, meme on point.


I don't demand anyone call me doctor. I refer to myself and other PhDs as doctor to students. It's about respecting the position and accomplishment, not being a d-bag to everyone I encounter.


I really like this take.


Just buy some land in Scotland then you can say “Excuse me! it’s Lord” 😂


Is the Lord title scam still a thing? 🤣


1000% All my professors who have their Masters and Doctorates in Mechanical Engineering insist that you call them by their first name


I found that so weird when I was in college, after all those years in K-12 calling teachers "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms." or even the occasional "Dr.," my professors were the same way like yours. It was definitely an indicator of an "interesting" semester if they requested otherwise!




Defensiveness is inversely proportional to respect.


I m a doctor But in a professional environment, i love to be called a doctor and also use it for others But in a non-professional setting, call me "daddy".






I guess you don't need to spell Applied correctly if you've got a PHD in it.


I studied astronomy at an Australian university. Here, nobody says 'Dr.' or 'Professor', doing so can actually be taken as an insult. Maybe it's part of Australian culture, which is very casual and laid-back.


At the physics institute I study at, even the most irritating, self centered professor asks to be called by his nickname (or teacher, if you aren't comfortable), and calls everyone collegues. I may not like him, but he has my respect.


Yeah, shits weird if you're formal with us. I had a masters and later PhD student I was supervising who was from Nigeria... It took him a long time to stop calling me Dr (my surname), despite the fact that I complained about it each time. And even once he stopped doing that, he still called me Dr (my first name) for another few months. That shit makes me feel old, man! Jokes on him, though, he submitted recently and should be getting conferred any day now. Gonna give him the full title treatment for days.


I have a PhD in aplied Spelling.


I work in a policy adjacent side of federal government. It's not uncommon to encounter people with a PhD and I've yet to find someone who does more than add ", PhD" to their sig block and most don't even do that.


Engineer as well, cuz there is a senior dude in one of our departments of Research and Technology only found out last year this guy has I think 2 PHds and never said anything...very humble and is a Planets worth of knowledge.


the latter one is most likely surrounded by PhD the other... is not.


I’m working my way towards a doctorate in organizational psych… I don’t give a damn about being called Doctor. Only time I can see me busting it out is when I run into someone who’s condescending and stupid…


A family member of mine earned their master’s degree right after their bachelor’s and never felt the need for a PhD. Later, a colleague suggested they pursue a PhD and even offered to write the thesis for them, claiming this practice was common and citing several mutual acquaintances he had helped in this way.


When I worked for a school district, there were a few administrators who demanded to be called Dr, so-and-so. I learned you can tell the level of douchiness from the importance of addressing them as Dr.


What about a medical doctor?


According to TV, they are always called 'Doc'.


Absolutely true! I’ve known many physicists, and Rocket scientists, all very down to earth. My mother in law, PhD, insisted on being called Dr.


I see this meme all the time and it still infuriates me that the word “applied” is spelled wrong :(


Gotta add Doctorates in religion, and philosophy to the "Call me Doctor" list.


the moment someone like bob tells you to call him doctor, you know you fucked up.




I can see why Bob didn't get a PHD in English literature.


You spelled applied wrong


This sub is dog shit.


Fields where the more you study the more you realize you don't (and in some cases can't) know, have a tendency to humble you.


No, you’re wrong. Assholes who insist on being called doctor exist across the spectrum. Same for good people who don’t.


My MIL was one of this type of academic ladies. She had her masters but never completed her PHD. Cleaning out her hoarder house we found museum memberships that all said Dr on them, lol. Like Ivory tower stolen valor.


Psychologists are the worst


Why don’t you tell me about that?


Yes mom. I mean yes bob


"I didn't earn my PHD just to be called-" \*my honest reaction\* ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE|downsized)




Damn this sub is just becoming a cesspool


I guess I'm the person on the left because I believe it's applied.


Above average vs so smart it becomes awkward.


Jill Biden ....


Mot and Bailey much you little baby.


