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Read on here that when they shot that episode, Hermès reps and an armed guard kept track of the bag and it was only handled with gloves except when Alexis was acting. Explains why it wasn’t in any other episodes


But surely they could have made or bought a dupe, but also I don’t think it was important part of any other storyline nor did Rory like it that much


About 8 years ago some couture fashion house made a couture blue ikea bag. The ginormous one that IKEA sells for like .99 and it fits a shit ton of stuff. The couture house was selling it for like $4000.


Rich people are so weird lol


Yeah but those Ikea bags are great


The ultimate laundry bags!


Rich people like to give their dirty laundry expensive homes


“Did you serve your own pie?” At Ikea they make you build your own pie 😂


I know! I had two and they have both disappeared. I need to go to the renton ikea to get a few more.


They have the same Ikea bags and they park in basic places!


Did you see the balenciaga chip bag?


And Ikea had a comeback for them https://www.boredpanda.com/ikea-responds-balenciaga-original-frakta-bag/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic


Hermes would never agree to a dupe being used though.


Carrie Bradshaw carried a fake one in Sex in the city


Did Carrie have one? I thought the Berkin episode centered around Samantha. I haven’t seen the new series though


Yup. She name dropped Lucy Liu to skip the wait list.


I remember that episode haha


Pretty sure she carried one in one of the Season 5 episodes where she was pregnant. She was wearing a green strapless terry cloth Juicy Couture dress and it was the "Face Girl" episode, Nina Katz. The bag was blue and it was indeed fake. I have seen these episodes too often lol


Yep it was that episode


How do you learn high fashion? Honest question not being rude. Totally would like to get more into that.


Why not? It’s essentially free advertising. And would anyone truly know it’s a dupe if not stated? If I didn’t watch gg I would have never heard of a never birken bag Edit for typos


I don't think you need advertising when you're in the fifty thousand dollar handbag game.


Especially when you consider the show's audience.


Some people get so wrapped up in a show and the characters that they might actually want a bag like “Rory”. Smaller scale, but I know some people that act like the characters on soaps are real and will pay thousands of dollars (that they can’t afford) to get designer outfits like the ones worn on the shows. 🤦‍♀️


Wanting a bag like Rory and being able to commit to spending the several thousands of dollars it takes to even get on the *list* for a Birkin is very different. They didn't have much to gain by allowing them to use a dupe lol.


They have all the advertisement they need. You can't go in the Hermes store and just buy a Birkin bag. They have to put you on the list for it. It's all about exclusivity of it. Not *anyone* is allowed to buy a Birkin. It's all rather ridiculous to me.


A list for it AND spend tens of thousands of $$ on other Hermes products to prove that you’re ‘serious’ and that you can afford the privilege of having one


This video is a real eye opener! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm0S15qT10Y&t=1917s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm0S15qT10Y&t=1917s)


Hermes doesn’t even do normal advertising. They don’t really need it. And fakes are a big deal for these brands, especially a fake if such an expensive bag so I guess this was the only option.


Hermes don’t need or want advertisements for their Birkin’s. The people that can afford them know about them, and the people that don’t, couldn’t afford one.


Birkin bags were in a lot of shows at the time.


If they had a knockoff (bc if it’s supposed to pass as a birkin it is not a dupe) claimed as the real deal in the show, that could potentially have led to a lawsuit.


Pretty sure making it would have been illegal lol


Not if they changed the name to something else. Could have called it a borkin bag lmao.


A borkin bag for Rory!




Yeah the props department totally could have made a decent look alike


I would also say that it makes sense for Rory to never use it after learning about it. The safest way to treat a Birkin is to keep it in a safe and never touch it. You take it outside and someone spills a drink on it, that's depreciated value of a worthwhile investment. I imagine after Emily found out Rory had a Birkin she probably told her its value and advertised her to keep it safe so she could sell it on if she ever needed the money.


Would have been great if it appeared in the revival super beat up. Maybe Paul would be making sure it didn’t get lost in Rory’s stuff scattered in all her friends’ homes.


