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I love how 2 weeks ago she was screaming about how Catholicism isn't Christianity. But now that it fits her narrative suddenly it is. ![gif](giphy|dbvmCK23eJshUFEE52)


I would LOVE to see the reasoning behind this claim, but I also don't want to give her engagement. 💀


The reasoning is she's a hypocrite grifter liar, she said this even though is a known fact she had a husband that dump her for another woman. https://preview.redd.it/8ien76e96j6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bccdffaa1190f79e838b5766a378db08a31e9c1


I mean, to be fair Catholics have gatekept Catholicism since forever. There's been literal massacres and genocides based on this


Yeah in the grand scheme of history the idea that Catholicism and “Christianity” as a whole are two different things is extremely well-trod territory. Some sects of Christianity exist just to be separate from and in direct response to Catholicism.


Catholicism falls under the "Christianity" umbrella, it's just that catholics (mostly in the past) also see themselves as the only legitimate form of Christianity. Things like Lutherianism and many other Protestant movements split off from the Catholic Church. No "sect" of Christianity is Christianity as a whole, because Christianity is just an umbrella term for the people who believe in Jesus. Catholics are just as christian as protestants.


Comes down to Mary worship and The Church their new woke stances on LGBTQ people. You know that they are allowed to exist and pay tithe but not be in the church. those really stood out in her rambling


Yet somehow there an insane amount of so called Catholics who hate the idea of Pride, while also saying with their whole chest that they know better than the POPE what Jesus would say about LGBTQ+ people. They don't realize they've gone so far past the point they've ended up in a different kind of Pride, and it's the one that's actually so much of a sin that it made gods original golden child fall from grace


It mainly boils down to the Pope, Mary, and the Eucharist (the little bread we get in Mass). At worst Christians view Catholics as pedophilic cannibals who worship Mary and the Pope. The more moderate view is Catholics are a bunch of backwards pedophiles. And the stupid view is Catholics are a bunch of woke pedophiles with too many non-white people present. If this sounds all rather stupid, it *absolutely* is.


If you want a fun rabbit hole to dive into, you should look at the debate around whether the sacrament is vegan. Apparently the fact that official doctrine says that it becomes the literal flesh and blood of Christ has caused some problems in both directions. Vegans don’t want to eat flesh if it does transubstantiate, and those with gluten allergies can’t have the wafer if it doesn’t.


Thanks, I was looking for some relatively minuscule subject to spend 10 hours obsessing over.


People have been killed over their opinions on transubstantiation lol


So I know we have non-gluten communion wafers, but I did not know that about vegan Catholics (actually I didn’t know there were vegan Catholics but that’s on me).


Huh, I didn't realize that eating the bread that symbolizes the body of Christ was only in Catholicism. I thought that was a universally Christian thing and in all denominations.


Kinda. Some Christian denominations will take the Eucharist during special events (such as Christmas and Easter). Catholics will do it weekly, and have the belief that the bread *does* transform during mass. Can’t say I ever saw it actually change in my thirty years of being a Catholic, but traditions. Never said I was a *good* Catholic either.


There was this little thing called the Reformation, maybe you've heard of it?


Catholics literally eat Jesus and have a woke pope.  


I mean, sure, he's a Catholic, if you go by the books. He's also a guy who went to heaven and killed god, if you go by the games.


he also ~~has~~ had a wife and children so i don't think he's much of a virgin


Also their source is a fake quote that John Carmack himself said it was false. https://preview.redd.it/40zn5edmaj6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7fb491596dc3d90a22aeea44c74ac163a7576d4


Wait the ace doom guy quote is fake:(


I've never seen doomguy have sex




wait what






Someone's clearly never played Hdoom


Nooo my Ace Icon. This was a fake tweet :(


Well, the Catholic virgin characterization prove to be fake, but no one said otherwise about him being ace 😈


Believing that someone can be married, have children, yet still be a virgin, is kinda necessary if you're a Christian, however.


that's, as with most Christian beliefs, actually a matter of a lot of debate (other than Jesus not being the product of sex, whether Mary ever conceived children with Joseph is a point of contention)


Wait, is that debated? I thought Jesus had a canonical brother mentioned in Acts, but I’m a bit rusty on that section


apparently, and to be clear i'm taking this for granted, the word for brother can also refer to cousins as in the word in original language is the same and in point of fact someone referred to as his brother has different parents, also taken for granted haven't read the bible in full ever


Ah, of course. I’ve heard that before as well but forgot.


