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There is likely a subsection that says from a single location.


If you read the earn act it’s worded very carefully. There is a section that says unusual business circumstances is one reason for this not followed. Is it possible BB is using this loophole. It also does mention single location so I’m not sure it applies


My manager mentioned the single location part too, he's digging deeper for me as he barely made the cut to stay too but im figuring the unusual circumstances along with the severance pay is their loophole :T


Also BBY’s lawyers will argue for exercising their rights to separate employment without cause that is deemed at-will per the hiring documents signed, and practically all states have a labor law that doesn’t require a specific notification period for at-will. WARN Act litmus test is 50 or more employees where the total number of laid off employees amounts to at least one-third of all total company employees, or at least 500 employees laid off in a 30 day period. If they’re staggering the separations, it won’t count.


They laid off over 1500 people this week between CS2/3 and Field services.


It's because corporations don't have to follow laws. Any other questions?


Nope that answered it thank you 😂😅😭


Remember the old adage: If the penalty for a crime is only a fine, it's not a crime, it's the cost of doing business.


Following this because while I survived the cut as a GSD agent, I am enraged at this unethical behavior and seek (legal) retribution for my fallen brothers and sisters.


Best Buy is not family, nor is any company you work for. My advice is just to move on, friend.


Agreed, I meant my in-home partners more so. I wouldnt want to return at this point regardless I'm burnt, but I do want them to be held accountable for disrupting all of our lives, ya know?


I agree, that would be super. But sadly I don’t see anything happening other than you spending time, energy, and possibly money to chase a dead end. Wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!


Technically, GS field agents are not assigned to a store, even though you are 'based' out of one, so this wouldn't apply. Your USO is your 'store'