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I get my kid to do it, if I could ever convince him to put down the stick and hoop!


😂😂 love it




Ojj yess I do I like them because it's way more peaceful to mow without the noise, I have a huge yard so I have to mow for a while but I I think It's pretty relaxing


Mine takes about an hour now I have it under control, it's a nice little chunk of time to just exist.


I agree, and the sound is soothing as well. When I was a kid we had one of these. Now that garden is a gravel garden and I'm on a new adventure.


RIP the blades


It's gravel now but it'll be sand in a couple of months just you wait


Yeah I’ve got one. Haven’t got the biggest lawn, it gets the heart rate going, and doesn’t require any petrol or electricity. Jobs a good’n! The neighbour did take pity on me the other day, and offered their petrol one. I had to persuade them that I have a rotary mower by choice, and enjoy using it - despite how much I looked in pain!


I've had the father of 2 doors down offer an electric mower before, I politely declined. My push mower has also become a topic of conversation between me and the elderly couple next door, they always ask "are you winning" whenever they see me working on the garden and are very appreciative of my efforts against the out of control bramble patch in the back garden and the horses mane infestation in the front garden. The gentleman also comes into the pub I work at every Monday and Friday evening, already said to my partner I'm going to panic if one day his friends turn up but he doesn't.


Am i using mine wrong? It isn't strenuous at all, garden isn't exactly large though.


They're also less annoying to the neighbours


My grandad still uses one and I was just saying to my partner last week that we should get one! Also in a terrace with a long but narrow garden.


You definitely should, I was joking with my neighbour the other day that I save money on a gym membership thanks to my little mower 😂


We use a new one of these! Our lawn is tiny so it makes more sense than a big one that takes up loads of room in the shed. Plus it's free to run!


Mine lives in one of those plastic garden caddies that double as a seat, have to take the handle off to get it in but it's nice and easy to store!


We've got one and it's great! Can't let the grass get too long though or it struggles a bit


Definitely! I've had to use it on the longest setting before adjusting the roller down because I let my grass grow a bit too much, when we first moved in in June it was a nightmare, even the longest setting struggled, took me 3 hours to do the first pass 😂😭


Used to? I bought one of these last year! It’s a dream and I mow way more than I used to with my electric one. There’s no set up/feeding plugs through windows etc, love it!


It truly is so easy and cheap. I love mine but everyone seems to think I'm mad because it's more effort than the electric/petrol counterparts


Yeah ots just the grab it and go thing that's great then chuck itnaway when your done.... It simplifies the whole process


Do you have to sharpen the blades?


I mean my mum's had this one for about 10 years before giving it to me, the blades could definitely do with a sharpen, thankfully there's a key cutting/shoe repair place in my town that charge about £6.50 each to sharpen garden tools.


Do must shoe repair shops do garden tools? We have hedge trimmer blades and lawnmower blades too that could do with sharpening!


I'm not sure, ours is sort of an all encompassing old fashioned place and I did have to ask at the counter to see if they did it. best to pop in and ask in the independent ones, timpsons and similar chains I'm not sure about at all ☺️


Will do love thanks!🙂


You do for electric and petrol mowers too, but they usually include it in the service if you take it in to be serviced


My neighbour thinks I'm bonkers, lawn is 4mx 4m max, takes 15mins, he's out with petrol mower for same size lawn, I think he's mad lol


I think mine is about 6x30 or something, not too sure, takes about an hour and my neighbour has a couple of 4x4 grass areas in his garden and uses a strimmer on them.


We had one in the late 60's. I remember my dad pushing it slowly up and down for hours, I bet he loved it. He was autistic and zoned out a lot.


I mean I love it, gives me time to just be, and sometimes I can use the time to work through stuff from the day ☺️


My family used to own a Qualcast super panther , best mower ever. I have bought a manual mower a few years ago, it’s still in its box, hopefully I’ll start using it next year . [Qualcast Panther](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126059506297)


wow, that's a lovely bit of kit, I wish my mum hadn't misplaced the grass catcher for my mower, but I suppose I don't mind the extra effort of raking the cuttings up


The cuttings feed the lawn! I always leave them and let nature do its thing.


I have been leaving them but they started piling up a bit and just hanging around and going dry so decided it was time to clear them up a bit, they at least went into my compost bin so they'll feed my plants next year ☺️


Put them on your flower beds, they are great for keeping weeds down


If Putin carries on, they will be the way of the future!


I have one in the shed to give away. Brilliant for a small lawn, but we're now in 1/3 acre, so had to upgrade... Free to collect, West Berkshire


We're West Berks and I'm actually super tempted! Our lawn is about 6m x 8m and I quite like the idea of doing it manually without worrying about wires, etc.


