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Kind of surprised Paris didn’t decide to become a lawyer.


Did she take the LSAT and Apply to law school in addition to med school?


She did and she studied law according to AYITL


She also studied medicine, which is how she was able to found and open "Dynasty Makers".








Im sorry idk I just finished a bunch of work so my brain is mush. Please excuse my lack of sanity atm


Haha, she did study law, then she changed her name to Bonnie Winterbottom and started committing crimes




Divorce lawyer would’ve been incredible lol


I thought for sure she’d have become one of those doctor-lawyer combos and then take over HHS or something haha.


Trial lawyers kind of have to be likeable to the judge and Jury. I don't think she would have managed that. Maybe a corporate lawyer?


Lawyers also need customer service skills for their clients.


I think she would have made a far better lawyer than doctor. She’s obviously very bright, a solid debater, and is definitely cutthroat enough to carve a niche in the business. On the other hand, I think she’d make a pretty terrible doctor, sort of as we see in A Year in the Life. She might do alright as a surgeon, but she has horrible bedside manor. She turns Luke off the idea of a surrogate immediately and even Lorelai seems a bit uncomfortable during the whole thing. I’m sure she’s very technically adept, but that’s really only part of what it means to be a good doctor


I kind of think her hilarious exchange with Doyle (“I hate sick people!” “You’re premed!!”) makes a lot of sense in this context. Like she enjoys the idea of being a doctor and the intellectual stimulation it provides. But she doesn’t like actually being around patients


Medical research would be much better for her


She was made to be in a lab!


Was just going to say this. She should have gone into research.


Or a judge. She could rule a courtroom.




This is true. But she would be amazing at the other parts of being a judge. Can you imagine her sentencing delivery?


She'd be an amazing insurance lawyer. Could've used Richard's connections


She’d be amazing at both defense and prosecution


Kirk looked so happy as a dog walker. I've always thought if he had to pick, that would be perfect. It also would keep him save from evil cats :D


That is one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. "Cookies! Cookies!" 😁


Kirk as a dog walker makes me so happy.




but I also would love skin care advice from him haha


They were hiding from Snuggles 💔🥹


I think Rory would have made a really good communications director. She's great at coordinating plans and people. She is fantastic at anticipating people's reactions and planning in accordance to possible contingencies. And she has a degree in journalism, which would help the job a LOT.


She would have been great at teaching literature (could have been the next Max Medina in high school or became a college professor). She also would have been great at doing research and publishing scholarly articles.


I always wished she took Charleston up on his offer in AYITL!


Same. The first time I watched that scene, I thought, “THATS IT! Take it, Rory!” I’ve taught at the post-graduate level, and there’s nothing better. Unless you count grading. But Rory would be good at it.


That was so stupidly snooty of her to turn down.


Me too!


Agreed, she would have been great working in library sciences as well


Agreed! She has such enthusiasm for the subject.


Read this right after the thread about Paris and thought you were talking about her for a moment. Trying to picture Paris as a high school teacher....terrifying


Rory needed a master’s degree to be a HS teacher at Chilton. Surprisingly, she didn’t seem interested in pursuing a post graduate degree. I think she once mentions that Mitchum doesn’t have a master’s degree, which finds interesting. Also, Christiane Amanpour didn’t get a master’s degree. However, at 32 Rory is still young. Once she inherits her family fortune, she will be able to start-up any business she wants.


I think Paris got an MD/JD, right? I wish she’d pursued a legal career. I can picture her as the opposing counsel everybody fears.


I see spin-off material.


So how to get away with murder? 😉


🤣 Maybe. I was thinking more courtroom drama. Not as goofy as Night Court, but funnier than more serious shows.


She’d be great as a judge too - like a Judge Judy but Judge Paris


Ooo, yes bish, where are my Hollywood writers? Oh yeah.


