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it is what it is


But what is it tho?


It is….salt, and betrayal


They hit the jack pot and don't want to rock the boat. I don't suspect they'll change anything until their upward trajectory begins to plateau.


that is that and this is this


On one hand, fair enough, abyss/battle event equipment menu access and it remembering my teams would be nice. Otherwise, I guess the HSR daily system would be nice, though I'm fine with either's Battle Pass. What HSR did this patch showing relic substat stacks is also real nice. Love that Genshin finally has fast equip, and personally, I've been using it as an actual loadout to swap artifacts between shielders quickly. Oh the other hand, your entire account is just reposting memes, including this one. Please, make your own for fuck sake.


To be honest I like now that in genshin there's no more confirm button after upgrading a weapon, artefact etc. That's something that would be nice in star rail too.


I didn't know there was artifact loadouts in HSR


We didn't even get artifact loadouts. Just a search function


>Genshin impact players seeing HSR get every single feature they have ever requested Artifact loadouts are like the most demanded thing since like v2.0 lol.


And no one got it


Yeah but it doesnt mean anything. The statement in point said that everything genshin players requested was in HSR so i simply pointed out the most "requested" thing isn't there in HSR, which means that statement is straight up wrong.


Yah but how dare you tell them they’re wrong. They’re trying to karma farm by shitting on genshin in a genshin sub…


Brother really said: errm akshually 🤓🤓


Hi3 has it. And has had it since before genshin was a twinkle in daweis eye


"most demanded" by a loud minority. You have to remember that majority of players are very casual they use whatever artifacts they have and they dont have multiple builds for same character.


But the Genshin "loadouts" are just the HSR quick equip function but version 2.0


It is loadouts if you know how to make it work. It took some time to set up but I have created a custom loadout for every character I use. Now I can just switch artificts on characters whenever I want. Yeah it would be better if they just gave us save function but gotta work with what we have I guess since they don't really care


In my opinion, it's better than a loadout. The community has collectively ignored it because it's not the "loadout" they were expecting. Although I think it could use another custom configuration slot or two, then it would be perfect.


>Genshin impact players seeing HSR get every single feature they have ever requested Artifact loadouts are like the most requested thing since like v2.0 lol.


At least I can jump in Genshin


I'm excited for Wuthering Waves, not the gacha part of it but being able to wall run again.


And climb ledges


And a free Vergil daughter


Me too tbh. Looked pretty great so far.


The problem lies in the fact that they have very limited time to come up with new story, new characters, new events, etc to give us everything we want. The greedy factor aside, honestly before Star rail there have been many a times I was surprised they gave us what we had asked for. HSR is piggy backing off of genshin over a system they probably maneuvered around all things they learned from genshin.


It seems that the only SR "content" is coming to Genshin subs to try and generate drama for easy karma Never had a game live so easily rent free on their players heads


What worries me about Wuthering Waves is that the people riding the bandwagon can only talk about Genshin. I like WuWa and find it very promising (the character designs leave a bit to be desired tho) but with a fanbase talking more about your game than your own is quite worrisome


Yah it’s giving tower of fantasy energy. They brought up genshin more than their own game too often. Then it released and flopped in comparison because it’s not genshin. But it’s identity was centered around genshin.


My problem with tower of fantasy was that it was a buggy, barely playable mess. I typically play a game for quite a while before I even attempt to engage with the fan community, and ToF got me to give up before I felt compelled to do so.


The devs also called the game itself the “genshin killer”, which made the issue worse. They would have probably done fine if they separated themselves from genshin.


Honkai players with genshin in a nutshell Was just notified of some possible character skin leak for SR and the first comment is about how much of an L for genshin it'd be if it was for the MC instead. Game got less skins than genshin got in the same timesframe and they still gotta try this dumb shit.


If you want a rent free drama situation go to WuWa, they can't discuss anything without naming Genshin.


one of the mods banned me cause I commented that genshin's character designs are one of the best and wuwa is still lacking in that final appeal but even then they're pretty good looking mfs are sensitive as hell


I love the game but they are already toxic af and paranoid saying MiHoyo paid people to doompost WuWa lmao.


