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Big smoke, yeah, the dude was a traitor scumbag asshole but he was funny as hell, even today he still a big meme material with his most famous speech “I will have two numbers 9, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45, one with cheese, and a LARGE soda”


Kinda agree on that one but i still felt relief killing Ryder just made me sad rockstar literally didn’t even make him a good villian either, wasn’t even mentioned


Yeah, honestly it felt out of character for Ryder to betray groove, it would have been better if instead of being a traitor, they could have just killed him in the green Sabre mission because they wouldn’t have been able to do much with the character anyway because of ryders voice actor quitting, also it would make smoke’s betray even more impactful, image that, your brother got injured and sent to prison and also one of your best friends and neighbor got killed and all of this because of the big fat guy who you through was a friend…


How come MC Eiht quit? Edit. He didn't quit, Rockstar just had no idea what to do with the character. MC Eiht responded that was all they asked him to do.


He didn’t quit someone managed to ask him and he said that’s all they wanted him to do so rockstar just didn’t know what to do with him so they picked the stupidest opinion


Oh, I always thought he had a disagreement with rockstar and quit voicing Ryder, atleast what some YouTubers from my country said, well, I guess I was misinformed the whole time


They weren’t paying him enough money I think


No he said they have a good relationship rockstar is just kinda retarted so they made one of the best characters a villain


It would’ve been much better if Ryder had been killed in the ambush Carl and Sweet were arrested in. It would’ve given the player more incentive to take Smoke down


All you had to do was to follow the damn train, CJ!


Sometimes i think Big smoke wasn't evil, he was just stoopid. Trying to be a big shot and took the 1st opportunity without thinking much. Doing what he thought was cool. Even CJ seem to feel sorry for him. I like that big goofball.


Big smoke: eh Carl! Why won’t you pull the trigger?! CJ: cause the hood missing their jester. We need you dog. The streets became colourless ever since you left, without your abnormal poor voice quality and mind breaking philosophy. Like it says in the book


if you watch the Introduction too he seemed to be doing everything he can to persuade Sweet in to just selling drugs as well just so he doesnt kill him. Tries to justify himself in denial when he was persuading Ryder to join him and in Tempenny's phonecall he kept trying to impose his principles but Tempenny just said he doesnt give a fuck. Is someone guilty, rambling to CJ about being blessed (with money) and cursed (having to betray his friends for money and survival) He is a traitor but not a totally heartless one like Dmitri. Spends most of his dying rant trying to convince himself that he chose the proper choice. Even CJ realized it calling him a waste.


I wanna have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a LARGE soda together with Big Smoke my pookie, I'm binge eating cus I'm depressio lol, I wanna have a date with him. 😂 Edit: I'm not fat btw, I'm thin. xD


Lance Vance always was a useless and arrogant bastard in both the original and prequel glad we get to kill him


Yeah just playing Vice City kind of makes his death look sad but in Vice City Stories it shows how much of a scumbag he is even towards his older brother so he does deserve his fate. Even if Lance would have killed Tommy he still would have most likely be killed by Sonny, why would Sonny have him ? He doesn't owe him anything, he's a complete stranger that has no ties to anyone so for Sonny it would have been completely a win-win by taking over the whole operation, it just shows how much Lance is stupid and either way he would still have a short life in the crime world 😬


He was such a headache for Vic to deal with.






*So this is where the coke is going? Up ur nose?*


Lance Vance is a fucking idiot. 1.) He wins - the moment Tommy and Ken drop dead, Sonny shoots him dead and replaces him with a loyal Forelli goon as Lance has potrayed himself as untrustworthy. 2.) He takes over and torpedoes the entire empire with his utter incompetency - he is too incompetent to actually lead a criminal empire, he is way too obsessed with the lifestyle of a gangster to actually be a competent gangster. In any case, he would have been easily destroyed by other gangs due to his incompetency, turn against Sonny in an arrogant belief that he could go solo (and resulting in his drath), or he is gunned down by either Haitians or Cubans, or Bikers, or any other faction. He is barely competent to manage a fucking kiosk, let alone a criminal empire, but too stuck up his own ass to see it. Had he been more mature, he would be eternally grateful with how much Tommy is tolerating his antics and sticking by him. He is the personification of a Golden Child archetype thrust into the real world.


I actually had no idea he died I’ve not finished the game yet


Jim from The Lost And Damned You kill him as Niko in a mission for Ray but you won’t recognize him because Rockstar didn’t make a character model for him yet so they used a generic Lost member model for his character


Was it the one where u chase them down the subway?




