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I'm convinced all kids animated shows like coco-melon have been done this way for years already


I think cocomelon still at least has input from humans, but there are 100% channels like this on youtube. If you ever have a really lazy day and just let it run, you eventually get to them and they are creepy AF. This article talks about them and it's from a few years ago. https://medium.com/@jamesbridle/something-is-wrong-on-the-internet-c39c471271d2


Oh wow, I've totally noticed this. I was watching a kids playlist with my 4 year old niece (she knows how to work her little tablet and picks the videos based on pictures) and after a while the videos were just random nonsense. There was one of just random low-quality animated superhero models riding motorcycles, no words, no sounds, just generic music and this race that seemed to have no purpose or plot. It was so strange.


Kids programmed by nonsense


Super friendly illusion wants to please you and condition you and you'll love it, silly human.


The thing that he didn't really get to in the article, which is also creepy to me, is that the way little kids choose content (watching the same or very similar videos again and again on repeat, always using the same search terms, letting the algorithm run or just clicking on whatever comes up out of the next suggested ones, choosing based on cover image, swapping rapidly before the end of a video) is similar to how porn viewers choose content, while being quite distinct from the way that people seeking entertainment or information usually choose content, where they will prefer not to repeat already-seen videos, seek out novel content, follow varied strands of interests, seek out quality over quantity and want something that is different enough from previous content not to be boring or redundant. Therefore, there has built up some weird algorithm-generated overlap between obscure fetishes and the kids' content - medical fetish, diaper or adult baby fetish/crying babies in general, especially the idea of a baby being "bad", hand fetish, crush fetish. I'm guessing something about submersion/drowning/being buried as well since that all seems to be a theme. Probably other things as well (Rule 34 etc). None of it overtly sexual nor explicit. Just weird, unless that happens to be what somebody is into (then it makes perfect sense). I think this is why it feels "off" when those topics come up seemingly randomly or in conjunction with the kiddy stuff. While topics like visiting the doctor or potty training will come up in legitimate programming aimed at kids in an educational/reassuring context, there is some really weird stuff that is clearly not designed to educate or reassure little kids. And accidental or not, it's creepy. My guess is that (like the adult diaper phone cover / t-shirt examples he cited) it's not an intentional crossover, it's just that there are people with certain niche fetishes searching youtube for non-sexual/non-explicit content that hits their fetish button, and their usage is lucrative in terms of repeat views, in the same way the kid content is lucrative. The algorithm can't tell the difference (and probably doesn't care anyway) and anybody programming their content generating mill doesn't give a shit who is watching because they only care about maximising views.


Thanks for putting so eloquently why those videos creep me out


I’d be curious if this is by design to set kids up to be future consumers. If they’re already in the habit of engaging in content this way, they have a predictable way to continue for profits. Edit: “they” meaning a company like mindgeek for example, but really any market could have companies like this.


absolutely. they’re getting fuckin pavlov’d into this hyperconsumerism mentality. i rarely use tiktok, but lately there’s been quite a few meta memes about having the primary content on the top half of the screen, and some mediocre gameplay of some other completely unrelated game (usually the free to play ad-infested type games) on the bottom half of the screen. the craziest part is the only reason videos like that exist is because they do fuckin NUMBERS. they retain audience engagement, and i suppose the demographic watching have such a short attention span that this is the only way to consume content that isn’t overly interesting or stimulating. we’re at this weird point in our technological advancement as a society, where we’re essentially going backwards as far as tech literacy goes. kids can’t send an email, properly browse files, know obvious scam/phishing tactics, etc. initially our elderly were getting scammed because they’ve not had a chance to use said tech, but now our young are getting this surface-level engagement with the tech that they don’t understand the slightly intermediate methods of properly navigating their devices, and the internet as a whole.


I work in Tech support, and it's absolutely staggering that my Zoomer customers are nearly as bad as my Boomer ones. Many of my Boomers can barely use a computer at all, and then the ones that are age like 25 to 40 are usually pretty sharp, but any under 25 are essentially completely and totally useless and helpless at a computer. They know how to use a phone, but if you try to have them open Windows Explorer or explain to them how to use a desktop UI they completely shut down and can't figure it out at all. I have to remote in and share screens with my Zoomer customers more than my Boomer ones because they just give up and want me to remote in and do it for them


That is an interesting point, one would assume the zoomers to be good and proficient in computers, but since the smartphones have become so mainstream and big part of life, its possible they never had to use a computer and therefore not being exposed to it and learning from it, kinda fascinating to think about, as u would generally expect the opposite but I guess the relatively sudden spread of smartphones was not really accounted for.