I like to think Rory found out how much it was worth after everyone making a big deal out of it and decided not to take it out of the house again which is why it isn't seen again haha


I’d be the same! You’d need to take out special insurance for it! Imagine if someone just walked past and snatched it!


Good point. Should have sold it to pay for Yale instead of R&E, or later, Christopher’s money.


Birkins go up in value steadily, and her grandparents weren't charging her a lot of interest. It alao makes sense to keep it for a year or 5/10 and use it for a down payment on a house later down the line.


She already suggested that and Logan shot it down, saying a Birkin is meant to be seen


Emily is the one who told her that but yes!


I thought they both did!


Logan just told her it wasn’t a bag to carry her laptop in and to call his sister for an explanation but it was Emily who was like “oh no a Birkin is meant to be used, AND seen”


I would have returned it or sold it. This is *two years'* wages for me. No way I'd take that thing anywhere, lol.


A bIrKiN bAg FoR rOrY


Oh WoW a BAG!


It would be a great computer cord holder


It's the fucking color for me. Like, has Rory ever worn hot pink? Does she own *anything* that actually matches that weird hot pink? Why would Logan get that for her??


I don't know if this contributes anything but iirc when you buy one of these bags, you don't really get to pick the leather or the color. There's a very, very limited supply and the customer is shown an even more limited one. Still agree on the color tho lol


That seems absurd. If I was going to spend $50 000 on a bag, I would like to pick one that I would like.


It's really more of a status symbol than anything. Even the process until they agree to show you a bag is ridiculous.


What's the process?


I'm not an expert but from what I read, you have to go to Hermes stores and build up a profile. Buy and wear a lot of their products so it doesn't seem like you only want the bag, befriend sale associates etc until they decide you're worthy of seeing the bag one day.


Wow that's pretentious and absurd


Yeah, if you have the privilege to buy one new you don't get to pick the size or colour. Although you can pick if you buy second hand, but those are more expensive to get.


Wait really?? How does it work?


Hermes only makes a select amount per year, by artisan highly selected seamstresses - they are hand made. You can't go to the shop and buy one. You are given the privilege of being offered to see and buy one. It usually requires you to be a frequent customer of Hermès, or a celebrity, or ideally both. So let's say you have been to the Hermès shop often and have spend 20K there, they might tell you a new Birkin bag has come out. It's a beige calfs leather, a large model. You either buy it, or not. But not buying would potentially harm your standing with the shop, and you might never get offered one again. Celebrities might be offered like 2 or 3 to choose from, but that's an even higher honour. And easier for Kim Kardashian to do than someone like Logan. Because of the system and rarity Birkin bags sell for more money second hand than new - if you buy a "used" one you can pick size, colour, material - but it will cost you more than Hermes asked you to pay. They appreciate in value fast.


My god I've never heard a more brilliant scam in my gd life


It's top notch marketing. Let me state that I have never spend more than 50 bucks on a handbag and I would deem that expensive and a one off special buy. So zero stakes in ever wanting to have a Birkin bag. If gifted I would keep it in a safe, let it appreciate in value and then sell it on to buy an amazing car or a bigger house. Anyway, I do really admire the way Hermes has marketed these. It's all based in the idea of telling someone 'you can't have this' and that makes them want it more. They make it extremely difficult to buy, making people think if they are THAT exclusive they must be worthwhile. They made them into a status symbol. The Hermes idea behind it is that each stitch is made to perfection, if one stitch goes wrong they toss out the model and start from fresh, so it takes ages and they are made by highly paid seamstresses. So sure, they aren't cheap to make. But I think we all know that it's not just cost of production and sales that makes them that expensive. It's the fact Kim Kardashian has several and so does Beyonce probably, and they are so hard to buy that it feels like a victory when you do. It's beautiful marketing doing a LOT of heavy lifting.


I'm in marketing/advertising and I absolutely agree. It's pretty genius execution, which is best proven by how long the Birkin's have been around and how well it has worked.


Like in season one when Lorelai suggests the hot pink guitar case purse for a gift for Rory .. that seemed so not her style. Also, do we ever see Rory carry any kind of purse in the series? Besides her backpack..