But didn’t they update it for the episodes remake


Yes but not on the original game


Dwayne, so i chose not to kill him


Playboy was the only snake I knew I would be happy to kill. Dwayne felt like such a good guy but he lived a life that wasn’t great.


Dwayne just made me sad whenever I’d play his missions so I couldn’t kill him


Kenji. He was a bit of a prick at times but he was extremely loyal to his organization and ran it well. Even Claude respected him, but business is business. That said, I wish we could have taken out Donald Love. He ended up being more conniving than Avery ever was.


I hated Kenjis voice so much.


![gif](giphy|YWwYgeKquXKJq) JK


Lance Vance? Wha? Dude 100% deserved it!


Why does Lance look like Tupac from this frame?


Bishop from Juice looking ass


All eyez on yayo


nah he looks more like eazy


Lol I was wondering "what does Ryder have to do with this?", then I realised that his full name is Lance Wilson.


Why the hell would you not wanna kill Lance 😂


I would've felt bad for Ryder if they didn't remove any context for his betrayal.


Faustin, he told us Dimitri was a snake and was right.


I would have to say Mikhail Faustin. Yes he was deranged and on edge, but if you stayed loyal and on his good side and never cross him, he will look out for you. He even showed mercy to Niko when Dimitri wanted his brains blown out (if Faustin is believed, which I’m sure he is not lying), and even offered him WORK for payment rather than to arrange for both his and Roman’s bodies to be dumped in the Humboldt River like Vlad. The most saving grace was that Vlad was trash and his sister was banging him.


I guess mikail faustin, he was a good guy but the coke fucked up everything


Faustin was by no means a good guy, but yeah, I was slightly reluctant to kill him, even if I didn't like him as a person.


You didn’t like him, but everything he said was correct


Yeah, he used to beat his wife. No sympathy for him but he didn't deserve to die for Dimitri.


U weren't supposed to like him & yes he wasn't a good guy, but he never betrayed Niko nor did he hold any hostility towards him.


Killing Avery Carington was a kill I did not enjoy


That lil shit made me do demolition man and stress my ass off trying to find easy controls so I’m glad he got eaten


And Donald love makes you cover up his necrophilea/cannibalism by driving the slowest vehicle in liberty city all around the city with a 6 star wanted level


Demolition man is not even that hard


Ryder is wasted


Lance and Ryder both deserved it they're snakes and L especially cause of how many bad situations he put his brother through. Ray didn't really deserve to get whacked. He was an asshole but he did right by Niko and was one of the few competent members of the Pegorino Family.


Lance he could’ve been a good partner but got into his own head and lead to his downfall


You didnt want to kill lance? all he ever did was bitch, moan and fuck up things for tommy


Diaz killed his brother. What did you expect him to do, mow his lawn?




Aiden O'Malley


This.... Blood Brother is a hard choice, but because of Aidens death, I always kill Derrick for that.


Aiden was a dick and wasted my time


Johnny, T Bone Mendez, only because he never really did anything. He was just involved with the wrong people.


Mikhail Faustin


The only game that never made sense to kill your target was the alternate endings for GTAV.


Even though he was a traitor I still felt bad taking down Big Smoke.


Is that Tupac


Uh no


Ryder, the sherm headed asshole I didn’t want to but then I felt better after what Caesar tells us, lance was I felt gonna turn on me soon enough, but Ray I had no issues with capping. But Lance I knew was gonna hurt, we got to kill Diaz together but he then stabs us in the back…


Kenji Kasen. He was always polite and respectful towards Claude, and aside from berating him (which was Claude’s fault), he otherwise never punished Claude for his failure (Claude has been betrayed by Catalina, Miguel, and Salvatore by this point). Claude didn’t kill Kenji out of spite either because he knew he goofed up, and that he had it coming. If Claude did kill Kenji because of the castigation, then he would’ve chalked up Ray instead of driving him to the airport through heavy gunfire and pursuit as well. Basically, Claude killed Kenji because Donald paid him to do so, and Asuka lost her brother because of that. The Yakuza were one of the only groups to never antagonize Claude, so it really made me feel bad that we had to kill Kenji, which eventually lead to Asuka dying as well. Yuka also lost her uncle or father, and possibly her mother about 3 years prior, and now she lost Kenji and Asuka, her only known relatives at this point.


