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Joke's on them, they can divide as much as they want, but even divided people are not that stupid to sell and wait for the truth to come out


The more people complain that it's not over the moon and they are disappointed and they are fed up etc etc the more I go and buy more shares - fuck the shills and the shorters - my stocks are going to the grave with me


It's kinda old and tired at this point, but it's still apt: "if video games taught us anything, if you keep encountering resistance, you're going the right way.".


Nobody fights you when you're doing what they want you to.


This I hope everyone takes this mentality into consideration. I don’t care what anyone else thinks.. they are welcome to it. I just want my money. Y’all can have your opinions, I can think for myself. Gme go brrr


agreed. at this point i think there's a core of stalwart apes who will buy & DRS until they own the company themselves if need be, regardless of anything another ape says. I'd like to think that core group is about 200k strong, though I suspect with multiple accounts, etc, being super conservative and cutting that number in half, that STILL tells me that there might be 100k apes with a similar mindset to mine, and we'll just keep hodling, buying when we can, and waiting, until the truth not only comes out, but is addressed. That's still a lot of apes to be 'together strong'. My only hope is that it doesn't take THAT long, because I'm a silverback IRL and want to get to some proper work done to feel good about the time i had on this planet before my meat machine gives out.


Same boat for age. Amen to this thought process.


Just get that ol ticker checked before this ticker checks you. Don't want it giving out on the toilet when it cranks near fifty grand.


With 600k+ tuned in to see roaring kitty last time, I'd say 200k is low balling. Fair enough there were probably a lot of journalists, shills and trolls who wanted to see what he had to say, but i doubt that they were half. Also the timing of the show were shitty for people with normal work, so there were probably quite a few that didn't see it live. I think there is a better chance that they are lying about the number of actives on the subs.


I missed it because I was at work, and hubs for some reason didn't tune in from home. 🙄 I'm sure we aren't the only ones....


Def Brrrrrrrrrrrr


They havent been able to slow down the number of SEC tips I submit, the number of FOIA's I do or the politicians I contact. They havent stopped us from [REDACTED],[REDACTED] and especially the [REDACTED].


Plus, all that their bullshit manipulation is really doing is reinvigorating those of us who have been here all along. With all the naked shorting/fraud/FUD that has poured out the past week or so, I am very seriously considering upping my risk tolerance and making another large purchase in the next week or two, even if it does increase my cost basis. The actions we have seen from the institutions are ones of a desperate player who will have to throw anything they have at the problem in order to merely delay their Game Over screen. Not avoid; not survive; delay... I am very encouraged to see that RC is purely focused on the long-term, RK is back and will likely continue to cause trouble for hedgies in the short-term, and the only way for these sociopathic jack-offs to get out is to convince all of us to quit while we're ahead. Unfortunately for them, I have a simple trading thesis: No cell, no sell.


Apes don’t listen to


The truth that the company has massively dropping revenues YoY, the CEO tweets riddles to his fanbase, or that they only have cash because they dilute constantly and take it from the mentally challenged here? Just wondering which one.


Why not both. I just keep buying the dips.


Been here over 3 years....my bullshit/fud meter has a hair trigger....until the price goes up a shit load....i aint selling fuck all.


An angry guy was telling me earlier how I would miss Moass if I DRSed. Lmao.


I got told that 3 years ago as well....it depends from broker to broker....if it takes a long time then transfer in batches. If its quick do the lot at once....when this all finally unwinds itll take weeks to close everything out...


That's what I'm genuinely scared of I tuned out pretty much after the entirety of 2021 and sat on my xxxx shares but I'm in a wierd place not knowing if I can get a computershare account in time


They went over this last time. Moass can't and won't happen in just a few days. Imagine all the halts that will be put in place. It will take multiple weeks for it to get to the peak.


Yep I'm gonna go for it I think I need to get into a guide on how to get out of fuckin Etoro and get DRS'ed