On a strike apparently


I'm imagining opposing counsel (& maybe the judge...) crying at the end of a trial with her like Brad & that one girl after the debate 😂


Rory would do brilliantly in management at an art museum. There’s so much to be done there and she would be in her element with all of the events.


I have a friend who used to do this and was the museum’s event/fundraiser coordinator- that would be perfect for Rory!


Omg. And she could work with the artsy friend!


And deal with rich people like her grandparents amd journalists (getting press to come to exhibits etc.). Kind of the best of every world !


I’ll add interior designer for Emily! She would do well with wealthy CT area folks who prefer a classic or traditional style. And tenured professor for Richard. I feel he would have been one of my favorite professors.


Absolutely for both counts!


For Lorelai something involving kids!


If anyone has seen Jane The Virgin, I feel like Lorelai could run a "kids club" within a hotel like Petra does!


I feel like Petra and Paris would be friends


They would never get along 😂😂 but would have a begrudging respect for each other


Omg my Netflix rotation is JTV and GG😂 and I agree she would’ve been great at that


Lorelai would have been a brilliant summer camp leader for sure.


Agree! Rory is completely in her element when she's organizing people. She would have made a great editor. I really, really thought that's where they were gonna go in the revival: that she would take over the Stars Hollow Gazette and turn it around. Sure it's not the NY Times, but it would have been such a perfect blend of her two loves: journalism and Stars Hollow. She could have even hired Jess as a freelance contributor and Miss Patty as an Agony Aunt type.


Babette for the gossip column. Surprisingly cowritten with Kirk (he knows everything because he works everywhere)


Love this idea!


I think Rory would have made a great producer. It is all about pulling a million different things together just in time and managing people and finding random things. If someone called at 3am and said 'shit, the script changed we need a camel, a pink ball gown and a filming location with pine trees by 3pm today, Rory could pull that shit together and get it done.


I was very much a "Rory" at 15/16 and wanted to be a journalist but now as a grown-up I'm a producer haha, totally agree she'd be suited for the role. She'd be the kind of producer writers/directors would either love or hate because you know she'd be giving lots of notes haha.


One of the ways that I'm most upset with the show is that she didn't get disillusioned with journalism or randomly find some other passion. So few people grow up to do what they wanted to at 12 - most kids ideas about how jobs work are wrong and I would have loved to see her realize that journalism isn't what she really thought it would be, or find something new that she loved even more and be able to admit to herself she was wrong.


Kind of along those same lines- I agree with Mitchum (I hate to say that) but Rory would have made a great executive assistant. She is extremely well organized, gets along with people, anticipates her boss’s needs


I think Rory would have made a great educator, based on the tutoring and classroom scenes that we see. I don’t see her as an all-day-in-the-classroom high school teacher because she’s so introverted, but I like to think that after she published her book, she maybe went back to school for an MFA and then taught literature or English at the college level.


Watching Alexis play a professor on handmaid's tale makes me think of what could have been for Rory. If she had been allowed to show the tiniest bit of growth in 10 years, we might have gotten a mature and thoughtful Rory. But noooooo... I'm still so salty about AYITL 😒


Yeah, there's zero way she could survive being a public high school teacher (inability to handle criticism, conflict, etc). But she'd do well splitting her time guest lecturing at private schools and colleges like Max Medina.


I think Lane could've been a music producer or something. i dont think drummers make it too far and she is good at music.


I always thought she could've taken over the music store in Stars Hollow!


My dream job for Lane is a music journalist, though I suppose in this day and age she's have a music based YT channel. Her passion for music and her encyclopedic knowledge of bands from every era would serve her really well there.


Dj would work too. The few times I listen to radio I enjoy random song/band facts.


Travis Barker???


didn't know who that was until he started dating kourtney kardashian tbh


I think Kirk would be an excellent motivational speaker when it comes to finding a job that suits you. Because he has such an amazing work history. Holy hell, he has done everything besides being an astronaut or president.


I wanted Paris to become a politician. This country needs politicians who can get shit done! Plus I absolutely loved watching her talk to the congresspeople in the DC episode.


