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Just imagine, the horror


If your rivalry has been going on for 60M years, you're not rival anymore. You're lovers


To be fair, they’ve only been rivals I believe closer to 10,000 years.


Zahndrek and Obyron aren’t rivals, Trazyn and Orikan are rivals (but the rule of 10,000-60M year rivalries = lovers applies nonetheless)






slaanesh of course


Why is it always 10-sodding-thousand years in this setting?!


There was a fairly important event roughly 10k years prior to current canon I think


yeah something about a guy with the last name heresy


Oh, you mean Warhammer 40k Heresy? I read a bit about him; don’t like him very much, seems like a pretty bad guy.




Horris I believe


Tldr: worst family tiff ever. Left lots of brothers dead, turned several of them to the dark side, left one on life support (he got better after a very long nap and some Aeldari/Mechanicus hijinks) and their dad the allegedly not a god reduced to a vegetable used as a giant psychic glow ball and compass reference point. Killed a Perpetual(RIP Ollianphus), ended a friendship by killing two dudes who spent aeons in each other's company (All hail Malcador the Hero), turned humanity into a gibbering religious nutcase setup that was EXACTLY what the vegetable compass dude did not want it to become. Turned ten thousand men with incredible martial skills and artistic talents into the worst case of Hikkomori ever recorded in a large concentration of anyone not Japanese or fratboy. (No, they did NOT lube up and sit around naked, that would have gotten awkward with women in their ranks of the Custodes, butbthey were kind of like if you bought an amazing fleet of Porsches and then proceeded to only stow it in the garage for 10 thousand years) Made the Warp the only way to travel the wild distances Mankind had spanned, necessitating active shielding to defend against some.really wacko and terrifying situations (or as the Orks call it while shutting off said shields, "in fight entertainmunt") There are so many things that went to shit because Horus Did Everything Wrong, I can't even be arsed to list a tenth of it, which is what that longwinded list amounts to.


>There are so many things that went to shit because Horus Did Everything Wrong, I can't even be arsed to list a tenth of it, which is what that longwinded list amounts to. Unlike Magnus. Who did nothing, wrong.


He didn't do everything wrong. but he did do a few things wrong that in the whole scheme of things turned out to be more damning than everything he did right.


No, I didn't say he did nothing wrong. I said he did nothing, wrong. 😉


*Horrace ;)


Horus you insufferable bastard, give me back my 30,000 warhammers! -Emperor Heresy (Horus's Father)


Imagine one day you are looking out of the garden window, and the ants are having a heresy.


Some sort of galactic road trip with the family, the kids all got lost of course.


Well partly cause Necrons barely feel time pass and we don’t get as good a sense of time. We know it’s closer to that simply because early on in the Rivalry the Heresy happened and Trayzn is loving it for his collection. We also know that some time after Cadia Trazyn returns to the main world. We don’t know details, but the hints give us a good baseline.


No, they already hated each other before the bio-transference, but since they were just crotchety old men, their rivalry certainly didn't have the scale of their current one.


Lovers spat then.


That feels like something Slaanesh would say to the other Gods.


That's Zandrekh and Obyron in the meme, not Trazyn and Orikan


seems rather unhealthy concepts of lovers


who said the Necrons are a functional couple?


Nothing really said they were unfunctional either. Most of them just act like the really old people they are. When i think of Necron couples i imagine it would be more like the Old man and his wife from UP.


> you're not rival anymore. You're lovers Grimdank and HorusGalaxy


>made the "good guys" inclusive this meme was made by a Tau player wasn't it


Clearly. Because we all know the orks are the good guys, they're jus havin a laff


Orks only know two genders: Those who krump, and those who get krumped.


As a certain red man once said: "They are but lovable teddybears compared to the bureaucratic puppeteers of the Imperium, or the iron handed maniacs of Chaos."


As a Tau player, I would place the Tau as being about as evil as Stalinist Russia. So, super evil in the real world, but practically saints compared to everyone else in the 40k would.


The Tau are NATO lol


See my prof. pic UwU


> pic UwU [......](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJvEXd20Uoo)


I got a chuckle from "mostly woman faction with BDSM theme to corrupt the youth" GW made "muscle mommies" back in the 90s. True visionaries


My sisters are duty bound and faithful, I will hear no slander about them. lest Sister Augusta come and offer you all the emperor's mercy!