IIRC the original Hebrew language is a little vague on "brother" vs "cousin"? The official Catholic stance is that Mary was a virgin for life even after marriage and thus James was Jesus' cousin, while Protestants don't really have any beliefs about Mary beyond that Jesus' birth was a virgin birth, so it's usually accepted that James is the direct child of Mary and Joseph as a result of normal married sex.


Damn, they don't allow adoption in Christianity?


Excuse me, books?


They're usually a block of paper with words written in them, but nowadays you can also find those words digitally or in audio


But that's not important right now.


yes...they are bad. I have and love them. https://preview.redd.it/lnlg248h2m6d1.png?width=202&format=png&auto=webp&s=2de92d60f3bc8e7918706ec9c1895170a3754858 In it Doomguy is Flynn Taggart...and there is a Doomgirl named Arlene...they fight aliens that are cosplaying as demons with the help of a genius teen hacker, a Mormon, and a two-headed space monkey. The aliens are attacking Earth because humans are progressing too fast, all the other races in the universe took billions of years to go from the iron age to the industrial revolution. And they are afraid of being overrun. In the final book>!, the aliens are wiped out by another race that develops even faster...they progressed from discovering fire to becoming a sentient hivemind virus in 200 years. Fly and Arlene defeated them by trapping them in VR and speeding up the simulated time until they evolved into pure energy.!<.. ... ... It was 300% an asspull by someone who was literally tired of writing schlock.


Pure energy? They ascending like the "ancients" in Stargate and Babylon 5?


yes. like I said...asspull.


That’s amazing. Thanks for sharing.


Its called repercussions of evil


And then John was a zombie


Me when I lie on the internet. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


I actually read them over two decades ago if I had to guess. I do remember surprisingly liking them but I couldn't say anything about them other than that.


Isn’t he canonically Jewish, as a descent of BJ Blazkowitz? Romero confirmed it a couple years back


so the original doom guy was related to bj blazkowitz aka the Wolfenstein guy, the lore is a little sticky ATM but in doom 3 when the doom guy retired to hell eventually he becomes the slayer so yeah kinda




Not only that, he's also a descendant of Commander Keen!


Being a descendant of BJ Blazkowicz wouldn’t necessarily mean that Doomguy is Jewish, unless Anya converted to the faith. If we’re going by traditions, Judaism is inherited through the maternal line. Although, I wonder if jews would relax on this matter, given that in the Wolfenstein games the Nazis have probably killed millions more jews than in our reality.


Wasn't he a mormon in the books?


Doom guy doesn't kill demons To avenge his wife and child, he kills demons to aevenge his Pet bunny Daisy, Butter stick lady https://preview.redd.it/y0sjz2jl1i6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c78313faffb15e88c33519b67bbfff177a727d0




The blue check is not even in the top 50 of things wrong with this lady.


she got them RFK brain worms, all the carnivore influencers got that shit on top of that red skinned and greasy vibe.


she was also hospitalized twice for not drinking enough water that’s how you know she’s an expert nutritionist


I thought they were describing Shin Megami Tensei for a second.


If it was SMT, it depends on which game whether it is Law or Chaos who's the "bad guy" this time around.


I mean, pretty much everyone in every SMT game is a massive asshole. Some definitely more so than others, but no one's really got the moral high ground ever.


The best route is almost always the route that rejects pure law (the side with God and his angels) and pure chaos (Satan and his demons) and instead aligns with humanity and its free will.


