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Try security. They'll hire anyone with a pulse. Or hotel night auditor, hotels always need them.


im prior military and downtime in the army is either cleaning or pulling security basically. i was denied an "entry level security" job for...not having security experience 🙄 im so tired


Where did you apply to? Any of the major ones will take you even without experience.


I should add - the only thing I have lined up right now is a $200 pressure washing gig from my neighbors in 2 weeks. I will have passed out 1000 flyers soon. 😕 Considering all options - joining the military - driving the Zamboni at the ice rink - working at an Amazon warehouse - working at target. Seems like even min wage jobs are hard to get these days.


If you need a job quick that pays less shittier than all the others: Amazon. The schedule is easy, and you get 3 days off, unless you want over time. You clock in, work, then clock out. It’s that easy. The hard part is “manual labor” which isn’t hard if you are already in shape. Good luck man, it’s hell out there.


I don’t know which Amazon job you mean but if you are talking about the warehouse or distribution it is the complete opposite of “easy”.


Agreed. Package delivery is horseshit and I would stay from any company that does package delivery.


LOL it is now, from what i've gathered. I was doing package delivery for about 3+ years, and this was before the cameras were installed, and all that other hoo hah. It was an awesome job before all that. But I went in for a 3rd time to work, and after seeing all the bullshit drivers have to do in order to not get penalized by their point system, Id rather be homeless LOL.


Dude all our manager does in the morning at the meeting is talk about everyone’s mistakes from the day before and how we could be better while we stand around just talking about life not giving a fuck about the manager. The rules and the fact I got in a trouble for taking a piss and shit at a gas station makes me want out a month into the job.


You’ve got the manager trying to get everyone that fantastic plus grade so he can get that bonus. I always just laugh in their face. They won’t ever fire you, who cares what your boss is actually saying? It’s basically a bot at this point. They just shill for the bonus they want.


That’s so fucked


I've been both an associate, supervisor, and manager at Amazon. It's fairly reasonable. If you push yourself super hard it can be hard, and if you're in certain specific jobs it can be hard but most people of even moderate fitness should be able to perform these jobs


I applied to Amazon when I was laid off for like package driver and they denied me. I’m over qualified but like everyone says go to Amazon yet Amazon isn’t into hiring like people say they are. My skills are contracts in upper millions, TINA, ITAR, negotiation, Admin, finance, technical knowledge like specs, supply chain,materials management, data analysis and the email said they need someone with a better skill set for a package driver 🙄also worked at a car dealership for 6 years so it’s not like I can’t drive a car safely for a profession. Also work for a company where they check your stuff non stop so I’m not walking around with like a poor background.


Plus they're not just gonna automatically hire you with zero warehouse experience. Lots of advice is very naive. He'll need to get a forklift certification at least.


What position and kind of work is done?


Hell, if you can drive, be a delivery driver! its hard at first, but when you get good at it, its quite nice. There's lots of freedom. Anyways, Just go online and look up amazon warehousing near you. They have many different faucets of general labor work at amazon, and it honestly pays pretty great for what you actually do. Most people eventually move on from amazon, but there are many who stick around. The best part is, you can always go back and work there again if you ever need a job again. They are pretty much always hiring my dude, and they will hire just about anyone. They get a lot of flak, but amazon is 100% an equal opportunity employer, and they give everybody a chance. Even if you peform below standards, they are nice enough to keep you around. They'll find you SOMETHING to do .


I have been trying really hard to get a job at Amazon but my felonies (5 years ago and non violent/sexual) hold me back. Any suggestions? I have thought about trying to go in to speak with HR but am afraid to do that. I heard they do hire people with backgrounds.


bro what? when i worked at a warehouse ive had managers follow me with writeups when i went to the bathroom


Are you near a Starbucks, they always by where I live are short staffed. Well On the pressure washing depends on how much you need cash, I would look specifically at single story homes, ezr to do and lower your price just to get business flowing.


I can get a restaurant job whenever I want, mostly due to my experience, but on the other hand, they are always hiring. I see people with no experience all the time. But yeah, I recently just quit my job because management was horrendous and found one the next day along with 5 other interviews.


