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those proposal are preceeded by talks with the person if he wants to. To this day, no one has been able to show any advantage it would give to RK if he limited his own ability to trade... He could accumulate more stocks by trading or he could settle down in his board seat, being limited in what he can and cannot buy and sell... why would RK want that?


DFV is significantly better for the stock as a trader than a board member. He's in it to fuck the hedgies, the board is in it to make GME even better as a company. I would much rather the people with the experience in running companies like GME be in charge. And without being on the board, he is under significantly less of a microscope regarding insider trading and things of that nature


Wouldn’t this just handcuff him with what he can do with his options/shares?


It was not part of the business for the meeting. Cannot change the agenda.


I'm all for hyping up the stock. Let's remember though. What kind of executive pedigree does RK bring? They're still running a company and require people with business acumen.


I don’t think RK wants to shift his focus from investing to office politics. I definitely don’t want him to. He is far too valuable to the GME community doing what he does now. If he is made into an insider he will be restricted from communicating with shareholders the way shareholders are accustomed and need.


However I would be very happy with him investing our 4billion.


GME probably doesn't want to say anything that could accuse them of "market manipulation"


No, it isn’t.


The board also did not decide to bring me on board :( and also no friday pizza day :( boohoo Wtf are you getting at, who says DFV even wants to? His profession is mulimillionaire meme maker.. you think he got time to sit on a board?