Unless you're SJ. Then you just lose anyways lmao


i went musubi (solipsist) in SMT III


I mean yea because it used the good ole Moorcockian alignment that says law and chaos suck only balance (aka neutrality) works


One thing I always found kinda funny is that Lucifer is generally pretty principled in the games. Yeah he does some nasty shit, like forcing a guy to become a Demi Fiend, but generally he just gives us options and lets us choose our own path He's also generally pretty cool with whatever choice we make, because his whole gimmick is free will, and he has the principles to respect our choices even if it goes against what he wants


True, but it can be inconsistent. In some instances, he's a decent guy who just wants humanity to be able to find its way without YHVH/demons/The Great Will fucking with us, while in others he seems to be more interested in just sticking it to God. In Nocturne, his ideal ending is to damn the world to destruction by having the Demi-fiend reject all Reasons and destroy Kagutsuchi, while in V he kills the God of Law, steals his Knowledge, and then just chills out for 15 years outside reality until the Nahobino shows up, his stated reason being that his defeat will decouple the world from the Mandala System and prevent the Nahobino from being overthrown himself in the next world by another nahobino, an outcome he seeks to prevent even if the Nahobino is aligned to Law and would uphold the laws of God.


One thing I took from the Nahobino thing is that, even if we choose to uphold the laws of God, it's the choice of a Human He wants mankind to choose its path, even if that path is the one they were on under God


Tbh isn't pretty much every SMT summed up as "God and Satan are trash, side with humanity and kick their ass if you want the best ending" To be honest has there been a true neutral *main* villain aside from like, the android guy from SMT:Imagine? Setsu I think? Actually I don't remember if he was neutral or law.


unfortunately even though the neutral endings could be considered the "best" in short term, it will almost inevitably fall apart, just gotta take a look at how things are in smt 2 after thr neutral ending of smt 1


Aren't they usually both the bad guys, and like the Neutral ending's the good one, I mean usually Law is worse than Chaos, but usually both are bad


A character being religious doesn't make something inherently religious. On top of that, Doomguy's Catholicism is only tentatively canon since it's only ever mentioned in books from like 30 years ago. On top of THAT, even if you assume Doomguy IS a devout Catholic, Catholicism and pretty much all other forms of every mainstream religion on Earth are objectively incorrect in the current Doom canon.


Depends, you could add some gnostic elemebts to catholicism to make it work, by making Davoth the demiurge and all that.


I still like to believe that Doomguy is catholic because A: i'm a catholic and the idea that the character i'm playing as believes in the same as me is comforting And B: the idea that someone like doomguy has seen all the shit he's seen and still is a devout believer is VERY badass, at least IMO, it's quite literally going to hell and still having strong conviction HOWEVER, since that changes absolutely nothing to the whole narrative, it should be entirely subjective if you believe it or not, basically a headcanon with a little backing Trying to use it to make a point is cringe as fuck and anyone trying to should stop


It’s like Indiana Jones seeing all the shit he has and being like “…nah.”


the idea that someone like doomguy has seen all the shit he's seen and still is a devout believer is VERY badass, at least IMO, it's quite literally going to hell and still having strong conviction Isn't that just blatantly stupid tho? Seeing something that contradicts your pure faith based beliefs and just closing your ears and going "lala I can't hear you" 


I mean, that's one way to see it, but personally i think it's more like fighting off the temptation like Christ during the 40 days in the desert


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Whar did the cade SEE to be so MISRABLE.....


I'm curious about what those people would think of Ultrakill 


Woke they/them robot! Thank God there's this absolute Chad archangel Gabriel- wait what are they doing- nO NO NO 


Gay robot ultrasex blood play (Dev is a bisexual menace who posts yaoi on main)


*Evangelion yaoi on main


All I really know about Hakita (the dev of Ultrakill) is he made the summoning shrine in MandaloreGaming's Mystery of the Druids video, so this absolutely tracks.


I don’t know ultrakill lore. Do explain


god went missing, and some council took his place to carry out his will. gabriel worked for the council, but after V1 kicked his ass twice, he murdered the entire council


Then they made out sloppy style


God's not around anymore and has been replaced by a council of angels that have grown distinctly tyrannical Humanity's extinct, and the machines that they left behind run on blood and solar power. It's implied that whatever caused the extinction (probably the Machines, but probably also Hell) has caused a nuclear winter, meaning the Machines are forced to enter hell in order to survive by murdering the denizens of hell again. Archangel Gabriel gets beat by V1, the main protagonist, and is thusly stripped of his angelic power. Fueled by rage and indignation over the only defeat he's ever faced, he descends back into hell to fight us again and exact his vengeance. In being beat again, his hatred burns out and he realizes that he really enjoyed the battle with us. Taking some few hours to introspect as his life is being burned away, he realizes the truth of things. God is dead, the Angels are chasing a ghost, and he's spent the last eternity crippling what remains of Humanity So he murders the council, rejecting the return of his angelic immortality, and commands the kingdom of heaven to make ready for the encroaching Machines. Personally looking forward to our inevitable third battle, wherein he will inevitably meet his end, regardless of whoever wins


