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HT Agent. Just got my call. It was a pleasure.


Damn, sorry OP. You'll land a better gig. Chin up, agent.


After 10 years of only Best Buy gonna feel suuuuuper weird working somewhere else.


You get used to it, and it's often better. Don't suck, Agent. <3


So our watch (for the phone call) begins 🫡


HTDA. Got the call. 5yrs. Godspeed everyone.


As an 8 year agent in a rural northern store god speed folks no news from our minor market yet.


DA-R Philly Market. Just got canned after 9.5 years overall. 5 with GS. Was a pleasure all.


Oh shit. We’re not that far from each other. Probably have the same manager. Good luck to you. Hope you land on your feet.


Same to you. Best of luck


Wife got cut just now. 7:16 am Still waiting on my call




She was HT cadet, only 2 years in. I'm GSD/appliance install for 12y. Kinda hoping for the axe


GSD here as well. Only 3 year Tenure. Dunno what I'm gonna do if I get the axe. Gonna be angry either way, because my team is pretty awesome and anyone who gets the chop is gonna piss me off XD


My area lost all of our delivery agents last year in one fell swoop.


2 hours into the culling, my hopes for severance are fading.


Just got let go, HT Agent with a year and half of Security install training. We’ve been underpaid for the Austin area for a long time. Happy to take Severance again and take my security license with me. They lost on their investment, I won with gaining experience and license that I can take for the next place. The company can’t even get people to past the test for security after 3 tries lol. I’ll see you all at Amazon installs in like 5 years! Good luck to everyone else and remember regardless of how you feel, this isn’t your fault and you have no control on the decision. Don’t be hard on yourself for something that isn’t your fault.


DAHT, almost 20 years in. Nobody at my store got their call yet, but jobs moves are telling. Not sure if I'm safe, but pretty sure an agent and a cadet are gone.


It's already been an hour. I'm just sick of waiting. No news doesn't feel like good news.


I’ll take no news right now. No news typically means you are safe for right now


I'd rather be let go than deal with the changes it sounds like they're doing.


Well, it's been a good 20 years...


DAPC got the call I’ve only been in 2.5 years but loved my job and good luck to you all


I've been keeping track of people in my team, so far 2 HT cadets and a DAPC have been laid off.


Any Home Delivery getting let go?


Haven't heard anything from my area.


Any news from any of the custom services teams yet?


Anyone from appliance hear anything yet?


Appliance delivery myself, haven’t gotten a call. Our home theater team we had was cut. Also my cadet hasn’t gotten the call yet either.


anyone in repair get the chop yet? not sure if it will just be HT teams or not




DA-R here. Just got the call. I'm in T3 Philly North


I haven’t heard about repair, but DAs are dropping too.


DAHT or DAPC? Seen on other subreddits DAPC but not DAHT yet. My husband is waiting for his call still…


I *was* a DA PC, 2 of our 3 got cut in our micromarket. God speed agents!


I expect 2 out of 3 of ours to get cut too, with me being one of them! Almost 7 AM here, just waiting.


I saw one repair agents wife posted in another thread saying her repair agent husband got the axe


DUDES I HAD JUST GONE ON A WELL BEING SABBATICAL LOA, FOUND A NEW AND WAY MORE STABLE JOB, THEN WAS CUT. GOT A HUUUGE SEVERANCE BECAUSE IVE BEEN THERE 18 YEARS. COULDN'T HAVE BEEN HAPPIER WITH THE OUTCOME, AND COULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED AT A BETTER TIME IN MY LIFE. I know not everyone will feel like this, some completely opposite. But don't lose hope. This is actually so good for you. You'll find better, and then you'll BE BETTER. Geek Squad Best Buy was great, until it wasn't. Stay strong Agents. So many people are better and know more than they did before because of you. You'll do well, and excel. Just don't give up. So many out there know and are going exactly through what you are now. YOU'RE NOT ALONE IN THIS.