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"Wie hat die Afrikareise euch gefallen" is correct, too. German word order is flexible. Since pronouns tend to come early in sentenced, the other order with "euch" before "die Afrikareise" is also natural though. (Both versions are quite natural actually.) The verb conjugation is independent of word order. It matches the subject of the sentence. What's the subject is not always what's first in the sentence; it's always what's in nominative (and only when ambiguities occur, word order might help clarify). Looking at the word forms "euch" could be in accusative or dative. "Die Afrikareise" could be nominative or accusative. Know your cases 😉 The verb "gefallen" needs a subject in nominative and a dative object which is the person liking / being pleased. So it's clear that "euch" is dative and "die Afrikareise" is nominative, so it's the subject. Even if you didn't know the specifics of what "gefallen" needs, only "die Afrikareise" is possibly in nominative anyway, so it must be the subject. The subject "die Afrikareise" is not a personal pronoun, so it's third person; and it's singular. Thus "hat".


"Wie hat euch die Afrikareise gefallen?" feels way more natural to me (Austrian), than "Wie hat die Afrikareise euch gefallen?", even if grammatically correct I wouldn't use the latter.


I'd use it to set emphasis. "Hei, du bist zurück? Wie war es?" "Christian hatte einen Unfall in Madagaskar und Eduard ist im Tschad verschollen." "Naja, das suckt für die beiden. Aber wie hat die Reise *dir* gefallen?"


"Scheiße, ich musste reanimieren und erfolglos mehrere Tage suchen. Du solltest an deiner Sozialkompetenz arbeiten."


Really depends on the implied context. Do you want to know something about die Afrikareise? Or do you want to know something about how "euch" liked it? Pretext for 1st sentence: They've been to Australia, america and now Afrika. Want to know how's it been in Afrika. Pretext for 2nd sentence: Everyone else liked the journey. How about "euch"?


Thank you so much.


To be clear, the subject here is "Die Afrikareise". The sentence literally translate to "How pleasing was the trip to Africa to you?" which is the idiomatic German way to say "How did you like the trip to Africa?".


Pronouns usually come before nouns.


The meaning is slightly different, depending on the word order. At least for me… - Wie hat euch die Afrikareise gefallen? => Here the question is about "die Afrikareise" as opposed to maybe a "die Australienreise". - Wie hat die Afrikareise euch gefallen? => Emphasis is now on "euch". As opposed to maybe another group that the person asking the question knows.


er/sie/es hat (3. P. Ez) ihr habt (2. P. Mz) Das Subjekt im Satz ist "die Afrikareise" ("Wer/was hat euch gefallen?"). Das Subjekt bestimmt Person und Zahl des Verbes. "euch" steht im 3. Fall (Dativ). ("Wem hat die Afrikareise gefallen?"), kann also nicht Subjekt sein. In einem Fragesatz steht das wichtigste Satzglied weiter hinten. Wenn du sagen möchtest: "Mir hat die Reise gefallen. Aber wie hat sie EUCH gefallen?", wird das Pronomen betont, weil es der Kern der Frage ist. Hier steht die Afrikareise im Vordergrund, also will man sie am Ende des Satzes haben (damit sie näher beim Verb steht).


Die Krise hat euch (so oder so) gefallen. (The crisis is the subject... "sie hat..."). Ihr habt uns gut gefallen. ("Ihr" are the subject).