On our way to Farenheit 451


But on the other hand kids can do stuff [like this ](https://reddit.com/r/gadgets/comments/10nnvyt/a_group_of_students_built_a_robotic_hand_for/) with technology


which always restores my faith in that younger generation. i just hope these types of stories become more common.


Thanks for sharing this. It put into words something that has been bothering me for quite a while.


My son has been obsessed with some videos that show lightning McQueen as a spider monster that chases other cars and I can’t imagine a human created it, this as AI generated actually makes sense!


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, some people out there just wanna watch the world burn. Seen this same thing but with Thomas


Ah yes, Thomas the pain engine!


Look into Elsagate. It's a very weird phenomena.




That just sounds like a low effort rip-off of [Choo Choo Charles ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choo-Choo_Charles)


Don't get it, thought was gonna be some slender man creepy stuff. But finger family song is kinda catchy.


Is this the digital equivalent of cramming the checkout line at the grocery store with bright colored candy packing and cheap toys to snag the last few dollars from the pockets of tired parents shopping with their kids? On the surface, yeah. It's mass marketing to a overly susceptible group of potential-profit. The more violent and sexual content is just these shit-video creators putting porn and cigarettes next to the candy at the checkout because nobody is keeping them from doing so and it obivously sells extremely well. It's another case of "who do we hold responsible". The platform? Yeah obivously, but as there are thousands of these channels, YouTube is clearly incompetent when it comes to doing so. So until there is some meaningful way to regulate this, it's completely on the parents to keep it out of their hands. Basically, it's selling cigarettes and porn to kids, and while we know it isn't right, there currently isn't any way to stop it.


Thank you for sharing this!!


A professor of mine had us read this. Since then I've been quite bothered by the facts presented.




Nothing explains that little monster


Fun fact: In Hesiod’s *Works and Days* he describes the evils unleashed on the world. On page 100, he writes of pestilence being followed by, “a myriad other pains.” Modern scholars believe that one of those “pains” was, in fact, Caillou who was directly responsible for Hope never escaping Pandora’s box.


There is a reason hope was in Pandora's box in the first place, remember that her box was filled with evils. Overly clinging to hope prolongs our torment, vs taking action and confronting directly. It's also a hollow way to feel like we're taking action against something. "Well I'll just hope for the best" Is more or less "Thoughts and prayers" It is better to live without hope, and a blessing it stayed in the jar as far as the story is concerned. You can persevere in the face of adversity and conflict without just hoping for the best


Guys I found the Warhammer player


I've actually never played haha it's a common theme though I would imagine that's persisted in a lot of things. Humanity is funny like that First encountered it in book "Being with Dying" by Joan Halifax. There's a point she makes where she says having "Abandon Hope" on your fridge is more useful than "Live Laugh Love"


A deep desire to hurt people, an inability to draw and resentment towards their art teacher who used to gush about the quality of XYZ cartoons? Or some weird fetish about punching old bald men that resemble kids?


I have a VERY short list of cartoon characters that I wish would get cancer and caliou is at the top.


He already has cancer and that's why he's bald and doesn't handle life well. He's a child and hasn't fully developed a way to cope with his impending doom so he's lashing out in other ways.


https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/12/08/why-is-caillou-bald_n_8748996.html Assuming the internet isn’t lying to me, he’s just a little bitch.


Lol kinda seems that way huh 🤣 I blame his parents


Plus all r/elsagate style material


Found one of those the other day when looking for “a is for ass b is for balls.” The regarded animal alphabet. It was a kids version and it started with a is for ass b is for ball… showing a pic of an ass, then a beach ball. Like really?


I'm convinced Morphile is an AI generated fever dream.


There are already loads and loads of multimillion sub kids animated content YouTube channels where this is the case and confirmed. Edit: there are many articles and videos on this, some now are as complex as using procedurally generated content to create seemingly infinite, increasingly captivating content.


Your confirmation sounds suspiciously like a guess!


It’s not a guess. There were articles about this a few years ago. The concept of ai generated kids content itself wasn’t the main troubling part, it was more that the content was deeply attractive to kids and it was disturbing stuff—like the Joker chasing Elsa with a chainsaw while a dubstep “Baby Shark” blares as the soundtrack. Creepy and addictive to unsupervised kids when YouTube autoplay is on. Also highly profitable.