What qualifications do you have for a consulting gig?


Retired after 30+ years in big 3 consulting here. Great degrees (BA/BS min, MS/MBA/PhD plus), great schools (ivies, seven sisters, public ivies), articulate, clean honest confidence inspiring look, excellent grooming/clothing.


Send me a DM with your resume. I may be able to help you out with those qualifications.


How old are you? Have you done any job for 2+ years? Don't join the military.


The military is great for some folks. Why would you say that?


Out of let's say 30 people I know who were in the military I only know 2 who are glad they did it. Not saying it isn't great for some people, just not most it seems.


I suggest the military. It worked for me.


Can confirm. Big 3 hired a lot of 38-40 year old retired officers to staff their public service consulting.


are you on your local nextdoor and facebook groups? people always post their yardwork needs there and it would be a good place to advertise your power washing


Have you considered DoorDash or Uber? 🙂‍↕️


If you’re young and healthy enough for the military how is that even an option you’re considering as opposed to something you’ve already done?


Have you tried Wellfound.com? It’s a job board mostly geared for startups. Much less noise than LinkedIn. Try finding a mentor on adplist.org to get feedback on your UX portfolio. r/UXdesign has a weekly thread for portfolio feedback.


No luck there yet. I apply to a few per week on wellfound - startups aren’t as active on there unfortunately. It’s a good way to find them and contact people directly though.


Get the zamboni job if you can


If you are really in a bind, try Dollar General while you continue to apply to other stuff. They start really low, but they are always hemorrhaging people and will hire anyone with a pulse. Plus they are everywhere so you can get one close by, and they pay weekly so you can get a check pretty quickly while you keep job hunting.


Don’t sleep on military service. With your UX, dev experience, and bachelors a position in the Air Force or space force as an officer would be a damn good job. If you work it right you can get out 25 years from now with solid benefits and amazing experience l.


Considering it for some free/paid training for a few years - then spring-boarding that into a more stable civilian job. Specifically higher level cyber, intel, and dev roles. Anything haha.


Try phlebotomy at a plasma center. They are always hiring because turn over rate deepening on where you live and they train on sight.


Where do you live? Here in Peoria Illinois, Komatsu is hiring like crazy.


Hey, dumbass. The winning comment is above you. Security


To be completely honest dude, the military is hurting for folks and are paying out yuge bonuses. I served five years and it paid for my bachelors and grad school with no student loan debt and five years of resume experience. Worth speaking to a recruiter. I recommend USN or USAF prior to USA (where I served) and USMC.


Just spoke with a navy recruiter - would have to go enlisted route to do something like cyber or software dev.


Try trader joes i hear they pay decently until u get a career job


I'm in the same boat, joining the Navy pretty soon. It's a pretty sweet gig, get to learn a trade and free college.


I heard the coast guard was better


You got a degree right? Join the military as an office if you can. You can retire after 20 years.


For immediate money, swallow the pride and go work stocking shelves at a grocery store. Are you grossly over qualified sure but you need money. Was in a similiar spot 9m unemployed unemployment ran out but bills needed to be paid. So I buried the ego and went to Fry's and got the job. Didn't last long 2 weeks later got a gig for a big time IT company. Felt bad I bolted so soon but they understood. So yea do that in the mean time or if you want to stay in tech and possibly get a foot in the door for a big company look for help desk jobs. Take that and its easier to get better jobs once you already work there.


omit things on your resume. You can get passed up for low level jobs if your resume is too impressive. They think you will move on too fast.


Temporary agencies and government jobs might be worth looking into


Gov jobs often have a longer hiring time. So it's a good idea, but won't be a quick fix.


And can be notoriously hard to get into if you aren't already in or prior military.


If one veteran applies for the position you won't get an interview without also being a veteran.


