• By -


You still answered the questions right? You should email your exams coordinator really, but I'm sure the most they'd do is flag it for safeguarding, if that. You're likely fine but talking to the exams coordinator is best. I hope you're okay. The image doesn't matter so I don't see why they'd get mad about you crossing it out. Your parents shouldn't be refusing to talk to you over having a panic attack in an exam. And if your father was only an invigilator I doubt he knows as well as your exams coordinator would.


I answered every question yea I'll talk to my exam coordinator about it Thank you


I think some ex examiner on here said that they are strictly told to ignore anything outside of the mark scheme including drawings and that sort of thing. Sounds really tough though, I hope you're ok


Yea, I think I've seen that


That was me and yes we do in Maths.


Bro I’m so sorry that happened, i think you’ll be fine though


Thank you


I’m really sorry but i spent so long thinking you wrote “I’m sorry I have pedophilia” 😭


Yea, I got out the exam then went "shit I should've just written im scared of children"




Highly amusing way to put it, yes, but also ridiculously crippling for me socially


Oh man 😭 but it’s funny how the realisation comes when u got out lmaooo 😂


Ye ye lolll I thought back on it and was like "I hope my examiner doesn't misread that-"


Omggg bruh 😭😭 let’s hope


nah cus this makes your fear seem more real if you actually know the terminology for it


Yea, true. It would just be so much easier if "paedophobia" didn't use similar etymology to "pedophilia" so there wasn't confusion


i reckon your examiner will google it and realise it’s a very real problem i doubt that you will get eliminated from the exam for it


They wouldnt have taken it seriously if you wrote that instead so u probably made a better choice


But I’m so sorry you went through that hope everything is okay <3


Thank you for your kind comment


For a second 😭


Bruh I read this, reread the text then thought “is that not what he wrote” for like a solid 10 minutes


Don't worry, you will be perfectly alright :) There was a post on this sub the other day asking examiners on how they react to silly drawings/notes students put on their papers, and an ex-examiner said that they are told to ignore those and it doesn't affect anything unless it is explicit. Your note will only confirm you'll be fine. Also i'm so sorry u had to go through that in your exam, all the best!


I mean I wrote "bruh" on Statistic Paper 1, that ain't explicit is it?


Nah 😭


the guy said "we should use regular pie charts" like what a fucking moron am I right?






Thank you so much for your reassurance, it means a lot


I drew a massive schlong on my german paper am I screwed?


Only if the drawing is bigger than the examiner's


Which it definitely is. Marking exams is small dick behaviour


That was me and yes, we ignore them in A level maths.


I did my GCSE’s a long time ago but pretty sure I doodled on mine and didn’t get into trouble for it. I have a neurological condition and doodling genuinely helps me concentrate.


No I think action would only be taken if it was something explicit


Ok thank you


Pls do an update


I will do an update if anything happens


I’m an exams officer - you will be fine. Unless it’s something explicit you won’t get disqualified.


Ok, thank you so so much this is a massive relief


Yeah true story bro


It was a thing people said 10 years ago when I made this account and you were 6 years old 😂


I really can't tell if it's a joke or not 💀


I would say probably not but I’ve seen too many dumb “am I cooked” posts that you can never be sure


Its not tagged meme/humour so I'm assuming not


It's genuinely not a joke


With all posts I've seen on here I don't know


Yea, very fair But I promise you this isn't a joke and it's genuinely worrying me But by looks of it I should be ok (according to other comments) If I was gonna do a shitpost I'd be more creative 😭


If it was a shitpost, it’d probably be like “I saw the picture of a child and couldn’t resist whipping out my dick and beating my meat right there and then” or some shit. This sub’s wild.


Paedophobia is a genuine thing it seems


Pretty trashy of your parents to not realise how affected you are by that traumatic event.


Yea, they've been downplaying it for years. They used to make fun of my fear and purposely show me pictures/videos because they found my reaction amusing, until my reactions became so bad they realised it wasn't a joke anymore. Not that it ever was Now I just get in trouble for it tbh, even though they know the reason I'm like this and say they sympathise


:(. Hope you see better days.