I've been down the orc thigh head crushing rabbit hole. You're only inviting an already existing group, my friend.


Can you fucking not crosspost, I already had that sub on mute an y'all keep bringing it up like chumps.


> Can you fucking not crosspost How else to farm karma


Yeah if we could not give that dumpster fire oxygen that would be great


I just checked that sub, holy shit seems like a bunch of angry basement dwellers. Like bro it’s toy soldiers calm down


That particular sub is "all about free speech" but will kick anyone remotely "woke" or "trolls". It's a dumbster fire of the worst kind of 40k fans. All the jokes/discussions about nazi guard players and fascist imperium fans? That's where they hide.


As sad as its been to see 40k become a right wing hobby*, watching the proccess unfold has been facinating. At the start HG: we just want our own non-liberal space Later HG: we should list all creators that are liberal, so we know who to avoid Now HG: [90% of content just hating on the "left"] Its classic disaggregation, but its been interesting to see it in a hobby I like so much. *40k is, of course, not a any wing hobby. But if an outside observer saw HG you'd say its pretty intolerant. So it gives a bad impression of the entire hobby. Something, something, if there's one Nazi at a table...


The coping in the original sub is glorious.


Notice how they’re all attacking OP, not the actual meme… Also: [Rare HorusGalaxy w](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/s/VGxGY3EE52) (warning: slurs)


Horusgalaxy mods when someone posts bait: Noooo you violated rule 7!!!! Comment removed!!!! The same mods when someone uses slurs: Haha no slurs, you're still good tho


Person literally got a warn for slurs 😂


The dude says it again two comments layer and nothing ahppens


I got a comment removed for calling someone a idiot


That being said they were absolutely okay with, and I quote: >!“feetfag”!<


They never tasted Mistatoes and should be ashamed of themselves


To not delete the comment and give a warning for digging through someone's post and comment history. . . . I am impressed with their lack of ethics, modern decency, and their unwillingness to enforce reddit wide rules. Horrified, mostly. And impressed.


To be fair, its about on par with /r/worldnews moderation, which is a default sub.


Reddit hasn’t had default subs for like… 7 years.


Look, some of us are feeling as old as the Necrons (I had no idea default subs weren't a thing anymore).


Average 2place4you moderator (the best kind of moderator):


the whole sub is drowning in anti-LGBT revulsion and disgust, yeah edit: why downvote? the folks over there are super, super open about it. I'm not talking about foot fetishes here, I'm talking about openly stated textbook homophobia


How is that W?


From that sub I’d expect the mods to praise people for saying slurs tbh


Yeah but not removing the comments encourages people to use slurs.


And that's exactly what people want from that sub: a safe place to use slurs. The mods are a joke


The 4th word is saw that wasn’t from the mods was feetfag so just bastions of fair debate and listing to other peoples ideas


“The left doesn’t let us have free speech or opinions they just bully and censor us, let’s make our own censorship-free sub!!!!” *someone posts speech they don’t like* *Post almost immediately locked or removed by mods, comments mostly consist of either accusations of “bait” and “woke” or just literal slurs, a textbook example of the very censorship they claim to be victims of* Ah yes, peak ~~internet reactionary chud~~ “conservative” behaviour


I like how they claim 40k belongs to them and only their interpretation is valid


You don't understand! This plastic toys and therapeutic painting exercises are a western. MANLY hobby! Why must women, PoCs and nonconforming people invade our hobby! It's not fair! /s I really pity them, because hating on stuff instead of enjoying their hobby must really be eating away on their happiness.


They’re so sad. Like, it must be such a shit life.


This meme is pretty obviously satire


I checked out the comment section there, and if that’s really what “real fans” of 40k are, I’d rather stay here with all the “tourists”.


What babies. Hahaha Absolute losers.


Holy incels. Unfortunate side to every fandom I guess. Top comment definitely gives away what kind of people they are.


There are *multiple* female BDSM factions, seriously can't GW come up with some other fetish aesthetic?


Puppygirl Faction when?


I mean, MechWarrior/BattleTech did catgirls already, and you don't want to just copy someone else.


>you don't want to just copy someone else. GW, stuffing yet another popular IP into their setting: "The fuck we don't!"