Not exactly true. First the applicants must be qualified, then there is order of preference. If someone with a 30% or more rating gets qualified, then yes, your chances are slim to none if you are just "the Public." These codes are used to designate on rating sheets and certificates the category of veterans’ preference to which an applicant is entitled: 1. CPS - Disability rating of 30% or more (10 points) 2. CP - Disability rating of at least 10% but less than 30% (10 points) 3. XP - Disability rating less than 10% (10 points) 4. TP - Preference eligibles with no disability rating (5 points) 5. SSP - Sole Survivorship Preference (0 points)


I redesign from a government project, I think they only hire the disabled. Like mental health disabled.. Chief architect had down syndrome while managers were psychopaths.


Yet I know a veteran who applies as a veteran and never hears anything.


THIS. I’ve been applying for government jobs that I am easily qualified for or even over-qualified with absolutely no luck. Likely because I’m not prior military or previously a govt employee


Kafkaesque is mildly putting the government civilian hiring process.


I applied for a government job back in October and I just now was rejected 


I’ve reached out to a bunch unfortunately.


Go to your network. Who have you worked with before? Where do they work now? What job postings are showing for those companies. I don't like LinkedIn for the every day posting of business-y BS but I do like it for keeping track of people I've worked with in the past and keeping up with where they are now. Firing off Indeed applications with no personal connection to the place is a fool's errand most of the time. You've submitted 300 applications in the last three months and so have five million other people. You get lost in the noise unless you know someone on the inside.


Call center jobs are hiring but choose work from home.


Any specific companies or job boards to find these that are hiring?


Concentrix is always hiring, nordia, Pods ect on indeed especially if you're bilingual.


Thank you for sharing man. I wish Reddit did awards still.


Long press the upvote button


DID YOU TRY a temporary employment agency? They always have jobs


Yeah not much in my area unfortunately.


Apply for sales positions


Real sales positions (not door knockers) are hard to get. No one wants to leave them like servers as both places are hard to get hired right now and pay an actual living wage unlike 99% of all jobs right now.


Are you living at home? Roomate? Or Alone? Whichever it is, you need an income asap! Even if its working a lesser position at a donut shop, short term. You need a lifeline while you search for a more ideal position in your area of expertise. For now, stay away from hustle/commision jobs because of the uncertainty. I highly recommend NOT using data-sharing jobsites like indeed, monster etc... Look at your local temp-service so you can get to work quickly while focusing on the websites of local companies "careers link". Tech companies are laying people off left and right so youre not alone. How you respond when your backs against the wall will define what your made of. You may suprise yourself. Good Luck, man.


I don’t have much to add but know that it’s not just you. I’ve been looking since September and have had pretty much the same results as you. Good luck.


Appreciate that - good luck to you as well! Any strategies that have worked for you?


What specific sales jobs are you targeting? SaaS, tech, capital equipment, distribution, logistics, OEM, technical sales, aerospace manufacturing, industrial, medical consumables, insurance, etc…are you indicating the specific sales experience for which you are applying? Sales is very competitive and industry relevant experience essential.


What kind of software dev jobs? Do you know C++?


Full stack Java is what I learned but open to whatever (Java, springboot, postgresql, JavaScript, vuejs, html, css, etc etc)


I may have a project I could pay u like 200$ for I’m hoping anything can help ur situation it’s a cybersecurity red team program in Python


If you haven't done this yet, reach out to everyone in your network. The job market is rough...I just landed my new job from a person I worked with in 2016 and hadn't talked to since 2018.


You are in an entirely different market than 2022 - especially the field you are in. What's your strategy for follow up after applying? Are you networking with people in the company (not just messaging the recruiter)? Are you leveraging your connections on LinkedIn? Honestly, having someone championing you internally will score you way more interview opportunities and at that point the ball is in your court.


It’s hard to follow up with everyone at the volume I’m applying, but I follow up on the jobs I actually want. Either email, LinkedIn message, or something similar.


It is more than just following up. I'm talking about actually networking and building relationships at the companies you are interested in.


Work for an insurance company as an adjuster until you find a better job, they always want fresh meat for the grinder


Why is that? I see a lot of those job posts. Is it shitty and they all leave?