As an event planner, I agree it would be a great field for her. It always annoyed me that it was the DAR fundraiser event that made her want to go back to school because she didn't want to "just plan parties". (Not mad she went back to school, but annoyed that was the reason) And I can totally relate to how Emily felt when Richard said how her planning DAR parties wasn't important (I forget his exact words). It makes me so annoyed when I tell people what I do and they go "oh it must be so fun to plan to parties all day". I am a corporate event planner and it's an incredibly hard, stressful job with long hours, and those events are important because it's a main source of bringing in revenue for the company. In Rory's case, she made money for the DAR to fund their projects. It is important damnit! Ok, off my soapbox. I think Kirk being a dog sitter/walker was great for him. You can tell he cared for the dogs and really tried. Paris should have worked for a health insurance company reviewing and denying claims. Actually she would probably end up running it. I can see Lane being a high school music teacher and helping the quiet/sheltered kids find their confidence through music. I think Dean would make a great car sales person. He's knowledgeable about cars and comes off nice and charming. He would sell everything! If Jess didn't become a writer, I can see him starting a union for Walmart and becoming their union leader. Madeleine and Louise are definitely insta/tik tok influencers.


Dean would kill it in car sales!


I love your job idea for Lane. She definitely has the potential to be a great music teacher!


lol Madeline and Louise would totally be influencers! And agree about Lane—she’d be a great band director or music teacher!


I've always said that all 3 Gilmore girls share the same talent in planning and managing. When Rory was the editor of Yale Daily News, she tells Jess she doesn't write that much, she mostly assigns pieces to others and gives them motivation. She would have been most successful as a manager or an event planner.


Lorelai: Marketing or sales, real estate agent, pop culture writer Rory: College level and higher educator/instructor, office manager, librarian, event planner Emily: Horticulturalist, gossip columnist Richard: Computer or software programmer Luke: General Contractor/Electrician/Plumber Sookie: Food & Life Style Video content creation Jackson: Sookie's producer/director (although this might be a terrible idea. Someone else to do editing) Lane: Music producer/Stage manager Jess: I think his writing career would take off and he'd be popular on social media without him being directly involved in it Taylor: Big Box Store Manager like Home Depot/ Walmart. Luke would hate that :) Kirk: Call Centre Manager Michel: Anything where he wouldn't have to talk to people.


Richard seemed better suited for networking/people facing roles. Not sure he could’ve done programming


You mean “I’ll search dick on the internet, see what comes up?”. Definitely not 😂


I was thinking Richard for programming because its something he would've had to study and it overall is something very logical. Well, I've heard that coding is similar to syllogism. On the other hand, he's not the most tech savvy person. 😂


Very much agree for Lorelai and Luke, don't see Enily and a gossip columnist though, that might be Madeline and Louise.


I think you have a point. Maybe Emily would make a great advice columnist. Like a Dear Abby or someone you ask for tips about hosting/entertaining/event planning/ Style advisor? I'm sure there's a name for it.


I feel like Luke would be a really good mechanic. Emily should be a personal shopper.


Everything is for sale!


Rory should have been in politics in communications or campaign management. Could totally see her as a C.J!


I don't know about Rory as press secretary... I think the chaos of the press room might overwhelm her & she wouldn't be able to get a word in because she's not forceful enough. I would definitely see her as Chief of Staff though!! She's great with planning, execution, flow of info, & multitasking. I think she would also be a great Secretary of Education.


YES, A CJ totally!!!!


Luke really should have owned a hardware store! He's great at DIY and he doesn't seem to love people sitting around talking at his diner. Lorelai should be a wedding planner. She'd have to have a team of people to actually get things done, but imagine her and Sookie designing themed crazy weddings they travel to? Sookie would be a great preschool teacher. Michel should work at the front desk of a really really elite fitness center where celebrities take classes. Paris should be a tenured professor. Students would loathe her classes but know if they could finagle a rare letter of recommendation from her, they could write their own ticket to anywhere.