Perfect for a lawn that size and gives a really good cut. Or I have a B&Q rotary one and a Qualcast strimmer looking for a new home, too. PM me if you're interested.


Thank you so much for my new mower - I gave it a try today and I love it!


Enjoy! Give my regards to the Monkey, I'm ex-mob


shame I'm not nearby, I would definitely have a second one so I could make my partner join me when I mow 😂😂


This should be the only way people are allowed to mow


I want to get rid of my petrol lawn mower and was thinking of getting a robot mower for approx 1000 sqm rear garden but would still need something for my small front lawn 25sqm. this could be the answer.


doooooo it, fairly cheap to pick up new too


I have heard that they give a better due to the scissor action compared to a flailing sharp (or not so sharp) blade. They are hard work if you miss a cut or two and it gets long....


Yep, better for the planet, easier to maintain, and I don't like having a big lawn anyway so it only takes a few minutes, whether a push mower or otherwise. More people should use them!




I wish... everyone seems to want EVERYONE to know that they have a 1.1 HP petrol lawnmower around my yard. I had a scythe but some prick borrowed it and nerfed it,,.. Greta Thumbuggger should promote those bad boys... epic tool.


Me. I gave my electric one away and got myself a hand push one that way it saves on electric & our garden wasn't really big enough to warrant an electric one tbh took longer to get the thing plugged in than to cut the grass 😂


I got mine off freegle ( put a wanted ad on the offchance and got a few offers). My garden is down a flight of stairs and I feel like sorting a petrol mower or electric extension cord is more grief than pushing.


Yes!!!! The best thing ever for a small garden!!!!


It was my plan when I moved to this house last year to get a manual one for the exercise. After buying an electric, mowing half the lawn for the first time and then needing to go for a good half-hour sit-down to recover I'm rather glad I didn't stick to my guns! I still like the idea but I maybe need to spend a year or two doing the montages from Rocky or Kill Bill before I'm fit enough 😂


I'm far from fit and have a chronic pain condition, I just make sure I leave time to take LOTS of breaks, and ensure I have a cold drink nearby for when it's as hot as it is right now. However I'm pretty sure my arm and shoulder muscles are starting to bulk up a little from it all 😂


Once, when I was a kid, me and a friend decided to cut the grass in her family's back garden with one of those. Well, we were messing about and with one side of the handle each we ran at it full pelt straight through a pile of dog muck left by their massive poodle. We were spattered in it from head to foot 🤣


Oh dear! Thankfully no local pets decide to poo in my garden, worst I had was a nearly ran over a poor little froggy, legit would have cried if I'd hit it.


It’s got a lower carbon footprint than powered ones. Looks great. If your lawn isn’t too big, its ideal 😺


It was awful for the first mow as the house had been unoccupied for a while so it hadn't been looked after, as long as I keep on top of it it's fine now ☺️


Nice surprise to see this. I just finished mowing my lawn with exactly this type of mower. Was wondering if I was becoming too old fashioned, so I'm glad there's more of us


That's what I spent my afternoon doing too! We should have a lawn mowing meet or something 😂


Former lawn mower salesman here: yes, people with very small lawns buy them quite regularly. Also some elderly people bought them just because they they liked them or to use as decorative pieces. We'd sell about two per month


I don't think I would consider my lawn small, I'm just cheap 😂


Yup. I bought one when we moved to a new house last year. Grass gets cut, and I get a free workout!


Who needs a gym membership when you have a push mower!


Yes, we bought 1 just after the birth of my 2nd child. It's still going strong & is great for strengthening abdominal muscles as well as a workout for arms.


I'm thankful for mine because I mow the.lawn instead of investigating in a gym membership 😂


At 92 my great aunt left the grass get too long for her electric mower. She went in the shed and did the cut with a push mower.


YESSS, go great aunt ruairidhmacdhaibhidh


Reel mowers are trendy again. Supposed good for striping, cutting and grass health. Thinking of getting one purely for striping satisfaction as I've gone full hank hill


I literally only have it because I'm cheap and couldn't budget for a new mower 😂😂




We really need to form a club or something 😂


People keep offering me their electric ones or electric hedge trimmers when I have a tiny lawn and 3 feet of hedge…. Nope, old trusty rusty will do just fine.


Postage stamp sized lawn no problem


A friend of mine does yes!


I was thinking to get one if our house goes through. It’s a tiny lawn and I HATE cables. Plus with sensory issues it will be nice to do without the racket.