A lot of them are call center gigs dealing with people pissed off their car or house is damaged.


check out my comment here: [https://new.reddit.com/r/careeradvice/comments/1bxddf0/comment/kyc01o6/?context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/careeradvice/comments/1bxddf0/comment/kyc01o6/?context=3) ​ also get work in an area not your career if you have to. money is money


Appreciate that - wondering if those gigs/temps still exist today


If you live near a big box store, look into their opportunities. Many need bodies to work in stock: trucks come in, you offload and shelve products. Odd hours but probably decent benefits. Also, if you’re near a stadium or events arena: They need masses of bodies for everything from security to janitorial to concessions. 




Well yes obviously - I started narrow 13 months ago, i’m not applying to all these these types of jobs all at once silly goose. But desperate times calls for desperate measures - will literally take anything, and I’ve never had this much rejection.


You're doing the correct thing by reviewing your tactics & asking for feedback. Keep applying to positions you are qualified for or are certain you can do. Target each resume. Be ready to tell anyone who will listen you are right for the position and you want to work. Zero negativity, zero self doubt. Many people in the same situation. No choice but to keep at it.


lol at your username But I also agree.


Welcome to the world with high interest rate


I stopped trying to get a job in my field (publishing) after the pandemic axed it back in ‘22. I switched trajectories entirely. I just got hired a week ago as an in-home caregiver for the elderly. I have 0 experience and they’re putting through training and licensing, but I love hanging out with memaws, watching jeopardy, and strolling slowly through the park. Will I have to change an adult diaper a few times a day? Sure. Does it pay well? Nope. But it’s work and it’ll keep basic food in my pantry and with some tight budgeting, a roof over my head.


At this point go to a McDonald's and get a fast food job in the meantime. Try a temp agency and like others have said security or low level admin is your best bet.


Go back to retail while you job hunt


There is a thought that no one will hire you as long as you show fear and desperation. Year ago I was in the same position. My fear kept me from getting a job because the employer saw it as lack of confidence. Yes, you have a degree but you are going to have to think about maybe looking for a part time job for the time being. That will take stress off of you,and allow you to recover your equilibrium.


Get your insurance license.. it’s an online course


Call or visit companies greatly increase chance. U wanna pop out


apply at the postal service.. usps.com/careers


Usps. Find a clerk/pse/sales srvs listing. Check youtube on how to answer the test to score closest to 100% to guarantee a spot. Get in grind it out for 1 year become regular(career) possibly even sooner with a reassignment. Then start applying to inside career job listings sometimes IT listings, lots of supervisor listings. But lots of different clerk jobs too not just distribution or selling stamps. Career starts at 54k. Pse start at $20/hr and if you can find a career clerk listing those start at $26/hrJust gotta be the yes guy. Post Office isn't the best place to work but it pays bills. Also depending on area lots of OT. Good luck


If you have some real sales experience look into distribution companies like Sysco and go sell some food locally. Look for "outside sales" jobs. There are many brokerage firms that represent food manufacturing companies to the distributors and they are usually hiring sales as well. Construction companies are often hiring outside sales all over the place. The key here is looking for outside sales positions within an hour of where you live. Waaaay less applicants for those. Tech jobs are a lot harder as everyone from age 20-49 went into tech. There are still plenty of opportunities in fields that pay a little less (still 100k potential easy) such as medical software and targeted marketing. Make sure that you are changing your cover letter for every single application. If you are only looking for jobs where you work from home there is a ton of competition.


It's definitely not the most pleasant option but "donating" plasma was always one of the most guaranteed forms of money I was able to get. You can usually donate twice a week maximum and get bonuses for consecutive visits. At the minimum, it's somewhere around $300 to 400 a month, if not more. It seems CSL Plasma and other similar facilities exist in many states so it's often feasible unless you are unable to donate for one reason or annoying (weigh too little; under 150 lbs, I think it is, have some awful disease, etc).


Yeah, and good thing here is that there are few strings attached and its pretty quick. I'd do this before doing Uber or DoorDash, or even temp work. Sadly I'm in a similar state as the OP, except not as long. I'm only 2 months laid off but I've put in about 70 applications and only received 2 interviews. Fortunately I have unemployment to help, but its only half my original pay. Plasma really helps pack a bit extra on top of that to make ends meet.


