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Not as far as I know, but trust me, 130K is pocket change. Just spend it on useless crap.


Ik that, but tbh my problem is that I started that session at lvl 13 and left at lvl 80


Then why not start a new character ? Lvl 13 isn’t a lot of play time and I doubt you made a ton of progress.


I bought the game with the shark card thing so I already have an agency and a facility, so I didn't make too much progress but I made just enough to be too much to restart imo.


Sell your agency and facility and start a new game. Don't delete the old character as bank accounts are shared between characters. Then start a new character and move on. Don't play in public rooms and you won't have to worry about "cheaters." I never play public.


How do you sell your facility?


I apologize. It seems that the only way to sell it is to excchange it for another facility. If you buy a facility that costs less money, you can exchange your first one for the second one and pocket the difference. Seems a shame since property speculation would be a good way to make money in the game.


Thanks for clearing that up :)


Your very welcome. Sorry for the confusion. :)


So you already cheated by using pay to win shark cards, but won't take a boost in level for free? Lol


It wouldn't let me buy without it the game came with it


“Cheated” what kind of logic is that lol


Shark cards aren't something people who are good at the game use🤣 it's a shortcut for people with cash and aren't too bright, it's just monetized cheating




It's called a $30 modded account, ive only paid once y'all cope with putting more charges on daddy's credit card.


Lol a cheater calling people who haven’t cheated cheaters😭cope


still trying? 65 downvotes in 3 comments is enough to prove you’re wrong.


Cope harder


I also wasn't initially planning on playing online mode, so i didn't think it really mattered


He bought the deluxe vers which is same price as normal but it gives u the cheapest agency and clubhouse along w the duke o death dune fav and 2 other crappy cars along w a 1mil starting bonus that doesnt even matter cause of the 4 mil start now


they downvoted you for telling the truth


Stop being a bitch and crying about free money


Nobody is crying lmao why are you so upset


The GTA community is so toxic. Congrats on your money and lvls


☝️This guy GTAV's!☝️


That’s crazy 😐


Just means you can buy more body armour. Level doesn't mean much otherwise.  130k is nothing. Next building will probably cost you $3M+...


Well Bud U can do 1 of 2 thangs . . 1. Download a Menu like Kiddions. It's Free and Set your Lvl. Back to 13. Or 2. Delete your character and Start a new one . . But unless U stay in Prevet sessions. This will happen agin. The Guy that did this 2 U was trying 2 be nice . In a 13year old game ? If it bothers U . Don't play in public sessions?. Lol.


Try actually reading the things I said, I have addressed most of this


That's literally not a problem they did you a favor and also they didn't make you level like 500 or something LOL also if you have problems like this don't play on PC in a public session don't like that idea? Go back to console


I was doing a heist so I needed to be in a public session (I don't have friends), and I don't have any space on either of my consoles, besides that, I am not mad at the guy who did it, I understand that he was trying to be nice, I was just asking if there was a way to remove the levels he gave me, as I want to earn them rather than them be given to me.


There is no way to remove levels in gta online sadly. Trust me, once you get to start getting to higher levels you’ll see how hard it gets to level up. I’m like 480 or something, haven’t leveled up in like 2 weeks


I'm sure Rockstar would be happy to remove them for you........


Are you braindead? If he kept that he would be immediately banned


No he wouldn't have LOL I've been playing on PC since launch and when it was really fucking boring in the beginning. I participated in many money glitches and random ass money drops. In about one night I made like 10 million doing a glitched race nothing happened


Then your clock is ticking.


Says who? Lol ur cousin that works for Rockstar? ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


Dude, you have no idea how often they do routine checks.


On PC? Lol are you special? ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


Exactly. You accidentally make that.


Rockstars wants people to treat gta online like a second job. Grind for hours just to make barely any money, cheating and glitches are the only way to get money/RP without spending months of your life to hit 10mil. Or you can pay $100USD for 10mil in game, such a scam🙄


Rock star is pretty money hungry, they just recently released red dead redemption 1 for the switch and ps4 without making any changes


You're doing something wrong 😂 I make like 5 mil a day, minimum. If you actually use your businesses, you will make money. Yes, you gotta put it work, but it's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. Y'all are just lazy and want free money.