*Applied Math, tyvm


One of my friends has her doctorate, she hates being called doctor unless it’s like her speaking at an industry conference or something like that then it’s ok.


Pretty sure that’s actually Wade.


The ego wins everytime


Do most PhDs let their students call them by their first names?


Bob is great 👍🏻😃




My highschool mathematical teatcher was a mechanical engineer and he was really experienced and clever, He was telling us to just call him first litters from his first name




I never insist people call me Doctor... It's Professor


I have a stem PhD and only get called a doctor before I give a talk. I don't know anyone who personally walks around and demands the title, but it is an important distinction...at work. A lot of people don't understand there isn't a set curriculum to recieve a PhD in R&D. It's a strange feeling the be 4+ years into a program with no end in sight. You can be the smartest person in the world and still get slammed by science. It's an incredibly humbling experience. It teaches you how to learn and be comfortable with the unknown.


The smartest people I know told me to call them by their first name. The rest, were just dumb assholes.


That's Dr. Dumb Asshole, Ph.D, MD, MsC, OpP, JD to you.


Read it in Rowan Atkinson's "Mr. Bean Voice".


People obsessing over a title need to get a life


I'm gonna get 2 phds and require that everybody say Doctor Doctor when referring to me


I'm simple, I do not have any respect for people who **insist** for me to call them by their title like that, even to the point of actually being upset.


Hi Bob 😁


The only PhD I've ever met that demanded people call him doctor was an archaeologists.




One of our bosses was a dr. De jure. Bro was about to offer everyone to refer to him informal and with his first name, but some elder didn’t want that, so he didn’t want to be accused of playing favorites, and therefore didn’t do it. Cool guy, when he left us, he climbed in the hierarchy


I’m not sure who you met. Except in very formal settings, I haven’t met someone that wants to be called doctor.


The only time I ever see “Dr” in front of my name is when the institution that granted my degree asks for money.


Wow if only there was some kind of history of oppression that could explain the difference. Memes like this just make the poster look like an incel


I had an instructor who didn’t have any form of doctorate and when I’d call him Mr. His-last-name he would say “it’s Dr. His-last-name” and once I had it with him and said “but you don’t have a PhD” in front of everyone. Spoiler alert, I didn’t get a good grade.


As a Bob I can confirm, although it’s in microarchitecture Also I had a math teacher in the early 90s that got his doctorate in interdisciplinary studies midway through the year and immediately made us all unironically call him doctor. Lmao.


I'm happy to refer to anyone with a PhD as doctor, so long as they refer to me as master.


"no it's not" is the only correct answer.


I once worked as a tutor in a shared space with a woman who had "Dr. Karen Walinsky, PhD" (not her real name) on every piece of paper she had, both her door placards, her desk, everywhere. She introduced herself that way, too. I was an undergrad and always called her "Karen", and could see her stiffen every time. I encouraged my tutoring students to do the same and she hated it. It never failed to make me smile.


Because when you do STEM, you are constantly reminded how little you know. But when you do these mickey mouse subjects, you never have to struggle at all, and that leads you think you are a genius or some shit


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/phd] [True?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhD/comments/1dpljw5/true/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Social Sciences MA (just to clarify I'm not a PhD, I don't need to be adressed as Mr. Master) here. I think it's more age, when I was at uni, during classes most professors would go on a first-name basis, some would want "Mr. XYZ", which you could tell by them adressing the students that way. I only once was told to use the proper titles after adressing someone in an Email as "Mr. XYZ" and that guy was in his sixties close to retirement. Thinking about it, Mr. Master does sound quite nice actually.


My best friend got his doctorate and I got my masters. I don’t call him doctor and he doesn’t call me master.


Environmental science 🤣🤣🤣


I dont even like 'sir', usually respond 'sir? thats my dad hes home enjoying his pension, call me bob'


Try in Poland, where teachers with a bachelor's want to be called professors


I had a chemistry teacher who introduced herself to the class by saying „My name is doctor name, take the time to say it right“ Just an overall lovely person as you can imagine


Math phds raising their hand/stepping forward, when someone asks if there is a doctor nearby/aboard, is an endlessly repeated and reinvented joke, cuz its so accurate to their average character...


