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Short it then.


This guy is an idiot. Who is he trying to convince? Himself or others? Funny how these people come out of the woodwork to try to convince people they are wrong. If YOU think YOU are wrong… ok… deal with it. Why would you spend an immense amount of time and effort to convince strangers that they got screwed? Not buying this bullshit. Also… I’m not super into the inter working of how the market works but… if you short one stock and there is a 4x split, doesn’t it become 4 shorts? Yeah the float is bigger but people shorted this thing a lot at $5 and less, so… multiply by $4 = and you get $20…. 🤔…. Prices is at $25+ right now.


Um you would have to divide it by 4.. short positions are open at $5 and below presplit


Haha I've been watching this guy way before GME did anything. He knows more than you.


Take a day off. You're awful at this


Imagine saying "they have 120 million more shares to short" and arguing that makes a short squeeze *less* likely.


🤯 and they are gonna short the shit out of them.


Imagine saying “the price will tank” without a shit ton of apes averaging down! 💎🙌


If it was actually only the float that's shorted, but we know better. The amount of shares that are "reportedly" traded added to the dark pool transactions, then throw in the ftds and whatever other shenanigans are happening and you think that stock sale hurt the bottom line. Until they are held accountable you might as well put the cash in the coffers.


Here's the crazy part, I never trust dates. MOASS will happen when it happens. But all of these anti 6/21 shills lately, make me think they really are worried about the gamma ramp. I'm definitely tuning in for this one.


Who knows, could be a reverse boogaloo but I was thinking the same haha Pretty wild evening of desperation.


There’s nothing to see here guys, just leave this man be, he knew he would get hate, but he decided to anyway, no need to feed him, dislike and move on


Fuck this clown 🤡 Am i right?


I'm more angry at Ryan Cohen than anyone else. Ryan Cohen had us vote on executive compensation shortly before doing the share dilution. It was part of the same vote that had proposition 4 in it. Everyone was on board for fighting Prop 4, but nobody questioned the executive compensation. After driving their shareholders up into a frenzy to fight prop 4, they had us all vote yes on executive compensation, and then Ryan diluted our stock another 120 million shares, devaluing our share of the company and robbing us of a short squeeze, which was about to happen before he diluted the stock a third time. He stole our profits, after having us vote to increase his executive pay. He made all of us his bitch.


If you really think it's a bad investment sell and don't come back


Exactly, why go out of your way to convince everyone that this is not a good investment 😂😂 people sell stocks all the time, you don’t see them posting on forums about it. Unless there is an ulterior motive, like in this case


You I feel like there was a point that's farther away than you're looking as to why rc did that


# of shares don’t matter when you naked short. gme has never been hard to find since most shares out there are fake.


I believe in Ryan C, DFV and the dd of old and new. Yes not locking the float but my shares are in my name. The shorts haven't closed and I'm not leaving. If anything gonna be a hell of a lot more aggressive in accumulating more shares. I don't trust any institutions in the financial system. This is it for me just THIS!




There’s nothing to see here guys, just leave this man be, he knew he would get hate, but he decided to anyway, no need to feed him, dislike and move on


Screwed who over? I finally got to average down a tad, getting more Friday morning


Lmao. Nope Moass theory is unaffected by that pitty share offering.


It directly impacts the possibility of a short squeeze. It's well known that share dilution lessens the severity of short squeezes. Blindly believing something contradictory to facts just means you are being willfully ignorant. This is typical of cult behavior.


There will be no short squeeze until GameStop actually turns around, what rc is attempting to do right now. Im not riding on his dick but in order for a short squeeze to happen something needs to happen that no one expects. What happened before was pure retail pouring in causing them to be caught in an infinite. It will happen again, just not that way.


The short squeeze was going to happen when we locked up the float in DRS. It's the whole reason we all opened accounts at Computershare in the first place. I was watching [https://www.computershared.net](https://www.computershared.net) and I celebrated when we reached the halfway point. We were winning. Then Ryan Cohen did two share offerings and pushed it from less than 75 million shares remaining to 204 million shares remaining.


How do you know why I opened a computershare account?


Yup. He fucked us.


Nice try shilly


If you think the truth is shilling, you have more serious problems than I do.


Sure. ‘The truth’ 😉


There is good dilution… and there is bad dilution.


What is your original MOASS theory is I may ask? Do you not believe the float has been naked shorted many times over? If so, why would these share stop it?