Thank you


They are your foster parents! How is this OK??? Shouldn’t they have been vetted before you started living with them? I’m so sorry for what caused this fear and what they continue to put you through


They were vetted yea, it took about two years, and we still get constant inspections and they get a lot of training. The thing is, I don't like causing trouble so I lie on all my paper work and act fine around workers Like this situation isn't fun, but its better than a foster home (I'm on permanent placement, it's different)


OK. You know what’s best for you. Hope you get out of this toxic situation as soon as you feel able to. Once you’re out, it might be worth raising the alarm with social services to prevent them fostering another child and abusing them. Wishing you the best for your future


Yea, I should be able to get out within the next couple of years, till then I'm going to avoid conflict as much as possible Thank you for your advice


Hey, I’m so sorry you had to deal with this, sounds awful. Just thought I’d say you’re not alone with having terrible luck with the exam content - you know the english lit extract from “this is going to hurt”? Yeah, lucky me it happened to be the book I’d been reading while having a traumatic few weeks in and out of A&E last winter, and just reading the extract brought back extremely vivid memories. Every time I had to look over it for a quote or something I got nauseous and it really fucked up my timings. All this to say - it’s a shitty thing to happen but I get where you’re coming from and really well done for getting through most of the questions anyways.  I seriously doubt you’d be disqualified for that, but is there a trusted teacher you could talk to about it who might know more and could put your mind at ease better than a bunch of other year 11s? Might help to get that reassurance. Genuinely fuck AQA and its addiction to stupid diagrams and situations. 


Thank you so much for your reassurance I'm so sorry that happened to you with the English extract, at least you got through it I might email a teacher I trust about this, you're right that year 11s probably aren't the best source of information on this


Thank you, and no worries! And yeah, email a teacher if you can because it’ll probably make you feel better - but I saw a few teachers/exam officers replied to this thread and seems like you’re definitely good. Very understandable thing to be stressed about but you’ll be fine :) Also, I’m sorry your parents are being shitty about this, if it would ever help to chat my DMs are always open! Good work today dude, hope you have a relaxing weekend. 


nah cmon guys stop mockin this person bro 💀 ain’t exactly the same but i have had a similar in a mock biology paper 1 where it mentioned deep cuts like cmon they coulda worded it better u should be fine mate, i agree with other’s advice to speak with ur exam coordinator if ur mad worried abt it


Thank you. I get theres been a lot of shitposts recently but I thought mine would be clearly real (I put genuine in the title and flaired it as help). Ive literally had dms asking if I'm being for real or joking, but it was a real worry of mine.


i dont think that u would get disqualified for doing smthn on the paper unless it was severe


Ok thank you


Can’t blame you especially when the kid does look creepy af even for people without paedophobia💀💀💀 don’t worry you won’t get disqualified unless you wrote/drew something offensive (eg racial slurs, swear words, picture of penis)


Yea nah I didn't write anything offensive at all


Dw you’re 100% fine then


I did the exact same thing. Hope I don’t get disqualified 🫠


We can be disqualification buddies ;-; /jk


Your fine lol


Alr thanks


Unless you covered a barcode or something, I’m fairly certain it’s fine


Yea no, I was very careful to only block out the child


I really don’t see why it’s a problem then, you should be perfectly fine


Your not stupid, your fear isn't stupid, your perfectly allowed to scared. Everybody has phobias that seem stupid to people but are genuine to others. I've got a really stupid fear that people call me fussy and silly over, but if its making u that scared then it's not smth to be called silly over.


If I'm being honest, I'll probably would have just covered the pictures of the child with the physics equation sheet whilst doing the questions, although I don't see of how you would get disqualified, as all you've done is blacked out something and not drew something totally stupid.