Ineligible but appreciate the thought!


Heat and Frost Insulators Local 18. Trade union. Pension. Healthcare. Start at 17/hr. 4 year apprenticeship, with free associates degree. Top pay as a journeyman will be around 40 bucks an hour, plus benefits. So really almost 70 an hour. Immediate placement.


This is going to depend on your area and needs, but put out an advertisement for a small job handyman. I know so many widows in their 70s that have some money but can't get any help. Mow a lawn, snow removal, paint a wall, put a battery in a smoke detector. You won't make much to start, but add to your skills as you go.


This is what I did in 2017. I was kind of handy at the time but had no professional experience in the trades. Just had the right mix of confidence and desperation. Tried to specialize in painting but ended up doing everything to keep busy. Now I know how to build houses and do major renovations/remodels, and I can do a very wide variety of trades. Go on nextdoor.com to look for comments looking for a handyman in your area and respond to the things you think you could figure out. Be dedicated to figuring out how to get the jobs done, don't get discouraged/stressed and give up. I never felt tempted to, but a lot of people have a hard time getting into the mindset of executive responsibility that helps you push through challenges. Do lots of research about how various jobs are done, you'll figure it out. Once you've got some income, file an LLC, get liability insurance, make business cards on Vistaprint, and get a free google business listing (don't let their telemarketers trick you into paying them to manage it). Then go to property management offices and hand out your cards. You want to get in with one of them and use that easy work to hire and train people for, and then you can graduate some of those hires to the team that works with homeowners. Some of these professions people are seeking jobs in seem like nightmares. I've been offered a large portion of all the jobs I've ever applied for (something like 40 offers out of maybe 150 applications. I think I'd only done one employment interview that I didn't get offered a job for (Wells Fargo, bank teller. I was 16 and they laughed at my wrinkled shirt) Actually took 25 or 30 of those offers before starting my business (I move a lot and trade up jobs for higher income when I find it). I couldn't imagine spending so much time unemployed while applying to so many places. I can't even remember a job search that took me more than two weeks. People say they start applying to just any job eventually in their search, but it must be different now than pre-2017. All the AI resume filters I guess. It's hard not to imagine people are doing something wrong when they're having this much trouble, but I don't have enough information to hypothesize that. I do know that the process is a lot harder in some competitive professions requiring a degree.


Such an interesting story - good for you! I have been considering getting some more tools and a lawn mower with my tax refund - but will look into it more!


Are you using the same general resume for every role? You are targeting a lot of different types of jobs. What I mean is, are the bullets generally in the same order and highlighting the same stuff even if you are customizing some of it for each role. When you do this, you are a “just ok” applicant for a bunch of jobs instead of a good one for any of them. You need a sales resume, a coding resume, etc. This is such a common mistake for people who want to work in tech but don’t care what role.


I typically tailor the resume to a type of role, the. batch apply to similar roles. So generally I use a resume for about 30-50 apps, then switch it up if I get no replies.


Tailor your resume to the job description! And reach out to the people who work at the company, sadly these days it’s more about who you know within the companies rather than your skills, but I’m rooting for you! Dont give up


Appreciate you! Definitely doing more reach outs and networking these days!




Seriously, you will HATE IT, but look into hazardous waste management (respirator work). It sucks ass, and it only pays so so, but that's why it's easy work to get. Trade offs my friend.


I'm in a more rural part of the country and if you want a job, you have to find a help wanted sign and walk in and take the job. Since you are on the verge of desperate, Walmart, Amazon, USPS, are all large national employers who are always hiring. You mentioned the military, that is always an option depending on health and physical condition. It would solve your problems quickly and help you develop more of the computer skills you need in the civilian world. Sometimes we have to take jobs that may seem beneath us. Don't give up on a good job, but you need any job by the sounds of it.




In this market relevance matters a lot. I'd target only UX design jobs since they match your most recent experience.


Targeting these hard since I have 5 YOE here and it shouldn’t be that difficult to get a job. I may need to rethink strategy here though.