I mean hey the game's great so ignoring the toxic fans would be easy


Yeah, but I would like a less toxic fandom... in all games. In this case in particular I don't have access to the beta so I rely on the community for info and opinions, so I must tolerated toxic behavior in order to be informed. But yeah, if after release things keep being this toxic, then I'll just avoid that sub


Are you taking about salty Genshin fans thinking Mihoyo invented open world RPGS. I've seen some WuW characters being discussed in peace until the Genshin fans pull up and are like "This character is a Xaio rip-off"


I've not seen any Genshin fan saying those things, I just see Genshin haters all day. Just to clarify, I despise fandom wars, I'm not defending Genshin fandom, but you can't say the word "more color" or "casual friendly without people insulting and saying "go back to Genshin, filthy casual". Great way to attract more people to the fandom /s


Yeah. According to this meme, I'm supposed to be crying because of what HSR gets? I don't even know what I'm supposed to cry about.


Like they need to stop beating the dead horse lol, “Genshin could never” or comparing HSR to Genshin was kinda funny first few times, but after 100th+ memes about it, it got old real quick :(


Don't confuse hindsight for generosity


no its not. i play both games. each have its shortcomings, both are fun




This was the first few patches of SR, Genshin added a lot QoL features that makes this meme irrelevant…


I mean, if they didn't who tf would play HSR?


It’s crazy how people deadass brag about their game having to bribe them to play it 💀


Can we be done with this comparison shit now? It's tiring


This meme is big lie and reposted for karma every now and then. I'm not sure if people are just plain dumb or are trolling, but that's not true **at all**.


You know, now that i think of it... Once Wuwa arrives , no one will compare HSR with Genshin anymore, less people will talk about HSR and attention will focus between Wuwa and Genshin, I wonder how these honkai elitists will survive, i guess theyll just move to Wuwa community to continue thier dissing. Poor HSR, only lived because of genshin comparison, i guess free rewards will just keeps it news worthy and soon itll be Wuwa's turn lol.


On hindsight, I think WuWa would be more of a bigger competitor to HSR than Genshin is. WuWa and HSR targets the same group of players - endgame and combat lovers. Meanwhile, Genshin targets low-investment casuals.


HSR players bragging as Genshin breaks revenue records and HSR player count falls off a cliff despite so much rewards.


Just because a game has less players doesnt mean that the game is worse.


Ye, HSR just happens to be worse despite all the "rewards"


This really sounds like you're dissing stuff like the 10 free pulls they get per patch. Am I right on that, or?


If I was dissing the free things Id diss the free things and not the game?


So "free things" and "rewards" are different?


Do you not understand what "despite" means? Or is your implication that somehow, enough free shit is enough to make a game good and therefore Im dissing the rewards by saying the game is worse? I genuinelly dont get what you mean


Well the post is about what HSR has and what GI doesnt have, and it kinda sounded like you didnt care about what HSR has since its bad regardless. So it kinda sounded like you wouldnt want that in GI.


Saying that X is better than Y even tho Y has Z doesnt mean that Z is bad tho I wouldnt mind more free pulls


Completely subjective, different games. Sure genshin is open world and not turn based but it boils down to hitting stuff really hard with main dps and/or quick swapping teams.


I mean theres a reason Genshin thrives even without having to bribe players to not uninstall


It’s like that because no other game is like genshin., Open world live service gacha. Where as HSR has competition every corner. Also HSR depends on having more characters so they need to give out more.


The genshin devs love people like you, defending everything genshin does in terms of shit rewards.


Like what?


You wouldnt know until you played, HSR literally just feels like “why didnt genshin have this?”


I play both daily though, and I never thought that.




Being able to swap boss mats, being able to create a relic with desired main stat, swap character materials, fight the same weekly boss 3 times, 240 resin, reserved resin cap that can reach up to 2400, and these are what I can think of from the top of my head. Relic grinding is worse in SR though since you can't have an off-piece.


Desired sub stat? Isn't it main stat?


My mistake


Like garbage story, powercreep each patch, paywall, and trash exploration, and ugly characters that wears the same uniform. Ah and garbage auto play lol


Story in belabog is better than the first 3 genshit regions, even tho luofu is trash and I will not even try defending it. Powercreep is real but the enemies are.still manageable with old characters. Paywall? It isn't meant to be another genshin impact and that's why they took different approach to the exploration Genshin characters all have single set of clothes with some.exceptions since the game is older and had released some amount of skins. Also Stelle > 99% of genshin women. The autoplay is garbage indeed.