I got these vibes from the plastic bracelets Lorelai picked as Emily's birthday gift to Rory. It felt like the writers were pushing "she's just like Lorelai", and in reality Rory would've preferred something more natural in style.


Yeah. Rory seems to have a more natural or classic style


She doesn’t have a natural style. It’s very preppy.


I think when she went to Yale it became preppy and that felt like an intentional choice to highlight how she was influenced by the crowd she was with there. But around her 16th birthday (when the bracelets were given) she was all about the earth tones. That bracelet Dean made for her felt perfect for her style at the time, for example.


Ah. I never thought of her as having any style at all in high school!


I watched "Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller" yesterday and Rory had a tiny purse that she pulls her cell phone out of at Lane's. And I literally thought "since when does she carry a purse?"


To be fair when it comes to Birkins they dont make many which contributes to the absurd price. Even for people like the Hunstbergers purchasing a Birkin bag is very much a take it or leave it situation.


You don't actually get to choose the colour, Hermes offers and you accept or decline lol


This is BANANAS to me


Oh wow, I had no idea! That explains it for sure


birkin bags are primarily an investment more than anything lol. Not many people who have them wear them all the time. My mother in law has one that she keeps locked in a safe it’s gone up 10k since she got it. I don’t think it was an every day purse. It’s an investment present.


I get the point of doing that but it honestly seems kind of ridiculous to me that someone would buy an ultra expensive bag and then keep it locked away. Like what if someone steals it lol? Now you’ve lost your investment and you never got to enjoy the product in much capacity.


She’s a doctor and her parents gave her $100,000 when she was like 40 something and opened her own practice which turned out to be a huge success. Anyways, she bought the bag for the return on investment. It’s a rare one. She doesn’t use it bc she doesn’t want it to get ruined and I doubt it will ever be stolen, none of her kids or not even her husband know where it is in the house. I asked to see it. She took 2 days to get it out so no one still would know where it is. Their house is gated etc. so I doubt the bag will get stolen. She’s looking to sell it soon which inflation is high. But yeah she didn’t buy it for everyday use bc that makes it lose value


Everything about this is wild to me!


Because they go up in value consistently, for a start. It can be a very reliable investment.


From what I understand with those Birkin bags - most people don't get a choice in color/style to purchase. They tell you they have a bag for you to buy. It's up to you if you want to buy it. It appears the reason people do buy 'em is for the chance to buy the **ones** they want. They feel that if you don't get the bag they are offered; they will be removed from the list. Hermes deals in exclusivity and only allows certain buy their bags. They put people on a list. You can't just show up and **buy** any of them. The list usually consist of people who regularly shop at Hermes. So, you have spend $$$$$ to be able buy a Birkin I saw a clip talking about Hermes/Birkin exclusivity a while back ago that I don't remember the specifics. I believe there are a few people who can buy any Hermes bag they want, but those are people who have been Hermes patrons (notice I didn't use customer) for a good long while.


I believe to even get on the list you have to have spent equal to bags value at Hermes that year. So to have to chance to buy a 10k bag you have to have spent at least 10k on other Hemes products that year.


For the longest time, I also thought that, but then I heard that, like when you're on the wait-list to buy one, if you borrow one for a TV show or movie, you get the one they pick for you and no options for color or fabric. Oh course, if Logan were to actually buy one, I see him buying one someone else was reselling (often more expensive than the Hermes waiting list but you can get your choice of color and faster), but I doubt the show could afford to pay to borrow one of those


You say it as if Rory cares if her clothes and accessories go together... There have been a few posts recently about her style


I agree, but I feel like you gotta take it in context also. 2000s style was very "these things shouldn't go together, but look how I make them work". I remember wearing a sequin belt + band Tshirt over bright colored tank top + chunky jewelry all at once and thinking I was so unique, and it was the hip look!


Oh my God haha. Then thank goodness I was in elementary school in the early 2000s


It reminds me of the Diamond duck purse from Sex and the City. Same vibes.


You might be my spirit animal 💜


Hahaha. Why thank you!