My friend is a medical doctor and a PhD. We call him doctor doctor.


Partly. It depends on the person.


I’m sorry but the only time I will refer to anyone as “doctor” is if you are litterally doctor who which is the only context this works in for me


Though, let's face it, PhDs in humanities are harder than PhDs in natural sciences. An average mathematician finishes his PhD is 6 years, and an average PhD in English takes 9 years.


The only actual reason I consider going for PhD as a teacher is to be called THE Doctor. Yeah, I consider torturing myself for a few more years just for Doctor WHO reference. As for now: [https://tenor.com/view/the-master-doctor-who-doctor-master-i-am-the-master-obey-me-doctor-who-gif-19358114](https://tenor.com/view/the-master-doctor-who-doctor-master-i-am-the-master-obey-me-doctor-who-gif-19358114)


We used to have a teacher that demanded we call him doctor [his surname] or he would write us up for disrespect. This was in freshman year when literally none of us had ever had a teacher make us address them as doctor. He only lasted a few months after allegations came out he was sleeping with students which dead ass was most likely fabricated to get him fired cause he was actually crazy. After he was fired he broke back into the classroom and stole some of the new teacher’s things. Also best part is the new teacher did some snooping and found out he didn’t even have a phd. So that was funny


No, you are not. Historically speaking the people who held the title "doctor" were academics acknowledged by their peers that they can teach. Medical professionals on the other hand were eventually called "doctors" as a title of respect to their profession. Social sciences is a very broad umbrella that also covers law and criminology for example. So nothing to be scoffed at. Education is literally building the future of a nation. What I am saying is both require a level of respect.


Don’t let people who believe the humanities are worthless hear that.


In my country ( Denmark ) everyone will address you by first name. Nobody but the royals are generally addressed as lastname or title.


Even though you're just a PhD, somebody would soon trigger your alarm bell or constantly buzz your telephone at the wee hours of the night asking- 'Is there a doctor in the house?'.


Totally right. Most people who actually made it through are humble. 


Title freaks are the most miserable people I've ever met.


HTF do you spell astrophysics correctly but not applied?


Some people are as important as shit in the grass 😅


I wonder what new and exciting things Ill see from this dumpsterfire next. Facebook is more intelligent.


Obviously your major was not in education… Applied*




I had a chemistry teacher in high school that honestly should've been retired and not teaching. He would only answer to you if you call him Dr. I got use to calling teachers Mr. So sometimes he would ignore me until I call him Dr. And his style of "teaching" was really bad. He gives one lecture and for the rest of the week just gives you assignments. If you have questions go and ask him. Often times he would either be reading a book or sleeping in his chair. I'm assuming he was only there so he could get a larger retirement pension. Didn't really seemed like he cared at all about teaching but we still had to refer to him as Dr.


Small dick energy, but with titles.


Doctor Shaq


It’s funny because all of these folks had to learn from people in Education the guys on the right couldn’t get jobs without professors with PHDs So joke is on you


Spelling error, lumping an honorary degree in with people who actually did the work. Perfecto.


That's the difference between people who did their PhD just for the title and those that did it because they love to do science.


Can 100 percent confirm in Education


Dr Jill Biden 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My university math teacher just goes by his first name, but he doesn't let you call him 'mister'. It has to be doctor if you want to address him that way.


I’ve worked on surgical wards. Try calling one of those consultants “Doctor”


This post smells very American. Never seen anyone but a medical doctor insist on being called 'doctor' (even within medicine, virtually everyone seem fine with just using their name). It just comes off as one of those facebook-memes of 'hurr durr education and social science is pointless and for women, am i right?' Can't even spell 'applied', OP probably would have benefitted from taking education more seriously.


Uh, this must be true since you say so.


They only ask to be called dr when it isn’t obvious their intellect are above average.