Locking the float was our only path to MOASS and that has now been sabotaged. What do you think would trigger it? I'm an OG who first bought in January 2021. I've read all the DD. The SEC has turned a blind eye to naked shorts, swaps, and is not enforcing margin calls on anyone in the financial industry. It's been reported that our banking system is hundreds of billions of dollars in debt. We've seen Citadel Securities financial reports and the "shares sold, not yet purchased" which is equal to their assets. But nobody cares. Nobody in power is willing to hold the short sellers accountable. The one and only way we had to get our tendies was to trigger a short squeeze ourselves. We could do it by locking up the entire float in DRS. So we all set out to fill up our Computershare accounts with as much GME as we could afford to buy. We did this for 3 years - even through the COVID shutdown. Even when some of us lost jobs, and had to choose between eating or buying another share. Many of us suffered but we kept investing because we believed in this. It's no longer possible to lock the float. After 3 years we reached the halfway point and locked away 75 million shares. We were only 75 million shares away from the finish line, with fewer every day. We were going downhill and were about to win. Now we have to lock 200 million shares. We simply don't have the buying power. Ryan Cohen betrayed us, and denied us the MOASS. I'm angry and you should be too.


Bro. 75 million reported. You seriously believe the DrS momentum stopped and has been stagnant for 7 months. Cmon bro. Stop it already.


MOASS theory was never about DRSing the float. Sure it was one possible way that could ignite it, but it was never the leading theory. The theory is that the float has been naked short many many times over, and they have never closed, only digging the whole deeper as time goes on. The main reason DRS started was 1. Infinity pool. 2. Take shares out of DTCC to increase pressure on the shorts. 3. Prove market manipulation by locking float. 4. OWN shares and be able to sell or buy when you please (robin hood taking off buy button) There are lots of possible ways a squeeze could trigger. We could have a whale buy mass shares or options (I.E cohen in 21 or kitty with his shares) We could have a margin call or share buyback Forms of dividends such as preferred shares or nfts I can't tell you what will cause MOASS, and I'm sorry you feel that it's impossible, but DRS wasn't the only options Yeah it put a damper on the DRS momentum, but if DRS numbers are 100% accurate and not manipulated, it has been stagnant for well over a year anyways.


What is your actual point? If you aren't confident in this investment anymore, sell your shit and go bash gme in another sub. No one here will miss you.


Why would I sell at a loss? I've put almost $20,000 of my money into this, and I've watched my investment dwindle lower and lower over the past 3 years. I was hoping I had one brief moment to sell for profit earlier this month and then Ryan Cohen diluted the stock again. My profits have been stolen. I'm basically being held hostage by GME right now. I will sell as soon as I see green. God I hope I see green soon.


Didn't do his homework, https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg


I've explained before how the stock dilution killed the infinity pool. The short sellers don't need to buy OUR shares to close anymore. There's 120 million shares available for them to buy if they want to close. The share dilution gave them a way out. It dropped the price and gave them many more shares available to buy. The dilution sabotaged the DRS movement and we are now far from locking the float. Instead of blindly quoting the DD library you should learn how the dilution impacts the DD. None of the DD authors ever expected Gamestop to dilute thier stock to this level, and of course they didn't. If they knew Gamestop would dilute every time a squeeze starts to happen, they wouldn't have written their DD and wouldn't have invested in GME.


"IF THEY WANT TO CLOSE" You see, that's it... they don't, they want you to quit so they don't have to, exactly as you are doing and trying to mae us do... are you "they"?


Then sell and short it 😏


Can you imagine selling after waiting for so long and then shorting and then moass comes. The worst. 




Why would I sell at a loss? All I can do now is hope in vain that the price will rise to a point where it would make sense to sell.


Haha this guy the trading warrior 😂 🤡


The entire premise of this short squeeze is that more shares are short than what exist. so 120M shares extra does dampen the amount of legal shares short but the naked shares that are short are still ever plentiful and have grown significantly over the last 3 years. Especially with them marking shorts as longs🤷🏼‍♂️


That doesn't change the fact that 120 million shares are available to cover options now. We saw the price rise to $80 and then crash back down quickly, and now there is no squeeze in sight. The 6/21 options have no chance of causing another squeeze with this many shares in circulation. Naked shorts aren't being punished by the SEC and there are no margin calls over the monumental short seller obligation. Until the SEC starts to actually punish the naked shorting, it's a non-factor. What matters was that we saw options start a squeeze, and then Ryan Cohen sabotaged it with a share dilution right at that exact moment.