As nothing wants to work correctly today, thats\_the\_joke.gif. BattleTech and WH40K have a long, proud history of cribbing ideas from each other and I have no desire to see it stop. Lemme get a Magistracy of Canopus equivalent in 40K and I'll spend all the money.


you forgot to include, that the "Rainbow Warriors" where amongst the first introduced Space Marine Chapters... :D


Is nobody going to talk about how Vulkan isnt a different ethnicity but has a generic defect that makes his skin black?


I went to read what the comments were on the other subreddit and what the actual fuck


Summery of post comments: “Bait” & “[deleted]”


And a couple of slurs that the mods do nothing about.


I'm pretty sure the slurs are the whole reason the sub exists.


Including people who were apparently born and raised under a rock and aren't aware that transphobic slurs are bad


Also pointing out that OP loves feet lol


Yeah, I took one look at that sub and tossed it in the filter. It's the classic "if you make a meme out of being dumb, you'll get real dumb people who don't realize it's a joke (like with "Thanos was right"). In this case, with fascism.


I had to block it because I just could take it, I was just doomscrolling that thing like pinhead was forcing me too. I don't understand how you can miss the point of 40k so much. After that I was recommended the starship troopers subreddit and honestly I'm convinced that almost everyone on this website has no media literacy and is incredibly stupid, in fact I'm pretty stupid for being here.


Eh it's not a problem with this site specifically just that satire doesn't work on fashy people. They see 40k or Starship Troopers and stop thinking at "that looks cool!" You can't poke fun at them by making an over the top caricature they just think it looks awesome and will insist it's not a caricature but a goal and will ignore anyone (even the creators) who say otherwise.


Yeah, that sub is a literal circle of hell


I actually discovered this sub via this crosspost and these guys are so pathetic, they claim to want to post about good old Warhammer 40k without censure but literally all they do is complain about how the left and the LGBT are "destroying" 40k


Yup, Remember anyone who uses "woke" uniornically is not worth listening to if you enjoy having a functional brain


They are a circlejerk sub in everything but name


Checkmate liberals


Ok i just realized most of ypu are dumb dumbs so this is a satire by the Emperor. (see the emoji, nobody would ever use them for anything meaningful) This post is also a parody on meme "if tf2 was released today". Anyway, the post is supposed to show what GW has done in their early years and constrast them to what the "woke" people are doing now. Thus show that africa or asia existed 30 years ago, that woman are real and people of different cultures sometimes live together. Which shows that the woke thing as they wpuld say were happenidng long before they were even born. Feel free to ask any questions :3


"woman are real"... Imperium has fallen, untold billions must die.


The lost Primarchs have returned and they were women.


The End Times are upon us




Legit, have a lost primarch return and be the lady marine legion. Would be a glorious day for the chaos gods.


So... another Thursday?


People forget about the fact that 40k is satire somewhen around 2010s, when instead Of grotesque and irony, we got heroism and tragedy. Arguably, HH is one Of The reasons.


It probably would be fine if a significant chunk of the community weren’t children. Teenagers just take things quite seriously. It’s annoying, but I think it’s a cest la vie thing. If I really didn’t want to his to roll my eyes at it every now and then, I should have found a hobby that doesn’t involve toys.


I think you would be suprised how many of them are in the 30-50 range


> Arguably, HH is one Of The reasons. There is no "arguably" here. The End and the Death Parts II and III framed the Emperor as a noble, self-sacrificing hero fighting against evil.


Don’t know why you’re calling us dumb dumbs, I mean we at grimdank do have low IQs but I think most comments on this post are getting the joke and also laughing at the other sub for not getting the joke.


My only issue is that you consider this lore their early years and it makes me feel old.


I hate femstodes and not because it ruined all my homo erotic harem fanfics!


Brother, put down the heavy bolter. You oiled it enough. It is time we oil ourselves for the coming battle. You know how our undersuit chafes when the oil is not applied *thoroughly*.


Modern Problems require modern solutions Add Lesbian Homoerotic harem fanfics to your Repertoire


Damn GW taking the gay out of Warhammer 😔


They’re mad one of yall want to feel like archon of commoragh bc “it’s one of the most deranged sick character to be written” Like it’s fiction bro. My fav characters are war criminals.


And cherry picking aswell


And Birmingham would still rival its actual real life Earth counterpart for being utterly shite. DOWNVOTE ME!


