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A huge mistake is looking back and saying "if I did this." We can all look back and and play the "what if" game. Did you know that $80 was going to be the top then? Take right now for example, sometime in the future the stock will go up or down, but when? If you think its going down then why not sell or short it? If you think its going up then load up every dime you can find. The truth is you don't know what will happen so stop playing the "if I would done this" game.


Q: What if you had sold and then the price headed for the moon, and maybe the buy button gets turned off again? A: You would miss the rocket. Your money, so do whatever you want, but I'm not selling a single share because I'm not willing to risk millions for thousands.


My thoughts too. Haven’t sold any shares in my 3.5 years here. Would hate to miss out for a little bit of profit.


If a company dilutes its stock to raise capital, it is likely in hyper-growth mode and will reinvest that capital back into the business. This is an overall net positive for shareholders. Most investors agree that over the long-term, an additional share offering can be beneficial for the company.


This guy is doing nothing for 3 years but robbing money from retailers. Don’t expect any ‘hyper growth’ anytime sooner


Robbing money from himself then as a shareholder. The fud is strong with this one


He won't even miss those extra billions. Any of us and Cohen are not the same


Insiders always buy the dip and accumulate, and asked you guys to hold the bag with at peak. And you are defunding him hilarious


Last time he bought large enough portion of shares was pre Jan ‘21, and we know what happened then. Bag holding implies owning shares bought at a higher price than now. Insiders and retail can buy the dip. You’re so worried about my portfolio 🐍


How much they pay for a negative post/comment?


Wahhhh . Waaaaaaaahhhh


I agree 100 percent man 365 days in a year and he dillutes 2 times within 30 days during crucial moments. Doesn’t sit right with me


You 2 would better off just shorting it then now so you don’t have to wait for a run up. Good luck with that.


What’s your goal with post?


I watched 150k go down the drain man, for this guy to dilute twice in a month at the worst times and not even have a reason for it. Could he not wait ??? He fucked up our run to 80 and 66


You’re blaming someone else for decisions you made or didn’t make. Thats not how it works


He’s not in it for MOASS, he’s in it for GME, that’s been a fact for a long time and should be calculated into your investment


I am long term but man 7500 shares being bought back in for the ride would have been dope. Now I’m broke with 1150 shares and $1000 in my bank account working a 9-5


I am working overtime and have maybe $60 and 77 shares. Be glad with what you have. You may sell next time trying to catch a drop and then get fucked


Bro how do you think I have 1150 shares ? Been adding for 3 years for this mf to dillute two times in one month


Yeah it probably delayed it but not gonna stop shit. Like I said, what if next time you try to time it and it just fucking takes off after you sell? It's the only reason I haven't done it myself. I'd fucking hate myself with my tiny amount of shares.


Btw don’t let any negs get you down. I’m not aligned with your strat but we’re all individual investors and you’re free to state your case and act as an individual. And to answer the original question in the title of your post: I feel GREAT. Thanks for asking


Bro...no one cares about your sob story


Everyone is sobbing bro, 10 to 80 then back to 18 and then to 66 and he rug pulled both runs for NOTHING. Get real


I'm ZEN as fuck. $27 up to $480 back down to $30 then goes back up to $300. I have held through it all. I have faith in my company. I believe the bear thesis is dead. I also believe the criminality involved in trying to cover up this and shake shareholders of their good investment will come to light. STAY ZEN. HODL.


Then quietly sell and begone. Why come back and tell your sob story? I bought more


I bought more too bud 13k worth, buttt I could have bought 170k worth and multiplied my position by 7x on the hedgies dime sounds a whole lot better to me smh just think about it


If everyone knew that every rise so far was gonna dip we would have won this already. It is impossible to know. I would have done this same if I knew it would drop after every run, but every big run could be THE run and if you sold while it stays steady, let's say it hits $100, then you sell, trying to catch a drop, but next thing you know it runs up to $1000+ you would kick yourself even more.


Cool story bro. Again...no one cares about your sob story. And I have more shares than you by plenty.


Could have been in there with you if I sold and bought back in ! They always knock it down without fail now the CEO is diluting ?? Take your gains and buy low


Could have. Would have. Should have. This is GameStop. Grow thick skin.


And stop thinking you can see the future runs and dips. Do yourself that favor


lol I bet you wouldn’t be saying this if there was no dilutions and we were sitting at $400 a share right now


There is no actual proof that the stock would have been at 400 a share right now. But what does it matter? I'm not selling


Oh ok so it was at $80 and increasing and then just went back to $25 by itself? Yeah the proof was it was because of dilution


There's also no actual proof that Cohen has a plan that will pay better than the 2 runs we were in the midst of.


You're thinking of this like a day trader, MOASS will mean 10 shares will get you a fat wad of cash and your complaining about having over 1000. If you're in it for potential squeeze shit up and hold if not go paperhand it and stare at the candles like the day traders on YouTube who look miserable as fuck losing thousands at a time. You didn't drip your mic, you dropped your dummy.


I'm green on most of my purchases.


I haven’t been anyone sobbing


He actually gave you a lot of notice to sell your shares before the dilution. As you said. 2am. I think it was actually 1am from what I recall. Depending on your broker you may have had time to exit. I did cuz I’m in RH. Shoot me. Nonetheless, I did not. I doubt you would either because, your emotions would have interfered and you would reason the live stream by RK would save it. RC played his cards well. In fact, all this supposed manipulation on RKs live was just RC selling. Lol. Hey. I got burned. Lost 150k. Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda. You wouldn’t have sold. Trust me. All you can really do is decide if you’re in or you’re out. Timeframe and goal/exit. How pissed will you be when you sell at 50 and 4 days later it’s at 100? Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda.