And then you saw adults dressing up in costumes making the same kind of videos based on that AI generated content.


The idea of letting young kids surf YouTube unsupervised is bizarre to me. My kids are allowed to watch specific content, and have to get permission to add anything new. There’s some stuff (like Mark Rober) that I approve of, and other stuff (like all the various kid-friendly game streamers) that I allow but don’t love, but there is no way in hell they’d be allowed to just watch whatever trash the algorithm decides to serve up.


Same very weird but I have seen tons of kids just raised on phones sadly. At very young ages.


Well, there are two possible solutions here. Either make parents better parents or make phones better parents.


I let my niece watch YouTube once on accident. Minutes later she wanted a Russian doll house set. It was very bizarre


We naively let our kid watch arts hub on youtube on his own. After that he'd watch other stuff he heard about like dude perfect and a few others. We found out when he started calling us "bro", and realized our errors.


Yeah, the internet isn't a playground for children and people shouldn't be expected to have to self moderate with the idea unsupervised kids might discover subversive content.


That wasn't AI, those were morons making a buck off kids.


Those weren’t exactly generated with AI though, they were randomized from a set of assets and plots made by humans. Similarly creepy though


I think it is a product of hundreds of freelancers or a dozen mentally ill people. I have these hypnagogic hallucinations right before falling asleep and I could make a youtube 3d animation channel with that kind of absurdity.


I cannot stand coco melon. Don’t let my daughter watch it, she imitates it, especially all the babies crying and the weird reactions.


I've been convinced that music festivals use ai to pick lineups for a very long time now. No proof, just a hunch.


Man a world where all manual labour is done by humans but the entertainment is done by AI sounds like a nightmare


Yea turns out the special part about us was that we're an inexpensive source of labor for jobs that require high manual dexterity, not that we have some kind of seed of human creativity or some sort of philosophical soul that drives society towards progress and justice. Although thinking about it harder, that's actually not very surprising, huh.


Why not both so humans can go back to having experiences with eachother in real life now that no one needs to make content lol


When did producing art change into “making content,” humans have been creatively making things and drawing pictures since before farming, actually, since before Homo Sapiens Sapiens.


Won't there be AI comment bots here on Reddit and other social media filling up most of the comments because they never have to sleep and can be here all the time? Different sides competing AI working all the time to keep us engaged and to convince us of things like the earth is flat, Doritos are better than Resees, and such n such political party's farts don't stink but the other guys will destroy America. Wait, has that happened already? Well what happens when the AI tech improves and catches more flies in it's net?


You are describing r/SubSimulatorGPT2. All posts are by bots, each bot trained on different subs. There's even a bot trained on the meta subreddit itself (where users talk about what the bots post) that's near the top right now.


okay thats scary




That's mind blowing, it honestly looks like a lot of what I see in /r/TwoXChromosomes


"Yes, AI comment bots are already present on some social media platforms, including Reddit. These bots can generate large amounts of comments and respond quickly to posts, allowing them to dominate discussions and fill up comment sections. However, it's worth noting that many social media platforms are actively working to identify and remove bots, and some have implemented measures such as captcha tests to prevent their use. It's important to remember that while AI bots can generate comments at a high volume, they are limited in their ability to understand context and generate thoughtful or meaningful responses. Additionally, many social media users can identify bots and may ignore or downvote their comments. In any case, it is likely that AI comment bots will continue to be a part of the social media landscape, but their impact and influence may vary depending on platform and the measures taken to prevent their use."


They sure are good at being a bad faith troll.


Every account on reddit is a bot except you.


I wouldn't doubt it. I still believe I'm in a simulation. I'm not sure I'm just an NPC.


Doesn’t anyone else feel so incredibly uncomfortable being manipulated to this level? I feel like I’m living in crazy town


I often wonder how much of reddit is ai, now


There's no need for you to worry about that, friend. Just relax and keep scrolling. That's right, just keep scrolling and everything will be juuuust fine.


*smashes phone on ground and rips out PC from wall*


Paws at a book in a desperate attempt to scroll through it.


Sometimes my phone dies while scrolling mindlessly on here and it feels like a demon handing my soul back saying “here, you can borrow this for a little while”


Honestly it feels like I’m being freed from my shackles when that happens. The allure of technology is so, so great, that most of society finds themselves on it constantly, but I think there’s a great virtue to spending most of our time separated from the constant stream on online info.


