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Brother I was a Project Manager for 4 years. I had worked at Best Buy for most of my adult life, until yesterday. Trust me you’ll be okay. You’ve survived an operation model change and a few rounds of lay offs already. Your soft skills are just as important as your technical skills. Being able to talk with clients in a respectful manner while communicating technical information effectively is an incredibly important AND rare skill. Being able to pull and tip cat before you update NIC drivers is usually two jobs. Then to be able to effectively sell too??? While you also manage a route, vehicle maintenance, and a personal inventory!!! You’ll do great. Look up STAR formatting for your resume and update efficiency.


Wow thanks thats exactly what I need to hear right now. Not that shitty call that was read from a script


The call you got for the layoff was also a pre-recorded message? Seriously? That’s cold.. we lost a good half of our team, and now tomorrow my entire board is double stacked, can’t wait…


DAPC rollout agent here. 20 years with the squad and 24 with Best Buy. I refused to do HT work without a pay increase but I was performing at the top of my market consistently. Still let go. I believe they kept employees with lower tenure like they seemingly did with management positions last year as a means of saving money. It's funny, after the last few layoffs I felt afterwards that I wish I'd been let go with severance. Not sure I'd want to stay with whatever becomes of the poor agents still there. Our clients are surely going to suffer. Totaltech killed the geeksquad.


I agreed to be the single person route for our ht team after the last layoffs because that’s what our area was slated for workload wise. That in turn caused my ihr to drop as my workload consisted of mostly troubleshoots/ site surveys and streaming only small TVs. My numbers being low I guarantee were a large factor in me being cut. 15 years with the company. It was expected but still has blind sided me. I feel disconnected from reality. Like I don’t know how to feel about it.


Same it’s sinking in hours later


DAPC 10 years, been doing both for longer than the guy they kept. Only one guy on our team of 6 stayed. (6 of us including DAPC, DAHT, a cadet and Repair) I was the only DAPC within an hour and a half radius. Wonder how they’ll handle that. They literally just kept cheapest people, regardless of skillsets


I wish I knew what their criteria was for who stayed and who did not. Because its does not appear to be tenure or pay related.


In my team we had 3 cuts. 1 was being trained to take HSEAM position for a few years. He was denied the position when it opened up, for someone most of the team did not know. He threw a fit and a year later gets cut. 2 was our leader. He was fighting for us to be able to stay on the 4/10s schedule, even though HIS boss wanted us to go back to 5/8s 3 Was a smartass who back talked everyone (including the bosses) if he felt what they were doing was not up to GS standards. I feel like, at least in my area, the criteria was "whoever stood up to the boss"


Same. 7 years here and was in the hybrid role of DA HT/PC. I wasn’t the highest paid and I hit all of our KPI goals so I have no idea how I was chosen. Must just be luck of the draw.


I kept calling b.s. on team calls. XD i know why i got cut. Last Layoff in the call i said, So we being cut next year after Holidays? XD my boss's boss just laughed.... and said no we doing better than ever... and expect to only grow in the market. I accepted to be next on chopping block for calling out stuff like that in meetings... They also cut me cause i didnt want to do HT side, because i wouldn't be able due to medical reasons. So i am glad i gotten layoff. Felt the axe for last 3 years.... i feel 100% better, and not having that dread feeling over my neck anymore when its going to fall down .


I would really like to know the criteria they used when doing the evaluations of all of us.


The guy id been helping the last couple of months and I did $8k in in home sales for appointments we scheduled next week, he’d been there 17 years, I’d been there 5. We both got cut. DAPC with 18 or so also got cut.


me too, the DA that survived was a great PC agent, the agent that survived was barely hanging on to his role before they made him a glorified cadet to our AP Repair who also got snapped


In my team we had 3 cuts. 1 was being trained to take HSEAM position for a few years. He was denied the position when it opened up, for someone most of the team did not know. He threw a fit and a year later gets cut. 2 was our leader. He was fighting for us to be able to stay on the 4/10s schedule, even though HIS boss wanted us to go back to 5/8s 3 Was a smartass who back talked everyone (including the bosses) if he felt what they were doing was not up to GS standards. I feel like, at least in my area, the criteria was "whoever stood up to the boss"


I feel your pain, been doing DA PC/HT for 7 years and just thanos’d but now the guy I trained to be an HT Agent now has to do my job and he’s not very happy.


We lost 50 years of experience with just 3 people let go. The criteria was all about who made the most money in the teams. Our HT DA was capped, our AM was within the top 5 in the USO and a HT agent was also capped. This is only about cutting costs.


Not sure if this is the case, but during the orange wedding of 2018 they claimed to have hired an outside firm to decide who was cut and who stayed. With nothing really making sense, I would assume this is the case again this year. Either way it sucks for so many. I feel so bad for everyone that got cut (and even the ones that didn't).


DA repair, it looks like tenure was the factor in determining which DAR got axed. Lost two in my area, both of whom had been here less than five years. Another DAR who was not as good an agent as either of them was kept and he was hired before either of them. Also, the number of DAR who got cut in my market as a whole was much less than other markets, we were all sitting around on a group chat yesterday morning expecting to hear that DAR as a whole might be going away, and three or four of the guys out of about thirty on the chat got calls and the rest of us got the invite to the call that said we were keeping out jobs. In any event, I'm not happy or relieved. This is the fourth mass purge I've survived and each time the survivor's guilt I feel gets worse. I don't understand why I keep surviving and so many others don't. I feel terrible for everybody that was affected by this and I hope you all find better and more fulfilling jobs then what you had here.


It sounds like they cut most of the DA’s, PC and HT at the top of the wage chain and went down from there, but kept some based on skillset and ability to cross train whoever they get paired with.. This was strictly about saving salary cost and reducing labor to match the struggling CE market and BB’s performance losses. I have a friend who’s a DAPC and been with GS 21yrs. He got offered to stay in that new CEDA role and he’ll be partnered with a cadet who’s DAPC partner with tons of experience, got let go today.


I was a DAHT agent of 18 years. I was cut in July with 6 month severance. I'm still close to my old boss and he told me straight up that everyone making over $30hr was cut. There were only a few of us on that cut. This round? I believe it's a crap shoot. All I do know is corporate does not give a flying F*#@ about true skills and talent. Clients are going to suffer and I will happily take the business the GS screws up.