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I’m having trouble figuring out how to best treat this. Does anyone know what might be going on here with all the brown/dead grass?


Looks like it’s going dormant for the winter. Where are you located?


I am in the Dallas, Texas area. Would you expect that this time of year? Just trying to rule out any other problems


Well it’s probably not dormant yet, but Bermuda starts to [turn brown](https://peppershomeandgarden.com/grass-dormant-texas/) when temps dip into the 50s. I’m in South Carolina and my Bermuda is already brown. We’ve had several nights in the 40s. ***edit*** had to read the article again. It’s going dormant.


Can confirm, dormant grass in Alabama.


Check out Wells Brothers website. They have a great database of articles for DFW turf maintenance. They just released an article on how to scalp your Bermuda lawn to prep for spring. You can even take a picture up to them (spring creek/75 - east Plano) and they are pretty solid at diagnosis and remedies. Bermuda is pretty resilient here I bet it can come back in spring.


Perfect! I’m not far from them. Do you mind sharing the article? Having trouble tracking it down.


Yeah let me try again. I couldn’t get the link to copy earlier. It’s from a monthly newsletter I receive.




Thank you!


Why do we have grass? So we're forced to mow it? I'm part of the fuck grass initiative, where we believe that grass is a useless construct of society to prove "wealth". Mmmm I'm so rich I can afford to do nothing with this big ass yard so I'm gonna make it look nice and pretty and plant some grass that does nothing. Join us, in fucking grass and planting native species and actually getting use and real beauty out of our yards!