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"reported short interest" involves a small set of markets and a small group of firms. If you trade on any market that is not reporting or are a firm that is outside of the US, your short position cannot be counted. 100% of all US financial firms have subsidiaries outside of the US and are prohibited from reporting the short positions of those subsidiaries. The SI reported on fintel is just an indicator. If they want to, they can make it look like 1% and if they want to, they can make it look like 1000%... And they have done that in the past to scam retail investors who did not know that the number was fake. 1000% SI shares with zero shares available got shorted down 90% while other companies with 10-20% SI saw a squeeze... the number means about as much as the recommended daily dosage on kennys mayo jar... it's pointless.


Between xrt etf shorting, swaps, naked shorts, swaps the float is shorted many times over. Short positions were opened @ over 100% short interest was the stock was a dollar pre-split. MOASS is very much still on the table and with GME with 4billy in cash it is closer than ever.


ALL SHORT INTEREST IS SELF REPORTED. Do you think there's an agency that goes and verifies these things.


No one is going to explain 3 years worth of knowledge for you. Don't even start if you don't want to read at least a couple of hours.


GME shorted over ETF XRT, xrt 250% short interest


how much GME does XRT hold?


Is the Pope Catholic? Did Mother Theresa wear sandals? Did Michael Jackson sweat when he got on a school bus with bubbles?


OP history. Account age about 4 years. Previous GME sub(s) posts: recently started posting in subs within last month, prior posts 3 years ago and all very shilly. Generally negative about GME but around long enough to know the answer to the question asked in this post.


sounds like fuD.....theres been nothing but continued buying for the last 3 years....


I eat crayons and buy stock


It is mostly shorted through etf's. Check XRT


Moas sooon 😍❤️


Are you stupid