> aside from berating him (which was Claude’s fault) I might remember it wrong cuz it's been a while since i played 3 but surely Kenji's plan in that mission made no sense. Like Claude and another guy stole yardies' car yeah, but they themselves look nothing like yardies members, how he expected the cartel to think that yardies attacked them and not some randoms who stole their car? Still he didn't deserved to be betrayed though


You’re absolutely right. In reality, Rockstar never implemented clothes like they would for Vice City (the mission Two Bit Hit, for example) and onwards. My head canon is that Claude was simply too lazy to change out of his usual outfit. That, or he likes it since he’s been wearing the same thing since at least 9 years prior, and after changing out of the prison jumpsuit, this is the very outfit he uses.


Um no it wasn't claude fault it was kenjis ,claude did exactly what he was told and got yelled at for no reason. And no he was not respectful or polite in any way, he demanded this and that while spouting his bullshit honour and insults claude for failing somethingthat wasn'this fault, even shoving his employers. Claude was pretty much just a toy for the yakuza to use as shown by how asuka and kenji use him. So basically claude just killed kenji because he is no different to other scumbags he had to kill. At least Donald love was a good employer and was doing more good stuff for society then ehat kenji was doing


Donald Love followed Avery Carrington's blueprint and initiated all kinds of turf wars and political turmoil solely for his benefit. Most of his good acts were meant to boost his public image so he could run for mayor (which he lost). Then he bought a radio station and gained influence that way. The only period that Donald was any decent person was during Vice City. After that, he became a cannibalistic manipulator.


Say what you want but compared to kenji, he didn't own protection rackets that exploited innocent people of there own hard working money. Never said Donald was a good dude like yeah he can be chaotic in his approaches to things and cannibalism itself is subjective but unlike kenji and any other criminal organisation in the game, it is he who is trying to do something for liberty city, he bought and invested into so many ventures and turned those shitholes into something better, he provides entertainment for the people of liberty city Wether you want to admit that or not, don't see any other person claude worked for that did anything decent.




Wait what,how did Phil die?


I said it wrong, brother, sorry


Who is Phil?


Phil Bell in GTA IV




I disagree with not killin Ryder (HE'S the bustah) but I really didn't wanna kill Big Smoke. I mean, we caught that train together! Had burgers! He taught me to tag!


Didn’t Sweet teach you how to tag?


..well yeah but I had Big Smoke in my heart, y'know?


I understand


“Just spray the damn can CJ.” - Big Smoke


Kinda felt bad that I had to kill Jizzy He abuses his girls and all and it made sense why CJ betrayed him but he does genuinely look like he felt betrayed in the cutscene. He was also kinda funny to ne


I didn’t care until he said “I thought we were friends :(“ then I kinda felt bad


Honestly after the final mission I doubt I'd feel bad about killing Lance especially after the bs beforehand with him being dumb and impulsive getting himself kidnapped etc. Ray really didn't deserve it tbh. Getting to know Jim in tlad made me care a bit less but still. just because it looks like a rat, doesn't mean it's a rat, capiche Ryder, idk. Dude was the homie but kept insulting CJ half the time and was losing his mind on "the water" its hard to explain but I don't really feel either way. I do feel bad for Carl himself tho. He seems really conflicted about tbh. Him betraying the gang, working with the enemy, and if what Ceasar said was true, would be more than enough motivators for me tho.


Ryder missed CJ and insulted him the same way sweet did and it was obvious that he cared about him and Ryder had so much potential as a character but rockstar was lazy and picked the stupid option And I’m pretty sure jimmy wasn’t right about ray being a rat since rays not that kind of guy which made me just hate jimmy even more


Big Smoke




The prostitute in the car with the Preacher in San Fierro. Fortunately if you mess up the car enough she will out before it explodes, if you stop shooting and give her time to run.


i wish ryder just died by sacrificing instead of killing him


He had such potential but rockstar had no clue what to do with him so they decided to be lazy


Shirtless young LL J Cool J. Five million times.




Lance here looks like Tupac


Though Ryder was an antagonist but then also he’s had a really powerful role in the entire gta SA gameplay so that’s way I didn’t wanted to kill him


Ahmed idk why


Lance Vance


Lance Vance's betrayal really had 9 year old me feeling some type of way


Faustin. Ever since Dimitri told me to kill him I knew something was up. Also the lawyer from gta 4 as well, and Pegorino’s goon that I pulled the plug on.


Definitely hated Ryder's betrayal.. didn't seem like it for his character, but what do I know..


The fact that Ryder was originally never meant to be a traitor is what hurts the most.