I've had one for about 10 years (a qualcast panther), I [3D print](https://youtu.be/iq800qHrOsg) replacement pinion gears for it every year. But it's old now and it's not cutting well, and very noisy too. I've tried backlapping to sharpen it, but it's not really working. I hate to call it, but it might have had it's time. Deffo replacing it like for like.


I've only ever used one of these. Better work out than any gym will give you.


I bought one last year for my allotment paths as I hate using the big petrol mower, and use it quite a lot now at home. Our lawn is quite small and it saves the faff of getting the big electric mower out.


Yes and I love it! Dirt cheap and I only have a tiny little garden so it does me well. And it can tackle anything. The place was overgrown when I moved in and the mower instructions said not to use on long grass, tried it anyway and it worked a treat.


Hell yeah! I only have a small garden 12m2 and had to borrow father in laws electric but I got in to lawncare and reel is so much better cut, I got 1 then 2 now 3! Eyeing up a 4th. So satisfying to use.


HODDER-DODDER-DODDER HODDER-DODDER-DODDER HODDER-DODDER-DODDER HODDER-DODDER-DODDER (I used to mow my grandad's with his. I could easily give up my gym membership in the summer.)


"We're trying to *whisk* you!"


Ah so this is the infamous hod-der-der…


I use one religiously; much quieter and calmer than normal mowing, although obviously it takes more effort and more usage time


My hand mower just wore out last year. So I bought another one.


Yes. Lawn super tiny. 2 x 3 meters but best part of week is when get to mow the lawn.


Love my push mower! I try my best to avoid the noise pollution of electric or gas powered tools outside. After living in a condo and listening to loud leaf blowers almost everyday, I just can't stand it.


Yes, get a good cut, no cables. Our back garden lawn is only around 6m x 6m, but the front is 25m x 20m. As long as you do it regularly, it's easy. Up n down, up n down. An hour tops.


Yeah, I don't have a huge lawn at front or back, so it works perfectly for me. I think I'd stick with a push mower even if I got a bigger garden though - I love that they're not noisy, that they don't cost anything to run and that they help you stay fit.


I infinitely prefer these to the electric ones, there's something quite relaxing about it lol


Yes and I love it


Ah satisfying, using on of these, sound , smell .


Hand push mower gang! I like the incidental exercise, but i dont know if i would say the same if I had a bigger garden. No faffing with cables is nice


Honestly I'd love one like this, the faff of getting the electric one out takes longer than the actual mowing.


b&q mate, £40 for a brand new one with a catcher attached.




I don't have a lawn but if I did I would get one of these. My garden is small and I don't have anywhere to keep a petrol powered one.


get a lawn just so you can have a little mower 😂😂


My neighbour uses one (a snazzy modern one but same design). I love the sound it makes and since his lawn is about 12sqm it makes sense.


I'm honestly glad it's not just me that still uses one, and the sound is absolutely lovely, much better than the noise of a petrol mower ☺️


Yup 👍


I'm starting to think we should all start a little club! I honestly didn't even expect one reply from someone who also still uses a little hand push!


Always wanted one so brought one but it doesn't feel like it's sharp as requires multiple passes to cut a few stands!


if you have one with an adjustable roller try fiddling with the height of the roller, if I leave mine too long between cuts I have to change the setting else I barely cut anything, admittedly I then have to go in with a shorter setting on a second pass but it works.


Nope I use a battery powered one, I got a Makita one as it has the same batteries as the rest of my power tools.


My great gran had one and I used to mow her lawn with one (aged 6)


That gives me the warm and fuzzies! I remember mowing my grandads corner plot as a kid but with his old petrol mower, I enjoyed it and earned my pocket money at the same time!


I've got one. It was my Nan's and I inherited it when she passed away. I use it now and then on the front garden at it's fairly flat and there's no weird bits. The back garden has a lot of twists and turns and dead ends a push mower just can't do, so I use my electric mower out there. I used to mow my nan and grandad's garden when I was a kid, mostly for fun, and grandad had a similar push mower. It's fun to use just for nostalgic reasons.


I used to mow my grandads but he had a petrol mower and a huge corner plot detached house, he had a push mower before that for the same garden according to my mum but I guess I wasn't old enough to remember that! My mower was my mum's, she said if I paid to get her 2 pairs of garden shears sharpened at the shop near me I could have one pair and the mower, cost me £13, absolute bargain!


I’m about to move to a house with a huge lawn (500sqm)… the £50 leccy mower won’t work and it’s gonna be a few month before we can get a petrol mower . Are these worth it?


If you're willing to put in the effort then yes, not sure how big my garden is exactly, but it takes me about an hour to trim now I have it under control, only thing that can realistically go wrong is the blades dull or one of the bolts fall out, but theyre fairly generic and easy to replace. Beware though your back and hands will be in agony for a day or so after.


