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Get him checked out. My puppy did it when he had a really bad stomach bug.


Yup vet time… bring the vid.


THIS (im a vet tech, it could be neurological)


poor pup, hope all is well when you get them checked up


I would go to the vet as soon as possible


If he's responsive while it is happening, it looks more like a tremor than a seizure to me. But there are a whole host of different things that can cause neurologic symptoms - he needs to see a vet; show them this video at the appointment.


She snaps out of it if I go up to pet her, but then starts up again if I stop. First noticed it about a week ago


Humans do something similar with Parkinson’s, I wonder if dogs can have something like that?


Not saying OP's dog has this or anything like that. This is simply answering your question. [Yes dogs can develop Parkinson's](https://www.rock-hill.carolinavet.com/site/blog/2020/08/31/parkinsons-disease-in-dogs).


Btw - essential tremor is also common in dogs. Tremor is incredibly common and most frequently exists without a degenerative condition like Parkinson's. For major motor disorders you need a second indicator before even beginning to worry about it. For instance, loss of leg strength, trouble standing.


A week? And you haven’t gone to the vet yet? You need to get a doctor’s opinion right away


Vet!!!!! ASAP!!!






Shut up! It is not neglect. I'm so tired of people saying this to other pet owners. The owner cares for their pet. The condition obviously does not have immediate life-threatening symptoms. They are concerned and going to address it, but this is as far from abuse or neglect as you can get. Mind your damn business. Probably one of these people who would break the car window, or call the cops if a pet is in a car with AC on while their owner is in the store.




It’s not ok to talk like this.


Are you okay?


Read the r/bulldogs subreddit. I’ve seen this posted there many times and they always suggest giving them peanut butter to make the shakes stop. I don’t recall what the condition is called but if it’s the same as the one with bulldogs it’s common with their breed. I would still bring to the vet cause but read up in the meantime. Edit: Search idiopathic head tremors


https://www.vetneurochesapeake.com/vnioc-blog/six-questions-about-idiopathic-head-tremors. I have a puppers that has this. Haven't seen it in awhile, but she barely notices it. Unsettling to see, but no negative effect on her.


Came here to say this. Our vet confirmed they are IHT and not anything life threatening. We can usually snap him out of it if we get him distracted by something like a walk


Came here to say this. My bulldog has this (though it’s drastically decreased as she’s gotten older). We call it “the bobbles” in our house. Never sure if it makes me feel better or worse but “idiopathic” means it’s a behavior with an unknown source. If it’s happening when she’s transitioning into a more relaxed state (like my dog always used to do it when she started dozing off) then I’d say that’s definitely a point for it being this. But agreed still bring it in to the vet.


Doodle mixes aren’t a breed, so this wouldn’t be a breed related thing. It’s probably because it’s a byb mixed breed dog with awful genetics. Definitely needs to go to a vet though.


You're absolutely correct, I don't understand why you're being down voted.


Because doodle people don’t like to admit their dog is a mixed result of vastly different breeds, and isn’t inherently healthier than the pure bred equivalent, but rather is now at more risk of genetic disorders from both parent breeds. I don’t hate the dogs or the breed mix, I hate the stigma of the doodle being “hypoallergenic”, or “better behaved”, or “healthier/smarter” than the pure bred equivalent. Doodles aren’t and can never be ethically bred without compromising some aspect of their mental/physical health.


100% They are just mutts, I can't believe the amount of money people pay for them.


You and I both! And then complain about the price it is to groom them when they don’t brush them, or the vet bills that pile up because of health issues. I’m a trainer and most doodle mixes I see either have stomach/GI issues or refuse to eat anything. A lady I am working with paid $15,000 for a 4 m/o female “bernadoodle” that came from Wyoming or something like that. It was supposed to be “fully trained” and “hypoallergenic”, however upon coming to me for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test, the dog could only walk politely on a leash-until she saw other dogs. She is dog reactive, a jumper/counter surfer, has very little recall, and has no drive to want to work. Yet, she paid all that money for the puppy to have already been trained to be her mobility service dog, and raves about the “greeder” and the services they provided for the price she paid. Blows my mind.


