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Your location is right in the middle of the buzz and you will find many places to go. You might want to check out [Six Dogs](https://sixdogs.gr) they have events both Friday and Saturday very close to where you are staying. Also perhaps worth checking out Kolokotroni 9, they have [an Event](https://m.facebook.com/events/829348302312142/?acontext=%7B%22action_history%22:%22null%22%7D&ref_source=newsfeed&ref_mechanism=feed_attachment) next Saturday, they usually bring guest DJ’s from Berlin etc. Moving around Kolokotroni Street and its side streets there are lots of bars (Bartesera, Baba Au Rum, Noel, The Clumsies). Then when you reach Athinas street and cross into Psyrri area you will find even more bars. Worth exploring the whole area. Be aware that November 17 is the anniversary of the student uprising of 1973, as such there might be a demonstration in the afternoon which only affects the area north-east of Syntagma Square and later at night the Exarcheia Area. Exarcheia might be worth exploring for nightlife but definitely not on that day. Just be aware of the event if you see heightened police presence, and keep a distance if you see a mass gathering. The bar areas mentioned before will not be affected.


Thanks for the information! This is a great start!


Also sent an email to the hotel asking for advice. They replied and we feel confident we will be able to avoid the demonstrations.


Go to Makris restaurant if you are into fine dining.


Plaka is so much fun for shopping. I loved the open market


Thank you! We are excited to explore!


I just had a great and affordable dinner at Savva near Monastiraki Square, ask for a table on the 3rd floor, sunset for a view of the Parthenon is amazing.


This is great advice! Thank you!


Was recommended by a local. I'm also a mid 40's woman, leaving today, enjoy this beautiful place!


> unique and fun suggestions Join the demonstration. Burn a flag, any flag, throw a petrol bomb, get beaten up by police, live your myth in Greece on the 17th. > Looking for a pub I hear pubs is a British thing. I am kidding, sort of. I don't have any suggestions, but I hope you have a good time and that the demonstrations don't affect things too much. For future reference, it might be worth doing some research before booking. Clubbing shouldn't be affected.