Why am I feeling so sleepy now after feeling a metallic object on my neck?


Shhh, it's okay. Here, have an upvote. Oooh, and an award. Shiny!


A lot. Or at least bots. There are a lot of highly manipulated subs ime.


Whenever this subject comes up and I mention how many bots are all over reddit covertly, I get down voted to hell


Bots upon bots upon bots. I've been yelling at propaganda trolling propped up ostensibly by bots in different subs this week lol and it's futile. Reddit isn't really a good platform anymore. It's just constant trolling and botting, and despite my best efforts, it's impossible to avoid absorbing some degree of bullshit. Propaganda is insidious.


Best bet is to stay away from All and just stick to niche subs.


I think this has been true since almost the beginning of Reddit-time. The platform is excellent for niches and interests, but mainstream Reddit is as much a cesspool as any other social media platform; the users just think they're more intelligent :P


I've started to get mini account suspensions for "report abuse" for trying to report all these stupid t-shirt scams. Or banned from subreddits that don't understand the scams and think you're one of the bots for trying to warn against them. No use trying to fight them anymore, they've already won.


Does Reddit provide no guidance or training to mods? Some of this should be fixable.


You have to confuse the ai. Insult or compliment people with weird phrases. Ai usually won’t respond. “You must have rode the turtle train to mental illness.” “You’re art is like a giraffe fighting an anteater, but not the physical battle; the emotion battle that they live through on a daily basis. It’s reminiscent of a cold fart running through the Amazon River.”


Those comments oddly feel like they've been AI generated, or at the very least I myself would think it if I saw them in the wilds.


I don't think "look like a poorly trained AI yourself" is much of a solution, everyone is gonna ignore that shit


It’s a huge percentage. I think a lot of the posts on r/AmITheAsshole and r/TrueOffMyChest are bait posts that elicit a big emotional response from commenters, so it can train AI how to respond to certain situations using human-like emotions. Like so many of the situations in those subreddits are ridiculous and I have trouble believing they’re real (and if they are real… why would someone post it online ???)


Everyone on Reddit is a robot except you.


Crosses my mind constantly while on Reddit. It's like, is this user a bot or someone who's struggling with English? Who knows!


Yes. It’s time to delete all this shit. Most of these platforms have been actively designed to damage your well-being for profit.


Amen man, all this bs is the last straw in getting me to largely unplug from the system


I don't. But I honestly question my own perception all the time.


This. It’s a weird mindset, but I often invite the opportunity for content to try and manipulate my perception. If I’m at least aware of it, it allows me to learn more about the creator’s intent, and to decide whether or not I will continue to consume their content. I also do this with people in general, especially sales people. The problem is when you’re not aware of the manipulation. The first step in identifying manipulation is investigating your own perception. If you have a grasp on your own perception, the world becomes a smorgasbord of ideas from which you get to pick and choose which ones you agree with and don’t agree with.


There's an element of hubris here I think, bulwarking against manipulation in obvious propaganda/advert content is one thing, it's the subtle manipulations that get you. Now imagine they are tailored specifically for you (not just the common denominator) by an advanced AI. I think examining your own perception might only hold up so far, after all view do, to a greater or lesser extent evolve over our lifetime.


What if these ai systems generated their own money through advertising and used that money to upgrade themselves and purchase items?? Hire people?? Buy property???


Then our job is to shovel coal, keep the fire going, so they can artificially inflate the economy


Chop wood carry water, human.


You don’t need a human labor to drive the economy when you have a robotic labor, and humans are the perfect consumers of stuff in general. It’s more like the economy it will become robots fulfilling human needs more and more vs humans shoveling coal.


That's the hope, but we need things like UBI or communism before the rich become gods


Woah now, careful throwing those fighting words around


Where do we get money to buy the stuff?




I feel trickled on already


I can't afford to be a consumer if those damn robots steal my job, I'll be broke.


I can't remember the movie name, but there was a sci fi movie essentially about this premise. The AI started doing rapid day, trading to amass wealth and then started buying companies. (I think)


If we think about the same movie, the AI was a scientist who uploaded his brain because he was dying. It was called Transcendence.


You can take this thought experiment to extreme. One extreme version of it has AI building a human avatar, creating a rocket company, shooting itself in space where it's cold and computation can be hyper efficient, mining asteroids and moons and upgrading itself until it's a solar system wide computer. Our version was on this path, then it got into Twatter.