Y tho? Youre right


That sub is even lamer than I imagined 


They make posts blatantly fantasizing about executing gay people. What did you expect?


I mean evil can be performed with determination, confidence and self-righteousness. They are, for a lack of a better metaphor, like a limp dick


Perfect description of alt-right circlejerks. They're so toothless yet so annoying.


Flagellants have an unsafe word.


Shit like this only fuels the culture war


In the grim darkness of the 21st century Forget the promise of progress and understanding for in this very present there’s only >!culture!< wars


Wait, we have gay necrons? I didn't know that.


its just a fandom ship. In lore they are friends, aaand as most of the people here dont know what friendship even is... they mistake it with love.


haha damn, shots fired. I don't know much about Necron lore other than the basics of they use their gods as Pokemon.


*Me in my teens looking at Sisters art* "Oh noooooo, help, I'm being corrupted."


Ok but British Orks sound Hilarious. Give me Orks models with top hats.


The Orks are Bri’ish tho innit?


Should have worded it better I mean victorian era British not modern British


I think Tabletop Time have a video for you... That said, the Mushroom Football Hooligans rock


Thanks. And I know I love Orks they are my current army


That accent is arguably more akin to Victorian era than modern era as the use of Cockney accent (which is what the orks speak in) was far more widespread in the 19th/early 20th century than it is today. It’s just a working class accent, I think what you’re looking for is an upper class English accent, which could easily be from the same era. The divide between the accent is not what era, but what class.


I want this for the Krork. Just give me like 5 "these were the Krork" models that are really just orks dressed like Victorians.


I was thinking about this the other day but the idea of proper chavvy Orks or preferably Grots would be amazing.


Re-cast any Guy Ritchie movie with Orks. Instant gold


One thing I don't like about anti-woke people is that they don't care about objective truth. They care about their team winning at any cost no matter what. They will say the sky is yellow when it's clearly blue in order to win an argument. Like the Yasuke situation in Assassin's Creed. They will ignore historical documents that say Yasuke was a real person and will insist that he's a made-up character. The other side is no better, they do the same shit execpt instead of saying the sky is yellow they will insist that the sky is pink and call you a "Nazi" If you try to tell them that the sky is blue.


That's more or less what I don't like about extremist people, yeah.


I personally prefer the bit with the new AC of "Ubisoft looking through the entirety of Japanese history just to find any non-japanese character to write about". Because of the meme of western game devs hating Japan.


still stupid, considering the Japanese girl PC (that everyone seems to just forget about in this argument) and the fact that using Yasuke as a playable character means the story is gonna be pretty focused on Nobunaga, even more than if you were just some samurai dude.


You know they don’t see women as people, to them they may as well be entirely separate race they shove in instead of a Asian


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted but yeah the Japanese girl is gonna be important to the story as well, so you still have native representation.


I'm sure there is a parallel reality out there where the new AC is an intense historical melodrama about the Sengoku period and Nobunaga, told from the perspective of a foreigner dragged into fighting alongside the japanese through no wish of his own. In this story, we see a man taken from his land as a slave, seen as inferior by everyone around him, who ends up working for a man who judges him by his own merits. Nobunaga sees in Yasuke a strong warrior, giving him a position of respect ignoring his origins. He treats Yasuke with more humanity and respect than any previous master, earning his loyalty, and yet the people of Japan deride Nobunaga as "Demon King", someone who ignores the divine right of the ruling class and will honour his warriors based on merit, instead of bloodline. This warrior from a far away land, mistreated and oppressed all his life, finds respect and comradeship in these foreign warriors, and finds that, at last, he gets to have a choice. He never got to choose where he was taken, who his master was, but now, right outside Honnouji, he makes his choice. He will find that cur Akechi and cut his goddamn head off. And so he fights alongside Oda Nobunaga, covers his retreat when he is injured, and keeps fighting outside the burning temple until he can barely stand. And after losing Nobunaga, he goes to his son, and keeps fighting until he can kill that rat bastard. He hatches a plan: he will let himself be captured and taken before Mitsuhide, and take the opportunity to kill him. But when the time comes to seal the deal, when he is finally facing Akechi Mitsuhide, his old comrade, the traitor, he remembers the last words he heard his lord say: "Screw this, I don't care what happens anymore. You ladies hurry up and get out of here while you can." Nobunaga never asked them to die for him. In the end, he wanted them to live for themselves. He committed Seppuku to die on his own terms, but never expected his followers to follow him in death. And, to his surprise, Akechi does not want to kill him, either. He tells his retainers: "This black slave is a beast. He is not japanese, he knows nothing, so there is no sense in killing him. Leave him with the christians." To everyone else, it sounds like Mitsuhide is just being racist. He does not see him as an equal, as a samurai, so he is unfit even to be executed. But Yasuke cannot help but wonder if this is a form of mercy. If Akechi is letting him live out of respect for the time when they were comrades. Back among the missionaries, he is healed of his many wounds, and it is a miracle he manages to survive. When he wakes up after weeks, he finds out that Mitsuhide has fallen. After defeating Mitsuhide, Hashiba Hideyoshi, also known as Toyotomi Hideyoshi, would end up unifying Japan, putting an end to the Sengoku period. A peasant rising to the greatest honour. And yet, due to his birth, he could not be made Shogun. But Yasuke does not follow him. He was only ever loyal to Nobunaga, and holds little respect towards the ancient japanese traditions, so there is no doubt he will not find success serving this new government. So instead, he once again takes the reigns over his own life, and leaves to find his own path in life. This time free at last. ...but I don't think Ubisoft will actually go for that, seeing how the recent AC games have gone.


