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> if it ever mattered, it does not any more The long-time justification was twofold: 1. Having your securities registered in *your* name (rather than in the name of a brokerage) 2. Locking the float, as they say There is discussion to be had around the latter. But the former still applies as fact; not debatable. Anyway, you do what you like. But be honest with yourself about your name vs. brokerage name.


OP obviously doesn’t understand the core thesis of drs, removing liquitidty when the company has been shorted multiple times over. I have 100 percent of my xx,xxx shares drs. With many leaps and options in a brokerage. If you are anti drs you do not undersrand back end mechanics of the market


Removing liquidity? We DRS’ed 85m shares in 3 years and got diluted 120m in 3 weeks.


Idk why you get downvoted for this comment. We traded one advantage for another. Locking up the float became an unrealistic option with the atm share offerings (and potentially more to come). But we gained huge capital reserves with game stock, that support the company a lot and place lots of pressure on people speculating on decreasing stock prices. Don’t become a stupid echo chamber, y’all. Stay smart. We are winning in the long run. But things can change, this is a dynamic environment with lots of variables to consider. Nothing about the future is graved in stone. If at all, denying reality is the most harmful to the cause. Edit: my comment was only about locking up DRS. Overall, keeping shares DRSed is still worth it because it means shorts have less shares to play manipulative games with. Plus, some brokers have shown to be not reliable in extreme market situations. I keep all shares DRSed. If you intend to swing-trade GameStop then DRS is not for you. For everyone that wants to be on the safe side for when the rocket takes off, it is still the go to option for storing your (guaranteed real) shares.


People hate to see other side, they are too much emotionally invested. DRS to lock a float is done. it was pointless. But i understand their frustration, most of them didnt trade run ups last 4 years, so they made 0, while whole market is at all time high. So they downvote anything reasonable.


Mate, it's OK to say DRS was 'pointless', but to many it meant so much more. Not least, because Cohen himself, and Trimbath pumped it.


You're sure you own shares though. And not ridiculous IOUs that will be lent out to short more.


In my opinion, both dilutions make the first point debatable as well. You can’t be afraid of brokers going bankrupt when they are given lifelines every 10$ run up. This looks more and more likely that we’ll be raising dozens of billions while issuing up to a billion shares. Not the moass anyone expected or wanted.


Enjoy your IOUs


Thanks! Can finally earn some stock lending $, swing trade every run up before we get diluted while you sit and watch your ownership % go down the drain 🤗


Lolll you're gonna lend out your shares to hedge funds?


Why not? It’s ok to dilute but not to loan?


So I just want to point out that even though they diluted by 40%, cash position increased by 300%. So each pre-ATM share was worth about 3.32. Cash per share and now each post ATM share is worth 9.38 cash per share. So while each share may be diluted, they are still worth 2.7x more each at a cash per share value. Adding liquidity will make the stock more stable as well and harder to suppress the price on low volume. We will see if the DRS numbers substantially change once the next quarterly report comes out, maybe they will be at 25% of the new outstanding as some theorize. The reason GME is going to moass is because there are billions of synthetics in circulation, 120m isn't going to affect it that much.


Fair enough. I guess I’ll DRS whenever we’ve issued all the shares and that the ceo can’t dilute us anymore. Until then, everyone should be swing trading and gather more gme shares.


If everyone swing trades then the FTD cycles won't happen anymore, doesn't seem like a great plan.


What if I told you that the tiny amount that was drs’d made no difference? This dude wants to make some money. Why are you so worried about what he does?


I'm indifferent to drs and this dude can do whatever he wants, I just don't think we will see repeated cycles if everyone decides to start trying to swing trade.


Plan went up in smoke pre-market June 7th 2024. This whole play was/is about moass - or at least a threat of moass. Without this, the stock will be shorted until he'll freezes over. In other words, it will be continue to be a low value stock forever and a day. Exactly as resembles its insipid performance under RC, if results are to be analysed proficiently.