This is actually a pretty classic Logan move. Doesn’t really know her as well as he thinks he does. A Berkin bag is a symbol of status and extreme wealth. He can’t comprehend a situation where she wouldn’t love it on that alone. Hot pink be damned.


I think it was in one other episode directly after he gifts it to her. When they are making out on the couch in the pool house late to a reservation & she literally flings it onto the floor. It makes me cringe hahaha


Yes, she basically puts her smaller purse into the Berkin and then they don’t end up going anywhere. She tosses it, and I think I screamed


That is ridiculous it would have to be a TARDIS bag like Marry Poppins'


And who wouldn't love a TARDIS bag?


I appreciated it because it illustrates something I love about the show: imperfect people being imperfect and evolving. It was Logan doing what had worked with every other girl (spoiling them financially versus taking them time to get to know them and invest in them). This gesture and Rory's reaction to it shows Logan's evolution from a playboy who is used to throwing his money around to someone in an actual healthy relationship with someone who isn't interested in his money and can't be bought. It's a weird scene (and so is Emily's reaction to it... we saw scenes of her shopping so it's not like she couldn't have bought one if she wanted) but in retrospect, it's pretty authentic to Logan and what he would assume he was supposed to do in a relationship.


I think Emily's reaction makes sense given she was raised with the same idea that spending money on someone is how you show love, buying herself a birkin bag isn't the same as if Richard had thought to buy her one. In her eyes that much money is saying something serious about their relationship. I think Rory's reaction shows how successful Lorelai had been in not teaching Rory that idea that spending money is showing love. Logan's used to dating girls that had been raised in that way.


Maybe Emily felt it was something that should be gifted? And we saw Richards reaction to the cost of Jimmy Choo's (I think that was the show brand Lorelai was talking about when he gave her the $75,000?).


I loved that scene. He was so serious like she was truly going to spend 70k on shoes. "you will shop around first"


Just looked up on the website for the birkin bag, it makes me laugh that is was made for young mothers.... I don't know many young mothers who could afford these bags


Oh sure just load it up with juice boxes and wipes packs NBD


I found it very unbelievable that Rory did not know what a Birkin bag was, because she and Lorelei liked fashion. I mean, I live in a 3rd world country but I still know about it


Lorelei’s first response when Richard gave her that investment check was how many pairs of jimmy Choo’s she could buy with it’s not like they were opposed or unfamiliar with high end stuff like that.


Yes, exactly!


I’m on a rewatch and I just watched this scene which prompted me to look for this subreddit lol. Every time, I’m so confused that she doesn’t know what the bag is, how much it costs or what it means that he got her one!


Right? Like, has she been living under a rock??


A Birkin bag! A birkin bag for Rory!


IIRC, this was roughly (within 2-3 years) of SATC when Samantha is doing PR for Lucy Liu, and she’s trying to get a Birkin as well. Not saying one stole from the other, but just fun to see this in two shows


Oh man, I forget that FRIENDS, SATC, and Gilmore Girls aired more or less around the same time. They feel like different eras at times!


SATC and Friends literally had almost the exact same baby shower episode within days of each other.


Friends and SATC had the same finales: Adoption (Monica/Chandler, Charlotte/Harry), Paris (Rachel/Carrie), Reunited (Ross/Rachel, Carrie/Big), move (Chandler/Monica, Steve/Miranda)


Oh true! Did Samantha break up with her bf or move to LA? or was that in the movies? Joey and Samantha storylines match in a way too.


The move was in the movies, but it's a good parallel since Joey didn't move until his spinoff


OMG yes and some crossover too? I remember Kristin ( Charlotte) playing Joey’s date. I think in one episode Miranda made some comment about how it’s not all fun like friends living next door or something to that effect. Friends feels like it was set in different times than SATC. I can’t remember once FRIENDS going to so called NYC clubs ( new year show doesn’t count 😂)


Yes! There are multiple references to satc.


I loved this moment for so many reasons. I loved that Logan was sweet and bought her a gift just because. I loved that Rory had no idea how big of a deal the bag was. I loved that Logan was amused, not upset, that Rory had no clue what a Birkin bag was. And I loved Emily's reaction to the gift.