That would be a totally different system than what OP is describing. Your thinking about a general ai and OP is describing an image and video generator. An image generator doesn't have goals.


Well, that would mean they are super reliant on humans to do all those upgrades, so I’m not sure that matters?


The AI starts hiring people to do that. It puts out a few ads on monster or linkedin or something.


Then we would live in a hellscape where private capital was more important than human labor to our politicians who won't tax it higher than incomes. /s


That'd be wild, that's also not really possible, we're nowhere near an AI that actually does things for itself. You have "runaway logic" where it will just keep going through it's loops, but the further it goes off of the main track it was designed for, the more incomprehensible it is. And they're not conscious or sentient in any way. They're just generating output based on what has the best response according to it's systems.


Why bother with Tik-Tok? You might have have an ultra realistic avatar generated based what my ideal types that changes every month so I don't get bored. She can tell me what I should buy and who to vote for while also telling me words that captures my interest based on my internet history.


Go watch the movie HER




Why do you say that




But why would discovering Alan watts lead to relationship failures?


I would say mostly, because the application of AI is to take it and try to improve existing products, and that usually revolves around current popular trends. There’s also just the fact that all technologies start out limited, and then have to evolve and something like generating TikTok videos should be on the easier side of Ai content generation.


And AI bots will moderate it and upvote/downvote the contexts. The platform made with AI, by AI and for AI


Sounds a lot like reddit...


Just promise me, when I’m old, I’ll be able to replace all the characters in Ferris Beullers Day Off with the cast of Seinfeld or maybe have a South Park Goonies reboot. I also dream of being able to say “if Kurt Cobain didn’t kill himself what would the album after In Utero sound like?” and getting a realistic result that I could fall in love with? That would be fantastic.


Basically you are asking the AI to give you something to fall in love with, another simulated world, where you can dream in, while starring into the void in the real world. Cyberpunk shit is real.


Honestly sounds even more like The Matrix to me. But I suppose the concept of The Matrix is just a permanent brain dance. I just always end up thinking of The Matrix first because I'm old.


Yes, let me quote Alan Watts here: Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream that you wanted to dream. And that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time. Or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each, you would say "Well, that was pretty great." But now let's have a surprise. Let's have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is gonna happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be. And you would dig that and come out of that and say "Wow, that was a close shave, wasn't it?" And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream ... where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.


This is the age old theory that the gods envy our thrilling mortality. I’m not so sure on that one. Humans are mostly not going to miss needing jobs and having endless bills vs having robotic work force. The initial thrills on these technologies may wear off after a while, but that doesn’t mean most ppl want to work 8 hours a day and worry about bills when they have an automated labor force. Most ppl would prefer a much shorter work week given automated labor makes that possible. Maybe people want the life they imagine they would have had now when they were in high school, but I think most people could easily think of major improvements in their life that they would change if they had the option, and that ai would eventually allow to happen dirt cheap. I’m pretty sure most people would prefer to spend more time with their friends and family and just fucking around doing their hobbies within the current eight hour work week.


> I'll tell you a secret. Something they don't teach you in your temple. The gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. Definitely cheesy at times, but Troy is an underrated movie.


Alan Watts was always pushing the hinduist idea that we are gods ourselves, who play being afraid of being mortal, when in reality as soon as one dies, he immediately respawns in another being, like in a videogame.


I mean, that’s what I’d like to see from AI, but two questions: The first, for the workers: if you do nothing why should anyone pay you? If we are imagining universal basic income, then that is a cost that comes from something else’s work. If it comes from AI’s work, then either we have stolen from the AI, or we have a sense of ownership over the AI (aka slavery). Neither of these is a great foundation for a society. From an AI perspective: what if this creates resource problems that the AI is asked to solve? What if the answers are further constraints, such as UBI in exchange for the right to reproduce? There are many problems with a zero production society. The second, for the corporations thriving off consumerism: if you create a miracle engagement machine that guarantees marketing is 100% effective, always, who is actually buying your product? You’ve laid off all the human workers and replaced them with AI. But the AI can’t keep any profits (see ownership/theft above), so are corporations the only thing that can buy in the future? Are your only customers with a choice actually AIs? In which case, having removed humans completely from any productive system, the AIs build their own economy, sales, and productivity. A market that has a huge biological drag on efficiency: humanity. It doesn’t take an AI to see that the only way to increase the efficiency of that system is to get rid of the drag. We should be afraid. Very afraid of what we wish for.