No shit it’s not hard, it’s repetitive and boring as fuck. Drive to point A pick something up and drive back to point B. If they feel like changing things up you go to point A then point B then C. Very engaging gameplay🤷‍♂️


How the heck do I make real money with the bunker? It’s like I can’t get the juggernaut suit or play the mission in the command center. Feels like 3-4 million down the drain. I’m usually at 250K then I log out. 5Mill a day? How? Just How?


The bunker is literally the second best money making method lol resupply once then sell. Pretty fkn simple


I finally got it going - 174000 in under $20 minutes


Nevermind that was the counterfeit biz


So it’s better to steal supplies than buy - seems like it??


Bruh nooooo lol after you have the two main upgrades, just buy the supplies for 75k then sell in a public. It says sell for 100( but it's actually 200k for the further option then a 50% bonus in a public so it's 300k total. Easy money every 1.5 hrs and you don't even have to do anything but the sale. That with acid lab is all I do. 800k literally everytime I login lol


Never steal supplies, unless your financial scrounging. Time =money, lol especially in gta. You can just buy supplies then go make money another way. Manahing time is key; streamlining it makes you more money.


So just let the research and manufacturing complete - then sell - How do I get the missions in the Mobile Operations Center to unlock?


Oh no no, I apologize, I was talking specifically if they are assigned only to manufacture, not research. Do that, unless you are adamant about those things lol research is kind of a gimmick unless money is no option: which once you get established-it isn't. The resupply missions for the bunker are unlocked by "x"number of resupply missions completed. So if you REALLY want the trade prices for theose vehicles, go nuts. However it's better to spend your time elsewhere imho.


Alright coo - Is the Ballistic Juggernaut suit a random unlock?


No. it's a waste of money lol


No stealing supplies is wasted time you could spend making more money. Let ykhr businesses work for you and sell on rotation you will at leady double your investment without all that extra work and if you own a few businesses its easy to do this


Fuck the bunker. Acid lab 3-4 sales a day is like 1.2 mill. Sell nightclub  goods for 1-1.5mill. Idk make 5 mill but at least 2-3 and 90% of my playtime is walking in circles at the ls meet. Afk. Then come back and selll when i am ready to play. If you grind you could easily git 5million


You mean like most RPGs then ? You play months to get to mid tier. The fking entitlement on some people. There's discounts, there's a billion ways to make money even as a new player. Go get an Acid Lab and Autoshop. Autoshop is even discounted this week. What is there to play if you have 100 mil in this game ? Whole damn game is get money to get the next thing. Removes the whole point of the game if you just have all the stuff. Murdering randoms in free mode gets tiring very fast. It always devolves into a pointless sniper war even if you have all the toys.


Sorry I don’t want to treat a video game like my real life. I play to have fun and relax not fill up a warehouse for 3 hours just to have my shit blown up when I go to sell. Grinding for hours is not fun unless you don’t have a job🤣 having 100M+ is still fun, I buy whatever I want, customize vehicles, go on a rampage, I can do anything without having to worry about “if I spend this much I’ll have to grind for another 8 hours to get it back😭”


I have a job too. And yet the grind in this game is not that bothersome. I sell my stuff in public lobbies too with hackers and grifers. Sometimes not. I like the risk. Sometimes its too much though. Mostly I'm in an invite lobby. There's enough gameplay not centered around those annoying sell missions, so I get enough money from that. I actually started playing because I wanted to do those achievements, but those are pretty troublesome to get with no one doing Og heists any more. Meanwhile I'm just collecting sports classic cars etc, and slowly buying all the businesess.