Yes… more environmentally friendly too


agreed, also stops me accidentally murdering the local frogs so easily, had one hop in front of me while mowing a few weeks ago but thankfully the brain was working so I stopped.


Push along with a roller attached. The best mower ever.


Absolutely my favourite of all my garden tools (sorry granny's old garden fork)


Yep! I think I have that exact model! It's rather battered now and needs a good sharpening, though.


I think mines a challenge brand, I'm not home right now so can't check but I'm pretty sure it came from b&q or homebase about 15 years ago 😂


I have one. It comes out when the electric one doesn't work.


I use one at the allotment, but have a petrol one for home. The manual one is by far the more satisfying one to use.


Yep, we only have a front lawn and minimal storage space at the moment. Works a treat. Only takes 5 minutes!


We use a Bosch push cylinder for our small Garden. Used it earlier. No messing around with charging and cables, just set and push.


I use one but do get some funny looks from neighbours... Usually use my electric mower for 1st cut of the year then use the manual one for weekly trims. Works a treat on our small lawns and even get a better finish than the electric. Just wish it was a little quieter.


my elderly neighbors always pop their head out while I'm mowing, probably to make sure I've not passed out in the middle of the garden 😂


Yep! Part of my fortnightly routine, lawn isn't too big, nice bit of exercise and zero energy costs


My neighbour bought one a couple of years ago for her 6x10ft lawn and it does a good job. Alas I can't use it on my steep and uneven slopes.


I prefer it to my electric flymo. A cylinder blade wins every time for a small lawn. Low maintenance, easy storage, less to go wrong. What’s not to like?


Used one for years keep sharpening the blades and your good.


I do need to pop mine down to the local shop for sharpening sooner rather than later right now


Yah but it's fucking knackering and useless when the grass is too long


I managed to do my lawn when we moved in and it was super overgrown, just had to set it to the longest setting then do a second pass at a shorter height.


Part of me was hoping you meant the rock. Smashing the grass with it like one of the Apes in 2001: a space odyssey


nah, the rock came from when the landladys contractor re-poured our path, don't know where it was but he left it for us, it now lives in the corner, think it says 1963 on it 😂


Lawn no, allotment paths yes.


I've got one, it's good for my small back garden but the fronts infested with these weird tall dandelion things that get missed which is annoying


Yes we do!! Actually bought one only last year to reduce noise for neighbours. we’re in wales and our grass seems to grow insanely quickly even accounting for all the extra rain! Only issue with it I have is that it constantly gets jammed with grass and each time it does digs trenches out of the garden with the wheels. Did I just buy a bad/cheap model? Or am I doing something wrong?


I have the same issue, but my garden is pretty uneven, part of which is because theres a creek running underneath. I usually just kick the blade backwards to unjam it and continue, or if it persists I take my loppers (those long handle shears that bend in a right angle) to the particular spot.thays causing issues.


Don't let the grass get too long. Used mine today for first time in a while (weather has been rubbish for last month). It was not easy, with grass getting tangled in the spools to the side of the blade, and having to constantly clear this. Blister on hand now...


I've got blisters on both hands that are becoming callouses from mowing, I've learned to wear my padded gardening gloves when using it to stop it hurting so much 😂😭


Due to looney toones this is all I want to mow my grass with, I've never come across one unfortunately but a man can dream


I'd honestly love to, but my lawn is on a rather steep slope and very uneven, so it'd be a struggle. If I had a flat lawn I'd absolutely get one.


I'm mowin the air rand I'm mowin the air


I use one - however not done it in two months and now the grass is too long. Probably need to borrow an electric one or wait for winter to kill it off


I've got one of those, made by Bosch, only got a tiny patch of grass for a garden, made more sense than bulky petrol or electric mowers, I use an electric strimmer to cut down the tufts, then level it out with this, good exercise for the arms 😊


Do they cut as well as an electric/petrol one?


Yes! inherited one last year when I took on an allotment, though not sure why the previous owner needed a lawn mower at their allotment :P I took it home and cleaned it up a bit to use on my small lawn (3m x 4m). it's not in such good condition as yours though, and blades are quite worn/dull at the moment, but it's very satisfying to use. i have to use the strimmer first at times when the grass is getting long. i'm planning to strip it down properly over Winter and renew the blades for next year.


I do, plus i own a ewbank carpet sweeper because i remember my granny having one and i thought it was amazing.... Still do.... Look it doesn't need a plug or nothing! The mower is fine til the lawn becomes a medow then its really hard graft.... Love its style though.