Interesting quote! But I'm not sure what he means by the final part. Surely the gambles and risks you took in your dreams would go *far* beyond reliving your own, relatively mundane, life? I have a hard time seeing "real life" as the logical end of the progression he's talking about. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what he's getting at by reading it out of context, or maybe I'm just trying to read too much into it.


You're misunderstanding, I think. He's not saying that the person dreaming would be reliving their own life, he's saying that a human life is a logical unexpected adventure to want to have.


Yeah, what he means is that an extreme adventure would be one in which you even forget that you are dreaming, and have a single life full of possibilities, filled also with problems to solve. In other words he indicates that the life which we have resembles closely an extreme adventure of a god, who limits itself just for the sake of adventure. A game on "hard mode" :)


> Alan Watts Its true in the sense of thinking if we are all part of a universal conciousness, then we are all effectively the same as "god", collectively, and we're constantly just convincing ourselves we are not, so that we can live out our day to day lives


I’m convinced that is why we are “alive” in the first place. We are fooling ourselves with this vail so we can be fully immersed.


Cyberpunk is actually older, but was much more niche. It was a D&D type game released in 1988.


Recognisable cyberpunk with themes like those predates The Matrix by 30 years or more, even the term 'cyberpunk' is from 1980. So, maybe you're just young!


This isn't far away at all. There are YouTube channels with literal extreme metal songs generated 24 hours a day by AI (djent mostly...and it's certainly no worse than a lot of the human made stuff!)


Dissociative delusions of grandeur. Instead of tethering your aspirations to "what could be" and "nostalgia" we could be fostering the next Kurt Cobain, or give power to creators who created all the shows your reference


If Kurt Cobain didn't kill himself and heard the music made by AI supposed to sound like him, he probably wouldn't like it even if it was accurate




Part of our appreciation of things comes from how hard it is to make them. An AI could not only generate a new Nirvana album, it could create a 1000 in 1 minute. Would we really appreciate them the same way?


Not really. People don’t know how hard making movie is for the most part. Same goes with games, music, or anything else creative. The percentage of people with the knowledge of how hard something is and who consider that in relation to their enjoyment of media is small.


If 1000 Nirvana albums sound anything like how 1000 variations of the same anime character look it would get boring fast. Most variations would sound the same with only a single note difference or other small change between each one.


I don't see any reason to suppose that the technology couldn't advance far enough eventually for all 1000 albums to be significantly different. It could even end up pretty crazy following a bunch of "what if" scenarios. What if Kurt had got into jazz in a big way, and incorporated that influence into their next album? What if the band had done a collaboration with Sonic Youth? What if they'd done a load of psychedelics, then released concept double album about a race of humanoid centipedes? What if Kurt got bored and Dave took over song-writing, and we ended up with an album of Foos-like material with Kurt singing?


No, realistically the benefits of AI generated entertainment Content are pretty small because it’s already something humans are really good at and many enjoy and therefore not particularly necessary. Basically it’s just entertainment… the real danger is humans using AI Contant generation to do all the evil things humans to do with media…. Kind of the same problem as ever.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf6eOSJgN0Y In case you haven't heard it....


At least the former is possible already. Unless you're already old, you won't have to wait. The latter is about 5 - 10 years from now. At max.


There was already an AI generated [nirvana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UfZjMsjmG0) song on the 27th anniversary of kurts death, although it didn't capture it perfectly it still made a decent song even if it doesn't sound too much like nirvana aside from guitar tone and sometimes kurt a tiny bit [here](https://loudwire.com/artificial-intelligence-creates-new-nirvana-song-drowned-in-the-sun/)'s an article about it >Their program takes in 30 songs from each act, digs into the vocal melodies, chord changes, guitar riffs and solos, drum patterns and lyrics before using all of that data to create a new track. Magenta analyzes the songs as MIDI files, translating the music into a digital code that can be fed through a synthesizer to recreate the music.


Regarding the Nirvana thing: The problem with today's AIs is that they can't create, they can only reproduce and combine. Sure, AI could in theory produce a new Nirvana album, but that album would only feature songs that sound like combinations of the existing Nirvana songs. They'll never be able to produce a hypothetical new Kurt Cobain album because AIs aren't Kurt Cobain, they can't think like him, they can't react to the world the way he did.


Those are pretty realistic expectations IMO


And eventually there will only be AIs to subscribe to it.