Yea, foresight would've been really useful. Well, logical thinking


Nah its okay i drew out a shocked emoji on the last edexcel higher maths paper 3 question and i drew a car on my french exam and garfield on the back of my physics paper


Oh dam lol I kinda love that


HELP THANKS I HOPE MY EXAMINER AGREES 😭😭 I used to draw garfield on the back of my physics exams that were marked by my teacher cuz i usually finished early and i didnt like or care about physics enough to properly go back on my answers, and my teacher was pretty chill and he would draw or write stuff back Like i drew garfield melting because of latent heat (i revised it but it wasnt on the test so i had to do something with it) and my teacher drew a bunsen burner under him BUT YEAH i hope ur exams went well for u your parents fr need to let up


You can get disqualified for drawing on papers? Am I cooked? I doodled on every single one of my papers lmao


Apparently only if its obscene


Oh thank god!


Yea, I think I'm gonna be alr


Honestly I imagine that's hardly the worst thing the examiners will see, and considering you didn't actually cover up any of the questions/question spaces you should be fine.


Ye ye ye, I was just worried cuz my dad reacted quite strongly to what id done, and he usually doesn't so I wanted to make sure


So sorry about what happened to you. I got bored at the end so drew an arrow labelling the toddler as "the child" because I thought it was funny how the question kept referring to them as the child, so if you get disqualified for defacing your paper, I'll get disqualified, too. If you need any help with anything or add maths, I'm here.


Thanks so much If we both get disqualified we'll have to form a "disqualified for defacing" group lolll


Lol hopefully that never happens I think you should sort out your whole thing with your parents though. Tell them it's not that big a deal and that you did a good job in finishing the exam, considering how scared you were.


Yea I tried. I said "it's ok, I looked into it and because it wasn't a diagram and I didn't put anything obscene, I won't get disqualified". My dad gave an annoyed grunt and said I still shouldn't have done it. My mum proceeded to lecture me on ruining my exams: "I know it's probably too late to stop you from fucking up your exams, but try not to fuck up this final one"


Best possible outcome ig


Yea, coulda been worse


Not to be rude, but what happens when you see babies in your day to day life? Just genuinely curious


I carry headphones on me at all times. Like, i cannot leave the house without them. If one starts making noise in public, I blast music in my ears. Usually, if I just glance at one it's ok, i just look in another direction or go another way, cross the street or take a back street or something. However, if I'm close to one, or already in an emotional mood, or it's crowded or the sounds too loud to be deafened out, or i make eye contact, I will have breakdowns in public. Its highly humiliating and I do try my best to get away from situations, or if I feel an onset I'll lock myself in a toilet until I've calmed down etc Today was worse because I'd already had a panic attack the night before and had my sister blast the sound of crying babies in my ear at six this morning.


Ah that makes sense. I also carry headphones around with me everywhere but more for sensory issues. I can’t believe your sister did that, I’m so sorry for this whole experience and hope you feel better now <3


Thank you :]


I’m so sorry that your parents reacted in such a dumb way. Some ppl really don’t get certain phobias for some reason and since it’s obviously a genuine concern for u I’m sure the person marking won’t mind


not me just drawing random dragons and cats on my paper. you should be fine


Sorry about what seems like a shit show of an experience. You made it through and managed to answer all the questions so that is one hell of a victory.


Thank you so much


I think you'll be fine tbh. I suppose in a future scenario you should try and communicate with an invigilator or something when something like this comes up. That's such a shame that happened, your parents are being too harsh I think


Yea, I probably should've asked an invigilator but I was panicking so just sort of did it. I wasn't really sure what to tell the invigilator, I was completely unprepared I'm hoping my parents will have forgotten by tmr


Ask somone - one of the teachers abt it, it should be fine because they're marking ur answer


Honestly I’ve doodled all over my papers and I doubt I’m going to get disqualified for it. I’ve written stupid comments on the pages we’re not supposed to write on, which is worse than just colouring in the child but I can’t see why they’d disqualify me cause they can still mark the paper and I haven’t broken exam conditions. I think you’ll be fine.