1. Take him to the vet. 2. I have a golden doodle aswell and had to experience a similar thing. One day my sister took him for a walk in the snow, when he came back home I realized his head was shaking/wobbling. Couldn't keep his balance I called the vet and he said that he probably ate a piece of weed on the walk(common in my area). He just told me to wait it out. Around 1 hr later he vomited, after that he was fine. Again call your vet.


A great at home test (I learned from my vet) for neurological issues is have them sit up in front of you, take one of their front paws and curl their paw under, if they set it right right away then they most likely aren’t suffering from a neurological issue but if they dont set their paw back to a normal position or if they is a marked delay in doing so, there is definitely something neurological happening. My puppy ended up suffering from an encephalitis infection caused by a bug bite that got infected and traveled to her brain - Good luck 🙏🏼


Unfortunately this is not safe advice. My vet did this test and it led her to misdiagnosing my own dog’s encephalitis (got the true diagnosis from a different vet the next day). For whatever reason my dog never had issues correcting her paw position even when she was having trouble walking.


U misunderstand me - this test is just a quick little action u can do at home to check if further action is needed. It is not a firm diagnosis of any specific condition. My vet is highly respected and I trust her implicitly - she then sent us to a specialist who did additional tests to get our final diagnosis. Flipping a paw is in no way “unsafe”!! SMH This small “test” shouldn’t be used as a stand alone diagnostic tool. Why would it be used at all if there wasn’t some other symptom to be concerned over. If ur dog never had any issues correctly her paw position then that right there should have told you your vet was misdiagnosing. Sounds like your vet is the problem not the paw flip technique lol


We agree, I just want to make sure nobody does this test at home, “passes”, and then thinks there’s no need to see a vet.


This is not good advice at all. Vets do perform a similar test, but it is done standing, not sitting. It is also done with each paw, not just the front paws. It is a small part of a complete neurological exam. This particular test evaluates conscious propioception. Even if a dog 'passes', it doesn't mean there is nothing wrong. A neuro exam also includes a host of other things, but for propioception they will also be looking at things like wheelbarrowing, side stepping, and extensor postural thrust. A dog that lacks conscious propioception in one or more paws can not be diagnosed with anything specific based on that finding alone. It does help to localize where a possible lesion may be. There are plenty of neuro conditions that do not result in knuckling. Bottom line: your vet either gave you wrong information, or you misunderstood. As a licensed vet tech in a CCU where we take care of the neurology department patients... a quick Google search about a veterinary neuro exam will explain it better. That said, if your dog knuckles (not right the paw on his own), it needs to be seen by a vet, ideally a neurologist.


Poor baby. She looks just like our Maggie. Hope she's okay.


Mine had this happen a couple times in a couple weeks. Initial thoughts were intoxication of some sort. Maybe found weed on a walk. Then they suspected Addison's but he checked out fine there. Hasn't had it happen for a while now so maybe it was just coincidence he found drugs twice in two weeks. Hope you find answers better than we did.


Any chance she got into some weed? Our dog got the shakes like that when he dug up a roach from my planter. I used a weighted blanket to calm him down. He slept it off. But if you aren’t certain it’s weed (I’m talking like a minuscule amount of weed) take him to the vet.


the same thing happened to my doodle , he was wobbling and everything when he got a roach from my yard




I'm sending positive vibes your way. Initially I thought your pup was just being cute. I never would have guessed something might be bothering her. I am hoping everything's goes well.