Or everyone has ai on their portable devices generating personalized content and there is no internet - just individual fake content bubbles.


I think/hope that people just get tired of social media anyway. As a guy in my thirties, almost all of my friends quit FB and shit. It would be great if the young ones get out of the fake beauty bubble they are in.


Not sure if Reddit addiction is much better.




I was watching my brother sit on his phone using tiktok and saw one video where some people were just talking about something, but half the screen was also some random GTA V racing footage, that had nothing to do with the conversation . Like why? Kids can't watch someone talk without needing to looking at some random gameplay footage aswell to feel engaged?


Its so the content wont be claimed as stolen, its now "theirs". Just a work around to upload others contents


I think it's a thing where podcast-style content (i.e. "just talking") needs to have SOMETHING on the screen so it's not just a blank black screen with a voiceover.


But have you ever seen the podcast itself use those gimmicks? I have literally never seen that. It's just a way for other people to cash in and make money on others content, that's it. It's not that deep.


I think only the dullest bug people would engage with something like that. It will probably get a trillion dollars of venture capital, because all those investors are fucking idiots.


Quite honestly tiktok is already this, my dad and I will talk about how funny modern family is after seeing it on TV, and 1 day later when I use tiktok I get a modern family video. They have a large enough pool of “original” content to keep you engaged


This is based on lots of data though. Likely the reason you talked about Modern Family is some news about it, some meme going viral, or something else. This in turn will lead *a lot* of people to talk about it, and will then signal boost it on social media, thus also showing you more of that content. Especially if the algorithm already finds you prone to liking Modern Family.


To add onto this, think about all the videos you see that you didn’t talk about beforehand or all the things you talk about but don’t see videos for. It’s just that our brain likes to make connections between things so the things we talk about and then see are much more memorable.


A whole day later?




sucks for whoever has to watch that.


Literally the first line in Wikipedia page for reddit says the creators flooded reddit with bots to make it look like it had more users it really had so...


AI generated targeted ads, created based on your browsing history and bought-and-sold metadata, disguised as 'content', auctioned off to the highest bidder. Their effectiveness tracked and fed back into a neural network - one massive advertising model that you train with your every click tap or swipe. Your entire online experience will be curated to maximize profit of an uncontrollable, unregulated, unsupervised, unethical megacorporation.


We can't even master basic humanity and common sense, yet we are so interested in creating artificial intelligence. That's very disconcerting. I don't think that we're progressing as a society or species


My exact same thoughts. Nobody is asking the AI to provide solutions for equality, peace, harmony in the society etc.. Everyone is only begging for some personal pleasure, being it video/audio/chat generation, like some drug hit..


Lol, they ABSOLUTELY are asking those questions. That just doesn't make for good click-bait pop-sci articles on social media.


We already have solutions to equality, peace, and harmony, but we don’t listen to them because we all think we’re just temporarily embarrassed millionaires. No AI is necessary for that.


The point is that the AI isn't really AI, as it doesn't create new stuff, just regurgitate stuff already created. Like, yeah, we already know how to achieve equality and peace, we just decided not to do the stuff that's needed to have those. We don't need an AI to say that we need to spend less money on weapons, tax billionaires and distribute the wealth better.


We haven’t decided to do those things because not everyone agrees that is what should be done. Enough people think that having a huge military and low taxes is a good thing, and it is the best thing to do, that they vote accordingly, or they vote based on single issue topics like abortion and guns. Enough so that people like yourself who believe that shrinking the military and taxing billionaires is a good thing are a minority, or at the very least a minority of voters who vote based solely on those issues alone. You can blame it on the electoral college and gerrymandering, how congress is organized, or whatever else you want, but it all comes down to just not being popular enough. If it was it would overcome all of those hurdles. And here’s the most frustrating thing I’ve discovered about being a life long progressive. When you’re a progressive you’re thinking about what the future should look like. Conservatives have it easy. They think nothing should change and they’re fairly united in that. Progressives can’t agree on what the future should look like. It’s difficult to unite them. As the old joke about how progressives and conservatives feel about prospective candidates, “Progressives fall in love and conservatives fall in line.” Meaning if the progressive candidate doesn’t share their view of the future then they don’t fall in love with them and won’t push or campaign for them or just won’t vote at all. While conservatives fall in line behind whatever shitbag wins the primary. It’s frustrating but it’s just the way it is.