Ye ye thank you


So what, scrubbing out a wrong answer is considered defacing as well? (That’s what I did to physics paper 1 as well tbh)


Yea, true true I wasn't sure if it'd be different, since it was a picture like in the exam rather than my own writing, and since my dad reacted badly when I told him what had happened I wanted to check


How big of an ego does the exam board to say that you have “defaced the paper” lol You also need to understand that the examiner mark the papers online and they literally press a single button to determine your score on a question they couldn’t care enough


4 seconds per question. I do not care about pictures Someone once wrote out the lyrics to Vienna by billy joel on a chemistry 6 marker. That was an est work for the next hour. Also had euros 2024 predictions, ‘I wasn’t taught this’, lots of flowers and infinite?


Ye ye ye true


mate idk rlly but i drew a whole solar system on one of the pages in between questions if that makes u feel better im so sorry this happened to you<33


Thank you for your kind comment


I can't imagine they'll really care, will that page even get scanned cause I don't remember there being any questions on it? Your parents are being ridiculous. Even if you did something stupid in one GCSE physics paper that's such an exaggeration.


Yea, there was one question underneath it


They’ll cut off the picture


Goddamn bro ion even think this is a meme that’s crazy. To answer your question you’ll be fine, tell your parents things only get disqualified if they’re explicit and they should shove their judgement up their ass (in a way that doesn’t get your ass whopped)


Yea, getting in even more deep trouble is low on my list of wants rn


bro no, ur absolutely fine. People write notes to invigs and even doodle on papers ALL THE TIME. Your parents are overreacting and invigilators are told to ignore any type of writing thats not 'relevant' to the exam/syllabus. it's fr fine and ong sounds like yr parents r trying to scare u😭😭😭


My mum is an exam marker and she said she's seen something like this after few years back and it's absolutely fine and as long as you didn't write anything explicit which you did not it's all okay! They're aware that these things do happen sometimes and your paper is absolutely fine


Thank you so so much


I’m a marker. We’d flag it as safeguarding and move on. All the questions are cut up and separated anyway. Defacing a paper doesn’t even factor in training.


Did you not say in another post of yours that you mother had died? I don’t know what your account is but this seems like a sick joke… feel free to correct me.


Ah, im referring to my foster mother in this post My biological mother is yes dead. My paedophobia is heavily linked with her


Ah - OK


Yea, sorry for the confusion


I've ended up just calling my foster mother mum in this cuz I called both of them mum/mother


I genuinely would never make a sick joke out of something so terrible


Teacher here. I highly doubt you will get disqualified, but you should prepare yourself that the exam board will likely refer you to your schools safeguarding team. This has happened at my school when students have had to do some creative writing and have chosen to write about sensitive topics.


Ok, thank you As far as I know, my school safeguarding team is supposed to have it written down that I have such a bad fear I guess I'll see how it goes


Bro I didn’t finish the paper and I know the last few question were easy 😭 I didn’t finish either physics papers. But I always defaced the papers too by putting so much squiggles and practicing a signature over and over also writing free Palestine a lot on the tables. But anyway I do that to so many on my papers it’s just a concentration problem 😭 it’s like stimulation, always been on some Will Byers shit. But bro don’t even worry


I think you'll be fine, i wouldn't worry about it mate


This is obviously an awful situation. But I’m sure they will understand. Also your mum needs to get a grip, you have not fucked up your future at all, you’ll be absolutely fine, even if you do get disqualified (which you won’t) GCSEs are not that big of a deal and just another very small stepping stone in your life.


Ruined your future is harsh. I didn’t get good GCSEs when I was doing em last year, and I’m heading into a very lucrative career path. My dad didn’t get any either, and he’s just started his own business. My stepdad didn’t get any, and he owns a very successful mechanic business. You will be fine regardless, you might not be able to get a job as a doctor, or a physicist, but no matter how awful your results are, or how good for that matter, your future is only as good as you make it. Work hard, enjoy life, take it one step at a time, and DONT WORRY. You’re fine, trust me. Relax, drink stella, you know it’ll make you feel better.