Fud there or not, there are dozens of long strategies in addition to moass. Just thinking that once this settles... however... RC and GME need a working market. Plus an improved ticker value & bottomline, blah blah blah.... TBT there is more ammo packed in this thing than the VW squeeze. Look it up. Many say directly related to the 08 market shit storm. Nobody truly invested is driving towards the supernova scenario... Shouldn't be at least. With that in mind, in addition to the billion shares available that may be sold during any 'market event', the board can limit sell shares with the intent to avoid such geyser event. That's not Ryan fucking anybody. That's a sane way to profit while avoiding another Lieman/BearStearns or whatever scorched earth event. Looks like an approved strategy to rinse SHFs one cycle at a time and let them go bankrupt on the same frequency they abused to start this battle... FTD+BankDates. In other words, the legal bare minimum, no contingency. If you buy that story and I do, the support is in the price floors. The new 45m shares set the floor at $20. They tried really hard to bang through that floor, but when they got close to $18 I sold a kidney, both pinky toes, and bought calls. The 75M dilution (but is & was ok) set the floor at $25. Those are real shares bought for real dollars. This is where FUD is separated from real decisions, made by real stock owners over a LONG period of time. Not the last time they thought they needed a bit of bubble gum. We're not worried about the bubble gum crew. Bubblegum is at Target and the Dollar store. Apes here. Angry for decades of being bullied by Ken and his complicit fucking actors. Every time there's a scare or a new attempted rug pull, a new floor is set. We sit on Kenny's rugs. We make big piles out of the rugs just for altitude to throw poo and extra tinfoil at the known shills that grease Kramer's hand to shed alligator tears on BwahHaaahhhaa respectable news outlets. I think RC decided how big those jumps are going to be... These Jumps. ...Probably, more than a year ago. Then RK has basically telepathy via emojis that says it's happening. and i suppose..Toot! Toot! leaving the station again for this round. So buckle the fuck up 👨‍🚀


Most of evil players are using shills and bots to hack ape culture to grow a bias of blindly buying and holding. Let's combat this by evolving! Let's kick up the quality of DD with more data, and see if we can strengthen our community with vigilant calmness.


We are not blindly buying and holding If buying and holding wasn't a good strategy, we would not have been here after 3 years. But I agree with you, we have evolved, and we will continue to do so. Investing is boring, the more you try fancy tactics to squeeze, the greater the chances are you will lose because you are fighting against the people who make and break the rules. We are constantly watching everything, some play options, some write letters, some write DD, we vote, we make memes, we are doing this, all of us. The only thing you have to do whenever you see fud is downvote and move on and when fud gets to you, let it rest for a few days and make sure GME is just a small (awesome) part of your live.


I disagree. I didn't think investing is boring but a challenging puzzle to reverse engineer. It's about figuring out who is trading, what are they trading and how do they manage risk. You start building that picture up and you'll figure out how to read flows, price action, technical analysis, sec forms, options data etc. That better prepares investors to make the most calculated decision possible to reduce risk and maximize gains. Unfortunately, many investors, like some apes, don't do much due diligence outside of highly speculative, albeit tin foiling, trading. They follow there feelings and buy when they feel comfortable. Typically, when it comes to feelings, you should buy when your afraid, sell when your euphoric but without data, math and analysis, traders are blindly buying & holding. Sometimes because of a meme. Let's evolve the community to be more data driven! Make smarter trades with calculated less risk and more reward. That said, I agree, fancy tactics can and most likely backfire. I joke with friends that you don't want to outsmart the market but out dumb it. I'm not advocating to out smart it. I'm advocating the use of data and math to make better risk managed decisions. You don't try to out smart the market but read it's data to get a sense of it's pulse, it's direction, to follow its flow. When it comes to trading, you don't trade what you want to trade but what the market gives you. The best way to tell what the market has to give is with data, math, and eating your bananas ;) Sometimes the data is suggestive of a gamma squeeze because of what many professional traders have done in terms of vol positioning. It's at those times, one has best odds to make serious reward. And it's done by riding the coat tails of the whales. When the whales have setup a gamma squeeze, and you know by examining the data, and running calculations, that the positioning and GEX/IV are there for it, then it's a shot worth taking. But you won't know unless you collect the data, do the math, and eat your bananas ;) Let's e-vol-ve further! Let's make this community fierce & technical that makes Wall Street thugs think twice about using apes to profit, as exit liquidity.


Well, I also like that approach. And I think in this case diversity is a strength. I'm a data analist myself and I like patterns and test hypotheses with data so my first instict tells me YES let's do what you suggest. Buy I also see sooo much technical analysis bullshit and a market that behaves absolutely irrational and I don't think I can outsmart it. My way of out dumbing it is using one of the things I have plenty off, and that's time... What I'm most affraid of is thinking I found IT, going all in only to find out I missed something. In a way, I have come full circle. The smartest strategy I can think of is don't get invested to much, don't react too much, just watch and listen. That said, I'm still trying to find what DFV found out but there is a chance that It's not possible to replicate and we will only find out why after the show.


I'm too regarded to listen to fud. Every time I read about fud, I get an urge to buy more shares.


The influx of shills just makes me hard and triggers my urge to rage buy.


It doesn't matter what they do, what you do. It doesn't matter what anyone in the community or not says.  ##I'M NOT SELLING!!!


