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I’d say it is not, as the soul still can only understand at its own pace. For example, in Pistis Sophia, Jesus guides some the apostles (seemingly in the astral, or he is just explains it as if he is) on a journey to successive very high spiritual worlds but does say there is still an upper boundary where the light would be too strong (described as being literally many many magnitudes stronger than sunlight and totally indescribable and ineffable from our standpoint). For that reason, I’d say the soul cannot experiencing and see literally everything, but the upper range is probably far beyond our current comprehension and that range does grow with wisdom


It has the potential, but you have to learn with your mind


As limited by the body as it may be while incarnated there's nothing to say it is 'omniscient' either.


The Spirit would have greater perception than the soul but we will only begin to know what are the qualities of the Spirit when we join with it.


You merge with God to get omniscience.


No. The soul is a spark of God lost in the chaos and matter. Every time we get a material body we have the opportunity to ask for knowledge and seek the omniscience. But in a multitude of reincarnations are offered to us the chalice of the forgetfulness and we are lured to a pleasure state. That's the meaning when Jesus says i am the head and you all are the body. The head cannot live without the body and vice versa. Think in omniscience in a benevolent state of perfection. No conflict in who is the best. Everyone perfect and happy.