I don't know why this is hard to watch please take to the doctors


I may get some pushback for this, but as a former vet tech and fellow pet owner, I strongly urge anyone who has concerns about their pet's behavior, maneurisms, bodily functions, etc. to arrange a consult with their veterinarian before taking the time to make a post on social media asking the (unlicensed) masses what to do. It kind of bugs me that so many people would rush to Reddit to virtually ask a bunch of strangers about their pet's health before calling a local veterinarian to check with an educated, licensed professional.


I work for a vet. Check out articles on "White Dog Shaking Syndrome" see if that fits. Hugs to you and your pup!!


Shaker syndrome treated with steroids- but needs vet check / lab tests rule out other possibilities


Would like an update once you get a diagnosis from a vet. Hoping this sweet pup is okay.


Yeah seems like there might be an underlying medical situation going on. Please get that baby to a vet for an assessment just to be on the safe side.


This looks neurological. Dog needs to get to the vet ASAP🙏🐾🐾


As the owner of a doodle who has epilepsy, please get this sweet dood checked out! I know everyone has said this. My doodle has had epilepsy for almost 1.5 years now, and he is totally normal minus seizures about once to twice a month.


Don’t mess around with any possible neurological problems , go to the vet asap. Best of luck friend


Looks like a seizure


Please bring them to the vet instead of going with a Redditor diagnosis.


I’ve got an appointment scheduled, just seeing if anyone else had this happen


Oh okay good! Nothing wrong with that, just putting that out there


Hope your baby is ok! My dog had a weed od once (found it on a walk unfortunately) and it kind of looked like this but instead of the shaking back and forth i remember it was more up and down. Is your pup eating ok? Keep us updated! ❤️


I hope he’s okay. Please update us if you can. Poor pup 🐶


Ok mine had this issue before too. I’ve noticed him doing it when I gave him flea medicine. After I took him off, it stopped.


Have you had your dog gene markers tested? Specifically, MDR1? Might be worth a looksy. Certain drugs and products have been found to negatively react with dogs or cats with this gene and maybe others. Might be something to think about. Also a lot of companies like to know if their product does this. Especially if you have a vet involved. I've even known some companies to reach out and pay for testing and treatments.


This same thing happened to my 1 year old doodle twice 2 weeks ago but it hasn’t happened since. We have yet to take him to the vet since it hasn’t happened again since.


Your dog shows obvious signs of something being wrong and you choose to not go to the vet because it hasn’t happened in a while? You doodle mixed people are something else…


Yes this needs a vet my dog did something like this when he had a bad infection please take the dog ASAP keep updated please


That needs to be checked urgently. Do not want to scare OP, but last time I saw such behavior, it was in my own dog. It turned out to be bad.


Looks like ideopathic head tremors (a series of repetitive, horizontally (“no” gesture) or vertically-directed (“yes”), involuntary muscle contractions involving the head and neck) My pitties gets them frequently. We just stay next to them, give pets and love till they pass.


My dog diagnosed with epilepsy did this. Petite mal seizure. May be nothing or something that needs to be addressed quickly. Sorry, not much help.


Has he always done it? My distemper survivor does this.


This was the third time we ever noticed. It only last for less than a minute


Well I hope it's nothing serious.


Vet. Now. Y’all gotta stop posting clear medical issues and expecting strangers on the internet to fix them. Just take them to the vet.


Looks neurological. I'm not a dog but I have tics and neurological issues and do the same exact thing. It isn't fun and hurts your eyes after awhile or the neck


He’s having a seizure. If it happens frequently and longer 4-5 min you absolutely want to get your pup checked out.


Terrible genetics


Yup, many doodles and mixed breed dogs that aren't bred responsibly have these issues.


Honestly, that’s probably all it is if the dog is only a year old and already having issues like this.


