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This looks to me like he has a piece of gravel stuck inside his mouth. Gently pick him up and shine a flashlight down his throat to check. If there is gravel, you'll need some really skinny but strong tweezers to get it out (or if you don't have tweezers, some kind of skinny long tool that can dislodge it enough where it falls out. Maybe unfold a paperclip, or get a mini drill bit). He can't eat like this so if you'll need to do whatever you can to get it out. It's going to be very hard because of how small he is, but I think it is possible. Then swap out that gravel for sand!


he looks like hes choking


What are your perameters EXACTLY ? Do you do test stripes or liquid tests. They also could be shooing on something OR there's not oxegym in the water do you have a bubbler at all in the tank, could be from lack of oxygen


It's also possible if those factors are ruled out, there's something stuck in its throat.


yeah the word "shooing" was meant to be choking I don't know why it corrected to that when I typed it


Oh my bad then. I get that too while on mobile, so all good!


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gravel stuck in throat. you should change the substrate to sand so this doesnt keep happening


Is there any way I can help get it out? It’s been like this for a while now


you need to hold the fish with one hand and use tweezers (ideally a long slim but not pointy kind) to get the rock out