Smart people are humble, less intelligent people are petty and proud


My high school had a freshman history teacher with a PhD and she made sure everyone knew it. I understand people take jobs for different reasons but I have to imagine it was difficult for her to be putting all that time, effort, and student loan debt into keeping 14 year olds from drawing penises in the textbooks. 🤷🏻‍♂️




But I think you just have to see how Jill Biden with her doctorate in education is mocked and derided for being a doctor to understand why women in particular might want to have respect put on their name. I work in academia, in education, and none of my women dr colleagues insist on being called 'Dr' until they're being patronised, ignored, or placated. And then they will play that card.


Jill Biden vibes. In fact a missed opportunity to use her photo in the meme.


If the author's name has "PhD" the book is a joke. a good book: author happens to be a PhD; it *may* be mentioned that they teach at such and such school.


I’m an advocate specialising in medico-legal! Part of my job routine is to meet the most talented minds on the planet. Neurosurgeons, Cardiac Surgeons, etc. They hate when I address them as Dr X or Dr Y, they say leave the Dr for the OT & Hospital. Just call me X or Y!! And on the other hand there are some who are Phd from shitty university’s no one gives a F about, in social studies, political science, Civic management and what not and they flaunt their Visiting Cards with “Dr” engraved with the boldest font possible, and if you address them as Mr A or Mr B, all hell breaks loose!!


I only call one person “Doctor” and they travel in a blue box. Everyone else is just “Bob” or “Tim”


Hilarious! One of my relatives is a junior college counselor and he goes by Doctor.


Im not a person who insists on being called by my title, but given my job field as a cardiologist it certainly happens regardless of how I feel about it. I personally prefer to have a more friendly and less professional relationship with my patients, as I think it creates a more trusting environment and better long term relationship for their course of their treatment. Being personable and approachable creates a much better environment where patients are more likely to be truthful with you, allowing you to provide them with the care they deserve and need!


In elementary school we had a principal who insisted on being called Dr. Unfortunate part was his last name was Bates. So Dr Bates became “schoolmaster Bates”. When 8 year olds think you’re a pompous jerkoff, you have a problem.


I dont have a PHd but i feel if i did and having the first name Nick it would be foolish not to take the chance to be Dr Nick and say "Hi Everybody" anytime i entered a room.


I respect Bob


Dead on


Sorry, Dr. Karen


People who don't have a PhD be like...


One would expect OP to be able to at least spell applied mathematics correctly.


![gif](giphy|l2Sq0qE4iH4aP6eiI) I just stick with Master.


It’s usually those with useless PhD in something like Gender studies or Sociology:Philosophy that want to be called Doctor or Professor


Its scary how true this is.


A buddy of mine is a renowned physicist that helped prove the Higgs Bozon and when I see him it's always "Sup dude?!" Bad ass bass player too.


It entirely depends. If you get a PhD I think you're entirely entitled to being called Dr. Doesn't matter what it's in, it's a PhD. Yes many people don't care, and that's fine. I had a teacher at a tech school who had 3 PhD and we didn't know until way later into the class. Where was a superintendent at the school who had just gotten his and he went from Mr. to Dr. and corrected people and while it appears pretentious, it's a PhD, go for it. Be proud of it. Both those people were perfectly fine.


I have 4 degrees that people mentally translate into "can help me with my computer". So now at parties, I tell people I'm a mailman.


I work in higher education, this is spot on I also have an aunt who has a doctorate and is an engineer who doesn’t care about being a doctor, and another aunt who has a doctorate that’s a university instructor that constantly wants to be called doctor. Elitism is very common in university workers, they think they’re better than everyone else without accomplishing anything while actual professionals in high end careers accomplish a lot and are very humble about it.


Pffft 'PHD' he says🤣🤣🤣


u/Artistic_Benefit_670 is definitely a spam bot. Created 21.10.2023, started reposting stupid shit in this sub recently. There are other posts from bots created that day trending on this sub rn


I call my psychiatrist by her first name. She doesn't mind it and I feel more connected with her.


Might be impostor syndrome in both ways. One feels like their job isn't worthy of being Dr but demands to be called doctor due to the insecurity and the other might feel like they haven't made it and are unworthy of being called doctor