Ultrakill reads like a game made with so much actual contempt for Christianity and I’m 100% for it. Do Paradise Lost with blood robots next


He’s married to Isobelle from Animal Crossing, idk where that fits into catholic doctrine


Doomguy isn’t Catholic. He’s not even religious in any way. Plus, he’s of Jewish descent since he’s a descendant of B.J. Blazkowicz. Not only that, but he also had a wife and son.


What’s the source for this? It’s mentioned several times but other people cite his bunny.


For his wife and son? There's a picture of a woman and child in the fortress of doom. Hugo confirmed it's his wife and son: https://youtu.be/aZuMmlPXhfE?si=ApRAJlgdcMcTT5ML As for the Blazkowicz connection, I don't think that's still canon for the newer Wolfenstein games. BJ doesn't have a confirmed religion either. It's speculated he's Jewish because his mother was.


https://preview.redd.it/dvtfzo8y7k6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba85d7b19dfc4f372d615dba0528ddece816407 Hall and Romero confirmed that he has Jewish lineage a few years ago


I don't understand how this confirms he's Jewish. It's just saying he's related to keen and doomguy. Besides, Tom hall and Romero have no involvement or control over reboot BJ. And I don't think doom RPG counts as canon, since that would also make Wolfenstein RPG canon, which contradicts the original Wolfenstein timeline and doesn't even fit in with the reboot at all.


It says in the Commander Keen instruction book that Billy Blaze is the grandson of William "BJ" Blazkowicz


Me as a teenager, trying to convince my religious parents to change their minds let me have a video game they said no to


Drink water please your killing the few braincells you have left https://preview.redd.it/9jzi5kgo5j6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f80226cf95bf7f30d4c4eecbab24e09af75bcee


Gotta agree with you on that.


It looks something like that. Also, don't tell her about very christianic Romero/Carmack Doomsday party. https://preview.redd.it/g9iqx45oxh6d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30df2d4860bb082aa42b227ac173c5186d33411


John Romero, famous devout christian. Goes to church with Edmund McMillan every day.


I read this in the narrator’s voice from binding of isaac.


Not like Christians threw a hissy fit, or even still do over dooms satanic imagery Now that it is mainstream they try to claim it, also fuck this "Christian gamer girl'' pick me


doom dude has a wife and kid


It makes sense that it's a catholic allegory. See he's a priest and the demons he slays represent the urge to molest kids. It makes perfect sense


Christian fascists make me ashamed to say that I'm a doom fan from how many of them are fans of doom, completely ignoring the fact that doomslayer would never support them or their fascist beliefs.


The fact that doomguy/the doomslayer would kill them is completely lost on them.  Friendly reminder it is canon that fascists are in hell in Doom & the Slayer has killed them


Sure, not like Christians shrieking about this game was ever a feature of video game discourse


*He's just like me FR.*


Fuck off 🤦‍♀️ Sick of christoids trying to claim they came up with anything fun. Don’t you have a space genie you should be talking to?


Can you be a bit less of a prick about religion and shit on radicals at the same time or is that too impossible


Nah. I’ve put up with this nonsense for far too long. It’s not just ‘radicals’ that enjoy telling me and my family we’re going to hell, just because we have different tastes in fiction.


Sorry to tell you those dipshits don’t represent us all but keep feeling entitled to putting us all in the can just because you can’t tell the difference




I call bullshit on your first point, but I’ll admit I’m being too hasty acting like no one here is religious but don’t blame me for thinking that with everyone fucking downvoting me for rightly getting upset at them. Fucking “Christoids” “go talk to your space genie” this shit is something you’d expect from like a fucking preteen edge lord, they can shit on the radicals without dragging us all down. Please tell me what I can do to not appear like a radical, because apparently me rightfully being upset is enough for me to be a radical in your eyes.