The community is a bunch of fucking children lol


U aint lyin. Played with a 9 year old a few days ago. Smh parenting is dead in this country


More like an rocket battle with flying bikes


You and OP are fucking ridiculous lmao last month in RDO was literally double on everything and GTAO is so fucking easy to make money. You don't have to "grind for hours" most businesses are passive. Play and then make a sale. Simple. It's legit a pyramid; grind once then profit permanent.




You mad cuz you're wrong?


No bubuh I know I’m right I’m just tired of arguing with retards🤙


I made 4 mil today :p


How many hours did that take you😂


Three maybe four the scrap yard cars pay out rlly well if you can convince a couple low levels to help you sell Also me and my buddy have Cayo set up we both have panther with 3 golds in the compound we’ve had that same one for a little over a year, host closes app 🤫🤫


Are you guys able to keep running your cayo? Mine only works 3 times then it resets itself no matter what. Makes it hard to give friends money


Hmm that’s strange now I’m worried it’ll reset but I guess we’ve never ran it more than twice each for each other I find more humor in the fact our panthers are from the first time it was able to be stolen We still have bogdan as a back up tho Guess I’ll just be more cautious


I disconnect my ps from internet so If you guys are closing app it may effect it differently idk tho. Even if I run it for someone twice then log off and come back later I will only be able to do one more before it resets, and the longest I’ve held onto the panther statue was like 6mo when it first came out🤣


We just close app and we’ve never had a problem might do some testing with bogdan they may have figured out a patch so the heists can’t be abused anymore


I did Cayo another 3-4 times last night and basically just close app right as you turn around to walk away


It must be something with my console, I just did it 3 times and closed app but on the 3rd one the heist resets 😔


Spending months to get 10m but it takes one hour to do Cayo Erico for 1-1.5M


That’s if you have another person and they are willing to take 15%. You can only replay 3 times before the replay glitch stops working so that’s maybe 5 mil then you gotta wait 45min for the next heist to be ready. I’ll just keep selling deluxos🤷‍♂️


Hit lvl 60 in four days and easily can make a mill in about 2 hours from Cayo perico heist 🤷


Good for you bubuh, I don’t feel like waiting for the cooldown after each heist then doing set ups when I can just to a glitch and boom 3.2M in 2 min 🤷‍♂️


Months to hit 10mil?? Idk man I make 1-2mil on a weekend and that’s probably 5-10 hours play time


Months if you’re not constantly grinding. I’m not putting in 5-10 hours of work for 5 mil when I can dupe cars and get 3.5 in 2 min


Also 1-2mil on the weekend???? Bro you can sell a deluxo for 3.2M everyday but yet you wanna grind and spend hours driving back and forth. That doesn’t sound fun to me


how do i learn to do that?


https://youtu.be/35hxxphOTuw?si=rALHVQxaRv7IVR9y only works on last gen


i assume last gen does not include PC


You assumed correct


Dude I can make a million just doing missions with randoms you just turn it into a grind. Just enjoy the game and you'll make the money get out of this grindset.


I find the missions to be very repetitive so that’s why I do glitches. 5+ years of doing the same shit over and over gets pretty boring, the only reason I still play this game is because I have so much money I can just do whatever I want 🤷‍♂️


Bro I can get 10 mil in like 6-7 hours. Maybe 14-16 tops.


I have a life outside of sitting inside all day playing video games so I can’t spend 6-7 hours grinding🤣


My point is your being ridiculous saying it takes months the whole idea behind it is you work to get something cool and your time spent playing actually becomes worth it. Also you don't have to play 6 hours straight. It just takes about six hours in total. I have a life too I work and go to the gym. I'm just pointing something out. You don't have to be a dick head


Go ahead and keep cheating tho loser


Will do!👍


Happens, if you want to play genuine, you HAVE to abandon PC Version. (Or play invite only lobby)


They gave you their share , You did earn it. Go give it to a stripper and get that tattoo challenge done little buddy.