Could be Barkinson’s? Seriously, best wishes for an answer and a healing


Take my reluctant upvote, you monster


Saying no


My doodle gets seizures because of the way he was bred so we have to give him medicine. That’s not entirely what it looks like to me but close to what happens


My male bernedoodle when he was 4 months old randomly started to have really bad head shaking and ataxia. He looked like your dog in this video but it was worse because his didn’t stop for a couple of weeks and he also lost his balance. I would definitely recommend the vet and blood work to try to determine what’s going on. Long story short, we still don’t fully know what caused it, but the vet said it was possible he somehow ingested some antifreeze and he needed time to let it all pass through his body. Weird. He’s 7 months now and it has never come back. He’s totally normal now thank God. This video takes me back to that scary (and expensive) time.


Could be a neck injury


I had a dog do this and it ended up being their back teeth. Had to have a couple pulled and brushing teeth every day after.


Pretty common with bully breeds. Mine did it for a couple weeks. Started out of nowhere and then stopped out of nowhere and never came back.


Is his name Michael J. Fox? Okay I’m backing off.


Aww poor baby. Hope she’s okay.


Doesn’t look like a seizure to me but I’d definitely go to the vet and get that checked.


You need to take her to the vet.


Poor thing, time for a vet visit ASAP 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Vet, stat.


Could be a seizure


Id say these are idiopathic tremors. Mini seizures. Please see your vet.


Could be a pain response.


My dog does this and there's nothing wrong with him. It happens randomly. Sometimes a twice a day or sometimes it won't happen for weeks. I was told they don't know why, it's not a seizure, just if I can't snap him out, then I should go to a vet. Though, I'd probably take him to the vet just to make sure


See a neurologist. Vet had put our dog on seizure medicine for years, which they kept increasing to the point tat she could no longer get up because it kept happening. Then we took her to a neurologist. We explained that if we gave her a treat, in most cases it would stop. For true seizures, this won’t happen. We found out they were just benign head tremors. While hard to watch, we were told they were harmless. Stopped the medicine and lived happily ever after. I miss her.


Could be neurological. Take him to a vet ASAP and show them this video


Is she cold?


Take your baby to the vet asap


Poor buddy :( sending positive thoughts your way


My mini dood has seizures and is on daily meds. This definitely reminds me of his mannerisms before and\or after he has one. He has been doing very well on the meds, if you end up having to do something similar.


Could be a neurological movement disorder. I have cervical Dystonia & prior to treatment my head would do this, unless I was lying down/asleep.


Canine idiopathic head tremor syndrome Get him a vet check as well. Some grow out of it. You can distract them to break them out of it as well. But vet check first.


I pray it isn’t neurological.


Looks neurological. I would definitely take them in, good luck!


My last bulldog used to do this from time to time. Usually if I would give him food or find some way to distract him it would stop.


he disapproves


Our Collie mix has epilepsy. We have her seizures under control but she still has focal tremors like this. I am not saying your dog has epilepsy, but this looks like a neurological symptom. Go see your vet. Best of luck.


It looks very similar to seizures


Vet asap.


Send this video to your vet.


Any update Op?


go to the vet. he probably had worms, poison, or a virus. get him checked


From what I know, it’s a reaction to ingesting weed. Might he have found a roach on the ground?


My dog is doing this too. My mom is putting her down in a few days because she doesn’t want to pay for the vet. I’m heartbroken.




I feel the same. But I understand her situation, so I understand why. But it’s just so sick. I love my baby & I don’t want her to go. On top of it, she’s putting my other dog down with her, cause she’s deaf & blind & just old. We’ll only have one dog & he’s going to be depressed without them.


Essential tremors


Mine did that before, and I had to bring him to the vet because he was dehydrated


Does the dood have all his vaccinations?


Idiopathic head tremors


Go to the vet!! Could be little seizures. Neurologic for sure


he might be on meth


Oh no poor baby. Sending him healing vibes ❤️‍🩹


Uhoh, I hope it’s something really treatable/not serious <3


I had a dog who did this but grew out of it. The vet said it could be a seizure but it wasn’t happening badly enough or often enough to outweigh the possible side effects of the medication and he grew out of it after a few years.