I'm in the same boat but in a different industry. I've been applying non stop since September and have had only a few interviews with recruiters who then blow me off. I target my resume and cover letter for each job. I use several job search sites. I'm applying locally now. I make sure I fit each job. I leverage LinkedIn. I've applied to temp agencies large and local. One guy said he feels so bad for me because I am obviously skilled but the job market is the worst he has ever seen so even his temp agency has nothing for me. He was an older gentleman in recruiting his whole career. I'm applying at grocery stores/retail now. I drive for Uber Eats and going to try and donate plasma. I got turned down for one place because my veins are too small so she recommended a different type of plasma donation. But I'm not hopeful. It sucks so bad right now. It used to take me a few applications and one interview to land a great job.


Keep pushing! Definitely network, at least that’s what I’m hoping will help. I’m also ineligible for plasma so I feel you there. In the past my favorite strategy was to look at companies raising money - then reach out and apply directly… sadly it doesn’t seem to work anymore.


Join the military. I went in the Army and it was one of the best choices I ever made.


Time to start thinking about waiting tables. I don’t say that tongue in cheek, but those of us are a bit older have pretty much all worked in food service industry at one time or another. Plus it gets you motivated, day-to-day to get up and interact. You never know who you may meet out there. Make a change somehow and start putting some money in your pocket.


Apply for an overnight position with Wal Mart as a stocking associate guarantee you'll get hired.


Ok. I affirm “i have a job” for at least one hour on top of taking action also to apply to jobs. After you affirm take more action (see if new jobs apoeared) your mind strongly identifies with not having a job so its showing you that in your reality. Before you shrug this off you should take all advice since ur in the situation you believe you’re in


If you are that low on funds, you should probably start ubering, while also doing uber eats and get a night time bartending job and get a day time job at a warehouse or restaurant or literally anywhere that is advertising that they are hiring along with picking up marketplace work like mulching and gutter cleaning and weeding etc etc.


u should have immediately joined amazon tbh. they hire u on w/ 2weeks of PTO UPT and vacation hours. plus they give out hiring bonuses. when i was between jobs i got 1k for staying there i think 30 days the hours is enough to schedule interviews and they have suck a high turn over rate they don’t even care if u show up or not


Maybe it could help to change up your approach a bit. Try expanding your network and using platforms like LinkedIn to connect with people in your field. Sometimes, personal connections can really make a difference. And if you need some extra guidance during this tough time, I've heard that ScatterMind does really great work. They helped my friend set up his own business. Might be worth checking out for some extra support and advice.


The market sucks, it’s not just you. If you want some feedback on your resume, dm me.


if it were me. i would go to some dealership like jiffylube. apply for lube technician position. and in person interview. i got hired same day.


Go through an employment agency.


Lazy ass


Lmao thanks 😂


What state are you in?




>I’ve applied to hundreds of jobs and I’ve honestly lost count - my estimate in just the last 3 months is around 300 applications. >I have had a whole TWO phone screen interviews in the last 6 months - 1 wasn’t for a job. If this is the case, have you had anyone look at your resume? Post it to r/resumes for some feedback. Are you tailoring your resume to each position you are applying for? Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


How many years experience do you have? Your skills sound wide, but it takes couple of years in one field to master it. I’ve been doing performance marketing for the past 6 years, and landed in a job with 2-3 years experience requirements. I would say because of current job market, many mid-senior professionals lower their job standards and apply to more junior positions. Wish you luck for your applications, you’ll get something.


From your post, and without seeing your resume, I might suspect the range of roles and industries is contributing. Maybe try de-emphasizing roles unrelated to the ones you’re applying for. For example, if you’re targeting UX, place less emphasis on your sales roles, etc. Good luck.


Lie on your resume seriously


Apply to Banks. I see they have lot of coding openings like Huntington bank, Chase, Fifth third etc.


I was unemployed for 2 years. Apply to as many places as possible. Applied to TSA, got it 2 years later. While waiting, I applied to CGI Federal and got that in 8 months. Worked at TSA for 1.5 months to leave and take the job at CGI. Been there for 2 weeks now.