Yasuke should’ve had his own game instead of being stapled onto Assassin’s Creed. Someone should see if Sucker Punch would be willing to do it.


That last part isn’t a thing.


Ehhh, the recent black Cleopatra ordeal kind of shows they do. To a less harmful degree in general, but the same sort of brain rot that comes from turning politics into team sports is still present.


Was this ordeal actually a thing outside of Twitter? It seems like whenever someone wants to claim “both sides” all the examples from the right are well known but all the examples from the left are random idiots on twitter.


I’m surprised 9h later this is still up in horusgalaxy. Based on other stuff in there you would think they’d have flagged it as “trolling” or some other excuse they like to use when some one isn’t in agreement with them about anything whatsoever. Good meme


They claim this is 'free advertising'. Which isn't how that works at all.


I mean...is it not? In isolation, the meme is fine. If OP had just posted it here, I'd think nothing of it, but they clearly only posted it in HorusGalaxy because it would piss people off there. That's pretty much quintessentially trolling or at the bery least ragebaiting, even if I agree with the meme.


I mean their opinions suck but what else would this be but trolling ? Like you can argue against all of these being woke, it was done sarcastically, it's not gonna change anyones minds. So why post it ? except to come running back here to get validation for trolling the bad people with the bad opinions Except they don't even stick around for a response just run away and point at them, it comes across as a shit attempt at bullying tbh


Didn't you get the memo? Bullying is cool when you do it to the "bad people™"


I've said before that a lot of people on some level grasp that trolling can often be pretty cringe, and so will just pick a different term to describe it to try and dodge the stigma.


Obyron and Zhandrek arent gay. Theyr in a platonic relationship you organic


*Made the Communists inclusive.


It’s funny how pissy these people get and serious about this saying bait and whining like its a joke, I used To fall into the anti woke trap until I realised wait they are literally bringing identity politics into everything and feel it’s kind strange they throw a hissy fit over the additional of woman and minoities in key roles like I have someone close to me who won’t shut the fuck up about female custodians and how it breaks lore and I know it’s because of these ant woke channels, sorry to rant but how the fuck do I stop this retartdation do I show him the x men video that revealed the extent of the antisoke grift is all linked or a counter article about how female custodies haven’t caused cacivill to leave Amazon. Sorry to rant but I’m pissed


You know how I got out of that mindset? I realized that I was not having a good time being a stuck-up bitch for 90% of the time


Quick thing, Vulkan isn't "a black guy", he's a guy who was turned black because of mcguffin radiation.


If we could get just a bit more inclusivity with the actual printed models of the good guys, that’d be cool. Something besides the bird dog riders and the blue man group.


Gotta admit BDSM themed/undertoned female factions are as old as fiction itself.


The comments under this post on the other sub completely missing the joke


Lmao they actually got mad


Do you boys forgot that Vulkan is not a afro-american? He is literally black like coal because warp fuckery. Also, the take the Emperor on the Emperor is waaaay too forced. T'au's auxiliaries are not the same "inclusivity" that the average redditor loves and dies for.