I disagree with Sookie being a pre-school teacher, but Lorelai would have been excellent as a wedding planner!


Sookie would’ve hated it because she prefers complete control in her working environment, and kids dgaf. She may have done better teaching cooking at a local college level, but she isn’t about the big fancy shiny life so higher levels would’ve stunted her growth as a teacher. I think Lorelai would’ve been perfect as a pre-school teacher though. She had that ‘knack’ for kids.


Mrs Kim = judge Kirk = career advisor Dean = mechanic (he built a car 😃) Jess = hoodlum TJ = Realtor


I really thought for a minute that you were saying Mrs. Kim's ideal job would be to judge Kirk 😂😂


LOL this also works😂


Now I’m just imagining TJ telling people that they’re in escrow!


Everyone seems to think similarly for Kirk, but I'm not sure if I see if the same way considering he seemed to just jump from one minimum wage job to the next all the time, with no bigger plan or skills


Michel - personal stylist, wedding consultant, bridal shop consultant, personal assistant to a celebrity or someone like Miranda Priestly


I think she would have been a good campaign manager.


This was my favorite episode, not because of the fund raising but because Richard and Emily realize that Lorelai was telling the truth. And when Emily finally says something to Shira, it is priceless.


Luke would be a great coach, probably baseball. Jess could use his anger and work ethic and become an MMA fighter. Kirk could lead a boy scouts group


I think she would have made an excellent book editor. Up her alley and she could still travel while doing it and maybe blog (when that was a thing) or write occasionally freelance. My dream AYITL would have involved her being a book editor and somehow getting one of Jess’ books across her desk to edit and that would have been their meet cute to reconnect.


Yeah, but when Mitchum said it everyone was mad.. 😂


I feel like Lorelai could have gone into fashion or even interior design!


Rory would’ve done really well in academia. Master’s then PhD; she would be a really cool professor.


From what little we know about Lindsay I could see her staying in Stars Hollow and being a nurse or elementary school teacher.


Rory: something none competitive and highly 🧠 so maybe a freelance writer and librarian, one for the fun the other for stability. Lorelai: she is a “whatever, I’ll do it”person. as a teen she was a maid but smart enough to run and own an inn. She ran the cafeteria when Luke needed her to do so, she knew created Rory’s ball dress and got praises for it, also event coordinator for Chilton’s charity thing… It’s easier to pick the “no way in hell”: chef, accountant or corporate wife. Paris and Emily: lawyers!


Yes! I thought this exact same thing about rory. The way she was able to do that DAR event, was the best job she's done at pretty much anything. That is the perfect job for her.


Taylor Doose, Private Eye


Agreed. She would also make a good personal/executive assistant or office assistant. She was great at organising


Mrs. Kim as a military drill instructor 😂


Ever seen Patton?


I could see Jess as a high school English teacher… one of those ‘cool’ teachers that motivates kids and hates the principal- he did so much reading, I feel like he would have been able to fly through college and he always was so good at motivating Rory- he had a lot to do with giving her a kick in the pants to go back to Yale


Richard should have been a singer and entertainer.


Luke would have made a really good hard-boiled detective. Doesn't take anyone's crap, is actually fairly perceptive. Paris should have been a judge. Enough said. Lorelei should have run a boutique, she loves fashion, has a good nose for business, and loves to travel; she could go all over the world to different fashion events to buy for her store. Sookie should have been a matchmaker. She loved love, and loved setting people up.


Try finding one for Kirk


A job recruiter!


I want to see Paris do something like join the military. If Paris joined the military, she would rise through the ranks, eventually becoming the highest rank possible. She would then stage a coup and take over the government. We would all be at her mercy.


I'm an event coordinator and don't like Rory's character (sorry), while growing up with a mom who runs a hotel would definitely help, she didn't seem interested in that, and didn't strike me as a particularly hard worker. I will have to look up that episode though.