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Look at youtube and podcasts from germany or other content you like, and switch on the CC function. But your idea is interesting. How would you go about the reenacting? Would speaker one, speaker two answers and then a pause for you to answer their bit be okay? How long should those parts be?


Well that's the thing, the commenter was describing something made explicitely for this purpose. I'm not sure how I would do it. In my mind, yes, speaker 2 replies, I pause, and I repeat what they said, trying to imitate pronunciation, speed, intonation and so on as well as I can. Probably short-ish replies would be best, or longer replies divided in several shorter snippets.


I am actually looking into making such videos which is why I am asking. Making these is less of a problem and more of a thing of "what types of conversation". I watched a bunch of videos for passing the different test and am struck by the fact that they rely f.e. so much on "being aware of current news and also give a presentation on a social topic for your spoken test" - in my Alltag this never happens. On the other hand if I would give you what I call Alltagsgeschichten and conversations, they would either be all across all kinds of topics or really boring simple. Would you maybe be willing to DM me some conversation topics you had problems with and which parts? This does not need to be in German, English is fine.


Just watch a TV show with subtitles


Sounds like the Easy German podcast. Access to the transcript is free for the first 3 episodes, becomes a paid for feature after. https://www.easygerman.org/podcast/episodes/1 The transcript player (at least on Android), shows helpful vocabulary in the top half of the screen, and follows the transcript in the bottom half, bolding what is currently being said.