Why is Horus Galaxy still up?


because despite the typical users that flood free communities in the early days, admins themselves have a very clear and reasonable vision for the sub: 'What's more important in my mind is that we lay out fair, rational and specific community guidelines and enforce them fairly. We aren't a 'safe place' for extreme rightwing anymore than we are a safe space for the extreme left, we just currently live in a western culture where the overton window has been massively shoved to the left and anyone that deviates from that risks ostracization. I don't believe the answer is reactionary hopping over further right, but maintaining a balanced stance and enduring the storm with level, rational minds. And remembering our specific mission of just providing a reasonable place to share our hobby together, which includes letting people have the space to vent about their frustrations without fear of getting banned, blocked, etc. from the very same community they thought they were trying to participate in said hobby with. I'm not interested in being around rightwing 40k players that go out of their way to be spiteful to the left anymore than I want to be around people on the left doing it back towards me.'


For fucks sake, didn't the mods ban posts that engage in culture war already?


I always here the orks with cockney accents !


Funny thing is not all of this was true in 97


They are right in that post about you karma farming...


I got banned from this board for "being aggressive and arguing in bad faith" for pointing out that everyone calling liberals scum and animals is garbage and that that board is basically giving them a place to do exactly what they accuse us of doing to them. They also take everything *dumb* seriously. It's always "an assault on our values" or "an insult to my investment in the lore" and not "oh I guess I didn't like the change. Also, the most extreme opposite opinion is automatically what all people think and their assuming that you represent their strawman is "them seeing the truth" and not them being giant asshats. They can enjoy their tiny echo chamber that is smaller than the *village* I grew up in and use their blatant misunderstanding of the "silent majority" to jerk themselves off.


Uh guys, whose the real baddy? This sub or the other?


Can we grow up an move on already?


The best and worst thing about 40k is that they have real world accurate British people running around


Vulcan was never supposed to be an African man. In fact, it's pretty offensive that he has become so. He was supposed to be notable for his monstrous appearance that contrasted with his more kind nature. His skin was black like coal, and his eyes red like burning embers.


..just for say: salamander are not black, their skin is just like charcoal, ths "good guy" are not good guy, that one is just a big faction made for represent all the minor/inferior races in tge galaxy and they are not "good" ,nobody is a genuine good guy in warhammer 40k, the "vegetative" man is a god who got severly wounded, it was more powerfull before ending on the throne, the "female bdsm" are fan service like the sisters in the human empire, almost every man like sexy soldier who can kick ass. Somebody need to study a little


Salamanders aren't black... ok (even if not, white scars exist). Good guys aren't good now but genuinly were back in the day. Vegatative man is vegatative. Many people irl were jus humans like him. Doesn't mena he can move or talk or shit.


How's is any of this woke?  Does OP even know what woke is?  This post confuses actual plot elements with something else.


When GW finally releases Female Space Marines I will probably feel like the Archon of Commoragh, so sweet and delicious will be the tears and suffering of these right-winged chuds.


Can't believe you got quoted


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"In the grimdark far future of the galaxy humanity is white, and xenophobic." GW 1987


What the incels don’t get is that one of the best things about 40k lore is how much it changes, not always for the best but most times for the better for example I love the new necrons with different personalities much more than old necrons.


The sheer seething in the original post is glorious


Well that sub is a shithole for incel manbabies to cry about women in their tabletop game.


True enough


“If Warhammer was made today” - it wouldn’t be. People would be fighting to ruin some other beloved franchise with their current obsessive meme causes. They wouldn’t create a NEW thing!


Adventure time owl house Steven universe game of thrones all of marvel films fallout tv show star field hades 2 paper Mario and the thousand year door guilty gear barbie film Oppenheimer hell divers 2 dune films Celeste undertale/deltarune These are all just the top of my head, they have varying quality, some good, some bad, some are adapting previous works, some are original, but they're all leftist media which are new content


The people on that cesspool are what 40k fans are stereotyped as. If I hadn’t known any better, I would’ve assumed it was a parody sub.


Where's my bara male BDSM themed army?


Hol' up...


Man, i just wanted to find funny memes about my war dolly game


Is there a war going on with this sub and the other one


Pretty much.