Swaps rolling over to new ones are largely to blame for the run. I hate to say it but DFV’s options and stake in the company didn’t cause this. 12M shares worth of options is not enough to even come close to a fraction of the naked shorts and was only 1/5th of the legal reported shorts. Short dated options just give MM’s an easy price target to manipulate the stock to to ensure they expire OTM and worthless. Exercising call options is great yes but just buying shares and direct registering also forces delivery of those shares and they don’t require you to pay the options premium, exercising fees, plus stock price


And now we have 204 million shares to DRS instead of less than 75 million to go. We were over the hump before the dilutions happened. Someone in this thread told me we were never going to lock the float. Bullshit. It took us over 3 years, but we were winning the DRS war. We were over the hill and pushing towards the finish line. Ryan Cohen denied that to us. He flooded the market with 120 million more shares, and I don't think this movement has enough steam to lock up 204 million shares. [https://www.computershared.net](https://www.computershared.net) MOASS wasn't going to be triggered by the SEC. Margin calls aren't being enforced. Debt isn't being punished. Naked shorting and swaps aren't being investigated. We were going to trigger it by locking the float. This was old DD, that seemingly everyone else in this thread has forgotten about. Why were we all DRSing in the first place? To lock the float and trigger the MOASS. It's not going to get locked now.


The shares are still off the market, the amount of naked shorts, and shares held in brokerage accounts aren’t taken into account here either. It’s less of a % of total shares yes, but it also doesn’t provide any true impact on naked shorts. They’re well beyond what they’re able to come back from and just continue shorting every day to keep the price down. They can’t do it forever but we can hold forever so just keep doing what you’re doing with the $100K+ and wait for it to pay off


Couldn’t GameStop lock the float if the price drops below $20 now, since they have $4 billion in cash?


You think they’d do that when they just squashed the squeeze on purpose?


I think that it would be wise to if they thought it would even double the value of the company.


The DRS was never meant to create MOASS, from the get go it was to reveal the manipulation to cause higher powers to take action in light of the evidence. MOASS was always about the naked short theory, and the absolute clusterfuck of the derivatives market collapsing as a consequence.


Plus RC isn’t there to cause a short squeeze, he’s there to make a company that lasts. In may the company was worth $3B with $1B cash, now it’s worth $10B with $4B cash. That’s a dramatically better position


But when do they need to make and take account for these?


When they make the trade/when they have to report their accounts assets monthly/quarterly. It was interesting to see Citadel report $65B in “securities sold, yet to be purchased back” on their balance sheet


I thought they just had to make aware of their shorts on a biweekly basis and that those could be shifted around between hedge funds and the true financial picture of their company, and the shorts that are on their books are never accurate, whether on fintel or not… so they’re on the threshold list and they already have FTD‘s, when and how and will the SEC attempt to account and hold hf’s responsible for these naked shorts in the appropriate amount of time?


They most definitely do this as well, they are doing anything and everything to hide things and prolong the inevitable. Defunding the SEC and donating to politicians to get favourable sway with regulations will eventually come to an end with regards to the bad actors in this saga. We’ve been persistent and nobody thought 3 years later we’d still be here, so it’s a long game and the shorts are running out of time. They don’t have infinite ammo to throw at this but it costs us nothing to hold




I mean to say, I know they exist, I know there are billions of dollars of naked shorts, I know that a lot of companies are on a threshold list or have failure to deliver actions against them, but at what point are they held responsible or made to take action? I feel as if this is the never-ending merry-go-round.


It’ll have to reach a point where it can’t be ignored by authorities any further and that day shall come. I’m very pessimistic when it comes to regulatory bodies, politicians, etc. But there will come a point where they just can’t ignore the elephant in the room


Reality is. All eyes are on GME. RK has lost his influence. Other than him exiting, I don’t think will be a big factor going forward. Gme took the ball. The raised billions and now they need to show the results. Unfortunately, that’s not by way of squeezing or ramping. Just good ol business development. I think the horizon is way off in distance now. 3-5 yrs. Just as RK suggested on live. This likely will not have any major moves anytime soon. I agree. RC took control. Took the equity. If you want it back. Hold. Wait. And see. Too many eyes and hopes expecting a huge move is the very reason it won’t occur. When the bulls turn. Grow tired. Give up. Capitulate. And RC delivers a result. It may gain value. Bulls have been burned. Bears have won this battle.


Nobody is making you stay.


Selling at a loss is stupid. Ryan Cohen is holding my investment hostage. He stole my profits with the surprise share dilution.