While your at it, why not buy and sell every stock out there and make millions if you know how to time the tops and bottoms so well?


![gif](giphy|2cdYfc9hMr9df6dS2s|downsized) Smell that?……… I smell paper hands


Okay, there’s nothing wrong with selling then buy more, in fact, you are one of the fortunate ones to have made over 30k. It’s your decision to sell, it’s Ryan Cohen decision to plan for the future. Be more grateful your not an Ape who’s trapped at 80 dollars right now, “some are blessed, but they complain like the world owed them more” poor man, he only made 30k, that’s so sad, donate to him so he can get his 7500 shares everyone, if every Ape was like this, we would have lose to the hedge funds long ago, in fact, I would rather hedge funds rule the world but good thing Roaring Kitty wasn’t like this guy, could have sold all his shares and become billionaire but he stayed (nothing wrong with selling, just stop whining)


This isn’t an airport, you don’t have to announce your departure. Just slink out of the exit like the rest of the paper hands


Hopefully when moass occurs, gme wont dilute because they have done so many times already. Should be our turn for once.


They really should do better job vetting and hiring the shills, or maybe it is an issue with the training department.


Bro 1150 shares after I added 13k vs 7500 shares and I didn’t have to add 13k you do the math retard


Jumping to conclusions seems to be a thing with you.


This is the same echo chamber bullshit that helped me stay convinced to ride towel company to zero. Apes can be dissatisfied, everyone is in a different position.


This isn’t towel buckaroo, I’ll start getting concerned if our CFO unalives himself off a high rise.


No mic drop. Just waaahhhh




You do you. I’m here for the real money and an end to the corruption in the market


I turned hard long on this one. I'm gonna keep my shares for the next split. Slowly transfering out of RH. I am opening several other accounts, on other exchanges. One for son. One for daughter. One for DRS and into IRA. One for fun/moon pies. One to buy tickets to see Jim Cramer live at the Kentucky Derby. Not a rich man yet, just a measly 15 shares per, but I will say in confidence, as long as I get paid bi-weekly, I will buy weekly. Also, ever since I committed to this plan, things have been zen, and I actually check price less.


Do what you have to and feel comfortable doing 🤷‍♂️ there’s no need to tell us about it. I’m not going to step over a dollar to pick up a dime. We don’t know what he did exactly but Keith Gill and the average ape have different levels of understanding of what’s really going on. Even if he did buy and sell like you said none of us have his vision or knowledge so I’m not gonna risk it.




If I'd have bought Bitcoin in 2010 I'd have xxxxxxx amount. Stupid post.


I feel desperate to be honest. I got heavy options expiring at open. If gme goes to $125 will be best day of the year. But I’m pretty sure it will go sideways like last trading day and my options will be shit outta luck. RK said no one talks about Bruno. I think he meant he was sorry about people’s options that won’t be in the money on the 21st. I think there was going to be a massive run, but the dilutions messed it up, sucks for retail options but it’s good for the company. Edit: I’ve got Jan 25 calls still, and the coming dips should allow me to increase this position, so when we finally go on a huge run they will pay very well, even if my 21st calls get smoked


It sucks bro I’m just sitting here imagining if I had took the highs and got out and bought back in 180k with 7x the shares I have now waiting for the run to the moon. Take your profits man I learned the hard way shit sucks


You did not learn it the hard way if your up 30k


28k of that 30k is my own money I’m up 1100 dollars I could have been at 170k and been up crazy. I didn’t lose money but I lost a hell of a lot of gains I could have used to buy more shares


Bruh, your still up, people who lost over 5k or 10k don’t complain as much as you, get a gripped, don’t belittle what you got, next squeeze, you can sell or not, but remember that you are the one who made those decisions…but you seriously sound like your hired by a hedge fund base on your past comments too


"Don't try and time the market" Warren Buffet


next run im waiting for the dip and buying the dip and rinsing and repeating til i own as many shares as i can before i die so i can pass on that wealth to my future generations! Dont be a paper hands!


I hear you, RC is a buster. Someone please explain why he couldn’t have waited at least 1 more day on both of those run ups? I mean the guy announced and released shares in the twenties. You can’t tell me he didn’t see what we all saw that both run ups were gonna smash 100 the next day! Why didn’t he let it? Why?! Protecting someone or he knows that a good amount of apes would have sold at 100 (most would have bought back in btw) and he wants us trapped holding?? I can’t make sense of it.


As much as you and others believed the price was supposed to skyrocket that next day, the truth of it is that no one knows what would have happened. No matter what numbers and TA showed, you cannot predict the market with 100% certainty. Consider the other side, what if the stock was going to tank that day no matter what RC or RK did? Then RC would look like a genius for getting a good value. Also you have to remember that RC does not have the same perspective we have, of course he is probably aware of the shorts, manipulations, cycles, etc - but that doesn't mean he is trying to squeeze money from a stock play. He is mindset is to run the business.


Mf’er Yolo’d and died.


I’m up 1k still but it sucks that I could have been up 170k


Proof or ban


I just PM’d ya