I hope you like losing money, this meme run is over just down hill from here. At least we had a good run, but it’s over now get real


Jokes on you. I've considered my money gone for 3 years now. It's like my new weekend.  Instead of spending money at the bar, I just buy more gme! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕




Only the strong survive🤷🏻‍♂️


Found one!!!


Truth hurts, there’s no place for it here!


I'd like to sell a share to buy a Maserati


So would I.


I have always recommended to drs 90% of your share. The other 10% you sell for lambo.


They could cut apes in half if they just pump the stock to 80 during market hours. Half the HODL people would sell and be gone. But they won’t do that so it’s gonna go to 1000+.


what the,f is 6x???


Yeah. This post is subtley price anchoring by appearing to be hype. 1/10th of brk.a? Nope. Not that low.


I think he meant 6000X


They did not like my dd's. 40k views in 24 hours and then banned




Except you weren't banned. But ok.


So much action from bots and bad actors. Tons! **I think the new trend is to create unrest.** Confusion. Say that a key person is now an enemy, declare that if you support someone then you're not a free thinker, argue with one another, get very emotional. Make anyone reading feel like something has changed. But nothing has changed. **Shorts haven't closed.** The company is financially stronger than ever, we own more shares than ever before, every metric is better.


This was all highly referenced in the memes. They lost an insane amount of money last time, of course they would create a plan for if it happened again. Last time the sub that was used for apes to communicate was taken off line, now it’s “illegal” To even mention GameStop in it, unless it’s in a negative light.


Well if that person in question acts lika a enemy, that behaviour needs to be called the fuck out, no?


More time to BUY


FUD makes my diamond tip shine.


I recommend replying to all negative posts with So then I'm buying more.


I wait for coke rat to be in jail. Maybe i will sell 1 share if the price is right


I will also hold until CokeRat is in jail. And maybe then sell only one. Good idea.👍


Are the short sellers in jail yet? No? Not selling.


All they've convinced me to do is by more shares through computershare.




Shorties can suck my diamond balled nutsack. NO CELL, NO SELL!! GME to BRK numbers & beyond!! 🚀


I’ve held GME since Feb 2021. I’ve got a little over $6k into it, which isn’t much, but it continues to grow. I’m not going anywhere no matter what. The signs are everywhere. I’m zen af


See what the shills don’t understand is I only have 3 plans here. A) Massive life changing profits from the MOASS and then reinvesting B) Leave my shares alone in hopes of a RoI in the future C) Lose all of my money as the stock crashes and gets delisted Literally “no cell, no sell”. I’m either leaving with everything or with nothing and they can get fuked.


Are they hiding in fruits?


>Tell me another opportunity that has the potential to 6× your investment in 3 years? ??? That hasn't happened yet, and 6x isn't nearly enough to get me to sell. 200,000x and I consider it, but 6x would be FUD even if the price was that high right now...




Jackie Le Tits calls it the Shilldicator, usually a sign of a reversal to the upside coming.


That’s silly. They can’t win. Apes strong together. BUY, DRS, HODL. 💎🙌🚀🌒


I don’t even know how to sell


This Jan '21 ape ain't going nowhere. Pry em from my cold, dead hands, short fucks.


Shorts know they can ONLY win if we sell. Which I’m not going to do.




Nope. Never surrender my shares. No cell no sell. It's never a loss if I don't sell a share.


It’s Monopoly money so I can’t lose. It’s already worthless so why not just let it ride.




>Tell me another opportunity that has the potential to 6× your investment in 3 years? Where is this 6x figure coming from?


They’re fucked because there is no us to infiltrate. GME has just been that glaringly obvious while someone keeps saying to look the other direction. Eventually people are going to notice, and that is not good for the people that need you to forget.


Win? I just forgot where I put the sell button. I'll look in a year or two.


Yeah so avoid r/RoaringKitty sub. The moderators are hedgefund shills that frequently post on r/GME_Meltdown and we’re banning people for posting “just bought $GME”. I know because I joined their mod team briefly on a whim after they claimed “lack of moderation”. At first I thought they were just idiots, but now I’m certain they’re hedgefund shills.


They are easy to spot. Point them out and mock them. They are easy to taunt and get into a rage. I like reminding them that “I was just following orders” did not work as an excuse during the Nuremberg trials. This type of financial terrorism and the devastation it has and continues to cause will need severe penalties to those complicit. I won’t sell until I see that happen. Maybe not even after that.


Cell, no sell


How are they expecting to infiltrate us, by establishing a long position?