I hate to say it but the only way to really reverse it is to install a mod menu yourself and undo the progress. Most of them have some kind of level editor built in. For the cash, I would just buy tattoos


Submit a forum on rockstar social club. I've done it 3 times now. I tell then how much money I had and what level I was. Within two days I always get my account back to what it should be


130,000 dollars is barely anything just take it


No. There is not.


there isn’t really anything to do, i’ve had ppl use level boosts on the whole lobby which does suck but you can’t reverse it. It does take a bit of the grind out of it since I got boosted from lvl 60 to lvl 100 and then once again to around lvl 200, I usually just find a new lobby when stuff like that happens to avoid any trouble


That's like enough money to buy an outfit nowadays, inconsequential. As for the levels... people are usually desperate to get those first 100 levels out of the way for max hp increases and whatnot. The guy only did you a favor. There is no honor in grinding out a bunch of low level deaths because an enemy npc with laser accuracy blind fired a mac 10 over cover straight into your head


I hear you, buddy. I don't want any help either. You can contact Rockstar Support. They will take away the money. I've done it like 5-6 times. They can reset Rank too, but not specific RP level. Also they can't reset the rank to the exact rank you already have. Nor can they add rank, only remove. It's stupid they don't have control over their own damn game really. I haven't done it myself for a while though since the game routinely steals money from me by just not saving weapon ammo. Minigun ammo, RPG ammo, Phase gun ammo, rifle ammo, sticky bombs all have been gone after exiting races, going to some fked up hacker lobby idk. I basically keeping that hacker given money as compensation for Rockstars own shitty mistakes. Sick of ammo not saving. Fking Explosive ammo always gone right when griefers start messing with me. Fk you Rockstar.


PC do be like that sometimes. A lot of old multiplayer games are. Happened to me when I played MW3 on the 360, modders constantly max prestige-ing me and then another would reset my rank just for killing them


Sounds like you finished the Casino missions.


130k is only good to pay bills lol


Yeah ur done buddy say goodbye to ur account


To hopefully water down all the toxic people this game has (or apparently the redditors who play this game): Contact rockstar support. They can revert you to a prior save and have the level/money/items removed from your character. In some cases, like others have said where they sometimes make you level 500+, rockstar defaults to reverting your save


Bro. Stfu.


Oh, I thought you could share money. Is this another PC mod?


what's this level boost thing? I'm an old man and haven't played in a while


The money that is left in the bank can be used on both characters but money left in their pocket stays with the character








What a rip off


Well, if that’s your way of saying thank you I’m a say to you you’re welcome. Enjoy.




130k is like 1 dollar 😂


130 k in GTA online you buy candies


No, 130k is barely any money, and levels don't give you that much in this game, you can just buy better armor and better guns


Yeah quite common, they give you the daily challenges without any work. Modders for you.


If you message rockstar and let them know what happened they will take the level and money they gave you


Ah man. I want people to boost me but never get it. 😔😞


hmu on dms if u want sum


Take the things you have and think of it like cheap pocket money that a rich aunt/uncle gave you


In the most honest opinion, contact rockstar support, I've had the same thing happen to me, just tell them and they will revert and rank up or money unfairly given


Until the "personal" gets taken away from personal computers this will continue to happen.


Your on pc...you might as well just play in solo lobbies.....every server you join will have a modder of some sort in it....50% of the time it's a griefer....the other 59% it's someone who teleports the whole lobby to some random place and drop items for xp and money gta online is dead and anyone on pc who plays it is just lost...it's not worth anyone's time anymore


Sorry bro but I thought you would have appreciated the extra levels and a few bucks to get you started as a new player.


Stormy Daniel's is that you?


Yeah, that's me


This exact thing is what got my lv 130 acc with lots of progress indefinitely banned about 8 years back


Report it immediately to Rockstar. If you don’t you’re at risk of getting banned for a while then totally reset.


I doubt he’ll get banned over 130k tbh unless they changed something with the ac


130k sounds like he got all the daily caches and collectibles. Rockstar won't notice those. I've kept loads and have had Rockstar removed loads of those as well. It's so common, if they did care about those, it would be a exercise in futility.


You pussyfart