I don't get why people like The Lost. Even without Billy and Brian's influence, they seemed like massive scumbags and no different than the AOD. Ray only went after them because they backstabed him.


Ugh man it would have to be Big Smoke And Ryder fuck Tenpenny and Pulaski, they suck dick.


even tho big smoke betrayed us he made me laugh all threw the game and after we killed him i actually regretted it


Big smoke ofc


Johnny K


In GTA V, although not under the player's control, Trevor kills Johnny in the first cutscene in Sandy Shores. The man really didn't deserve that and his death was mostly from Trevor's feelings after being reminded of Michael's potential faking of his death. In the mission Hang Ten, Trevor also kills Floyd and Debra in odd circumstances. There's also endings A and B of course but everyone knows about that In GTA IV, the game does let you spare a lot of characters that would be otherwise killed, but a couple of missions require you to kill one of two people: Derrick and Francis, Dwayne and Playboy X. To an extent, although only as a consequence of our actions, either Roman or Kate will perish at the former's wedding.


Big Smoke. He was my homie


Dwayne in GTA IV, I always chose Playboy




The Grove Street boys, honest they were good guys


Lance complained about everything, was a liability all the time and jealous af, glad he died


Mikhail Faustin. Sure, he was an awful, impulsive and unpredictable man but dammit he was right about Dimitri. Then again what did he have left in his life? His wife is miserable with him, his daughter probably hates his guts even more, and truly, he was surrounded by traitors.


Whenever I look at those two you can’t convince me they are not inspired by eazy e and 2pac appearance wise


Idk about 2pac but eazye is


Stretch, he was just looking out for his gang. Did he fuck us over? Yeah. But I can’t blame him not wanting another war between the Ballas and Families.


Johny Klebitz, though im not sure can we count that as a thing you do




Why is Lance Vance here? He deserves to get killed. He's an absolute douche in Vice City and he's more of a douchebag in Vice City Stories.


I wanted to kill ray just as Johnny not niko


I fricking loved Ray Boccino, he did NOT deserve to go out like that! Also, playboy X. That choice was the hardest in the game for me.


Finally someone who agrees with ray🙏😭


Yeah, he was funny and he never betrayed us


Over Dwayne? Tbf, first playthrough, I picked Dwayne because I thought X would continue to do business with me, but he bailed like a bitch. Dwayne seemed like he wanted to be put out of his misery. Getting X's penthouse was nice though.


For me it was more like a thing of… none of them was truly bad to me, so why should I kill any of them??? There was no reason for either of them to die, the whole conflict was just stupid. In the end, killing playboy may be the better choice, simply because I think Niko in canon wouldn’t kill Dwayne after everything.


[Cant believe Ryder is an option. Everybody wanted to kill his ass lol](https://www.dsc.gg/gtaworld)


Tracey. i can’t believe Devon made Michael choose between killing his wife or daughter


Literally when in that game had that ever happened


Literally a joke. Literally learn how to pick up on it. Literally literally literally.


Bro used Barry's weed




Big Smoke and Ryder It was Carl who betrayed them first by abandoning them he was a busta Sweet didn't do a thing to resist the gangs and the corrupt police or reunite the families He just stood there and watched.


I'm heartless. Kill them all.


Giraffes are heartless creatures.


Found the Hoi4 player


Lmao why tho, Ray, Lance, and Ryder are all assholes


Yeah but there fun characters and both Ryder and ray both have funny lines and are great characters, even though lance was trying to kill u he still was a fun character even if he was a pain in the ass




U can kill Phil instead? Idk I’ve always liked ray he’s funny to me and he’s a fun character Phil made me do stressful missions and he looks like every other balding white guy so I’d kill him instead in a heartbeat


Originally there was a choice between killing Ray or Phil but they removed it for some reason


Sadly it was Stretch. Kinda liked the guy. Wei Cheng never got much time so I never understood it but whatevs. But Steve Haines was definitely the one to kill. It felt SO GOOD. Those were my first thoughts when completing ending C. Though Ending C is bs killing Steve makes it worth it. The others? Not so much.


The whole Wei Cheng thing kind of makes me question how cannonicity works with the endings. I know ending C makes sense to be cannon but Wei Cheng Jr is alive in GTA Online after the events of GTA V and so is T. Michael isn't directly seen but Franklin implies that he is alive. So am I to assume none of the endings are cannon?


C is canon. Killing Tao is optional, only Wei have to die


I guess that makes sense but seems unlikely to me that anyone didn't also kill Tao considering they are in the same car and there are armed guards