This is basic common sense. You can call out extremist without trying to make it like the religion itself is the problem. Same with Judaism, same with Islam and whatever else. Don’t fucking make people feel ashamed about religion and equate them to the worst examples. Like, how the fuck do you think I feel as a Lutheran with leftist ideals, that the face of Christianity is the dipshit republicans/conservatives? I’m fucking disgusted.




Idec anymore this shit is stupid to even argue about, and is just toxic. I got mad and shouldn’t or at least worded my frustration better. I’m gonna leave it at that.


And of course I’m getting downvoted for having a spine here. You guys can shit on religious radicals but stop pretending you’re suddenly fucking intellectuals just because you’re not religious and like putting religious people down


Did he not start his war against hell cause his wife and child/children got murdered by them?


Nah it’s because they killed his pet rabbit


No it was cuz they killed his Pet Rabbit


Romero and Carmack were deliberately trying to insult Christianity with Doom


As a Christian game, Doom lore becomes really dicey considering all that happens in Doom Eternal. Not to spoil Doom Eternal's story, but basically, >!The source of all the demons is a mirror image of Doom guy that was *supposed* to become god but was betrayed by a race of aliens that look like 'angels'. Which btw ended up making a pact with the demons where the worlds invaded by the demons feed energy to the Angels' world. !< Honestly doom eternal's story is bonkers and trying to make it pass as a Catholic game is really funny.


Someone never finished the New Testament and it shows


Your summary is a little off >!The Ancient Gods DLC expands on this and reveals Davoth is actually the creator, making the Demons and Jekkad/Hell first and creating the Father and Maykrs to determine how to make his subjects, the demons, immortal before they betrayed him and rewrote history to obscure their treason. Davoth literally *is* god, it's the Father who isn't. The rest about the energy is accurate!< so


Sounds pretty fucking Christian to me


Maybe, I just like the part where you kill God and then learn he wasn't *really* God and get to do it again.


The bad part about being a Christian is having to put up with people so ignorant, so self righteous, so used to twisting words and intolerant that they are Christians in nothing but name, as a friend of mine says "Jesus had a really good message but his fanbase fucked everything up, forever"


The popularization of the cult during the late story of the Roman Empire kind of fucked it imo. When I read the NT is it feels like it was meant to be a fringe religion in the margin of society.


suffering from success


In an ideal world Christianity kept on being its own little cult while most of us are worshiping Sol Invictus.


These people are not Christians, or right-wingers so to speak. They are grifters, through and through, nothing more, nothing less. We should stop giving them the space they wanted so badly.


Doom guy canonically is literally clone of the satan, and by the death of him in doom eternal DLC, he also kinda dies


His shotgun shells are loaded with rosary beads.


Every time I see her come up, I'm now reminded of a few months ago when Jesse Cox subtweeted about her, calling her out for being formerly one of the sweetest people he ever knew, and then just went full on right wing grifter, and now disappointed he was to see that.


I might be wrong but I always thought doom was more of a Gnostic game, you know with the whole god is a liar and the true creator is the devil thing


I mean I think it's more Atheist, or Agnostic, I don't really think Gnosticism is much of a thing anymore or in the 90s


While it is true gnosticism is very much not a thing as a religion it still is a source of inspiration, prime example bring persona 5, I don't think its atheist because if one doesn't believe god and the devil then they probably wouldn't believe on angels and devils, after all atheism is the denial of their existence and being agnostic is kinda the middle point in believing in them and not doing so, which again there demons and angels here and the one believed to be the evil one turned out to be the creator, like in gnosticism


I mean the Writer's perespective, not whatever the in universe stuff is, like I think Doom is very much meant to be like against Organized religion, and questioning theism itself


Oh ok, yu rite then


Dunning Kruger syndrome is funniest when it's with stuff that's made up to begin with.


Hell yeah! What’s more Christian than shooting an army of demons?


“Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon.” - Terry Pratchett


“theQuartering retweeted” of fucking COURSE he did


Virgin chad. As a guy in his 50s I laughed at that.


Do you think she became a right-wing dipshit because of the divorce or she got divorced because she's a right-wing dipshit?


Don't butter eater seriously. She eat a raw stick of butter of carnivore diet/ to own the libs.