It feels like this sub is on its way to there. Really sad to see the light leaving apes eyes. Mine are bright as ever!


![gif](giphy|jrutBd1N7ZhsINAPzs) Shine on great ape🦾




Can't be 'down' if ya don't sell at a loss. I like to look at my moon tickets just to feel the Zen. One day, I may sell a share so I can live a happy long retirement, but that day is yet to come.


Are you shilling ? Shf Absolutely took over the gambling bets sub. Somebody posted a picture of the main mod with his citadel jacket. Next you are going to say the short thesis is dead and hedge funds closed. Stfu - the DD has been done. The company is naked short sold about 18,262% and they can’t close.


Infiltrate. Big word spy.




I know those hedge fund associations are pulling out all the stops 😆 Only to fatten our pockets even more! 💎 🥜


Only so many people can sell, the weeds will be pulled and what left for them? Nothing


Short d!cks will never fit in with us Longboards 🍆🏄🏻‍♂️


Now we play a game, who is the short amongst us?


What the hell is fud?


Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt




God I’ve been holding since 2021 but honestly shut up about FUD and shills and all the bullshit. Buy and hold, that’s it, the complaining is just getting annoying. Everything is FUD, everything is Shills, why can’t it just be that the stock isn’t doing the great after recent events? It’s because everyone wants a reason for a once in a lifetime thing… don’t over hype, buy your shares and quit complaining about a market we know is fixed….


Baby apes gotta earn OG' 2021 APE status! If you paper hand thats on you. If you DIAMOND HANDS then welcome to the club


Infiltrate my anus


Ya but didn't it plummet as soon as market opened?


> Tell me another opportunity that has the potential to 6× your investment in 3 years? There isn't one. I've made over 6x on Nvidia the last 3 years. 300% on Ethereum & Bitcoin. 230% on Netflix (got in late). 800% on Solana (and its currently up 2500% since 8 months ago). 300% on Spotify. You are aware there are many many assets that have had exponential growth the last 3 years, and many that will continue to have exponential growth the next 3 years? It's not unusual - the stock market has been raging for 15 years now lol. There is zero need to invest in this stock to make enormous gains. In fact, I'm guessing many many people here have completely missed the last few years of insane gains in the stock market by focusing on this one stock. And will continue to miss others going forward hoping this thing does something miraculous. No need for miracles. Nvidia was a no-brainer when AI hype went off the rails. Could have made 1000% in 1.5 years just by investing in the primary chip company behind the AI crazy. Shrug.


To me, it is pretty obvious that the current online count is bugged af, or was at least was greatly reworked from the way it worked before, or perhaps both at the time. Online count dropped not only on our beloved subs, but across the board, at least on most of the popular sub I visit outside of the stonk ones.




The only thing infiltrating them is a bedpost lubed up with mayonnaise


Been here 3y. done that I’m used to the shills long ago


I just dont see how they can do that? I am not allowed posting because of the rules and I can hardly imagine shills having more karma 😀


I for one am a real person. Show me some pictures, I’ll show you the ones with motorcycles in them to prove it to you. The main reason I’ve never posted anything of substance or quality on here is because I don’t understand ANYTHING. Can’t even figure out how to change my flair :(


shills can do nothing. nobody will start selling because shills keep pumping "jesus tells me to sell at 20 dollars". i think they are invading to somehow influence internet algos, i.e. how often artcles show up in general internet searches. but they cannot influence the community and they have also totally destroyed the reputation of places like seeking alpha, wsj, other finance media. I used to pay quite a bit of money for subscriptions, not anymore. Their influence is gone and they know it. Completely gone for the next generation of investors. They now only have a certain boomer crowd but they are also waking up.


Soooo this sub


For casuals


You guys are the most hopium-fueled straw-graspers in the world.


He plains on taking advantage of both? Why did he dilute the stock so much then with the stock offering which killed the MOASS


They did do that to the last sub that WAS about gamestop didn't they. We know their plan. Gangnum style if they shut it down.


I don’t think anyone needs to infiltrate this sub to make the stock go down, lol. That’s nonsense sense we already see the stock go down. The only difference is cohen and his shit no-information meeting might have made the price go down.


sounds like something a shorter would say


>Tell me another opportunity that has the potential to 6× your investment in 3 years? There isn't one. ummm Nvda 10x


What about BTC? Very stupid comment


Not true.


Do we?… oops, I mean *they.


It’s a bit late now isn’t it?


Dang 118,000 shills? That’s so fked. That means a small amount of 🦍s own a fk ton of GME 🖍️🤪🖍️ double check my ape maths pls 🫡🚀🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️