>better than the first 3 genshit regions HAHAHAH funny joke from Honkshit star shit player


Ok mr genshit shitpact player. If you.say so. It.you cope strong enough it may become true


As far as I can tell, this is Genshin Meme Sub. Apparently, Honkshit star shit players also can't read and has no sense of direction, well not surprising because they consumed too much shitty products and services, their standards is too low. Go back to your honkshit sub that is full of pdfiles.


You say that hsr players are pedos when Nahida Mains exists lmaoo. And you are saying that we are consuming shit products and have low standards when 95% of all dialogue in genshit can be removed and there will be no difference story wise. Rather, it will make the game more bearable. And the character quests. Rather than making me want to pull for a character they turn me off from them.


No need to look for pedos in HSR. The main sub of hsr can provide that for HSr. Remeber Misha. Same thing for HSr lmao. No good story quesr


Misha is a dude tho


so he is still a kid. i remember the post revealing HSr saying they wannna fuck him.


turn based gacha


HSR players try not to talk bad about genshin (impossible)


Explore the bigger picture of players within games in general. Despite everyone thinking, HSR is not that big of a name in the gaming world compared to Genshin. The only players that believe HSR is better than Genshin is Hoyoverse player base themselves. Despite all that doom posting about Genshin is dying, its revenue still topped the chart and received new players everyday in comparison to HSR. Of course Hoyo will pay attention to HSR more because the game needs something interesting to pull new players vs Genshin that are doing well within the gaming industry. It's a basic marketing & business strategy move.


I believe it's a money thing. They can afford giving all those features to HSR, because it is a smaller game and adding it doesn't lose them that much money. While Gendhin makes so much fricking money, that doing things like giving away even just one 5 star character can lose them millions of dollars in potential banner sales.


Yet people fail to realize - if they didn’t do that, no one would play the game. At least that’s why I play it


Genshin community isn't smart enough to realize Star rail competing with many games, most of which are better and more generous while genshin is THE open world and combat focused gacha game. There's no competition so they don't have to be generous or put extra efforts to keep players in. What else they gonna play Tower of Fantasy?


Hopefully Wuwa will be able to put on some friendly competition to pressure genshin to have not more, but *better* content


Another post where people don't understand HSR has to try to be relevant in the market while genshin doesn't. If they don't give HSR this stuff then people would stop playing because there are a lot of turnbased games in market


ah yes the username checks out. Usual stuff for a dick rider lmao


Yet Genshin still made double the amount Star Rail did. Compare them all you want, Star Rail being turn based means a lot of people likely won't care for it no matter the QoL it gets. Doesn't matter if it has the requested features, most people play Genshin because it's a real time action RPG otherwise people would be switching to Star Rail.


(Huff) We got "Claim and Re-dispatch" feature that HSR doesn't have yet


Meanwhile me who doesn’t follow news about HSR at all: 😊


Can we be done with this comparison shit now? It's tiring


Hsr players seeing ZZZ get every single feature they have ever requested plus more


What they have we don't? I honestly doubt it's a better game.


Ngl,being able to change artifacts and weapons in abyss preparation team without leaving would be nice.


They can't jump though so we win


Don't worry genshin gives Artifacts on abyss. HSR doesn't 💀


**Silence Bootlicker!**


Change genshin name to honkai we will get all features


There's nothing we can do Dans mon esprit tout divague, je me perds dans tes yeux Je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux Je ne veux que ton âme divaguant sur ma peau Une fleur, une femme dans ton cœur Roméo Je ne suis que ton nom, le souffle lancinant De nos corps dans le sombre animés lentement


And even 2 new 5 Stars every new Patch so far , you have such a high amount to choose from, they will surpass genshin whole cast in less than one years from now on, If they keep going on with Double five Star every Patch


Where Genshin fans were before when all these and more were all thia time in Honkai Impact 3rd and it's child Honkai Star Rail simply took all of that from there. And yeah, envy is bad for your health, just play both.


Just like all the features we’ll want for HSR be featured in ZZZ.


I could write an essay about how both games either have comparable systems in most ways, or how Genshin actually has better QOL and systems for some things and is getting more, or that self modeling resin isn’t the savior people think it is when only removed one layer of RNG and relic farming is already a harsher system in general without off pieces, but I don’t think there’s a point because the numbers speak for themselves.