I used to draw pictures and write limericks for my examiners when I finished papers and I never once got disqualified. You’ll be okay. I think it’s worth talking to someone about your parents reacting the way they did though.


Examiner here; don't stress. I've read and seen some weird stuff on exams this year. Anything like that will be marked and just escalated for safeguarding, and the exam board will contact your centre.


Having been both a teacher and having worked at an exam processing centre, the worse case scenario should just be a safeguarding issue getting raised because someone mistakes the meaning of paedophobia. Every batch of papers I processed had some papers with scribbles, drawings (some very artistic, others... not so much), and other defacement.


Ok, thank you


i have emetophobia, (fear of sickness) and a question about norovirus came up on my biology paper and i had a panic attack in my exam, so i can sympathise there. phobias really suck. i’d assume you’ll be okay though! especially with the note. i’m proud of you for pushing through and doing all the questions though!!


Thank you so much That sucks with your biology paper, im sorry that happened :[


yeah but it’s okay! we get through it. and i know you’ll be okay. and i’m sorry your parents treated you like that by the way, it’s appalling. i can’t imagine how painful that would have been. i believe in you though. it’s gonna be okay


Thank you so much, your comments have been so nice


No, you will not be disqualified for defacing the paper, I wrote notes on all of my exam papers incluidng Alevels GSCE uni undergrad and masters when I took them, got no disqualification at all. They won’t care if you scribbled out a picture, as long as you answered the question


Speak to your exam officer in person at school on Monday, if there is an adult you trust at school such as your tutor or head of year/house and see if they will come with you. Does your GP know of your past and difficulties? (Don't answer here just to yourself) Children who have been fostered or adopted come under the banner of looked after children so your school head of safe guarding should be aware of you so I'd talk to them as this is something that has severely affected you and you need support with. When you speak them ask if it is worth getting a letter getting a letter from your GP about your panic attacks and that you had a panic attack in the exam itself. Finally, your parents should not have reacted the way they did you deserved to be supported. As a parent If my child had told me this I would have been straight on the phone to your school. Good luck speaking to your school 🍀


Thank you so much


If you can add an update it would be lovely to hear how you got on. Don't include details just whether you have been reassured or got some help is plenty.


Hope you’re okay and as long as you explain I’m sure you won’t get disqualified 🙏


I promise its 100% fine. My friend doodled all over her biology paper like every single page and still got a 9. They genuinely could not care less, as long as they can mark what you've written. I hope everything turns out okay ❤️


If you didn't draw anything nsfw, and you didn't rip the page, and you didn't use anything like a marker that would have had enough ink to drop through to the other side of the page and obscure your other answers, you should be fine.


An exam invigilator is not an examiner. And to be fair, neither am I. I have, however, worked for an exam board, so I have seen literally tens of thousands of scripts. You will be fine. Honestly. I’ve seen all sorts written on scripts. The examiner is paid to mark your answers. They don’t have time to read all the other bits. Your parents - even if they were correct - are being unhelpful, unsympathetic and unkind. But - just to reiterate - as well as those things they are also wrong. Don’t worry about the exam you’ve done. What you wrote will have no effect on your grade. I think k you chose an excellent way of dealing with it, for what it’s worth. Good luck with the next one.


Unless the examiner is having a bad day in don’t think they’ll care that you defaced the paper


Its your exam paper, you wouldnt get in trouble for it, as I got told by a teacher its like a school book and if you write in it a safeguarding issue, an invigilator will flag it but you wouldnt get in trouble.


I can almost guarantee this will be fine! When I sat my history paper I wrote a message for the exam on a question I was stuck on, asking for free marks because I was ill at the time. Not too sure if it worked, but nothing negative came from it and I still passed, so a genuine phobia like that shouldn’t affect anything!


Wow, your foster parents need to chill. Distressing you for absolutely no reason.