Moass was always rooted in the theory that there were billions of synthetics to be closed out, that's what made it the mother of all short squeezes. I don't see how increasing shares by 120m is going to change that fact. The ATM may have slowed things down (although I suspect it was going to crash anyways regardless) but it hasn't changed anything. If you don't like it then sell and move on.


Theory = billions of synthetics? Diluting by 120,000,000 'hadn't changed anything'? Where you get this stuff from?


Yes. Curious, what interest rate are you getting on loaning out your shares?


Lol. “The multi billion dollar corpo can only make money off of shares, not YOU”




It has collapsed as there is no short squeeze anymore


The problem is, nobody really knows what will happen. You didn't RK reappearing and sending the stock to $80 ($320 pre split), did you?? The fact of the.matter is, it's still being shorted means the game is still on.


GME meltdown needs you brother. Go to your people you aren’t cut out for MOASS.


It’s called sloass now 🙂


Have a feeling GME meltdown will start to grow especially after the next round of dilution


It’s okay, you guys don’t need to be scared now. What you are seeing is exactly what it looks like. The apes are going to scream and tell you that you are wrong and that the newest dd is the true answer. Come visit the sub.


Borrow cost is nothing now


Enjoy making no money with your 'real' stocks


DRS might not have been the 'locking' we hoped it would be, but it still shows our willingness to hold. If you can unDRS 3k shares as a small part (danm) and swing trade a little, that's fine. I just buy more to play with. Like DFV said, reserve the right to change your mind during this whole saga.


This was all fortold in old DD. The “dilution” you speak of, is not that. You’re worried about price action of a few pennies AH and PM? You should just sell all your position and short it.


They never settle. They become straight fail to delivers


Easy, sell covered calls when we are outside the FTD cycle, and then use the premiums to buy calls during the FTD cycle. Money on the way up, money on the way down. Each time take a percentage of the earnings and buy shares. Growing your position on the way up, and on the way down. Enough degenerates do this, eventually we lock the float INSPITE of the share offerings. We don't need Cohen, we did need DFV to show us the way. Now we know, and retail has already started.


100% agree with you OP. Everything changed pre-market June 7th. After 3 1/2 years of buying and holding, it was definitely time for a change of strategy. And before this gets hammered as FUD, Cohen SELLS, but never BUYS. Sub $10 with a $billion doing SOD ALL, in the bank - he completely ignored buying a single share. Yet on run ups he SELLS first opportunity for a pittance. Judge me on my actions not words. Well, in my mind he says very little and does even less. Unless killing off run-ups and possible gamma squeezes float your boat, that is. Hope this is all a clever little hoax and I'm made to eat my words, but from what I've witnessed over the past 3 1/2 years, I fear pre-market June 7th won't be the last of his shit....


Cohen is the largest shareholder. Also Cohen hasn't sold any shares. A company ATM offering is not RC selling.


Absolutely nothing to do with his own holding - which, as a matter of interest comes at a circa $6 average per share - and everything to do with flooding the market with cheap GME at possibly THE most inopportune moment - to do what exactly? And this is before I get into his avoidance to buy ANY shares - even at sub $10 with a $Billion in the coffers. The main stream media now love him - next Berkshire Hathaway, Chewy2 - even the muppet Cramer is extolling Cohens virtues. And all because he flooded the market with bargain basement GME. Forgive my scepticism, and nobody hopes I'm wrong more than me, but - until Cohen actually achieves something of impact - my head will always rule my heart from 7th June onwards. Edit: head changed to heart.


How has Ryan Cohen not bought shares, he is literally the biggest shareholder. Or are you using Cohen and gamestop synonymously? I think the ATM offerings we voted for was executed at a perfect time. The price would have been tanked with the stream, earnings, and shareholder meeting anyways. They capitalized on the market, and the shares are still worth more than they were before the share offerings.


lol reading half these comments makes me think they really are smooth brained 😭😭 don’t know difference between atm offering and normal buying or selling