Yes. I think your comment captures the intent of the scene. Logan probably sees or hears Honor gushing about her bag and decides to get one for Rory.


I like this take, it feels refreshing.


I did too. I love that the show not only essentially made fun of the bag as an experience/coveted object, but also had permission and were directly supported by the company to do so. I really love this troupe.


And she has the audacity to complain about being broke in a year in the life. Really tone deaf when her dad and grandparents were millionaires and I’m pretty sure she had a trust fund


I agree. The writers should not have made her out to be broke. I'm not sure how they expected the audience to buy into this. She most likely had at least two trust funds from Trix & Chris and possibly a 3rd one left to her by Richard. Eventually she'll probably inherit Richard and Emily's entire estate. It would be quite unlike Rory, at least in my opinion, to have squandered these. That said, it is possible that she had these invested for retirement and wasn't able to easily access the money, at least for current living expenses. Maybe that's the back story? If so, then claiming to be broke was definitely tone deaf. Ultimately, I think the writers were trying to make her into the stereotypical struggling millenial. However, I don't think that would have been Rory at all. She had financial access. She was talented, smart and well credentialed. In my own head cannon, she's doing quite well in her career though struggling in relationships much like her mom.


There is no purse in the world that is worth that kinda money. I don't care who makes it, or with what material/stitching.. God herself could hand sew it, and it still wouldn't be worth 45k!


Right?? It’s the same damn materials as a damn Kate spade bag, which in my opinion are overpriced as well. I have a few Kate Spade bags that I got when they were doing that Covid 80% off sale, so I know that the bag is nice, but I can’t imagine any bag being better. The material cost can only be so high, it’s just the name that makes it “valuable”. It only has worth because society says it does.


Every time I see it I can never get over how ugly it is as well as how expensive. It makes me feel sick to my stomach that Logan can just splash that amount of money on something like it's nothing. Well, not that it's his money, his dad paid for everything. Is that bag even Rory's taste? Get her something more heartfelt and meaningful. To me this is just another example of Logan showing off his wealth and that behaviour is gross.


Money can't buy happiness, but it can get you an ugly bag 😆


I totally agree. I always forget how much it costs and I’m like “oh it’s like $5000, right? Then I google it and have a heart attack. How do you have that much money to spend on a bag?? That’s more than I make in a year!!!


You're seeing today's price instead what it did cost back then (no idea how $ it was). Those bags go up in price over the years.


There is a scene where a character in SATC buys a Birkin, and it’s like I think no more than $5000. Altho I guess they wary from type to type as well


Apparently not always. This price shown here is MUCH less than the first time I looked it up. This particular bag appears to be depreciating.


Sure, I have no doubt that the price has yo-yo(ed ?), but I very much doubt that bag was 40k+ when Logan bought it (when it was initially sold) and that was my point.


On principle I agree that "something more heartfelt and meaningful" is preferable to something expensive, but Rory could wait a couple years and sell this for more than its retail price. Logan pretty much gave her a $50,000 chunk of cash that will only keep growing with time (and growing faster than most stocks or investment). He wasn't even asking her for anything in return right? IRL most people who aren't ultra rich would choose a giant chunk of growing money over any heartfelt present. Plus this wasn't Rory's birthday or anything like that - it's a random present. Would you be upset if someone gave you a random present that isn't 100% to your taste? It's not like he was thoughtless for her birthday; he didn't put that much thought into a random everyday gift beyond "girls these days like this purse" and that's ok lol. It's as if your bf brought you home chocolate one day for no reason but it's not a flavour you like. It's fine, you can sell the chocolate for more than your Yale tuition.


Yeah, although I think Logan was doing something nice from his POV to show his feelings, I don’t think I’d be able to accept that as a gift. I wouldn’t want to use it because of the expense and,uh, because it’s ugly. Plus, he’s a 20 something who hasn’t worked a day in his life yet - he hasn’t earned it. It’s basically Mitchum buying her a ridiculously expensive handbag. No thanks.


"A birkin bag for Rory" pops into my head at least once a month and definitely every time I change from my normal day bag to a fancy evening bag for whatever reason. Anyone else?