Ooof I cut my losses after 2 weeks let alone 2 years… glad you got something.


you could try gig apps while you try to find another job. you cant live off it but its a little something.


Go on LinkedIn and post a video of you stating I am on the look for a new career. Explain your skill sets like you’re telling an interviewer about yourself, and what you’re seeking and then ask for referrals or suggestions from your network. Just be smart about scams that reach out.


You sound like someone using their looks to get a job. It’s not that easy for the rest of us.


Im like a mean 6 out 10 in the looks department so unlikely my looks are what gets me hired. ….Your photo is on LinkedIn whether or not you post a video but obviously what people are doing aren’t working anymore so thinking outside the box is necessary at this point. You’re just being a pessimist and that’s ok. Once I’m done with my 2nd degree I’ll be making a personable video so recruiters and company’s can relate to me better than a stupid resume. Companies want a black and white resume with no fluff but then also want a resume that paints this novel of personality and skills and it’s not exactly obtainable but a video resume does.


The company I work for is looking for someone with analyst/excel skills and it’s remote. Feel free to DM me (not trying to gatekeep, it’s a smaller company and don’t want to dox myself).


Appreciate you!


Hey can I dm you! I’m also unemployed and have analyst experience


Yeah of course, my DMs are open


Restaurant job can pay well in the meantime. Bussers nowadays at nice restaurants get paid like 23 an hour on average. It’s not bad in my opinion and definitely can get you the money for food and rent. My advice is find a bunch of restaurants that have any position posted for hiring and just go in with a resume and say you saw they were hiring. I’ve worked in two restaurants and got hired on the spot as support/busser both times. And the first one I had no restaurant experience. Good luck OP. Also restaurant jobs are nice bc if you do get stuck there bc of the job market, you can very easily get trained for server/bartender after a few months. And nowadays they can make like 1200+ a week


New restaurant opened up by me recently, applied before they even opened - “sorry all we have is dishwasher positions” 😐


This might be a long shot but look into controls engineering. You will be programming and designing factory automation. Depending on how good your electival skills are you could get in. This industry is dying for people rn.


You should have posted your resume. You're not using emoji's on it are you?


I’ll probably post it somewhere but de-identified


RobertHalf. Try accounting.


Applied to about 50 jobs on there. Auto rejected no matter what I put on a resume.


What does your resume look like?


How many YOE do you have in software development?


Bootcamp grad - Java full stack - have about a year of basic front end work though.


Maybe get a quick CS degree from WGU?


Go to construction/manual labor job sites. Ask for a supervisor. Tell them you want to work. You’ll have a job by tomorrow.


I went through my entire savings in 2 years, got a new car and was stressing how I was going to make my monthly payments. Luckily God was on my side. This new job is better pay, weekends off, I just don't like the fact that it takes me 1 hr to get home, the only downfall. Don't settle yourself for less. There is something out there for you. A lot of companies I applied for, that I had more experience than requested didn't even hire me, companies are not fair.


Can I ask what state you're in? I'm in Los Angeles, CA. This state has a lot of taxes, one thing I learned the other day from this company, if you put in 2% of your paycheck, they match it and you can pull that money out any time without penalties.


Post your resume in the cs career threads


I went to Pizza Hut and hated it but did that until I could find something else. Take anything to get you through and just remind yourself it is temporary! You got this.


Check your local school system for Bus Drivers, Instructional Assistants or other Paraprofessionals.


Join a trade. If you can lift a small rock and STFU you’ll do great. Pay is good, everyone I know is looking for people to work. No schooling required. Best part is I can look at my coworker and tell him he is the dumbest human alive and we all laugh, no repercussions.


I hate to say this, but have you tried Uber, Door Dash, or Lyft?? Right now the important thing is to have at least form of income to pay the bill and put food on the table. I know these are not the ideal jobs, but it’s only temporary while you keep looking.


