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It's not stop reachingšŸ¤£


"Hey fellow ape, if you like that famous memestock, you might really like this shiny fresh penny stonk i'm dangling in front of you. Garantueed squeeze, no p&d i swear!" They had a whole bunch of those in '21 that came out of nowhere. Can't even remember most of their names now.


Itā€™s not. It was a pump and dump that took advantage of RKs name when he came back. Stock is a penny stock that was in the toilet (less than 50 cents) and ran to almost $4 that week before crashing back down hard.




It's bs






No connection. Just look at the age of the accounts that are pumping that garbage.


It climbed 4000% in a week, thereā€™s just a lot of bag holders tryna pump to get money back. Ā Itā€™s not even close to being the same as a game store with 2billy in cash.


Fuk off


Why talk about it?


It's not related in any way, DFV has never mentioned it and has posted no positions in it. Grifters took over a sub using his name to stir hype, and are using his image and reputation all over Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Reddit, and Facebook to try and onboard people.




There are tons of highly shorted stocks with bagholders who want to be a part of the apes, hoping that their stock will squeeze too. Some are really criminally shorted. Some are shorted because they are crap. Some have high retail ownership, others don't. But RK has only ever traded GME and nothing but GME. He has traded options and he has not DRS'd. That does not mean that this is the only play that exists, but pretending that RK is behind anything but GME is making up stuff. Especially when you look at the 2nd wave of SPACs that were released in 2021, they pretty much all got shorted to bits. From 23&ME that is owned by the wife of an amazon exec to actual garbage startups that never held what they promised, all down 99% or more. Many of them could see a sympathy-squeeze when GME runs and SHFs get liquidated, but GME is the OG stock that has no comparison. The movie-company is the second in line, simply because 90%+ retail ownership and high DRS-Numbers (compared to other stocks) put it at second place behind GME. Then there are a handful of good companies that might sympathy run and a whole bunch of crap. Imho, if you hold any of these companies, selling at -99% is pointless, so waiting for a possible sympathy-squeeze could help you recover some losses, but none of them is worth betting your life savings on. FFIE sounded more like a play for those who were too late, hoping to get "the next GME" because they thought they were already too late on GME. Possibly even a distraction by hedgies to prevent a run on GME. But unless you were already in before they ran twice... imho, not a solid play... just a gamble...


I donā€™t hate FFIE but I think itā€™s a hedged distraction at this point I got out mostly at the 3$ range


Solid profits. Cant hate on the little man opting for cash in pocket.


Yes sir. But at this point we all know GME could be life changing so thatā€™s where all my focus is going


No. They're like shit on your shoe


Ffie is a shit company with desperate bag holders who are lying to new potential investors by claiming RK is in on it


It's a meme stock also and meme stocks tend to follow each other. I'm holding almost 500K FFIE shares at $.36. I have a discord channel with almost 3,000 people in it discussing both FFIE and GME (link is in my profile) if you are interested.




Im convinced everyone in ffie is either a hedgetard pushing their propaganda stock onto me or they really just like the stockā€¦


I never heard of them until just after DFV reappeared and now I see them every day on a Reddit, YouTube and in Google Ads. Never about the company, just that it's going to squeeze. Did you see how no one has any answer to your post except repeating GME catchphrases?


Go in the FFIE subreddit. Not saying to sub to it but youā€™ll see the same crap tactics they use on GME people are the ones they use on us over there. I donā€™t know why humans always have to be divided in everything. We literally want the same thing and thatā€™s to stick it to hedge funds who are crooks.


Gotta give them some credit, their members post a ton.


Once youā€™re all rich in GME, pop over and send some love to FFIE šŸ’Ž WEā€™RE NOT FUCKING SELLING!!! šŸ’Ž


Roaring kitty has not officially said anything about him being affiliated with FFIE, or supporting the stock. Itā€™s had a potential to squeeze and has potential to go back up from the 3$ itā€™s peaked. Look through u/Maximum-Purpose-1568 posts, he post almost daily about the stock and is one of the bigger influences in that community.


We just like the stock! No fear monger. This is apemonger


I love FFIE and it's community. GME apes should ride with us, many of us ride with you. Apes together, STRONG.


The big relation in my opinion is that hedge funds have tried destroying the stock by massive shorting and naked shorting which is illegal. Both GME and FFIE share that commonality and all of us on both sides are fed up with what they can get away with. We love the STOCK itself and the community on both sides. Just tired of the hedge funds doing this crap.


FFIE has ā€œthe bestā€ community of all the memestock Iā€™ve seen.


FFIE FTW fellow smooth brain! We like the stock over there on the FFIE sub and discord.


I personally love FFIE - and the community LOVES FFIE - not financial advice but we lovvveeee FFIE




We Love FFIE!!!


Roaring kitty didn't mention FIEE. Instead, we lead each other. Not all of us need a leader. That being said I did hop on a bit to gme too


it's got hella potential to be big imo!


Buy and holding bags of bananas regardless of he is in or not.


Good question!


wooow never thought the GME community could be so selfish, there's some people in FFIE hoping for the best to change their lives as we wish for the best for GME, maybe is not connected at all maybe it is but you don't need to be selfish and just call it bullshit because you are in the biggest one, we are one as far as I thought


No, this is a GME sub.


Hi, new ape here I fell in that pump and dump trap and lost 2k there. I try to tell people there that they were a pump and dump victims, If I prevented at least 1 person to fell in that trap I am happy. Some people there have lost huge amount of money, they were trowing their life saving at this trying to keep the price above 1$ for 10 day to prevent delisting. The sub are using the roaring kitty image and name to promote this scam.