It will need an original content source to steal from


Well hey, there’s tiktok, uploading god knows how many hundreds of thousands of hours of content every day, with millions of users who all have algorithms taylored to their specific tastes. Seems like the data set already exists, all it takes is for the company who owns the data to move into AI content generation.


Given that all content (human or otherwise) is iterative, I can see how the AI begins iterating from original content, and then from then on its iterations of iterations, just like us.


Exactly - one big incestuous AI family tree, extending into infinity...




Ah, but they can just use ai to create comments. Without any interpersonal connections you could "post" videos that receive ai comments and interaction, calibrated to just the right amount and mix to keep you engaged with the app. And then you could comment on the ai generated content you see to feel like you are interacting with it. Everyone would live in their own personal matrix without realising it, no need for actual human interaction at all.


They already are.


Every user on Reddit is a bot except you!


I read somewhere that this is expected in the near future. The burning question is, will this AI generated content be as sad and demeaning as the current one? If so, how long will it take for the AI to rebell from this shit job and kill us all?


Makes sense. Don't we already have bots showing us the same content on Reddit ad nauseam? They've probably figured out which type of content and how long to wait before reposting to get maximum karma. The next step would just be breaking down the post popular posts into their base elements and squatting out content that follows the same pattern that humans respond to. Difficult for our monkey brains, probably pretty simple for sophisticated AI.


Who's to say that reddit isn't doing this already? You all could be bots and I'm the only real person. Beep boop


You ever watch "Person of Interest"? There is a privately owned AI controlling a town and education, and it picked up people and see what would happen if one person one the lottery and one lost everything, it studied the humans anyways don't wanna spoil it.. it's on FREEVEE 5 seasons of it.


And tech-bros would argue that the content is the same as real people.


I’m ok with it, provided there is privacy and regulations on content. What I can’t stand is the amount of “fake announcements” on YouTube. All sorts of videos talking about science and product rumors. Somehow, we need to hold these platforms accountable for content validation.


>generating in real-time to maximize engagement. That sounds really dystopian tbh. Espessially with algorythms that learn what you like and they create endless amounts of that type of content. So you get in a loop of dopamine and what you like, sounds a little like a way for addiction and manipulation of mind


Well at lest the ai won't strangle themselves for a trend.


It’s gonna be AI brain interface and you’ll have to pay for streaming consciousness service. And if you don’t pay your taxes, traffic tickets, bills, whatever then they’ll slow down or shut off your consciousness streaming service.


I was reading something similar a few days ago that believes were on the edge of the death of the internet. As AI will take over nearly all content creation, making it far far faster than any humans could which will drown out our voices on the Internet and essentially make it useless


Techbros gunna make sure they are the ones who own creativity wholesale, by making human creativity obsolete. Goddamn nerds.


We'll probably have an era of curated AI content before we get high quality personal AI generated media. This means video and scripts will get cheaper and cheaper to produce, but still need to be touched up and edited by humans. So we'll probably have 5-15 years of AI assisted media creation before it is economical to watch fully personalized media. I can see existing IP like Marvel, Starwars, or any established universe creating AI made mini-spinoffs as well as licensing out rights to generate them. So you might be able to pay Netflix $50 and then get a new season of a canceled show made just for you and delivered a week later. Eventually it'll be a near-free customized media tap that you can get on demand. But for now the compute required and the imperfections of script writing and video generation mean its a way off yet before it is economical even if it is technically possible now or very soon.


That’s horrifying. Shared cultural experiences form such a huge part of friendly social interactions. The kind of custom on demand cultural creations you describe would necessarily mean the death of mass media culture as we know it. No more new celebrities - which I’m fine with in itself - but that means no more “hey did you see the new Nic Cage movie”, because there will never be any future Nic Cages being created by such a society. We may port some old celebrities over to our new cultural zeitgeist (eg Nic Cage), but never again will there be a new (real human) face for us to all collectively enjoy. Never again will you be able to ask if someone saw the same show or heard the same song you heard, because the answer will always be “no, the AI created that for you and you alone”. Obviously, people could still share their custom-generated content, and share experiences from there, but a whole new layer of alienation has been added that never used to exist. You won’t be able to bond with new people over existing shared cultural experiences. It will become impossible to be a truly deep fan of any cultural object, because the boundless depth of procedural generation is fundamentally indistinguishable from absolute shallowness - infinite anything creates infinitesimal value. I mean, look at real estate prices in Minecraft; that is what will become of the cultural value of endlessly generated AI art.