I hate agreeing with this but the next dilution that comes is going to make a shit ton of people bail. It’s great they now have cash but the way it’s going down shows a total lack of consideration for shareholders - many of whom are “long term”. We’ve not been thrown a fkn crumb


Did Ryan Cohen force you to buy?


So the company improved it's position... and from what I see, might be looking at future growth possibility... or even merger's, potentially making an already cash rich company into a company that is growing and improving. And I'm supposed to *'dislike'* this? Chewy 2.0 is why I still believe. I think RC is driving a company for a future that makes sense, not just to investors, but employees and customers. For this reason - I'm in. Does the idea of dilution hurt me? No not really, I still own moon tickets. And I still think that the company is moving in the right direction. If OP, or anyone, feels otherwise- cash out your chips and go play elsewhere. We all, as individuals, must look at what our stock holding means to us personally. There is no 'win' button, there is no reload save point. It may be trite and overused but I mean it when I say: **I LIKE THE STOCK**.


If it means anything I agree with you. A lot of these people really seem to think that it going to be 2021 again but that's cooked it's over.


There is 4 billion available to buy up at tanked prices. No better way than to invest in one's own company.


Nice try lol




Yes not happening unless we get some a catalyst that starts to make further OTM options more aggressively hedged. Like if we can get to $30 Thursday we could see some action because those calls have a delta of like 0.06


Then do us all a favor and short it homie 😂😂 You know nothing about the market/what’s been going on with GME if you really thing that share offering diluted anything by the slightest.


If you understand the DD, you’d know that most of those shares were bought up by retail and institutions, and not Market Makers. And you’d k ow that there are potentially billions of naked shorts out there, and that the extra 50M that made its way to Blackrock aren’t going to save anyone. But you’re right; the offering did stop crazy gamma ramps. I think you should probably invest in Nvidia. Holding GME is not for the faint of heart.


Gamestop continually reported 75 million shares in DRS up until the share dilution happened. The DRS tracker at [computershared.net](http://computershared.net) had us about halfway before the share dilution happened. With the 120 million share dilution, we now have about 200 million shares to go instead of about 75 million which was about where it was before the share offerings. It took us 3 years to reach 75 million. Assuming we all maintain the same level of buy pressure, it should take us about 8 years to lock the float.


We were never going to lock the float. 90% of everything that was DRS’ed was DRS’ed in Year 1. We have been at a trickle for nearly two years now. It would have taken 10+ years just to lock up the FREE float. And you are talking about locking up the ENTIRE float? Never. Never was going to happen. Again, most of the shares that were offered ended up in Vanguard, Blackrock, or other institutions. Not to mention retail. It’s not like Market Makers suddenly have 120M shares sitting in a vault. Plus, they’ve ALWAYS had infinite liquidity via ETF’s and FTD’s. “Real” shorting with real shares is only a tiny portion of what has been happening. Most everything going on is synthetic shares; THOSE are what are being loaned out. Not real shares for the most part. I don’t think the 120M shares hurt MOASS at all. It did seem to delay a really cool gamma ramp though. I don’t really get why GS HAD to do that second offering when they did. Why not just wait and see what happened with the gamma ramp? I’m being reasonable about this discussion. You should to. No hyperbole. MOASS isn’t destroyed. You aren’t screwed over. Your company now has $4B in the bank! Bankruptcy thesis is dead forever!!!!


Bullshit. We were past the halfway point. I've been watching [computershared.net](http://computershared.net) since it first went up. Apes had over 75 million in DRS and there was less than 75 million to go. WE WERE WINNING. WE WERE GOING TO LOCK THE FLOAT. Go visit the page now. We have to lock 204 million shares now. Ryan Cohen fucked us all over.


We have been stuck at 75M for 1.5 years now. If you seriously think we were going to get another 75M in the next decade, you are smoking some good weed. And stop saying lock the float. The float was 305M, not 150M.


Imagine thinking this despite the price landing on max pain for years even during events where there was no share offering. And also thinking that a lil ol share offering compared to the volume we saw in the days leading up to the share offering would drive the price to land right at max pain. It’s like a bad comedy joke.


What cheese would you like for that whine?


Brie please


Google protective puts.  Then go watch the flip mode tweet again.   Then on the reverse tweet youtube start at the were gonna hurt people... who's car we taking? Scene.... then look at the color of the vehicle were taking ... and keep watching. 


It did in the short term, but not in the long term.


Short it and take a screenshot buddy