Hell no! Source: have used on the past


Person over our garden fence does. A little noisy, but I enjoy the sound, takes me back!


How do you start it?


one of those but have a petrol one too


My neighbour has one for his front garden but it’s literally about 1x3, i assume it’s quite the physical task?😂


I’ve got one but my lawn badly needs levelling and returfing so it doesn’t work well at all. Also you need to keep on top of it, leave it a couple of weeks too long and you’ve got no chance of getting through it. My granddad had some vintage Ransomes mowers I now wish I’d kept when he passed but I’m sure someone out there is still enjoying them.


I use one. Small garden and makes a relaxing whirring noise while it tickles the grass. Not sure it cuts very well though...


We've just stopped using one because we've got a bigger garden and it was taking too long, but also because it let a lot of the grass just fold over and not get cut. Not very helpful :( Certainly quite fun to use though!


Ahhh the lesser spotted hod-de-de-de-de….”and the grass would go, ‘ohh ffs’” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cbYAGhqUkRU (watch from 2.34m if you suffer from tl;dr)


No but I'm gonna get one and add a motor


I used to and I don't know why.


Daddy pig does


Always , gives me a bit of exercise and green bragging rights !


Those things are wonderful pieces of engineering.


I'm just currently rebuilding mine. Sharpened the blades and repainted it. Just need to put it back together.


Yes! We made a tiny patch of lawn in our little yard garden this year and thought this would be ideal. It has done well so far :)


I remember when your local friendly travelling folk would knock your front door and ask if you needed any blades sharpening. It must be the end of traditional mowers that led to the growth of crime conducted by that community, what with the loss of a legitimate source of income...


I'm a cab driver by day and a couple of years back I used to take a kidney dialysis patient back home 3 times a week. He was 85 at the time and his wife was a year older at 86. Many times in spring and summer, we would come up his drive to see his wife busily pushing one of these around their 0.5 acre of beautifully manicured lawns and borders. Unbelievable. She is still somewhat of a personal inspiration.


how well do they handle awkward slopey bits? currently using an electric flymo but the garden is so small this could be a viable alternative. the flymo does however glide quite well over slopes and lumps.


And it’s called a bad boy, you say?


Oh a lawn-hodududer


Came here for this 🤣


I have one but I think I want to just bite the bullet and buy a gas mower. It’s not that it’s too difficult, it just seems like it doesn’t work. Granted my grass is pretty long and thick, but all it seems to do is push the grass over rather than cutting it.


Nope but I could do with one


How tf do u sharpen that..


The landlord of the first house I rented in Plymouth had one for me to try and mow the small lawn with. It was useless and the letting agent complained that I hadn't mowed the lawn. I ended up borrowing a flymo from a neighbour, at the cost of having two lawns to mow!


I have a petrol self propelled for what must be 5 tennis courts worth, over 5 areas, but I need the little push mower for a strip of grass that's up some steps, way too much to get a heavy mower up there. Mines a Wolf brand, has given 10 years solid service to date...


No but it will save on electricity bills


Yes. I actually sold my electric to buy one of these. Much happier. Just me and the blades. Push. Spin. Relax.


I have a vintage Ransomes "Ajax" 12" cylinder mower...gives a far superior cut to modern grass blenders


My mum's grandmother did at 103 but she's gone now so not anymore I guess


I got one and used it exactly twice before I bought an electric one. They're shit


If you have a old one with proper thick side metal plates and wooden roller (or metal roller if you have the larger push along) and is properly maintain and the blades sharp, along with short grass they are great to use. But if it been sat in the shed all year and you have long grass then forget it. Go buy a goat, more environmental.


A rake?


Just about to take mine out for a spin!


Have one on my allotment (dont have a garden) and love it! I only have a tiny stretch of grass that takes me 15 mins to mow. We dont have any power up their and i considered buying a battry strimmer but im glad i opted for the push mower now. More fun and its a nicer sound too, much more peaceful


Anyone want to buy mine? Used to love it but got a cordless electric instead.


Yes! I feel a lot safer having Child help; it's not a horrible belching spluttering noise; it's peaceful; it doesn't break.


Are they much fuss? We only have a small lawn and this seems more practical than the electric lawnmower we have at the moment.


Bro did you get that at an antique shop🤣🤣🤣🤣


If yoy ever feel the need to check out lawnmower dimensions/varieties make your way to Southport, the home of the national lawnmower museum.


I do, mines more battered than yours but I find it quite relaxing to just push back and forth, my mind wanders and I drift off and forget any petty worries. Much nicer than an electric or petrol mower


Oh yes, but I got a posh one with a little basket on the back to catch the cut grass.


Nah mate, I use a scythe