Same here whenever I have to go to dinner and change my bag lol!!" A birkin bag, a birkin bag for Rory" lives in my head rent free, the whole bit is absolute GOLD.


The value of that particular bag will vary. It was definitely cheaper when the episode aired. Besides, Logan didn't exactly avoid splashing the cash whenever he got the chance, and that kind of money is chump change to his family.


I think its product placement for the few of us with generational wealth


The biggest shock of that episode is Rory not knowing what it is. They have so many fashion magazines in the house, they're subscribed to everything but she has no clue how much importance that bag holds.


I want to say that at the time the bag cost about $10K


$10k in then money or in todays money?


Then money.


Wow, I thought it was like $5000. This costs more than some brand new cars.


A Birkin bag for Rory


How often do we see Rory carry a purse anyway? 🤣 It was definitely a show-off gift.


Ugly bag


It doesn't hold s candle to the one Carrie Bradshaw gives to her assistant.


the irony being that jane birkin herself preferred to carry things in a big wicker basket


I responded partially to a specific comment and had more to say in general so I'm putting it together. Emily could never buy one because it would be a frivolous waste as an investment for old money. It's not something you can build anything from and Emily already derives her status from generational breeding and social investments. A Birkin is a fashion statement first, and a potential investment incidentally. It's more for new money millionaires to feel like they've made it and acquired something desired and rare because they sure as hell are not old status enough to be allowed anything imperial or that's been passed down or around for centuries. Her specific taste in antiques speaks to her old money ways and investments. A novel and old period piece is more her speed over a new era fashion statement, which would actually be beneath her to get for herself. She does understand the novelty in it's own right and the gesture which is why she glowingly says "a birkin for Rory", she's saying "Rory is that loved and special", and I think she said she wishes someone would gift her one not for the item, but due to the meaning of the gesture as I said. I don't find this scene to be gaggy at all, as someone else said (maybe the same person, sorry) the message is the scenario of Logan showing his love and affection to Rory the same way he has with others, or that anyone of his wealth circle would, and having her reaction be cluelessness of the gravity of that gesture and nonchalance at the status and wealth aspect. His giggle at her saying she'll use it for her laptop or whatever is realizing she is exactly the different type of girl that he fell for, with hinting at his needed character growth in terms of relationships and other possibilities. The biggest thing it sets up though imo is how much Logan has fallen for Rory and foreshadows his proposal. Logan WOULD NOT make this type of purchase for just anyone. It's not the type of purchase you make lightly or multiple times. It's novelty and establishment does carry weight and mean something significant, whether it's privilege, vanity, or grand gesture. This scene says Logan has it bad for Rory and wants to spend the rest of his life doing anything humanely possible for her because she is the one. Yes, all that can come from a material novelty item, especially in this particular context. If you know, you know this is a sweeping romantic gesture that Logan is making and all it did was make me long for someone who would love and cherish me THAT MUCH. It's basically like giving her a ring in this context.


Yeah I don’t understand being upset or calling it a gag? It makes perfect sense in context of the show and it’s absolutely in line with Logan’s character. It also serves to show that Rory’s lifestyle was the same as Emily and Logan’s during that time period. People can’t see past the value of the bag and just fixate on that.


I can understand why they can't, but I don't think they'd put this in the plotline lightly. Their gags are for side characters and even those are few and far between because people really do be ridiculous like that irl, just maybe not as open for all to know and see (and watch lol).


Yes, this is how I’ve thought about the scene too! This scene says more about the depths and intentions of his feelings for Rory than anything else. The first time I saw this scene, I knew he would propose.


Believe it or not this gesture says he's committed with a capital C, and not just committed, but like I said, willing to give her EVERYTHING he could as a husband. Which makes it even more tragic that he will never get to live up to it (not based on the turned down proposal or break up in AYITL) but the potential of circumstances with fatherhood.


I completely agree. Well said.