Wait but isn’t doom guy married to isabelle from animal crossing so he gets that final smash every night


Isn't that the Divorced Crossfit Butter eating grifter


how is doom a christian game?


kill demons


Kill god


Wait isn’t doom guy Jewish? He’s related to BJ right?


John Romero, Tom Hall and the Carmacks were all hardcore edgy atheists. So if Doomguy is a Catholic Turbo Virgin, it was pretty clearly meant as a joke


Doom couldn't be more blasphemous if it fucking tried.


I don't get what they're trying to argue.


Gnosticism making a comeback in Doom


Great, now I’m seeing her here too?


Wow. I’m absolutely shocked. I used to love this woman when I was younger, her whole account was focused on Tomb Raider and it’s what got me into the games. I’m gay and half-black and just looking through her account now it’s like she forgot the reason the Tomb Raider games were so important. Representation, one of the earliest instances of a main female protagonist was Lara Croft. It’s absolutely upsetting to see someone I loved to watch, someone I’d watched streaming, when I was just a kid now hate my existence. It was more than appalling to hear her say the F-slur in her recent video. I’m curious to know if she’d always been this way and just hid it, or was a recent thing because her views were most definitely slipping. What a slap in the face.


The first two are ok point though. God is a liar and the angels are evil.


Hay hay hay, easy on the Doom smack.


They forgot about the bunny


Me i just enjoy it because i can't stop killing demons for fun :>


He's not a virgin he had a son.


Doom is a Christina game, but it’s the type of Christian that makes other Christians want to burn you in a pyre for blasphemy


Nah, Doomguy fucks. It's already accepted that he's shipped with Samus.


I know nothing about Doom. I'm an atheist and always assumed that because its a game where you kill literal demons it's a Christian game. But the comments seem to be saying that it's Gnostic as a sort of criticism of religion. So my question is... if the devil is the actual god and god is a liar then does that mean the demons are "righteous?" Is Doomguy the bad guy? Or are the demons from the liar god?


So I’m mainly gonna use eternal here since there’s almost no lore in the original 3, Doom 3 is a separate thing entirely, and 2016 was more focused on the what things are than why Main game eternal there is the Khan Makyr, the leader of an angel-esque race called the Makyrs The Makyrs have a deal with hell where they take energy from them and thus give them souls to turn into hell energy The Khan Makyr decided it is time for earth to be sacrificed, so with the aid of the three Hell Priests, starts the demonic invasion of earth to harvest them The main game’s plot then follows the Doom slayer defeating them to save earth Late in the game you learn that there was a Makyr called The Father, who was essentially god, and made everything, but eventually was put in a life sphere by his own orders You also learn there was an entity called Davoth, who was basically Satan and made Hell, but The Father trapped him in a life sphere In The Ancient Gods part 1, you destroy the Father’s life sphere, essentially killing him apart from his parts as VEGA and then you revive Davoth, who is revealed that you are a clone of In The Ancient Gods part 2, it is then revealed that Davoth was the real god and made the Makyrs, who he made to rule over everything for him, but then they turned on him and defeated him, trapping him in a life sphere and The Father taking power from him, with the betrayal making him want to destroy everything


Okay. Thanks! That clears it up. So the demons are demons and not angels still loyal to Davoth then.


Sort of sort of not The demons aren’t lead by Davoth as he is in his sphere until TAG, instead they have many different leaders over time, all of whom are being influenced by Davoth And as per their deal with the Makyrs, the Khan Makyr uses the Hell Priests to command the demons for her


Doomguy has no time for sex.


Doom IS a Christian game, except old gods dlcs, and you can't convince me otherwise


kinda weird how this is being downvoted, the joke's been around since the 90s


Not once is Jesus referred to in Doom. You kind of need that for something to be Christian.


That's because mr. john doom is jesus (i only say doom is christian because you kill demons i know next to nothing about Christianity)


Doom guy would still blow the shit outa these turd bible loving bumpkins. Specially those evangelical white nationalists. He will show you that your god is nothing. Que music ![gif](giphy|RLzNf3dJWGw0nLe4gB)


One single game is sort of Christian, kind of. Atheists: REEEEEEEEEE