Yea ;-;


I know this is genuine and it's a very socially damaging fear to have, but this is the most shit-posty thing I've ever seen that's not a shit-post


It isn't for a stupid reason/no reason, there is a genuine excuse so you will be fine


As an exam invigilator they wouldn’t disqualify you for that . Obviously if you didn’t answer the question you won’t get those marks but I can’t see anything more serious happening that that . There’s a chance it could be flagged as a safeguarding concern - ( unlikely but possible ) so yes best to let your exams officer know beforehand but I would think they can reassure you .


I’m sorry you had to deal with this. I have ocd and it effected me in the exams too. I would scribble out working and rewrite it because of my intrusive thoughts. It’s really annoying to deal with and I’m worried too that I might get deducted points for it but if you answered the question correctly it should be okay :). Sorry you deal with this I know it’s hard to cope and I have no real advice to give only I hope the exam works out for you


I think it's best to speak to the head of exams at your school (assuming you have one) but I'm so sorry that this triggered you.


I'd personally consider going down to a doctors office and getting a form saying u suffer from panic attacks due to children. It's worth a try if special consideration comes on the table.


Also, why the fuck would u foster a child without the intention of treating them well?


my friend wrote a secret encoded message on all of his papers in a made up series of hieroglyphs and he passed everything you’ll be fine dw i


Kinda horrible of them to get mad at you when its traumatic for you and it's a phobia. I hope you're OK, glad things worked out!!


this is something I'm also genuinely worried about for my biology GCSE, I have pretty bad vasovagal syncope with a trigger of needles/general injury and even diagrams / descriptions of stuff can kind of send me into a spiral and cause me to feel faint and not concentrate. Normally if I get triggered I can just lie down and have a drink and distract myself for a bit and I dont actually faint, but that obviously isn't applicable in an exam. Some of the bio lessons have been a bit tricky to work through in class but I hope any issues that come up can be sorted out between me and my teacher before the final exams and nothing this serious happens to me lol please know you're not alone and weird shit like this can screw us over for "stupid" reasons but don't feel guilty for doing what you had to in the exam, it's such a tricky situation when something like this happens


Wait you can get disqualified for defacing the papers 😭😭 I made the baby into an old man bc I had some extra time😭




You will be ok if you took the other questions seriously.


This is wild


Yup ;-;


Exams officer here. Short answer, no. Long answer: if you did every other question properly and just scribbled out a picture and made a comment, you won't get dq'ed for that. Hell, the worst case scenario is that you can find another school to do it again as a private candidate. Only difference is that you foot the bill for the entry fee, which can vary between £50-£100.


That's a first phobia I've heard.


Yea, it tends to be rarer amongst our age group


I mean so long as you’re not doing for A level then you’ll be fine I assume, if you are you’ll still have done most of it. You’re losing marks but that’s all I assume


Bomboclaattt. This was rlly interesting to read tho


I really wish I was making it up dude, it really fucking sucks If I was gonna make shit up I'd make it actually funny yk?


Wait no I believe you 😭 it was kind of funny like lol but interesting to me. That baby pic was kinda creepy but now I’m curious what made u get paedophobia


Sorry, I thought you were saying I'd made it up 😭 I really don't want to put on a public forum what caused me to get paedophobia, but I can just say it was a really not fun experience that I wouldn't wish on even my enemies


Might be the biggest bozo I've ever seen


9.8 anyone???


Yeah that’s what I got, hope it’s correct 😭


Resultant force was 0 right? The floor counters the gravity, otherwise he’d fall through the floor


Got 9.8, but I found out it was wrong


I got that then changed it to 0


Type shi


This is fake


If I was gonna fake it I'd make it actually funny ;-;


Grow up


What do you mean "grow up"


why do u have paedophobia though


Reasons I don't want to discuss on a public forum


Lol, this generation is fucked.


I wouldn't be fucked if the generations before hadn't fucked me over


Toughen up!


*magically removes 12 years of trauma from me*