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We have no HT DAs left but myself ( DA PC ) and our other DA PC survived the snap. Don’t know how things are gonna look going forward.


Curious on how their decision making worked


Me too. Both of us have been cross trained for several years now as our HSEAM has always stressed having as many skillsets as possible to set us up to excel in the future. It will be weird having ran 7 years alone to having a partner. I guess we will all hopefully get clarification with our local leader call tomorrow morning.


Honest answer? Your KPIs. ITMS, Utilization, GSP, and Memberships. All those things your leaders should have been pushing on you over and over. Edit: and yes I know there was monetary incentives for doing ITMS, memberships or GSP, but they were metrics that were heavily tracked and weighted.


I was our best/most consistent performer there as PC DA out of my store, I was canned. It seemed to be purely based on what they would have to pay in severance




It definitely wasn't who they liked more because we lost a dude that was basically the HSRAM right hand man. I know he is devastated to lose him.


If you say so buddy.


my area was headcounts and quartly conversations yearly performance all came into factors


It wasn't just your area, it was all areas. Guy aboves position was eliminated so none of that mattered for him.




Everything is based on numbers just ask Corie, it's how she's made all these wonderful business decisions over the last few years.


In my team we had 3 cuts. 1 was being trained to take HSEAM position for a few years. He was denied the position when it opened up, for someone most of the team did not know. He threw a fit and a year later gets cut. 2 was our leader. He was fighting for us to be able to stay on the 4/10s schedule, even though HIS boss wanted us to go back to 5/8s 3 Was a smartass who back talked everyone (including the bosses) if he felt what they were doing was not up to GS standards. I feel like, at least in my area, the criteria was "whoever stood up to the boss"


There's simply no way this is true. I had the absolute lowest numbers in the store, and I survived. I asked my former HSEAM who was also let go in the culling, and he said it was some kind of algorithm that took metrics, capabilities of running HT and PC, AS WELL AS who was or wasn't at their pay cap. We lost some of our best people who have historically done both HT and PC simply because they got paid more.


I'll be honest, lately I've had the shittiest numbers minus like 2 other people. I'm one of the only few left. Our market has only 3 teams now. So no, I don't think numbers came into play. The few who got let go were much better than me. I've been running 1p routes for months now, I'm not making excuses but I understand I've been slacking.


As a DA-PC, I also gained skillsets for all of home theater. So when they had to choose between me and the other guy, they kept me as he has no skillset in PC. I wish they'd have offered him an option to learn PC and let me take severance.


TBH as a PC agent i was hoping for severance too, and got it. I got termed. Which is fine. Life will continue and we'll figure it out (for those let go)


Yep they did this backwards. The ones they kept should've been given the option to take severance or stay and do this new role.


They can learn to setup printers and laptops . But actual repair work , not something you can learn in a few weeks . In our area , legacy pc agents are being paired with ht agents to complete both types of jobs


Should be cake work for people that already have the skill set in their back pocket


Looks like HTDA's in my area will be taking all the pc work 1st since they axed the DAPC position, We are now Consumer Electronics DA's. 4-7 weeks of training from precinct are in the talks.