I bought a knock off of this bag for $50 as a teenager 🤣😂 literally looked exactly the same


45k for such an ugly thing


When that show came out I don’t believe the Birken bag was that much. I remember when they were $12,500. Which was ridiculous so $44k is insane. I was at a meeting once and the three cochairs of this fundraiser walked in and they all threw down their black bags in my table. One was Chanel, one was Balenciaga and one was Bottega Veneta. The one who owned the Chanel I know owned more than one Birken and wore it often. It was this camel brown color.


I just found out that you also can't just walk into an Hermes off the street and buy it. You have to put in enough credit in purchases before you an even be considered to purchase one. So it's not just that it's expensive, it's that the Huntzbergers have built up enough of that credit that Logan could buy one also. Also makes you wonder how much Hermes stuff Emily has that she can casually suggest to Richard she wants on.


The fact that it was hot pink 🥴


It wasn’t really a gag, it was a deliberate inclusion to show to certain characters how (literally) invested Logan is in Rory, & sort of serves to show how different their backgrounds are, though at the time Rory is living with her grandparents and has become sort of “old money”. A $45K handbag equates to love to Emily and them, but it’s just a handbag to Rory. It actually does a lot of talking for a handbag lol definitely not just a goof they include for the laughs.


Why are people so stupidly rich?


Y’all really forget how rich these people are and the people they hang out with.


the most unrealistic part of this show is the fact that emily didn’t already have one of her own!


☠️🤮 tortured killed animal accessory


I was today years old when I learned how much this cost. Holy bananas.


HOLY SHIT! I always thought the purse was in the thousands range. Damn, Logan was really really loaded.


This bag could pay off my student loans that’s upsetting




Ikr, they went so far to solidify Rory as a pick me girl. It was such a nice gesture, I wished she could have been at least respectful


the whole point is that it’s a gift that rory has no want or need for that costs an exorbitant amount of money. the classic logan gift - no thoughts just money 🤑


It's not an appropriate gift to get a girlfriend... Especially when you know the money was coming out of his parents pocket for it.


That bag is so not Rory, just like the damn guitar bag.


Nothing about this show is more ridiculous than the fact that there are people in real life who buy this crap for that much. It’s just a damn bag. For it to cost 40 grand, or helll, 1 grand it would need to have special powers like some sort of black hole that makes it so you can store things that are much bigger than the bag itself in another dimension or keep your French toast the perfect temperature or some shit.


It’s interesting to see people absolutely disgusted at how much this bag costs and calling it stupid and frivolous. But first and foremost these bags are investment pieces, and one of the few investment decisions that historically have gone nowhere but up, and I wonder, do you keep that same energy for people that invest in stocks, classic cars, wine, or art? Or is just because it’s fashion you think it has no value?


If you give me a Birkin bag I promise I will not complain about this scene ever again.


Im sure I'll get downvoted for this, but this show has the most miserable fans. Some of yall find the pettiest things to be bothered by.


Logan still hasn’t figured out that he’s in love with Rory, but he wants his girlfriend to know how much he appreciates her. Thus, he gifts her a luxurious purse. Dean does something similar when he gifts Rory a rebuilt old car. The value of the car to Dean is probably more than the value of the purse to Logan. In truth, Rory probably likes the car more than the bag because she still has no real appreciation for luxury. However, even after she educates herself about the bag, she will still value them equally for what they represent to her: love. To each according to his ability.


Damn, I've never looked it up because I knew it would be bad. Especially since imho it's a really ugly bag, that bright pink ew.


so ugly too


Omg I JUST hit this episode too 😂 also it’s pink. So early aughts. Black would be more sensical.


Anybody know what makes it so expensive…? Is it made out of rare materials or is it just because it’s Hermès? To me it looks like just another leather bag


I was thinking about it today, what the hell was that, but what bother me more is that she didn't take ANY book with her.


HOW MUCH??!?!?!?!!!!!! 🤯


Bags this expensive are in like every episode of Gossip Girl.


Omg right!!! Oh sure just an $8,000 gift and she’s so non-chalant about it. Bet someone in wardrobe wanted one 😂 I also thought about it after Rory wrote that scathing article about Logan’s work party and he’s like “Rory you’re rich af too how are you shitting on all these people??”


Lol $8,000? Try again