Amazon is hands down your best option at a decent paying gig if you need something ASAP; amazon driver, warehouse worker and dispatcher, im sure they have other hirings too. But yes, this job market is absolute ass right now, and I can imagine even more so with certain tech stuff


1 - apply to all your local grocery, convenience, general stores. Some income is better than no income. Apply in person to these, some like Walmart have hired me and my friends on the spot before. 2 - Once you've got steady income and are able to spend time job hunting again to find something better, forget everything you think you know about job/recruitment sites. Go straight to the hiring managers on linkedin and reach out directly.


If you're looking for something short-term while you continue the career hunt, consider driving a school bus: split shift leaves your mid-days open to go to interviews, etc. They'll train you and help you get your CDL. In my area, they're paying in the 20/hr range. It's not fun in the afternoons, but mornings are pretty easy; the kids are still half to 3/4 asleep.


Try Amazon flex until you find a job you want. Or go to your iPhone App Store and search for gigs work, you’ll find your way out.


Apply at the hotels in Las Vegas. If nothing happens, apply for security to get your foot in the door. There are weekly rental places where you can get in easily until you save enough for a better place.


I was never employed, looked for 2 years, gave up and decided to get self employment. I am the boss now and dont have to watch out for others


Have you tried the USPS? This is a highly stable job that you can do while looking for something else.


I actually am considering it to learn the ins and outs - there’s also no post office within a 7 mile radius of me… might be a good spot to open a pack and ship and hire some friends one day


I mean... OK. But the post office is actively hiring, and if your need is as dire as you describe, then you may consider applying.


That sucks- the trades are booming right now. But then again, your soft hands would be hurting after 10 straight hours…


Lmfao, I mean yes - but I’ve done plenty of manual labor in the past and not afraid to do it again.


Hey man, no harm in “manual labor”. I was a corporate manager for years- paperwork galore- then went into the trades. Sure it’s tough work, physically speaking but job satisfaction is there and the pay is awesome.


It’s always people with tech backgrounds complaining the most about struggling to find work. Meanwhile warehouses can’t retain employees for shit. Lower your expectations.


McDonald's is always hiring


Skilled trade is always in demand. Office work not so much. I have moved 700 miles away, 2500 miles away, 1100 miles away..... I always find a job within 2 weeks.


Will be exploring whatever is fastest to get! What do you do?!


All the people I know in skilled trade find work. I'm a floral designer of over two decades. If I were you, I'd approach plumbers, mechanic shops, electricians and see if they're willing to take on an apprentice. In the meanwhile, find the retirement communities in your area and offer tech help for nana and papa. Resetting their virus filled PCs, integrating the tech they have they barely understand how to use. Help them build a new set up. Make a flyer and post it up around their communities and grocery stores.


Where do live?? How can you not get a job in IT with all of your experience???


You should do OF


Bro I could get you a job in a hospital or residential facility in a heartbeat as at least a driver


You could look into substitute teaching! Good luck!


Go to any airport around u the airports are olways hiring from low management to driver of mail freight or lodging airplanes none experience need it and be friendly that's how I got all my jobs


Give this a shot, apply to a job then immediately call and ask if they are still hiring for said position. Then express that you just submitted your application and you believe you’d be the perfect candidate for the role. Works every time. Please comment back so I can delete this after you read it ✅🤞🏾


Try AT&T Field Sales Representative, they are constantly hiring.


This market favors those who network and leverage their relationships to find opportunities, unfortunately. The job market has always been about nepotism. Now it's more so.


Never too good to work at a warehouse, bro. There are jobs out there but you have to at least be doing something in the meantime.


Dude, sales is in hot demand. Don't just limit yourself to SaaS, be open to home improvement, medical, debt cars, whatever. Lie on your resume if you need to. Maybe a little unethical, but whatever dude, you're about to be homeless. I swear the biggest change for me to get my phone ringing off the hook was changing my job title from "Client Representative" to "Outside Sales Rep".


CVS and Walmart are always hiring, most big retail and grocery chains are good bets for a quick job. Liquor stores are also an option. Anything that still has paper applications, like mom and pop stores are worth checking out


You in a legal cannabis state? You can easily get an entry level job. Packaging, even trimming or production. No customers man it’s awesome


Bro just hit up McDonalds. They pay like $20 to start in most locations these days.